582 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo sobre burnout em professores de ensino regular e educação especial

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    O objetivo do estudo é comparar os níveis de burnout em professores do ensino regular e educação especial em escolas públicas portuguesas que trabalham com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais. A amostra é constituída por 7058 docentes de ensino regular e 451 de educação especial. O estudo dos resultados baseou-se numa análise de variância univariada. É o grupo de ensino regular que revela maiores níveis de realização pessoal e profissional e despersonalização. Neste grupo, são as mulheres que estão mais exaustas emocionalmente e os homens mais despersonalizados, sugerindo-se para este grupo a aplicação de um programa de prevenção de burnout

    Stress, burnout and well-being in teaching profession: Portuguese studies

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    Professional satisfaction plays an important role in the way the human being develops his work. This is a complex and subjective concept since the same situation can be a source of satisfaction for one individual and the cause for dissatisfaction for another (Lammy, 2015). Professional satisfaction in teaching is associated with important variables such as self-esteem, physical and mental well-being, motivation, commitment, involvement, stress, absenteeism, success and professional achievement (Viveiros, 2011). When a teacher displays feelings of dissatisfaction and malaise, such feelings affect not only his fellow teachers but also the students. Such disinvestment and lack of motivation contribute directly to students' lack of interest in the classroom and, consequently, to a lower quality of the teaching and learning processes (Resende, 2003). According to Silva (2012), professional satisfaction has direct effects on teachers’ motivation, which in turn always influences in some way the students’ academic success and compromises teachers’ willingness to their work, both individually and in teams. Professional satisfaction thus contributes to a pleasant school climate, facilitating planning and collaborative practices among teachers in order to achieve educational success

    VGCM3D - a 3D rigid particle model for rock fracture following the voronoi tessellation of the grain structure: formulation and validation

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    Detailed particle models by taking into account the material grain structure explicitly consider the material randomness, including a size limiter for damage localization. A VGMC3D contact model is presented that considers the polyhedral particle shape in an approximate way. The VGCM3D flexible contact model is validated against known experimental data on a granite rock, namely triaxial tests and Brazilian tests

    Analysing the Trump and Brexit voters

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    This paper refers to two recent political phenomena: the Brexit, separation of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. It is important to note that the results on both occasions did not meet the expectations based on opinion polls, on one hand, and, on the other, seemed to be influenced by the adoption of populist attitudes by some of the people and parties involved. It is therefore necessary to deepen the knowledge about the two situations, their fundamentals and their outcomes. That is the objective of this paper. To gather published information and try to use it for the understanding of the results based on existing theories and thoughts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This paper has the main purpose to compile and highlight the first data obtained from experimental studies on docμmented reconstructions of gilded composites performed within a research project on gilding materials and techniques in Portugal (www.gilt-teller.pt) funded by FCT. Two water gilding recipes were appropriately chosen from the treatises written by the Portuguese Filipe Nunes (1615) and José Lopes Baptista de Almada (1749) as being representative for Baroque époque. Based on these recipes, the production of raw materials - “gesso grosso”, “gesso fino”, bole, animal glue (from lamb and goat skins) - was made as faithful as possible. Their application was then performed in laboratory following the indications given by these authors or by treatises of previous époques (e.g. the Bolognese treatise for thawing leather), on plane and curved wooden supports (pine and oak species) using three types of leaf: gold (Au/Ag/Cu) of 22 and 23.75 karat respectively and silver. After the completion of gilding, the samples’ surfaces were divided into areas and on each different finishing layers (wax, animal glue size) and decorations (punching, “esgrafitado”, “estofado”) were applied. An analytical campaign using optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on surfaces and cross sections, X-ray diffraction (XRD), microcomputerized tomography (microCT) and colorimetry (CIEL*a*b*) was undertaken in order to characterize the gilded composites and to assess the faithfulness of the reproductions in the laboratory. Correlations between the information given by the recipes and the composition and stratigraphical patterns of the reconstructions can be established. Furthermore, the study aims to highlight the difficulties encountered in analyzing real samples and comparing the results with those from reproductions as the number and types of layered materials are not always reproducible. A critical approach is needed and criteria for faithful reproduction of ancient recipes are suggested

    Cerâmicas da Idade do Ferro II do depósito votivo de Garvão

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    Garvão foi um importante local sagrado da Idade do Ferro II, onde em 1982 foi acidentalmente descoberto um impressionante depósito votivo [1]. Na escavação foram recuperados uma enorme variedade de materiais, sobretudo cerâmica, os quais foram depositados intencionalmente e cuidadosamente organizados de modo a optimizar o espaço disponível. A cerâmica recuperada mostra que durante a Idade do Ferro este sítio arqueológico foi um ponto de fusão das sociedades ibéricas com fortes influências celtas (interior da Península Ibérica) e do mundo Mediterrâneo. A análise estilística das cerâmicas permitiu a classificação do conjunto cerâmico em diferentes grupos tipológicos. Relacionando o estudo material com aspectos geológicos pretende-se contribuir para uma melhor compreensão das sociedades que produziram estas cerâmicas e das suas interacções no SW da Península durante a Idade do Ferro II. Deste modo, estabeleceu-se uma metodologia de estudo multi-analítica. Aplicando técnicas modernas das ciências dos materiais e os princípios da ciências físicas (por exemplo, geologia e química) pode-se obter respostas e uma melhor compreensão da importância de Garvão nesta área da Península Ibérica. A combinação de técnicas como microscopia electrónica com possibilidade de análise elementar, difracção de raios-X e análise térmica permitem identificar a composição mineralógica destas cerâmicas que extrapolada para a geologia regional, permitem importantes contributos para o conhecimento das sociedades que produziram estes materiais de uso comum. Especial ênfase é concedida à fonte de proveniência das matérias-primas, aos aspectos tecnológicos e, às rotas de circulação de mercadorias, ideias e crenças religiosas. Os primeiros resultados [2] são sobre um grupo de cerâmicas em que foram utilizados dois tipos de matérias-primas: um núcleo inicial com desengordurantes mais grosseiros e a construção da peça com material mais fino. [1] C. Beirão et al., O Arqueólogo Português, 3 (1985) 45-136 [2] L. Rosado et al. In IMA2010, Bonds and Bridges: Mineral sciences and their applications, Budapeste (2010),Livro de Resumos. p. 122 Agradecimentos. Este trabalho é financiado pela FCT através do projecto GODESS e da bolsa de Doutoramento SFRH/BD/67093/2009. Os autores agradecem o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Ourique

    Abandoned mine slags analysis by EPMA WDS x-ray mapping

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    The mining activity on the Iberian pyritic Belt (Portugal and Spain) started before Phoenician times, became particularly intense during the Roman occupation of the Iberian Peninsula (for gold) and after the industrial revolution (for gold, copper, zinc, lead and sulphur). The commonest ore of this region is a massive polymetalic sulphide accumulation, where pyrite (FeS2) is the main mineral, with variable concentrations of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), galena (PbS), arsenopyrite (FeAsS2), other sulphides and sulfosalts which include minor elements like Mn, Co, Ni, Se, Cd, Sb, Te, Hg and Bi. Some of the main and minor elements of these ores are hazardous and the drainage basins of pollutant source areas often induce health concerns in the resident population. Electron microprobe study followed previous optical and XRD analysis of the slags. The study focused on the identification of phases how sulphide and meta11ic phases are distributed within the material and infer about leachable elements during weathering. Electron microprobe X-Ray maps show evidences of different behavior between the elements: Ca and Zn are completely leached; iron is retained in oxyhydroxides, lead and arsenic precipitate as sulphates. Electron microprobe studies are essential to understand complex materials as earth materials. Nevertheless, care is required to a correct interpretation of data and most quantitative compositional data are not trustworthy