23 research outputs found

    Optimized Heat Interception for Cryogen Tank Support

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    We consider means for using the cooling available in boil-off gas to intercept heat conducted through the support structure of a cryogen tank. A one-dimensional model of the structure coupled to a gas stream gives an analytical expression for heat leak in terms of flow rate for temperature independent-properties and laminar flow. A numerical model has been developed for heat transfer on a thin cylindrical tube with an attached vent line. The model is used to determine the vent path layout that will minimize heat flow into the cryogen tank. The results are useful for a number of applications, but the one of interest in this study is the minimization of the boil-off in large cryopropellant tanks in low Earth and low lunar orbit

    Active Costorage of Cryogenic Propellants for Exploration

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    Long-term storage of cryogenic propellants is a critical requirement for NASA's effort to return to the moon. Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen provide the highest specific impulse of any practical chemical propulsion system, and thus provides the greatest payload mass per unit of launch mass. Future manned missions will require vehicles with the flexibility to remain in orbit for months, necessitating long-term storage of these cryogenic liquids. For decades cryogenic scientific satellites have used cryogens to cool instruments. In many cases, the lifetime of the primary cryogen tank has been extended by intercepting much of the heat incident on the tank at an intermediate-temperature shield cooled either by a second cryogen tank or a mechanical cryocooler. For an LH2/LO2 propellant system, a combination of these ideas can be used, in which the shield around the LO2 tank is attached to, and at the same temperature as, the LO2 tank, but is actively cooled so as to remove all heat impinging on the tank and shield. This configuration eliminates liquid oxygen boil-off and cuts the liquid hydrogen boil-off to a small fraction of the unshielded rate. This paper studies the concept of active costorage as a means of long-term cryogenic propellant storage. The paper describes the design impact of an active costorage system for the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). This paper also compares the spacecraft level impact of the active costorage concept with a passive storage option in relation to two different scales of spacecraft that will be used for the lunar exploration effort, the CEV and the Earth Departure Stage (EDS). Spacecraft level studies are performed to investigate the impact of scaling of the costorage technologies for the different components of the Lunar Architecture and for different mission durations

    ADR salt pill design and crystal growth process for hydrated magnetic salts

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    A process is provided for producing a salt pill for use in very low temperature adiabatic demagnetization refrigerators (ADRs). The method can include providing a thermal bus in a housing. The thermal bus can include an array of thermally conductive metal conductors. A hydrated salt can be grown on the array of thermally conductive metal conductors. Thermal conductance can be provided to the hydrated salt

    Improved Design and Fabrication of Hydrated-Salt Pills

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    A high-performance design, and fabrication and growth processes to implement the design, have been devised for encapsulating a hydrated salt in a container that both protects the salt and provides thermal conductance between the salt and the environment surrounding the container. The unitary salt/container structure is known in the art as a salt pill. In the original application of the present design and processes, the salt is, more specifically, a hydrated paramagnetic salt, for use as a refrigerant in a very-low-temperature adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR). The design and process can also be applied, with modifications, to other hydrated salts. Hydrated paramagnetic salts have long been used in ADRs because they have the desired magnetic properties at low temperatures. They also have some properties, disadvantageous for ADRs, that dictate the kind of enclosures in which they must be housed: Being hydrated, they lose water if exposed to less than 100-percent relative humidity. Because any dehydration compromises their magnetic properties, salts used in ADRs must be sealed in hermetic containers. Because they have relatively poor thermal conductivities in the temperature range of interest (<0.1 K), integral thermal buses are needed as means of efficiently transferring heat to and from the salts during refrigeration cycles. A thermal bus is typically made from a high-thermal-conductivity met al (such as copper or gold), and the salt is configured to make intimate thermal contact with the metal. Commonly in current practice (and in the present design), the thermal bus includes a matrix of wires or rods, and the salt is grown onto this matrix. The density and spacing of the conductors depend on the heat fluxes that must be accommodated during operation

    High Temperature Superconductor Lead Assemblies for XRISM

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    The RESOLVE instrument on the upcoming XRISM mission is a rebuild of the SXS instrument that successfully demonstrated high resolution X-ray spectroscopy on the Hitomi mission using a microcalorimeter array at 50 mK. As with SXS, the RESOLVE instrument requires High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) lead assemblies to carry high current to the Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR) while meeting a very stringent heat conductance budget. For the RESOLVE HTS lead assemblies, we have used new materials and processes to improve the stability and consistency of solder joints to the HTS material. We have also designed a new thermal strap that eliminates stress concentrations on the HTS tapes. We present the results of testing on the engineering model and flight model units, as well as the results of long term testing on prototype solder joints

    Design of a 3-Stage ADR for the Soft X-Ray Spectrometer Instrument on the Astro-H Mission

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    The Japanese Astro-H mission will include the Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) instrument, whose 36-pixel detector array of ultra-sensitive x-ray microcalorimeters requires cooling to 50 mK. This will be accomplished using a 3-stage adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR). The design is dictated by the need to operate with full redundancy with both a superfluid helium dewar at 1.3 K or below, and with a 4.5 K Joule-Thomson (JT) cooler. The ADR is configured as a 2-stage unit that is located in a well in the helium tank, and a third stage that is mounted to the top of the helium tank. The third stage is directly connected through two heat switches to the JT cooler and the helium tank, and manages heat flow between the two. When liquid helium is present, the 2-stage ADR operates in a single-shot manner using the superfluid helium as a heat sink. The third stage may be used independently to reduce the time-average heat load on the liquid to extend its lifetime. When the liquid is depleted, the 2nd and 3rd stages operate as a continuous ADR to maintain the helium tank at as low a temperature as possible - expected to be 1.2 K - and the 1st stage cools from that temperature as a single-stage, single-shot ADR. The ADR s design and operating modes are discussed, along with test results of the prototype 3-stage ADR

    Development of Stable, Low Resistance Solder Joints for a Space-Flight HTS Lead Assemblies

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    The solder joints in spaceflight high temperature superconductor (HTS) lead assemblies for certain astrophysics missions have strict constraints on size and power dissipation. In addition, the joints must tolerate years of storage at room temperature, many thermal cycles, and several vibration tests between their manufacture and their final operation on orbit. As reported previously, solder joints between REBCO coated conductors and normal metal traces for the Astro-H mission showed low temperature joint resistance that grew approximately as log time over the course of months. Although the assemblies worked without issue in orbit, for the upcoming X-ray Astrophysics Recovery Mission we are attempting to improve our solder process to give lower, more stable, and more consistent joint resistance. We produce numerous sample joints and measure time- and thermal cycle-dependent resistance, and characterize the joints using x-ray and other analysis tools. For a subset of the joints, we use SEMEDS to try to understand the physical and chemical processes that effect joint behavior

    Quick-Replacement High-Temperature Superconducting Current Leads for Use in a Research Cryostat

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    We report the use of a series of high-temperature superconducting leads in a cryostat that require no soldering to replace in the event of a failed lead. The temperature range spanned by the leads is 50 to 3 degrees Kelvin and they typically carry currents up to 4 amperes although they have a much higher capacity in this temperature range. The leads are integrated into the cryostat by clamping both ends to gold-plated copper pads. Support of the leads over the 25-centimeter length is provided by a simple G10 strong back. Details of the clamping interface, measurements of joint resistances, and other interesting observations will be discussed