638 research outputs found

    Siblings of Children with Autism: An Exploratory Study of Sibling Concerns and Coping Strategies

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    Autism (sometimes called “classical autism”) is the most common condition in a group of developmental disorders known as the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and is characterized by impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests (NINDS, NIH, 2009). Other ASDs include Asperger Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS). Experts estimate that three to six children out of every 1,000 will have autism. Males are four times more likely to have autism than females. (NINDS, NIH, 2009) The rise in the rate of the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders makes it essential for social workers to gain insight into its impact on families including the siblings. Limitations in social interaction and empathy in a child with autism can have both positive and negative impacts on the siblings of these children. So what coping strategies do these siblings use to manage their reactions to the challenges presented by their autistic sibling? I interviewed seven siblings of autistic children to contribute to the knowledge that helps social workers better serve these families by gaining access into the siblings’ concerns and how they manage those concerns

    Desenvolvimento de equipamento lúdico de processamento de plástico reciclado

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    This project aims to increase literacy related to plastics recycling, associated technological processes and the creation of new products made with this raw material. Plastic materials present and contribute to a shallow environmental impact throughout their life cycle, except at the end of life. If discarded into the environment, they will be a source of contamination for thousands of years. It is therefore essential, on one hand, to develop recycling processes and incorporate this raw material in new products and, on the other hand, to create acceptance of these products made with recycled raw material in society. The circular economy is an alternative to the current linear, make, use, dispose of, economy model, to keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the most value from them while in use, and recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of their service life. The Precious Plastics project was started in 2013 by Dave Hakkens (Netherlands) and replicated in several locations worldwide. The University of Aveiro, in collaboration with Design Factory Aveiro and with the support of the project "INTEGRA@TEC -Transfer of integrated skills and generating business innovation in the Central Region". It developed a set of recycled plastics processing equipment in 2019, which integrated the Smart Plastic Lab, which has a pole in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Students have already used the equipment, professors and researchers for several scientific-technological dissemination and exploration actions, namely activities of the Summer Academy of the University of Aveiro, hackathons of the OceanWisee project and several masters' works. They will now also be in Precious Plastics Aveiro, a project to be developed by the University of Aveiro. This project was funded by the Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth through the Youth Participatory Budget Portugal, which will bring together new equipment adapted for better transportability to be taken to presentations. The project Precious Plastics Aveiro aims to create a creative recycling unit, with offsite activities developed by the Living Science Centre Factory and activities in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Environment and Planning, as well as in the Design Factory Aveiro.O presente projeto visa contribuir para o aumento da literacia relacionada com a reciclagem de plásticos, dos processos tecnológicos associados e da criação de novos produtos feitos com esta matéria-prima, de uma forma lúdica. Os materiais plásticos apresentam e contribuem para um muito baixo impacto ambiental ao longo do seu ciclo de vida, exceto no final de vida, pois se descartados para o meio ambiente serão fonte de contaminação por milhares de anos. Importa, pois, por um lado desenvolver processos de reciclagem e incorporação desta matéria-prima em novos produtos e por outro lado criar aceitação destes produtos feitos com matéria-prima reciclada na sociedade. É neste contexto que o presente projeto tem a sua génese, inspirado no projeto Precious Plastics, um projeto de desenvolvimento de equipamento de reciclagem de plástico aberto (“open source”), assente num conjunto de máquina e ferramentas que trituram, fundem e injetam plástico reciclado, permitindo a criação de novos produtos a partir de plástico reciclado em pequena escala. O projeto Precious Plastics iniciado em 2013 por Dave Hakkens (Países Baixos) tem vindo a ser replicado em vários pontos do mundo, tendo a Universidade de Aveiro, em parceria com a Design Factory Aveiro, apoiados pelo projeto “INTEGRA@TEC –Transferência de competências integradas e geradoras de inovação empresarial na Região Centro”, desenvolvido, em 2019, um conjunto de equipamentos de processamento de plásticos reciclados que integraram o Smart Plastic Lab, que dispõe de um polo no Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Aveiro e um segundo polo na Design Factory Aveiro do Parque Ciência e Inovação. Os equipamentos serviram já diversas ações de disseminação e exploração cientifico-tecnológica, nomeadamente atividades da Academia de Verão da Universidade de Aveiro, hackathons do projeto OceanWise diversos trabalhos de mestrado. Serão agora enquadrados também no projeto Precious Plastics Aveiro, um projeto a ser desenvolvido pela Universidade de Aveiro. Este é financiado pelo Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude por via do Orçamento Participativo Jovem Portugal, que juntará novos equipamentos, adaptados para uma maior transportabilidade, de modo a serem levados às escolas do ensino básico e secundário. O projeto Precious Plastics Aveiro tem como objetivo a criação de uma unidade de reciclagem criativa, com atividades deslocalizadas desenvolvidas pela Fábrica Centro de Ciência Viva, e atividades nos Departamentos de Engenharia Mecânica e de Ambiente e Ordenamento, assim como na Design Factory Aveiro.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Genetic analysis of traits of interest in Vitis vinifera using a progeny of wine grapes: Monastrell x Syrah

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    The wine industry has a high value throughout the world, and the vine breeders are working to obtain new varieties well adapted to the new climatic conditions and with better genetic composition. In wine grapes there are some traits that are important for viticulture and the winery, such as phenological period, productivity, and the quality of the berries. Most of these traits are controlled by a large number of genes of minor effect, together with influences of the environment. Early identification of individuals carrying the desired allele combinations allows breeders to grow larger effective populations. One approach to the improvement of conventional breeding is the identification of chromosomal regions or QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) involved in the genetic control of quality traits, based on genetic maps and phenotypic evaluation of a segregating progeny. The purpose of QTL mapping is to identify the number and location of the genetic determinants responsible for the variation of the quantitative traits under study and their stability among different years. The identification of genes and molecular markers underlying quality traits will accelerate the breeding process, creating new opportunities for crop improvement. The goal of this work is the identification of the major genetic determinants for a given phenotypic trait in genetic maps and their co-localization with the position of candidate gene sequences related to the relevant phenotype. For this purpose, three specific objectives were considered: (1) The phenotypic evaluation of a progeny of 229 hybrids derived from a controlled cross between the wine grape cultivars Monastrell and Syrah; (2) The construction of grapevine genetic maps, using this progeny and molecular markers; (3) The use of these maps and the phenotypic data for QTL analyses, in order to develop helpful markers for breeding programs. Crossing Monastrell and Syrah generated a large phenotypic variability that may be useful in the development of new cultivars with improved attributes. Twenty-two segregating agronomic traits, related to phenology, productivity, morphology and enological quality, were evaluated for each genotype in three or six seasons (2008-2013). Continuous variation and transgressive segregation were observed for most of the evaluated characters, suggesting a polygenic inheritance. Genetic maps were developed with JoinMap 3.0 software, applying the Kosambi mapping function to convert recombination rates into genetic distances. Parental and consensus genetic maps were established using 251 informative markers: 104 SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeat), 146 SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), and 1 CAPS (Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence). The joint analysis of the phenotypic data and of genetic variations at SSR and SNP loci allowed us to identify several QTLs for most of the traits evaluated, using the MapQTL 4.0 software. Several QTLs confirm the results reported by other authors and additional QTLs are new findings. Candidate genes have been proposed, which represent a valuable resource for further validation. These results contribute to our knowledge of the genetic determinants that control these traits of interest in grapevine.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Redefining the griot : a history of South African documentary film

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    Includes bibliography and filmography.The South African film industry, like the rest of the country, has gone through a very difficult and trying time over the last century and has been faced with enormous challenges since 1994. South Africa is still in a process of transition and the turbulent era of Apartheid is still vivid in our memories and our collective national identity. What is especially exciting about studying the history of the South African film industry, is that it was through film, television and the media at large, that we witnessed the evolution of this history. On a microscopic scale, the history of the film industry, is that of the country, and many of the effects of Apartheid that are being experienced in South Africa today, are likewise being experienced by the film industry. Thus by seeking to understand the historical relationship between film and politics in South Africa, we are enabled to comprehend and contextualise the circumstances that have determined film's socio-political, economic and cultural place in society today. It was with this intention that I began to investigate the documentary film industry in South Africa. My particular interest was in the development of an independent, progressive documentary film movement that tentatively originated in the late nineteen fifties and established itself in the late seventies and eighties as a major force in the resistance movement. Concentrating on organisations such as the International Defense and Aid Fund to Southern Africa (IDAF), Video News Services/ Afravision, and the Community Video Education Trust (CVET), as well as many individual anti-Apartheid filmmakers, the focus of this paper and documentary film, Redefining the Griot, is thus limited to an analysis of the history of socio-political documentary filmmaking in South Africa, in particular, the anti-Apartheid film and video movement that emerged both in reaction to the ideologically-specific and restrictive State control of media, film and eventually television, and as a cultural weapon in the liberation struggle. Understanding this history enables valuable insight into the nature of the documentary film and video-making industry today - one that is still considered emergent in terms of having a homogeneous national identity

    Síndroma compartimental aguda ou das locas: Conceitos essenciais

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    A síndroma compartimental aguda define-se como sendo a falência da circulação intersticial por conflito de espaço. Representa, habitualmente, uma severa complicação das lesões traumáticas, podendo envolver potencialmente qualquer compartimento do organismo. Mais frequente em fraturas de alta energia cinética e em lesões por esmagamento dos membros, é uma verdadeira emergência ortopédica, por forma a conseguir-se a redução da pressão intracompartimental e restabelecer a perfusão dos tecidos em sofrimento. Assim, a fasciotomia cirúrgica descompressiva, em tempo oportuno, pode evitar a isquémia irreversível dos tecidos mioneurais contidos nos diferentes compartimentos osteomiofasciais, isto é, as retrações fibrosas musculares, a necrose muscular, as lesões nervosas permanentes, a perda permanente da função e, como última consequência, a amputação dos membros. A definição da melhor altura para a fasciotomia nem sempre é uma tarefa fácil, envolvendo critérios clínicos e, também, a determinação do valor da pressão intracompartimental, mormente nos doentes em estado de inconsciência. Nos casos em que houver dúvidas e nos doentes em risco de desenvolver esta complicação, é defensável efetuar uma fasciotomia precoce, mesmo sabendo que pode ser desnecessária, uma vez que as complicações relacionadas com as fasciotomias tardias são devastadoras. Com efeito, o risco de infeção e de septicémia são elevados, a taxa de amputações é considerável e, por vezes, perde-se a vida. As sequelas da síndrome compartimental aguda são uma das causas frequentes de litigância contra os cirurgiões ortopedistas


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    Introdução: A relação do adolescente com a doença cró- nica é complexa e causa desequilíbrios no seu desenvolvimento biopsicossocial. A adolescência constitui uma fase crítica de mudança que pode afectar e ser afectada pela doença, independentemente da sua especificidade. Caso Clínico: Adolescente de 16 anos do sexo masculino, portador de síndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay, que apresenta sintomatologia do foro depressivo e ansioso, alteração de atitudes e comportamentos face à doença e dificuldade na adesão terapêutica, relacionados com o processo de integração e gestão da sua doença, com impacto físico, psíquico e social. Conclusão: As alterações desenvolvimentais da adolescência colocam desafios acrescidos à gestão da doença crónica. Por isso, impõe-se aos serviços de saúde a compreensão do seu impacto global - com especial atenção à percepção da qualidade de vida e bem-estar - e a criação de espaço para que este possa ser abordado e minimizado

    Caracterização das rejeições na pescaria de demersais nos Açores

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Integrados dos Oceanos, 26 de Fevereiro de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.Desde 2004 que o Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas da Universidade dos Açores é a instituição responsável pela implementação na Região Autónoma dos Açores de um programa de observação das rejeições da pesca comercial nas pescarias de palangre de fundo. Foram amostradas as rejeições de todas as espécies demersais de acordo com um esquema de amostragem aleatório estratificado baseado na arte de pesca e segmento de frota. O objectivo deste trabalho é caracterizar as rejeições em termos de composição específica, quantificar em número e em peso as taxas de rejeição observadas e estimar a rejeição para o total da frota de pesca de demersais com palangre de fundo. As rejeições observadas foram ampliadas por viagem para cada segmento de frota e para cada ano através de dois métodos diferentes: pela teoria da amostragem e considerando que o volume de rejeições é proporcional a uma variável auxiliar. No total, 275 viagens e 993 lances foram amostrados totalizando 1209 dias de mar. A amostra representa entre 0,5% em 2006 e 1,3% em 2007 de cobertura das viagens. Foram rejeitados em média, 117 ± 8.8 kg de pescado por viagem enquanto por lance foram rejeitados em média 32.4 ± 1.3 kg de pescado. Neste estudo foram identificadas 107 espécies diferentes das quais 94 espécies rejeitadas. As espécies que mais contribuíram para as rejeições em número foram o Helicolenus dactylopterus, Etmopterus spinax e o Beryx splendens. A variável auxiliar viagens estimou rejeições anuais que variaram entre 363 t em 2006 (CV = 38.3%) e 665 t em 2010 (CV = 21.8%). A utilização das descargas nas estimativas produziu valores de rejeição que oscilaram entre as 163 t em 2009 (CV = 40.7%) e 249 t em 2007 (CV = 26.7%). Se a variável auxiliar for o esforço (número de anzóis), os resultados variaram entre as 750 t em 2009 (CV = 7.1%) e as 1345 t em 2011 (CV = 3.8%) de pescado rejeitado. Este trabalho contribui com as primeiras estimativas de rejeições para a pescaria de demersais com palangre de fundo.ABSTRACT: Since 2004, the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries from the University of the Azores began to implement a fisheries observer monitoring program for discards in set longline. Discards from all demersal species were analysed using a stratified sampling scheme based on fishing gear and fleet segmentation. The main goal of this study is to characterize the species composition of discards, quantify in number and weight discards rates and estimate discards for the all set logline fleet. Monitored discards were raised by trip for each fleet segment and year using two methods: sample mean ratio and ratio estimator through two different auxiliary variables. Overall, 275 fishing trips and 993 sets were sampled totaling 1209 days at sea. Sampling coverage represented between 0.5% in 2006 and 1.3% in 2007 of fishing trips. On average 117 ± 8.8 kg of fish by trip were discarded while 32.4 ± 1.3 kg of fish were discarded by set. In this study, 107 species were identified of which 94 were discarded. Helicolenus dactylopterus, Etmopterus spinax and Beryx splendens were the species that contributed the most to discards. Estimates of annual discards based on trips ranged from 363 t in 2006 (CV = 38.3%) and 665 t in 2010 (CV = 21.8%), while estimates based on landings varied from 163 t in 2009 (CV = 40.7%) and 249 t in 2007 (CV = 26.7%). Estimates of discards based on effort (number of hooks) ranged between 750 t in 2009 (CV = 7.1%) and 1345 t in 2011 (CV = 3.8%). This work contributed with the first estimates of discards for the demersal set longline fishery in Azores

    Measurement & verification of a utility sponsored residential demand side management programme involving multiple technologies

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    Due to the low reserve margin on the electrical grid in South Africa many energy initiatives were introduced by the utility over the last decade. One such initiative was to roll out identified energy efficiency technologies at residential homes. The utility aimed to achieve a 90MW evening peak (18h00 to 20h00) demand reduction by distributing free CFLs, LEDs, geyser timers, pool timers and low flow shower roses to residential electricity customers throughout the country. This paper presents an overview of the process and methodology used to measure and verify (M&V) the energy and demand impact of the programme. The verified saving achieved was 87.2MW. This includes both an energy efficiency and a load shifting component. The project was M&V’d using the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) and SANS 50010 standard for determining energy savings

    Business plan of a three-star hotel in the city of Lisbon “Lisbon Journey hotel”

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    JEL Classification System: • M10 – General Business AdministrationTourism has become one of the most significant industries in the whole world, being in continuous change, either due the appearance of new types of offer, but also due the changes on the demand side, both influenced by the globalization and the internet, which increased the number of tourist and changed their motivations and behaviors. This way, and in order to compete and grow in this industry, it is crucial to define a suitable strategy. This applied project is based on the creation of a centrally located three-star hotel in the city of Lisbon – Lisbon Journey Hotel – through the rehabilitation of an existing building in Avenida da Liberdade. The main goal of the hotel is to offer a good Bed & Breakfast service at a very competitive price, aiming, primarily, to reach people who travel for professional reasons, but also the city-breakers. Regarding to Food and Beverage services, the Hotel will not have any Bar or Restaurant available. A competitive pricing will be based on a strategy of cost leadership through the optimization of operations and processes. The business plan presents firstly an environmental and market analysis, highlighting Lisbon’s current hospitality industry and competition. After that, it defines the Hotel’s target and positioning, as well as the strategy to pursue. Finally, it identifies the resources and investments required to implement and exploit the Hotel, followed by an economic and financial analysis that evaluate and support the project.O turismo tornou-se num dos setores de atividade mais importantes de todo o mundo, estando em constante mudança, quer pelo aparecimento de novos tipos de oferta, mas também pelas mudanças verificadas ao nível da procura. Ambas as vertentes são influenciadas pela globalização e pela utilização da internet, que têm conduzido a um aumento do número de turistas e a uma mudança nas suas motivações e comportamentos. Desta forma, para competir e crescer nesta indústria é fundamental definir uma estratégia adequada. O projeto aplicado baseia-se na criação de um hotel de três estrelas, localizado no centro da cidade de Lisboa – Lisbon Journey Hotel – através da reabilitação de um prédio existente na Avenida da Liberdade. O objetivo do hotel é prestar um bom serviço de Aposento e Pequeno-almoço a um preço bastante competitivo, visando alcançar, primeiramente, turistas que viajam por motivos profissionais, mas também os citybreakers. Relativamente ao serviço de Alimentação e Bebidas, o Hotel não contará nem com Bar nem com Restaurante. A competitividade pelo preço será baseada numa estratégia de liderança nos custos, através da otimização das operações e processos. O plano de negócios apresenta, primeiramente, uma análise do meio ambiente e do mercado, focando o setor hoteleiro e a concorrência atual de Lisboa. É também definido o público-alvo e o posicionamento do hotel, tal como a estratégia a seguir. Por fim, são identificados os recursos e os investimentos necessários à implementação e exploração do hotel, seguidos por uma análise económica e financeira, que avalia e suporta o projeto