144 research outputs found
Psychometric properties in the Inventory for the construction of the intervention context in Social Casework CCIP – 2nd version
Objetivo: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las características psicométricas del Inventario para el análisis de la relación de ayuda entre el Trabajador Social y el Cliente durante la fase de estudio y evaluación de la situación problema (Cardona y Campos, 2009). El instrumento está diseñado para conocer cuáles son los criterios de intervención que los trabajadores sociales ponen preferentemente en práctica para determinar, junto a sus clientes, cuál será el contexto de intervención para el cambio. El trabajo busca depurar el instrumento atendiendo a criterios de consistencia interna y presentar una segunda versión del mismo. Material y métodos: La muestra, no probabilística e intencional, estuvo compuesta por el total de trabajadores sociales ubicados en proyectos de atención directa individual y familiar. Participaron un total de 115 profesionales de los cuales 9,5% eran hombres y el 90,5% mujeres. Respondieron al cuestionario 84 (73%) profesionales y 31 personas rechazaron la invitación a participar o no pudieron hacerlo. El instrumento inicial, constituido por 137 ítems, buscaba identificar y valorar los criterios de intervención más utilizados a la hora de determinar el contexto de intervención. El instrumento fue sometido a revisión de expertos para determinar su validez lógica y sus contenidos. Posteriormente, se procedió a una depuración del instrumento, se realizó un análisis exploratorio de componentes principales y un análisis factorial con rotación varimax y se determinó el coeficiente de fiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach). Resultados y conclusiones: El banco de 137 ítems quedó reducido a 75. La solución factorial final mostró que el cuestionario estaba constituido por una única dimensión, en consonancia con la lógica procesual del instrumento. El coeficiente de consistencia interna del cuestionario reflejó un alfa de Cronbach de 0.97. Ello nos indica que se trata de un inventario cuyo contenido pone de relieve una robusta consistencia interna. La versión revisada del instrumento permite conocer los procesos implicados y aplicados en la formulación de contextos de intervención, y sirve de guía para la supervisión, el entrenamiento y la formación para la práctica del Trabajo Social de Casos.Objective: This paper aims at analysing psychometric properties in the Inventory for the analysis of the relation of help between the Social Worker and the Client during the phase of study and evaluation of the analysis of the problem situation (Cardona and Campos, 2009). This instrument is designed in order to find out the intervention criteria that social workers typically put into practice so that, together with their clients, they can determine what the intervention context for change will be. This research refines the instrument by paying particular attention to the internal consistency criteria and provides a second version of such instrument. Material and methods: the intentional non-probabilistic sample consists of the total number of social workers who work on projects involving direct contact with the individual or family. A total number of 115 individuals took part, of which 9.5% were men and 90.5% were women. A number of 84 (73%) professionals answered the questionnaire, whilst 31 professionals refused to take part or were unable to do it. The initial instrument, made up of 137 items, aimed at identifying and assessing the intervention criteria which were most frequently applied when determining the intervention context. The instrument was revised by experts in order to determine its logical validity and its contents. After that, the instrument was refined by performing an exploratory analysis of its principal components and a factor analysis with varimax rotation, and the reliability coefficient was determined (Cronbach’s alpha). Results and conclusions: the list of 137 items was reduced to 75. The final factorial solution showed that the questionnaire was formed by a single dimension, along with the process logic of the instrument. The coefficient of internal consistency obtained a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.97. This underlines the robust internal consistency of the inventory contents. This revised version of the instrument allows for gaining knowledge about the processes involved and applied in the formulation of intervention contexts, and gives guidance on monitoring, training and formation for the practice of Social Casework
IMS signalling for multiparty services based on network level multicast
3rd EURO-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 21-23 may 2007.The standardization process of the UMTS technology has led to the development of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IMS provides a framework that supports the negotiation of the next generation multimedia services with QoS requirements that are envisioned for 3G networks. But even though many of these services involve the participation of multiple users in a multiparty arrangement, the delivery technology at network level is still unicast based. This approach is not optimum, in terms of transmission efficiency. In this paper, a new approach is presented proposing to use a network level multicast delivery technology for the multiparty services that are signalled through IMS. The main advantages and drawbacks related with this new approach are analyzed in the article. Finally, as a starting point in the development of the presented solution, a new SIP signalling dialogue is proposed allowing the negotiation of a generic multiparty service, and supporting at the same time the configuration of the corresponding network level multicast delivery service with QoS requirements that will be used in the user plane.Publicad
The collaborative relational diagnosis (I)
En la práctica del Trabajo Social, el concepto tradicional de diagnóstico remite a una sencilla fórmula: un profesional con una determinada competencia vinculada al saber y al hacer, emite un juicio en el cual se ha sintetizado e interpretado la naturaleza y la magnitud de las dificultades-necesidades de una persona, familia, grupo o comunidad. Esta visión no incorpora la dimensión relacional y cooperativa del encuentro entre el profesional y la persona en el marco de una relación de ayuda. Este artículo considera los desarrollos epistemológicos que se han planteado desde la perspectiva de la complejidad (Morin, 1981, 2009; Maturana y Varela, 2004), las tesis del Constructivismo (Piaget, 1971, 1978), el Construccionismo Social (Goolishian y Anderson,1990) y especialmente, las vanguardias de la práctica del Trabajo Social (de Shazer, 1982, 1985, 2009; White y Epston, 1990; White, 1995; Selekman, 1993). Desde la cibernética de segundo orden, la de los sistemas observantes, lo que los profesionales creemos, pensamos y valoramos (como profesionales y como personas), influye en la visión que vamos a construir de la persona/familia. Si la subjetividad se da, ¿que impide que la valoración de la situación problema pueda ser co-construirla colaborativamente entre el profesional y sus clientes?. Desde esta perspectiva, cabe hablar de diagnóstico colaborativo. El trabajo recoge los resultados de la aplicación práctica, en condiciones experimentales y en la práctica cotidiana de profesionales, de los criterios para desarrollar una co-diagnóstico. Es útil para guiar las conversaciones con los clientes y está abierto a los ajustes que cada relación necesite en su contexto.In the practice of Social Work, the traditional concept of diagnosis refers to a simple formula: a professional with a certain level of competence linked to knowledge and doing of the clients, issues a judgment in which the nature and magnitude of the difficulties-needs of a person, family, group or community have been synthesized and interpreted. This vision does not incorporate the relational and cooperative dimension of the encounter between the professional and the person within the framework of ahelping relationship. This article considers the epistemological developments that have been raised from the perspective of complexity (Morin, 1981, 2009, Maturana and Varela, 2004), thesis of Constructivism (Piaget, 1971, 1978), Social Constructionism (Goolishian and Anderson, 1996,1990) and especially the vanguards of the Social Work practice (Shazer, 1982, 1985, 2009; White & Epston, 1990; White, 1995;Selekman, 1993). From the Second-order cybernetics, the observational systems that professionals believe, think and value (as professionals and clients), influences the vision we are going to build of the person / family. To speak of an objective diagnosis, free of a biased view on the part of the professional, is to speak of a fantasy the subjectivities of the actors they value come into play. If subjectivity occurs, what prevents the assessment of the problem situation, traditionally referred to as diagnosis, can be co-built collaboratively between the professional and their clients? From this perspective, it is necessary to speak, not of diagnosis, but of collaborative diagnosis, of co-diagnosis
Facing the wear: care and palliative mechanisms of compassion fatigue
El concepto de Fatiga por Compasión (Compassion Fatigue) o Desgaste por Empatía es común en la literatura científica de Trabajo Social internacional, aunque sorprendentemente inexistente en la literatura española. Puede definirse la fatiga por compasión como estado de agotamiento y disfunción biológica, psicológica y relacional, resultado de la exposición inmediata o prolongada al estrés por compasión y como el resultado final del proceso progresivo y acumulativo consecuencia del contacto prolongado, continuado e intenso con clientes o pacientes, el uso de uno mismo y la exposición al estrés. El mantenimiento del desgaste puede derivar en cuadros severos típicos de traumatización secundaria o en el inicio del Síndrome del Profesional Quemado (Burnout). En todo caso, si un profesional del trabajo social experimenta dicho fenómeno, su capacidad para empatizar, conectar y ayudar a sus clientes se ve gravemente disminuida. Paradójicamente, la fatiga por compasión es por una parte, necesaria e inevitable si se desarrolla una buena práctica; por otra, peligrosa e inhabilitante si no se compensa mediante otros mecanismos. La fatiga por compasión no se puede prevenirse pero puede y debe paliarse de forma consciente. Incrementar la capacidad de reconocer y minimizar el impacto del desgaste es una responsabilidad del profesional y de la organización en la cual trabaja. Por último, el trabajo plantea el qué hacer ante este fenómeno y de qué manera cuidarse personal, profesional e institucionalmente.The Compassion Fatigue concept is common in the scientific literature of International Social Work, although surprisingly nonexistent in Spanish literature. Fatigue can be defined by compassion as a state of exhaustion and biological, psychological and relational dysfunction, the result of immediate or prolonged exposure to compassionate stress and as the final result of the progressive and cumulative process resulting from prolonged, continuous and intense contact with clients or clients. patients, the use of oneself and exposure to stress. The maintenance of the wear can lead to severe pictures typical of secondary traumatization or the onset of Burned Professional Syndrome (Burnout). In any case, if a social work professional experiences this phenomenon, their ability to empathize, connect and help their clients is severely diminished. Paradoxically, compassion fatigue is, on the one hand, necessary and inevitable if good practice is developed; on the other, dangerous and disabling if it is not compensated by other mechanisms. Compassion fatigue can not be prevented but it can and must be palliated consciously. Increasing the ability to recognize and minimize the impact of attrition is a responsibility of the professional and the organization in which he works. Finally, the work raises what to do about this phenomenon and how to take care of yourself, professionally and institutionally
The development of Social Work in its origins: the case of the United States, a critical reading
El trabajo plantea una crítica al discurso convencional preponderante en el mundo hispanohablante
acerca de los orígenes del Trabajo Social como profesión, con especial atención a su desarrollo
histórico en sus orígenes: los Estados Unidos. Se rebaten las tesis clásicas por las cuales el Trabajo
Social es el resultado de la evolución de la caridad y la filantropía y que es el Estado el que, en última
instancia, será el encargado de gestionar la cuestión social derivada del desarrollo del capitalismo
monopolista. Así mismo, se ponen en cuestión las tesis histórico-críticas que intentan construir una
lectura alternativa materialista, por la cual, el Trabajo Social y las políticas sociales del Estado se
construyen como componentes que dan legitimidad al orden social que se impone con el desarrollo
del capitalismo a gran escala de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Se valoran las dos
posiciones clásicas que analizan los orígenes del Trabajo Social, representadas especialmente por
las prácticas de la COS y el movimiento de los Settlements. Demostraremos que ambas opciones
acaban alineándose con posiciones político-morales antagónicas: las lógicas de la acumulación en el
caso de la COS y las lógicas democrático-emancipatorias en el caso de los Settlements.The paper introduces a critical analysis on the conventional discourse prevailing in the Spanishspeaking
world about the origin of Social Work as a profession, with special attention to its historical
development in its origins: the United States. Classic theses defending the role of Social Work as
resulting from the evolution of charity and philanthropy are rejected. Besides, the fact that it is the
State, in last instance, the protagonist in the management of the social question derived from the
development of the monopolistic capitalism is also questioned. Likewise, the critical historical theses
that attempt to construct a structural and materialist alternative reading are doubted. These advocate
for regarding the Social Work and State Social Policies as components legitimizing the social order
imposed by the development of the large-scale capitalism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries .Thus, the two classic positions analysing the origins of Social Work, especially represented
by the practices of the COS and the Settlements Movement, are analysed. We will show that both
options end up aligning with antagonistic political-moral positions: the logics of accumulation in the
case of the COS and the democratic-emancipatory logics in the case of Settlements.Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociale
El desarrollo del Trabajo Social en sus orígenes: el caso de los Estados Unidos, una lectura crítica
El trabajo plantea una crítica al discurso convencional preponderante en el mundo hispanohablante acerca de los orígenes del Trabajo Social como profesión, con especial atención a su desarrollo histórico en sus orígenes: los Estados Unidos. Se rebaten las tesis clásicas por las cuales el Trabajo Social es el resultado de la evolución de la caridad y la filantropía y que es el Estado el que, en última instancia, será el encargado de gestionar la cuestión social derivada del desarrollo del capitalismo monopolista. Así mismo, se ponen en cuestión las tesis histórico-críticas que intentan construir una lectura alternativa materialista, por la cual, el Trabajo Social y las políticas sociales del Estado se construyen como componentes que dan legitimidad al orden social que se impone con el desarrollo del capitalismo a gran escala de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Se analizan las dos posiciones clásicas que analizan los orígenes del Trabajo Social representadas especialmente por las prácticas de la COS y el movimiento de los Settlements. Demostraremos que ambas opciones acaban alineándose con posiciones político-morales antagónicas: las lógicas de la acumulación en el caso de la COS y las lógicas democrático-emancipatorias en el caso de los Settlements
Evaluating Extensions to IMS Session Setup for Multicast-based Many-to-Many Services
Telecommunication networks are converging towards an all-IP paradigm that integrates a broad set of value-added services. In this context, the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is being developed by the 3GPP as a key element to achieve the convergence. Additionally, multiparty services are nowadays acquiring an increasing interest from the industry. In this respect, network multicast provides a cost-effective solution to deliver these services to the user. Nevertheless, although network multicast is being considered as an enabler for one-to-many services (e.g. IPTV) in the IMS, the specifications for many-to-many services still follow a unicast approach (e.g. push-to-talk and conference). This paper describes extensions to the session control procedures in the IMS, to support multicast based multi-user services. The idea was first described in a prior work, but this paper presents enhancements to provide a comprehensive solution and to improve the grade of service (GOS) perceived by the users. In addition, the GOS achieved by the proposal is evaluated. First, the bandwidth utilization for the multicast-based multi-user services is analyzed and compared against the unicast scenario. Next, the GOS is evaluated using an analytical approach, by obtaining the mathematical expressions for the session and user plane setup delays. Finally, the GOS is also evaluated using an experimental approach, and the results are compared with values recommended by the ITU-T
SCoT: a secure content-oriented transport
The evolution of the Internet has resulted in the deployment of new application-level solutions to enhance the scalability and efficiency of content dissemination (e.g., content delivery networks and peer-to-peer systems). However, despite of this improvement on performance, the utilization of this type of solutions introduces new security concerns, as a content provider must necessarily delegate the role of distributing the content to third parties, and current security solutions, such as TLS and IPsec, do not allow authenticating the original content provider or the content itself in these scenarios. In this paper, we present SCoT, a transport-layer protocol that allows a content provider to bind protection to content, enabling content authentication at receivers regardless of any third party infrastructures that have been used to disseminate the content. Content authentication procedures are executed transparently to end-user applications. We implemented a fully operational prototype of the protocol in Java, including an API to support the development of SCoT applications. We utilized it to configure an experimentation scenario that served to validate a theoretical analysis of the SCoT throughput and to illustrate the performance that can be achieved in a practical deployment. The paper concludes describing a set of use cases of the protocol.This article has been partially supported by the European H2020 5Gin-FIRE project (grant agreement 732497), and by the DRONEXT project (TEC2014-54335-C4-2-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The work of Ignacio Soto has partially been supported by the Spanish Texeo project (TEC2016-80339-R) funded by the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Physical fitness in young Chilean soccer and non-football players by chronological age and maturity stage
Durante el periodo de la adolescencia se producen cambios en el crecimiento y la composición corporal, siendo importante identificar las diferencias individuales de madurez entre los adolescentes. En el caso de los futbolistas, estos podrían evidenciar mejor aptitud física que sus similares no-futbolistas. El objetivo consiste en comparar la aptitud física de jóvenes futbolistas vs no futbolistas, según edad cronológica y estado de madurez.During the adolescent period, changes ingrowth and body composition occur, and it is important toidentify individual differences in maturity among adolescents. In the case of soccer players, they may show better physicalfitness than their non-football players. The aim is to compare the physical fitness of young soccer players vs non-football players, according to chronologicalage and maturity status.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport
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