444 research outputs found

    El Consejo de Aragón. Asistencia social a sus miembros en tiempos de Carlos II

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    A lo largo del siglo XVII y los posteriores se efectuaron diversas reformas destinadas a asentar unas políticas sociales y económicas destinadas a favorecer a aquellos que tras años en el servicio a la monarquía por diferentes motivos ya no podían seguir ejerciendo su empleo. Nuestro trabajo intenta penetrar en la asistencia social en tiempos de los dos últimos monarcas de la Casa de los Austrias y más concretamente en el reinado de Carlos II. El marco espacial del estudio es el Consejo de Aragón, el máximo órgano político-administrativo los antiguos territorios de la de la Corona, sus miembros tenían pensiones de jubilación, sus herederos podían percibir algunas ayudas por los servicios de sus familiares. Como son las mercedes a las viudas de los ministros y oficiales del Consejo.Throughout the seventeenth century and the subsequent reforms were intended to establish a social and economic policies designed to favour those who after years of service to the monarchy for various reasons could not continue its work. Our work attempts to penetrate the social assistance during the last two kings of the House of Habsburg, and more specifically in the reign of Charles II. The spatial framework of the study is the Council of Aragon, the highest body of political-administrative territories of the former for the Crown its members had pensions, your heirs could receive some support services for their families. Such as grants to the widows of ministers and officers of the Council

    On a Class of Elliptic Equations for the N-Laplacian in R^n with One-Sided Exponential Growth

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J40, 49J52, 49J40, 46E30By means of a suitable nonsmooth critical point theory for lower semicontinuous functionals we prove the existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of quasilinear Dirichlet problems with symmetric non-linearities having a one-sided growth condition of exponential type.The research of the authors was partially supported by the MIUR project “Variational and topological methods in the study of nonlinear phenomena” (COFIN 2001). The second author was also supported by the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “F.Severi” (INdAM

    On a Class of Elliptic Equations for the N-Laplacian in R^n with One-Sided Exponential Growth

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J40, 49J52, 49J40, 46E30By means of a suitable nonsmooth critical point theory for lower semicontinuous functionals we prove the existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of quasilinear Dirichlet problems with symmetric non-linearities having a one-sided growth condition of exponential type.The research of the authors was partially supported by the MIUR project “Variational and topological methods in the study of nonlinear phenomena” (COFIN 2001). The second author was also supported by the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “F.Severi” (INdAM

    Connect the dots: sketching out microbiome interactions through networking approaches

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    Microbiome networking analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for studying the complex interactions among microorganisms in various ecological niches, including the human body and several environments. This analysis has been used extensively in both human and environmental studies, revealing key taxa and functional units peculiar to the ecosystem considered. In particular, it has been mainly used to investigate the effects of environmental stressors, such as pollution, climate change or therapies, on host-associated microbial communities and ecosystem function. In this review, we discuss the latest advances in microbiome networking analysis, including methods for constructing and analyzing microbiome networks, and provide a case study on how to use these tools. These analyses typically involve constructing a network that represents interactions among microbial taxa or functional units, such as genes or metabolic pathways. Such networks can be based on a variety of data sources, including 16S rRNA sequencing, metagenomic sequencing, and metabolomics data. Once constructed, these networks can be analyzed to identify key nodes or modules important for the stability and function of the microbiome. By providing insights into essential ecological features of microbial communities, microbiome networking analysis has the potential to transform our understanding of the microbial world and its impact on human health and the environment

    Exploring clade differentiation of the Faecalibacterium prausnitzii complex

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    Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is one of the most prevalent and abundant polyphyletic health18 promoting components of the human gut microbiome with a propensity for dysbiotic decreases. To better understand its biology in the human gut, we specifically explored the divergence pressures acting on F. prausnitzii clades on a global scale. Five F. prausnitzii clades were de novo identified from 55 publicly available genomes and 92 high-quality metagenome assembled genomes. Divergence rate indices were constructed and validated to compare the divergence rates among the different clades and between each of the diverging genes. For each clade we identified specific patterns of diverging functionalities, probably reflecting different ecological propensities, in term of inter-host dispersion capacity or exploitation of different substrates in the gut environment. Finally, we speculate that these differences may explain, at least in part, the observed differences in the overall divergence rates of F. prausnitzii clades in human populations

    Scapular dyskinesis in young, asymptomatic elite swimmers

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    Background: Overhead athletes are at a greater risk of developing scapular dyskinesis (SD). Although swimming is considered an overhead sport, information regarding SD in these athletes is scarce. Purpose: To determine the prevalence of SD in young, asymptomatic elite swimmers. Study Design: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: A total of 661 asymptomatic elite swimmers were enrolled in this study (344 male, 317 female; mean age, 15.83 ± 2.20 years). Anthropometric characteristics, training routine, and stroke specialty were recorded. SD was assessed using a dynamic test consisting of an examination of the shoulder blades throughout synchronous forward flexion motion in the sagittal plane and was deemed to be either present or absent. Each movement was repeated 5 times. These evaluations were performed with athletes at rest, before any training or competition. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: SD was detected in 56 (8.5%) participants. Type I SD was the most common (46.5%); male participants were 2 times as likely to have SD as female participants (39 male, 17 female; P < .01). No correlation was found between the dominant limb and side affected (P = .258); rather, a correlation was found between the breathing side and side affected, in that swimmers with a preferred breathing side were more prone to develop SD in the opposite shoulder (P < .05). Swimmers involved in long-distance races were found to have a greater risk of developing SD (P = .01). Conclusion: SD may be an asymptomatic condition in elite young swimmers and is present in 8.5% of these athletes. Early diagnosis may be useful for asymptomatic athletes with SD and to avoid its possible evolution to a symptomatic condition

    Effect of transversal steel connectors on the behaviour of rubble stone-masonry walls: two case studies in Italy

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    Multi-leaf masonry walls are very common in historical constructions and have been primarily designed to resist vertical static loads. Recent earthquakes have shown their high vulnerability against dynam-ic horizontal and static compression loads which can easily produce the detachment of the different leaves and determine important damage and catastrophic consequences. An increasing interest in the conservation of his-toric masonry constructions has produced a need for new consolidation and retrofitting methods. With the aim of increasing the mechanical characteristics, the overall structural behaviour and ultimately the safety of mul-ti-leaf masonry wall panels against out-of-plane collapse mechanisms, several reinforced techniques have been investigated. In this paper, a new strengthening system which consists in the application of a pre-loaded steel bar enclosed into a fabric protective bag-case, is investigated. The steel-bar connector is inserted into a pre-drilled hole made in the masonry in order to bond the masonry leaves and to prevent the detachment dur-ing seismic events; finally cement-based grout is injected at high pressure inside the fabric bag-case. The aim is to increase the collaboration between masonry leaves and increase the wall-capacity. The paper initially de-scribes the reinforcement technique and its fields of application and expected benefits. In the second part, the paper addresses two case studies where this reinforcing method has been recently applied: the medieval castle of Laurenzana, located in the southern Italian region of Basilicata and a coeval 18th-century annex building nearby the Royal Palace of Capodimonte (Naples)

    Desarrollo evolutivo en niños prematuros. Una revisión sistemática

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    Introducción: La prematuridad (PTB) se define como el parto antes de las 37 semanas completas de gestación. Los bebés prematuros tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer retraso psicomotor en comparación con los bebés nacidos a término, ya que estos últimos se desarrollan durante el tercer trimestre en el ambiente intrauterino, recibiendo una serie de estímulos que a los bebés prematuros les falta, debido a que durante este periodo se encuentran ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCIN). Objetivo: Revisar los programas de fisioterapia existentes en atención temprana junto a las técnicas que emplean. Comparar su eficacia con la atención temprana habitual, y conocer qué escalas o cuestionarios se han utilizado para medir sus efectos. Material y métodos: Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos PUBMED y EMBASE. Destacar que los artículos incluidos tuvieron una media de 6’4 en la escala PEDro. Resultados: Se estudiaron diversos programas de atención temprana, siendo los programas FCIP, CBIP Y SPEEDI los que más efectividad tuvieron sobre los resultados psicomotores. Se demostró que los elementos clave que aportaron esta efectividad fueron la educación junto al apoyo familiar, y que su inicio comenzara en la UCIN, siguiendo el tratamiento tras el alta hospitalaria. Conclusión: Se sugiere realizar estudios que evalúen los efectos de estas intervenciones a largo plazo, para comprobar si los efectos perduran hasta la edad escolar.Introduction: Preterm birth (PTB) is defined as delivery before 37 whole weeks of gestation. Premature babies have a higher risk of suffering from psychomotor retardation compared to full-term babies. This happens because, during the third trimester, full – term babies receive a series of stimuli in the 5 intrauterine environment that premature babies do not, because during this period they are admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: To review existing early care physiotherapy programs together with the techniques they use. To compare its effectiveness with usual early care, and to find out which scales or questionnaires have been used to measure its effects Methods: The searches were carried out in the PUBMED and EMBASE databases. It should be noted that the included articles had a mean of 6.4 on the PEDro scale. Results: Several early care programs were studied, being the FCIP, CBIP and SPEEDI the most effective ones on psychomotor outcomes. It was shown that the key elements that contributed to this effectiveness were a combination of family care and family support, and that they began in the NICU, following the treatment after hospital discharge. Conclusion: Finally, it is suggested to implement studies evaluating the effects of these treatments in the long term, in order to see if their effects last until school age

    Intestinal Microbiota, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Potential Role of Dysbiosis in the Hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Introduction: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for the majority of primary liver cancers. Approximately 5–30% of HCC patients lack a readily identifiable risk factor for their cancer, and most of these cases are attributed to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)

    Microbiota-gut-brain axis and ketogenic diet: how close are we to tackling epilepsy?

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    The microbiota-gut-brain axis refers to the intricate bidirectional communication between commensal microorganisms residing in the digestive tract and the central nervous system, along neuroendocrine, metabolic, immune, and inflammatory pathways. This axis has been suggested to play a role in several neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy, paving the way for microbiomebased intervention strategies for the mitigation and treatment of symptoms. Epilepsy is a multifaceted neurological condition affecting more than 50 million individuals worldwide, 30% of whom do not respond to conventional pharmacological therapies. Among the first-hand microbiota modulation strategies, nutritional interventions represent an easily applicable option in both clinical and home settings. In this narrative review, we summarize the mechanisms underlying the microbiota-gut-brain axis involvement in epilepsy, discuss the impact of antiepileptic drugs on the gut microbiome, and then the impact of a particular dietary pattern, the ketogenic diet, on the microbiota-gut-brain axis in epileptic patients. The investigation of the microbiota response to nonpharmacological therapies is an ever-expanding field with the potential to allow the design of increasingly accessible and successful intervention strategies