151 research outputs found

    Experimentos con uno mismo. 1937-1959

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    En cualquiera de los libros o manuales sobre la historia de la arquitectura moderna encontramos un nutrido numero de páginas dedicadas a las vanguardias y la formación del movimiento moderno en entreguerras, y otro tanto dedicado a la reconstrucción y expansión del movimiento moderno tras la segunda guerra mundial. Entremedio, como una incomprensión o un convenido silencio, queda un gran vacío de años oscuros, de guerras, exilios y miserias sobre los que apenas nada puede ser dicho. Es precisamente en esos años oscuros, como en tantos otros de los más reveladores de la historia de la cultura, cuando comienza a fraguar una emergencia experimental profundamente renovadora. Arquitectos y artistas expulsados a los márgenes de la realidad civil, voluntaria o forzosamente, comienzan a configurar un cuadro de reacciones a una situación cultural insostenible, y de la que aún hoy, quizá por miedo o por vergüenza, parecemos conocer muy poco

    Los hechos post-modernos de la arquitectura digital

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    Durante los últimos años, algunas de las figuras más relevantes implicadas en la emergencia de la arquitectura digital en las universidades de la costa Este de los Estados Unidos han comenzado a cuestionar la validez de sus primeras proposiciones. Ya fuera diseño paramétrico o continuidad y fluidez en el campo expandido, la arquitectura digital, extendida ahora a lo largo y ancho del globo, parece estar sufriendo un severo cambio de paradigma. Con el fin de arrojar cierta luz sobre este cambio, el presente artículo se acerca a los inicios y primeras intenciones de la arquitectura digital con el fin de conocer e interpretar mejor sus limitaciones y alcance, así como sus implicaciones más profundas. Para ello, considera importante redefinir nuestro entendimiento de la arquitectura post-moderna en Norteamérica, de manera que podamos comprender con mayor precisión las condiciones bajo las cuales una parte importante de esta arquitectura digital vio la luz. El texto trata de contribuir al debate sobre el diseño digital analizando la producción en ambos lados –post-moderno y digital–, revalorizando las aspiraciones e intereses reales de la arquitectura americana de finales de los años 80, y cómo estas aspiraciones e intereses se relacionan con la aparición de las tecnologías de computación como nuevo mesías de la arquitectura a principios de los 90

    Analysis of the quark sector in the 2HDM-III with a four-zero Yukawa texture using the most recent data on the CKM matrix

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    In this letter we analyse, in the context of the general 2-Higgs Doublet Model, the structure of the Yukawa matrices, Y~1,2q\widetilde{ \bf Y}_{ _{1,2} }^{q}, by assuming a four-zero texture ansatz for their definition. In this framework, we obtain compact expressions for Y~1,2q\widetilde{ \bf Y}_{ _{1,2} }^{q}, which are reduced to the Cheng and Sher ansatz with the difference that they are obtained naturally as a direct consequence of the invariants of the fermion mass matrices. Furthermore, in order to avoid large flavour violating effects coming from charged Higgs exchange, we consider the main flavour constraints on the off-diagonal terms of Yukawa texture {{(χ~jq)kl\left( \widetilde{\chi}_{j}^q \right)_{kl}}} (klk\neq l). We perform a χ2\chi^2-fit based on current experimental data on the quark masses and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix VCKM{ \bf V}_{\rm CKM }. Hence, we obtain the allowed ranges for the parameters Y~1,2q\widetilde{ \bf Y}_{ _{1,2} }^{q} at 1σ\sigma for several values of tanβ\tan \beta. The results are in complete agreement with the bounds obtained taking into account constraints on Flavour Changing Neutral Currents reported in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Version accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Tarsis y la monarquía unificada de Israel

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    El hallazgo de numerosos restos fenicios de datación anterior al inicio de la colonización fenicia occidental y la explotación de recursos evidenciada identifican el hábitat de Huelva con Tarsis desde su mención en 1 Reyes 10.22. Sin embargo, la reciente revisión de la fiabilidad histórica de la Biblia cuestiona tanto esta identidad como unas navegaciones fenicias al lejano Occidente en la segunda mitad del siglo X a.C. El presente trabajo apunta que Jerusalén pudo constituir en esa época un centro de poder y asegura la existencia de escribas en el siglo IX a.C. que dispusieron de noticias fiables sobre acontecimientos del reinado de Salomón.The find of numerous Phoenician remains, dated prior to the beginning of Western Phoenician colonization, and the exploitation of resources evidenced thereof, identify the Huelva habitat with Tarshish since its mention in 1 Kings 10.22. However, this identity together with the Phoenician voyages to the far West in the second half of the 10th century BC, are somehow questioned by the recent revision of the historical reliability of the Bible. The present work suggests that Jerusalem might have been a power center at that time and assures the existence of scribes, towards mid 9thh century BC, who handled trustworthy news of certain events during the kingdom of Solomon

    Charged Lepton Masses as a Possible CPV Source

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    We realize a model-independent study of the so-called Tri-Bi-Maximal pattern of leptonic flavor mixing. Different charged lepton mass matrix textures are studied. In particular, we are interested in those textures with a minimum number of parameters and that are able to reproduce the current experimental data on neutrino oscillation. The textures studied here form an equivalent class with two texture zeros. We obtain a Tri-Bi-Maximal pattern deviation in terms of the charged leptons masses, leading to a reactor angle and three CP violation phases non-zero. These lastest are one CP violation phase Dirac-like and two phases Majorana-like. Also, we can test the phenomenological implications of the numerical values obtained for the mixing angles and CP violation phases, on the neutrinoless double beta decay, and in the present and upcoming experiments on long-base neutrino oscillation, such as T2K, NOvA, and DUNE

    In-plane/out-of-plane separated representations of updated Lagrangian descriptions of viscoplastic flow models in plate domains

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    A new efficient updated Lagrangian strategy for numerical simulations of material forming processes is presented. The basic ingredient is the tensorial decomposition of the velocity field into a finite sum of in-plane and an out-of-plane components, giving rise to an equivalent computational complexity of some two-dimensional problems and some one-dimensional ones (therefore, much less than the true three-dimensional complexity of the original problem). This is efficiently achieved by using Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) techniques, which are here employed in an updated Lagrangian framework for the very first time. This updated Lagrangian nature of the method needs the use of a robust numerical integration technique (in this case, the Stabilized Conforming Nodal Integration has been chosen) for addressing the highly distorted projected meshes. The resulting strategy is of general purpose, although it is especially well suited for addressing models defined in plate or shell (in general, parallelepipedic) domains. The basics of the just-developed method are shown, together with some numerical examples to show the potential of the technique

    Dynamical properties of liquid Al near melting. An orbital-free molecular dynamics study

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    The static and dynamic structure of liquid Al is studied using the orbital free ab-initio molecular dynamics method. Two thermodynamic states along the coexistence line are considered, namely T = 943 K and 1323 K for which X-ray and neutron scattering data are available. A new kinetic energy functional, which fulfills a number of physically relevant conditions is employed, along with a local first principles pseudopotential. In addition to a comparison with experiment, we also compare our ab-initio results with those obtained from conventional molecular dynamics simulations using effective interionic pair potentials derived from second order pseudopotential perturbation theory.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, submitted to PR

    Digital Control Implementation to Reduce the Cost and Improve the Performance of the Control Stage of an Industrial Switched-Mode Power Supply

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    The main objective of this work is the design and implementation of the digital control stage of a 280W AC/DC industrial power supply in a single low-cost microcontroller to replace the analog control stage. The switch-mode power supply (SMPS) consists of a PFC boost converter with fixed frequency operation and a variable frequency LLC series resonant DC/DC converter. Input voltage range is 85VRMS-550VRMS and the output voltage range is 24V-28V. A digital controller is especially suitable for this kind of SMPS to implement its multiple functionalities and to keep the efficiency and the performance high over the wide range of input voltages. Additional advantages of the digital control are reliability and size. The optimized design and implementation of the digital control stage it is presented. Experimental results show the stable operation of the controlled system and an estimation of the cost reduction achieved with the digital control stage