682 research outputs found

    Triple Coincidence Beam Spin Asymmetry Measurements in Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering

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    The Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) provides hitherto the most complete information about the quark structure of hadron. GPDs are accessible through hard-exclusive reactions, among which Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) is the cleanest reaction. A dedicated DVCS experiment on Hydrogen (E00-110) ran in the Hall A at Jefferson Laboratory in Fall 2004. I present here Beam Spin Asymmetry (BSA) results for the ep → epγ reaction studied in the E00-110 experiment with fully exclusive triple coincidence H(e, e\u27γp ) detection. I present a re-calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter used to detect the high energy photon. This calibration is necessary to account for the effects of pile-up. The results show a 1-sigma disagreement with the double coincidence H(e, e\u27γ )p results, I also presents a feasibility study for measurements of neutron GPDs via the 3→He (e, e\u27γ)ppn reaction on a polarized 3He target with JLab at 12 GeV. These measurements offer the prospect of a determination of all four GPDs

    A Hilbert Space Geometric Representation of Shared Awareness and Joint Decision Making

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    Two people in the same situation may ascribe very different meanings to their experiences. They will form different awareness, reacting differently to shared information. Various factors can give rise to this behavior. These factors include, but are not limited to, prior knowledge, training, biases, cultural factors, social factors, team vs. individual context, time, resources, and technology. At the individual level, the differences in attaining separate actions by accessing shared information may not be considered as an anomaly from the perspective of rational decision-making. But for group behavior, reacting differently to the shared information can give rise to conflicts and deviations from an expected behavior, and are categorized as an anomaly or irrational behavior. The lack of proper recognition of the reasons for differences can even impede the shared action towards attaining a common objective. The manifestation of differences becomes noticeable in complex situations. The shared awareness approaches that originate from available situational awareness models fail to recognize the reasons of an unexpected decision in these situations. One reason for this is that in complex situations, incompatible events can become dominant. Human information processing is sensitive to the compatibility of the events. This, and various other human psychological characteristics, require models to be developed that include comprehensive formalisms for both compatible and incompatible events in complex situations. Quantum probability provides a geometrical probabilistic formalism to study the decision and the dynamic cognitive systems in complex situations. The event representation in Hilbert space provides the necessary foundation to represent an individual\u27s knowledge of a situation. Hilbert space allows representing awareness as a superposition of indefinite states. These states form a complete N-dimensional Hilbert space. Within the space generated, events are represented as a subspace. By using these characteristics of Hilbert space and quantum geometrical probabilities, this study introduces a representation of self and other-than-self in a situation. An area of awareness with the possibility of projection onto the same event allows representing shared awareness geometrically. This formalism provides a coherent explanation of shared awareness for both compatible and incompatible events. Also, by using the superposition principles, the dissertation introduces spooky action at a distance concept in studying shared awareness

    A Probabilistic Perspective of Human-Machine Interaction

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    Human-machine interaction (HMI) has become an essential part of the daily routine in organizations. Although the machines are designed with state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence applications, they are limited in their ability to mimic human behavior. The human-human interaction occurs between two or more humans; when a machine replaces a human, the interaction dynamics are not the same. The results indicate that a machine that interacts with a human can increase the mental uncertainty that a human experiences. Developments in decision sciences indicate that using quantum probability theory (QPT) improves the understanding of human decision-making than merely using classical probability theory (CPT). In this paper, we examine the HMI from a QPT perspective. Applying QPT to studying HMI for decision-making shows improvement in understanding the decision process when interacting with machines because it provides insights into the mental uncertainty of a human that is not apparent in CPT

    A Probabilistic Perspective of Human-Machine Interaction

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    Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2022The article of record at published may be found at https://hdl.handle.net/10125/80256Human-machine interaction (HMI) has become an essential part of the daily routine in organizations. Although the machines are designed with state-of-the- art Artificial Intelligence applications, they are limited in their ability to mimic human behavior. The human- human interaction occurs between two or more humans; when a machine replaces a human, the interaction dynamics are not the same. The results indicate that a machine that interacts with a human can increase the mental uncertainty that a human experiences. Developments in decision sciences indicate that using quantum probability theory (QPT) improves the understanding of human decision- making than merely using classical probability theory (CPT). In this paper, we examine the HMI from a QPT perspective. Applying QPT to studying HMI for decision-making shows improvement in understanding the decision process when interacting with machines because it provides insights into the mental uncertainty of a human that is not apparent in CPT.This research is supported by Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, Consortium for Robotics Unmanned Systems Education and Research at the Naval Postgraduate School

    Complex Adaptive Behavior: Pragmatic Idealism

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    The introduction of new concepts is a driver of organizational evolution and transformation. A newly introduced concept can introduce new meaning that is disparate to existing understanding. A new concept may also be interpreted in multiple ways, thereby introducing several disparate meanings. The disparity is resolved through adaptation. The disparity introduces complex adaptive behavior to the organization, requiring suitable changes to its management and design. The development of corresponding doctrine for new concepts, and training for the organization\u27s constituents become indispensable. In so doing, constituents can be involved in the adaptation process through direct participation, and thereby include the cognitive dimension. In this paper we present a means by which the complex adaptive behavior exhibited by an organization when new concepts and ideas are introduced can be studied. We apply the Pragmatic Idealism framework, which provides a theoretical construct where the domain of awareness is an abstraction of reality. This framework supports the coexistence of multiple perspectives and understanding. The framework allows for perspectives that are intrinsically correct, yet holistically incomplete. It includes the human cognitive component into cyber physical system providing a bridge between the physical and information dimensions. 2016 The Authors

    The Impact of Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) Integration on Human-IAS Teams and Their Effectiveness

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    Seed Research Program 2023. A Quad, describing CRUSER Seed Research Program funded research.CRUSER Funded ResearchFY23 Funded Research ProposalConsortium for Robotics and Unmanned Systems Education and Research (CRUSER

    Odun dışı bitkisel ürünler için gerçek tarife bedelinin saptanmasının gerekliliği, olabilirliği ve muhtemel fırsatları

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    Consistent with the changes and the increase in demand for the forests in the society, utilization of forest products became significant. Non-wood herbal products, which constitute a significant part among non-wood forestry products, is an important source of income for State Forest Enterprises and forestry industry in domestic and international markets, however non-wood herbal products are generally neglected in the Turkish forestry industry. Within the scope of the study, it was aimed to determine the income earned from the sales of Vaccinum sp., Arumitalicum, Galanthus woronowii and Cyclamen sp. species which are produced under the Sürmene State Forestry Enterprise management and the proportional distribution of these incomes between channel members. The share received from income of distribution channel members was determined by evaluating data obtained from Sürmene State Forestry Enterprise Production Tables and the records of a joint-stock company trading non-wood herbal products in Sürmene via percentage analysis method. In Turkey, an analysis of distribution of income among the members of non-wood herbal products distribution channels would reflect an unfair distribution. Most of the revenues are kept by wholesalers and especially retailers if present, while raw material producer State Forestry Enterprise and raw material gatherer forest villagers do not get their fair share. One of the major problems behind this is the low tariff prices. The extremely law tariff rates adversely affects the economic success of State Forestry Enterprise and active and productive use of resources by the enterprise. To resolve these problems, the actual tariff rates should be calculated for non-wood herbal products and the production and trade of these products should be conducted based on these rates and enforced policies should support rural development.Günümüzde toplumun ormanlara yönelik talebinin değişmesi ve artmasına koşut olarak odun hammaddesi faydalanmasının yanında odun dışı orman ürünlerine yönelik faydalanma da önem kazanmıştır. Odun dışı orman ürünleri içerisinde önemli bir yer tutan odun dışı bitkisel ürünler ülke içi ve dışı pazarlar göz önüne alındığında, devlet orman işletmeleri ve ormancılık sektörü için önemli bir gelir kaynağı olmakta ve fakat odun dışı bitkisel ürünler, Türkiye ormancılık sektöründe gereken önemi görememektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, Trabzon Bölge Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı Sürmene Devlet Orman İşletmesinin, üretimini gerçekleştirdiği ayı üzümü, sıklamen, yılanyastığı ve kardelen türlerinden elde edilen gelirlerin belirlenmesi ve elde edilen gelirlerin, dağıtım kanalında yer alan kanal üyeleri arasındaki oransal dağılımının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Sürmene Devlet Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü üretim cetvelleri ve Sürmene’de odun dışı bitkisel ürünlerin ticaretini yapmakta olan tek bir anonim şirketin kayıtlarından elde edilen veriler, yüzde çözümlemesi yöntemiyle değerlendirilerek dağıtım kanalı üyelerinin gelirden aldığı paylar belirlenmiştir. Odun dışı bitkisel ürünlerin dağıtım kanallarında yer alan kanal üyeleri arasındaki gelir dağılımı incelendiğinde adil olmayan bir dağılımın mevcut olduğu görülmektedir. Elde edilen gelirin ağırlıklı bir kısmı toptancılarda ve özellikle varsa perakendecilerde kalmakta, hammadde toplayıcısı orman köylüleri ve hammadde üreticisi Devlet Orman İşletmesi bu paylaşımdan hakça bir pay alamadığı görülmektedir. Bunun altında yatan önemli kök sorunlardan biri, tarife bedelinin düşüklüğüdür. Tarife bedelinin bu derece düşük olması, Devlet Orman İşletmelerinin iktisadi başarısını düşürmekte ve kaynaklarını etkin ve verimli kullanılmasını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu olumsuzlukların düzeltilmesi için odun dışı bitkisel ürünlerin gerçek tarife bedelleri hesaplanmalı, bu ürünlerin üretimi ve ticareti bu bedel üzerinden yapılmalı ve uygulanan politikalar, kırsal kalkınmayı da destekleyecek şekilde olmalıdır

    Rola krążącego sTWEAK w patogenezie choroby Hashimoto — badanie pilotażowe

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      Introduction: We aimed to investigate the role of sTWEAK in the pathogenesis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease. Material and methods: A total of 80 patients were included in the study, 60 of whom were newly diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (20 patients in each of the euthyroid, subclinical hypothyroid, and overt hypothyroid subgroups), and 20 of whom were healthy volunteers. Thyroid function tests and autoantibodies were measured using the electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay method, and sTWEAK, IL-17A, IL-12, and TGF-beta1 were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Results: The Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis group had lower levels of sTWEAK and TGF-beta1, but had higher levels of IL-12 and IL-17A as compared to the control group. Of these, only the difference between IL-17A levels reached statistical significance (2.1 pg/mL vs. 1.8 pg/mL, respectively; p < 0.001). While the levels of sTWEAK were similar in the control, euthyroid, and subclinical groups, the overt hypothyroidism group had lower level of sTWEAK than that of subclinical hypothyroidism (687.6 ± 153.3 pg/mL vs. 888.2 ± 374.4 pg/mL, respectively; p = 0.03). A negative correlation was determined between sTWEAK level and anti-TPO (r = –0.533, p = 0.028) and IL-17A (r = –0.600, p = 0.005) levels in the overt hypothyroidism group. Conclusions: The reduced levels of sTWEAK with progression of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and the significant correlation between the sTWEAK levels and anti-TPO found in this study suggest that sTWEAK plays an active role in chronic inflammation in the pathogenesis of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and in the progression of autoimmunity. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (6): 562–566)    Wstęp: Badanie przeprowadzono w celu ustalenia roli sTWEAK w patogenezie zapalenia tarczycy Hashimoto, przewlekłej zapalnej choroby autoimmunologicznej. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono łącznie 80 chorych, w tym 60 osób z nowo rozpoznaną chorobą Hashimoto (po 20 chorych w podgrupach z eutyreozą, subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy i jawną niedoczynnością tarczycy) i 20 zdrowych ochotników. Badania czynności tarczycy oraz oznaczenia stężenia autoprzeciwciał przeprowadzono przy użyciu metod elektrochemiluminescencji, a stężenia sTWEAK, IL-17A, IL-12 i TGF-beta1 oznaczono za pomocą testów enzymatycznych. Wyniki: W grupie osób z chorobą Hashimoto stężenia sTWEAK i TGF-beta1 były niższe, a stężenia IL-12 i IL-17A wyższe niż w grupie kontrolnej. Jednak tylko różnice między stężeniami IL-17A osiągnęły poziom istotności statystycznej (odpowiednio 2,1 pg/ml vs. 1,8 pg/ml; p < 0,001). Podczas gdy stężenia sTWEAK były podobne w grupach kontrolnej, z eutyreozą i z subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy, stężenia sTWEAK w grupie z jawną niedoczynnością tarczycy były niższe niż u osób z subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy (odpowiednio 687,6 ± 153,3 pg/ml vs. 888,2 ± 374,4 pg/ml; p = 0,03). Stwierdzono ujemną korelację między stężeniem sTWEAK a stężeniami przeciwciał przeciw TPO (r = –0,533; p = 0,028) oraz IL-17A (r = –0,600; p = 0.005) w grupie z jawną niedoczynnością tarczycy. Wnioski: Obniżanie się stężenia sTWEAK z progresją choroby Hashimoto oraz istotna korelacja między stężeniem sTWEAK a stężeniem przeciwciał przeciw TPO stwierdzone w tym badaniu wskazują, że sTWEAK odgrywa aktywną rolę w przewlekłym zapaleniu w patogenezie choroby Hashimoto, a także w progresji autoagresji. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (6): 562–566)

    Complex Adaptive Behavior of Hybrid Teams

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    The challenges in uncertain, dynamic and complex military operation environments exceed the problem-solving capabilities of individuals. Problem-solving has become a team task. These [hybrid] teams, which typically include machine and human elements, utilize autonomy and artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of actionable information and decision-making capabilities in solving complex problems. For this to be effective, shared mental models must be developed by teams. This demands adaptive behavior of team members to establish a common understanding, and its members to respond to the changes in complex dynamic environments. In this paper, we introduce a mathematical formalization of an interaction platform designed to support individuals working in heterogeneous, hybrid teams. The purpose of the platform is to facilitate convergent adaptive behavior and interoperability. Hilbert space is used to provide a mathematical foundation and coherent axiomatic structure. Individual and shared mental models are represented in the form of superposition of vector states in a conceptual space. Hilbert Space allows for the inclusion of phenomena, such as spooky activation, entanglement, or emergence that are representative of complex social dynamics

    Opinions of social studies teachers about vocational education design: Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin mesleki gelişimine ilişkin görüşler

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    The aim of this research is to determine the professional development of social studies teachers in accordance with their views on the in-service education program. The research was carried out with the case study design, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group of the research was composed of 30 social studies teachers working in the Bergama district of Izmir province, who were selected by purposeful sampling method. The opinions of the teachers were collected through structured interview forms. When the findings were examined, the educational titles were shaped in the field of social studies and pedagogy. Gaining professional experience, deciphering new teaching methods, being aware of current developments, searching for solve to problems in teaching, increasing general culture, seeing ways to communicate with students and getting acquainted with issues such as university education. The field-specific expectations are; learning field-specific methods, seeing ways to popularize the course, recognizing new approaches to field courses, evaluating textbooks, attaching importance to values education, proposing concrete and feasible solutions to problems, being applicable, and being aware of new developments. As a result, it was found that the teacher education workshop largely meets the expectations of teachers, and teachers are willing to apply what they have learned from these trainings in their classrooms. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.   Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin mesleki gelişimlerini hizmet-içi eğitim programına ilişkin görüşleri doğrultusunda belirlemektir. Araştırma, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması deseni ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu amaçlı örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen İzmir ili Bergama ilçesinde görev yapmakta olan 30 sosyal bilgiler öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Öğretmenlerin görüşleri, yapılandırılmış görüşme formları aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Bulgular incelendiğinde, eğitim başlıkları alan eğitimi ve pedagoji alanında şekillenmiştir. Mesleki deneyim kazanma, yeni öğretim yöntemlerini tanıma, güncel gelişmelerden haberdar olma, öğretimdeki sorunlarına çözüm yolları arama, genel kültür artışı, öğrencilerle iletişim kurma yollarını görme ve üniversite eğitimi gibi konularda bilgilenme olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Alana özgü beklentileri ise; alana özgü yöntemleri öğrenme, dersi sevdirme yollarını görme, alan derslerine yönelik yeni yaklaşımları tanıma, ders kitaplarını değerlendirme, değerler eğitimine önem verme, sorunlara somut ve uygulanabilir çözüm önerileri getirme, uygulanabilir olma ve yeni gelişmelerden haberdar olma bakımından ifade edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, öğretmen eğitimi atölyesinin, büyük ölçüde öğretmenlerin beklentilerini karşıladığı ve öğretmenlerin bu eğitimlerden öğrendiklerini kendi sınıflarında uygulamakta istekli olduğu saptanmıştır