123 research outputs found

    The standardized Withania somnifera Dunal root extract alters basal and morphine-induced opioid receptor gene expression changes in neuroblastoma cells.

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    BACKGROUND: Behavioral studies demonstrated that the administration of Withania somnifera Dunal roots extract (WSE), prolongs morphine-elicited analgesia and reduces the development of tolerance to the morphine's analgesic effect; however, little is known about the underpinning molecular mechanism(s). In order to shed light on this issue in the present paper we explored whether WSE promotes alterations of \u3bc (MOP) and nociceptin (NOP) opioid receptors gene expression in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. METHODS: A range of WSE concentrations was preliminarily tested to evaluate their effects on cell viability. Subsequently, the effects of 5 h exposure to WSE (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mg/ml), applied alone and in combination with morphine or naloxone, on MOP and NOP mRNA levels were investigated. RESULTS: Data analysis revealed that morphine decreased MOP and NOP receptor gene expression, whereas naloxone elicited their up-regulation. In addition, pre-treatment with naloxone prevented the morphine-elicited gene expression alterations. Interestingly, WSE was able to: a) alter MOP but not NOP gene expression; b) counteract, at its highest concentration, morphine-induced MOP down-regulation, and c) hamper naloxone-induced MOP and NOP up-regulation. CONCLUSION: Present in-vitro data disclose novel evidence about the ability of WSE to influence MOP and NOP opioid receptors gene expression in SH-SY5Y cells. Moreover, our findings suggest that the in-vivo modulation of morphine-mediated analgesia by WSE could be related to the hindering of morphine-elicited opioid receptors down-regulation here observed following WSE pre-treatment at its highest concentration

    Interplay between the endogenous opioid system and proteasome complex: Beyond signaling

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    Intracellular signaling mechanisms underlying the opioid system regulation of nociception, neurotransmitters release, stress responses, depression, and the modulation of reward circuitry have been investigated from different points of view. The presence of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) in the synaptic terminations suggest a potential role of ubiquitin-dependent mechanisms in the control of the membrane occupancy by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), including those belonging to the opioid family. In this review, we focused our attention on the role played by the ubiquitination processes and by UPS in the modulation of opioid receptor signaling and in pathological conditions involving the endogenous opioid system. The collective evidence here reported highlights the potential usefulness of proteasome inhibitors in neuropathic pain, addictive behavior, and analgesia since these molecules can reduce pain behavioral signs, heroin self-administration, and the development of morphine analgesic tolerance. Moreover, the complex mechanisms involved in the effects induced by opioid agonists binding to their receptors include the ubiquitination process as a post-translational modification which plays a relevant role in receptor trafficking and degradation. Hence, UPS modulation may offer novel opportunities to control the balance between therapeutic versus adverse effects evoked by opioid receptor activation, thus, representing a promising druggable target

    Short-term withdrawal from repeated exposure to cocaine during adolescence modulates dynorphin mRNA levels and BDNF signaling in the rat nucleus accumbens

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    BACKGROUND: Early-life stressful events affect the neurobiological maturation of cerebral circuitries including the endogenous opioid system and the effects elicited by adolescent cocaine exposure on this system have been poorly investigated. Here, we evaluated whether cocaine exposure during adolescence causes short- or long-term alterations in mRNAs codifying for selected elements belonging to the opioid system. Moreover, since brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may undergo simultaneous alterations with the opioid peptide dynorphin, we also evaluated its signaling pathway as well. METHODS: Adolescent male rats were exposed to cocaine (20\u2009mg/kg/day) from post-natal day (PND) 28 to PND42, approximately corresponding to human adolescence. After short- (PND45) or long-term (PND90) abstinence, prodynorphin-\u3ba-opioid receptor (pDYN-KOP) and pronociceptin-nociceptin receptor (pN/OFQ-NOP) gene expression were evaluated in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and hippocampus (Hip) together with the analysis of BDNF signaling pathways. RESULTS: In the NAc of PND45 rats, pDYN mRNA levels were up-regulated, an effect paralled by increased BDNF signaling. Differently from NAc, pDYN mRNA levels were down-regulated in the Hip of PND45 rats without significant changes of BDNF pathway. At variance from PND45 rats, we did not find any significant alteration of the investigated parameters either in NAc and Hip of PND90 rats. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that the short-term withdrawal from adolescent cocaine exposure is characterized by a parallel pDYN mRNA and BDNF signaling increase in the NAc. Given the depressive-like state experienced during short abstinence in humans, we hypothesize that such changes may contribute to promote the risk of cocaine abuse escalation and relapse

    Nociceptin/orphanin FQ prevents the antinociceptive action of paracetamol on the rat hot plate test

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    Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) is involved in many behavioural patterns; in particular. it exerts a modulating effect on nociception. Like other proposed antiopiates, nociceptin/orphanin FQ has been shown to have analgesic, hyperalgesic as well as antianalgesic properties. Among the various effects proposed on nociceptive sensitivity at supraspinal level, the antagonistic activity toward morphine analgesia seems to be of interest. Therefore, we decided to investigate whether nociceptin/orphanin FQ and [Arg(14), Lys(15)] nociceptin/orphanin FQ (R-K, a nociceptin analogue) can have the same effect on the analgesia produced by nonopioid analgesics. in this study. we examined the antianalgesic effect of nociceptin/orphanin FQ and its analogue R-K on paracetamol-induced analgesia and evaluated by means of the hot plate test in rats. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ was intracerebroventricularly administered, anti. after 5 min, a dose of 400 mg/kg paracetamol was injected intraperitoneally, 30 min before the hot plate test. Nociceptin/orphanin FQ and R-K showed a dose-dependent antagonism on the antinociceptive effect of paracetamol, and the activity of both drugs was significantly reduced by the antagonist [Nphe(1)] Arg(14), Lys(15)-N/OFQ-NH2 (UFP-101). These data indicate that nociceptin/orphanin FQ and R-K have an antianalgesic effect on the analgesia produced by a nonopioid analgesic drug, like paracetamol, that seems to develop within the brain

    Safe use of opioids in chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients. ips and tricks for non pain specialist

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    Abstract: In patients suffering from moderate-to-severe chronic kidney disease (CKD) or end-stage renal disease (ESRD), subjected to hemodialysis (HD), pain is very common, but often underestimated. Opioids are still the mainstay of severe chronic pain management; however, their prescription in CKD and HD patients is still significantly low and pain is often under-treated. Altered pharmacokinetics and the lack of clinical trials on the use of opioids in patients with renal impairment increase physicians’ concerns in this specific population. This narrative review focused on the correct and safe use of opioids in patients with CKD and HD. Morphine and codeine are not recommended, because the accumulation of their metabolites may cause neurotoxic symptoms. Oxycodone and hydromorphone can be safely used, but adequate dosage adjustments are required in CKD. In dialyzed patients, these opioids should be considered as second-line agents and patients should be carefully mon- itored. According to different studies, buprenorphine and fentanyl could be considered first- line opioids in the management of pain in CKD; however, fentanyl is not appropriate in patients undergoing HD. Tapentadol does not need dosage adjustment in mild-to-moderate renal impairment conditions; however, no data are available on its use in ESRD. Opioid- related side effects may be exacerbated by common comorbidities in CKD patients. Opioid- induced constipation can be managed with peripherally-acting-μ-opioid-receptor-antagonists (PAMORA). Unlike the other PAMORA, naldemedine does not require any dose adjustment in CKD and HD patients. Accurate pain diagnosis, opioid titration and tailoring are manda- tory to minimize the risks and to improve the outcome of the analgesic therapy

    The active second-generation proteasome inhibitor oprozomib reverts the oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy symptoms

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    Oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy (OXAIN) is a major adverse effect of this antineoplastic drug, widely used in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Although its molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood, recent evidence suggest that maladaptive neuroplasticity and oxidative stress may participate to the development of this neuropathy. Given the role played on protein remodeling by ubiquitin\u2013proteasome system (UPS) in response to oxidative stress and in neuropathic pain, we investigated whether oxaliplatin might cause alterations in the UPS-mediated degradation pathway, in order to identify new pharmacological tools useful in OXAIN. In a rat model of OXAIN (2.4 mg kg 121 i.p., daily for 10 days), a significant increase in chymotrypsin-(\u3b25) like activity of the constitutive proteasome 26S was observed in the thalamus (TH) and somatosensory cortex (SSCx). In addition, the selective up-regulation of \u3b25 and LMP7 (\u3b25i) subunit gene expression was assessed in the SSCx. Furthermore, this study revealed that oprozomib, a selective \u3b25 subunit proteasome inhibitor, is able to normalize the spinal prodynorphin gene expression upregulation induced by oxaliplatin, as well as to revert mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia observed in oxaliplatin-treated rats. These results underline the relevant role of UPS in the OXAIN and suggest new pharmacological targets to counteract this severe adverse effect. This preclinical study reveals the involvement of the proteasome in the oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy and adds useful information to better understand the molecular mechanism underlying this pain condition. Moreover, although further evidence is required, these findings suggest that oprozomib could be a therapeutic option to counteract chemotherapy-induced neuropathy

    Early-life nicotine or cotinine exposure produces long-lasting sleep alterations and downregulation of hippocampal corticosteroid receptors in adult mice

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    Early-life exposure to environmental toxins like tobacco can permanently re-program body structure and function. Here, we investigated the long-term effects on mouse adult sleep phenotype exerted by early-life exposure to nicotine or to its principal metabolite, cotinine. Moreover, we investigated whether these effects occurred together with a reprogramming of the activity of the hippocampus, a key structure to coordinate the hormonal stress response. Adult male mice born from dams subjected to nicotine (NIC), cotinine (COT) or vehicle (CTRL) treatment in drinking water were implanted with electrodes for sleep recordings. NIC and COT mice spent significantly more time awake than CTRL mice at the transition between the rest (light) and the activity (dark) period. NIC and COT mice showed hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor (GR) downregulation compared to CTRL mice, and NIC mice also showed hippocampal mineralocorticoid receptor downregulation. Hippocampal GR expression significantly and inversely correlated with the amount of wakefulness at the light-to-dark transition, while no changes in DNA methylation were found. We demonstrated that early-life exposure to nicotine (and cotinine) concomitantly entails long-lasting reprogramming of hippocampal activity and sleep phenotype suggesting that the adult sleep phenotype may be modulated by events that occurred during that critical period of life

    The active second-generation proteasome inhibitor oprozomib reverts the oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy symptoms

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    Oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy (OXAIN) is a major adverse effect of this antineoplastic drug, widely used in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Although its molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood, recent evidence suggest that maladaptive neuroplasticity and oxidative stress may participate to the development of this neuropathy. Given the role played on protein remodeling by ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) in response to oxidative stress and in neuropathic pain, we investigated whether oxaliplatin might cause alterations in the UPS-mediated degradation pathway, in order to identify new pharmacological tools useful in OXAIN. In a rat model of OXAIN (2.4 mg kg−1 i.p., daily for 10 days), a significant increase in chymotrypsin-(β5) like activity of the constitutive proteasome 26S was observed in the thalamus (TH) and somatosensory cortex (SSCx). In addition, the selective up-regulation of β5 and LMP7 (β5i) subunit gene expression was assessed in the SSCx. Furthermore, this study revealed that oprozomib, a selective β5 subunit proteasome inhibitor, is able to normalize the spinal prodynorphin gene expression upregulation induced by oxaliplatin, as well as to revert mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia observed in oxaliplatin-treated rats. These results underline the relevant role of UPS in the OXAIN and suggest new pharmacological targets to counteract this severe adverse effect. This preclinical study reveals the involvement of the proteasome in the oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy and adds useful information to better understand the molecular mechanism underlying this pain condition. Moreover, although further evidence is required, these findings suggest that oprozomib could be a therapeutic option to counteract chemotherapy-induced neuropathy

    Activation of Antioxidant and Proteolytic Pathways in the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic System After 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Administration: Sex-Related Differences

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    3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, “ecstasy”) is an amphetamine-related drug that may damage the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system. To investigate the mechanisms that sustain this toxic effect and ascertain their sex-dependence, we evaluated in the nigrostriatal system of MDMA-treated (4 × 20 mg/kg, 2 h apart) male and female mice the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), the gene expression of SOD type 1 and 2, together with SOD1/2 co-localization with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons. In the same mice and brain areas, activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and of β2/β5 subunits of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) were also evaluated. After MDMA, SOD1 increased in striatal TH-positive terminals, but not nigral neurons, of males and females, while SOD2 increased in striatal TH-positive terminals and nigral neurons of males only. Moreover, after MDMA, SOD1 gene expression increased in the midbrain of males and females, whereas SOD2 increased only in males. Finally, MDMA increased the SOD activity in the midbrain of females, without affecting GPx activity, decreased the β2/β5 activities in the striatum of males and the β2 activity in the midbrain of females. These results suggest that the mechanisms of MDMA-induced neurotoxic effects are sex-dependent and dopaminergic neurons of males could be more sensitive to SOD2- and UPS-mediated toxic effects

    Early social isolation differentially affects the glucocorticoid receptor system and alcohol-seeking behavior in male and female Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats

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    Adverse early life experiences during postnatal development can evoke long-lasting neurobiological changes in stress systems, thereby affecting subsequent behaviors including propensity to develop alcohol use disorder. Here, we exposed genetically selected male and female Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring (msP) and Wistar rats to mild, repeated social deprivation from postnatal day 14 (PND14) to PND21 and investigated the effect of the early social isolation (ESI) on the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) system and on the propensity to drink and seek alcohol in adulthood. We found that ESI resulted in higher levels of GR gene and protein expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in male but not female msP rats. In female Wistars, ESI resulted in significant downregulation of Nr3c1 mRNA levels and lower GR protein levels. In male and female msP rats, plasma corticosterone levels on PND35 were similar and unaffected by ESI. Wistar females exhibited higher levels of corticosterone compared with males, independently from ESI. In alcohol self-administration experiments we found that the pharmacological stressor yohimbine (0.0, 0.312, 0.625, and 1.25 mg/kg) increased alcohol selfadministration in both rat lines, regardless of ESI. After extinction, 0.625 mg/kg yohimbine significantly reinstated alcohol seeking in female rats only. ESI enhanced reinstatement in female msP rats. Overall, the present results indicate that repeated social deprivation during the third week of postnatal life affects GR expression in a strain- and sex-dependent manner: such effect may contribute, at least partially, to the heightened sensitivity of female msP rats to the effects of yohimbine-induced alcohol seeking
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