1,510 research outputs found

    Fred+10: análise de um sucesso do desimpedidos

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    This work seeks to analyze the "Fred + 10" project on the YouTube sports channel "Desimpedidos". It seeks to understand how this channel has achieved the current success and millions of viewers, becoming a reference to the brazilian sports entertainment. It will be shown how soccer has spread, mainly in Brazil, in order to base the public's loyalty with the purpose of, besides highlighting in parallel, the factors that make humor common and fundamental to the human being and to the media communication in general. Using the fan language, without focusing on the news itself, the Desimpedidos surpassed the six millions subscribers mark, and unlike other YouTube channels, its success was planned. Fred + 10, the main focus of this work, has three years of exhibition, with a frequency of weekly videos, presented by Fred, a prominent name in the national scene of the sports media in Brazil. This work will serve as a base, analyzing two groups of videos released at different times, having as case study an audiovisual production, structure, language, among other aspects of the content.A análise deste trabalho aborda o quadro Fred+10 do canal de humor esportivo Desimpedidos, no YouTube. O material busca entender a forma com que conquistaram sucesso de milhões de visualizações, tornando-se referência do entretenimento do esporte nacional. Mostraremos como o futebol se disseminou, principalmente no Brasil, afim de embasar a fidelidade do público com o Desimpedidos, além de destacar paralelamente fatores, que tornam o humor comum ao ser humano e fundamental nos meios de comunicação brasileiros. Utilizando da linguagem do torcedor, sem priorizar a informação, o Desimpedidos passa dos seis milhões de inscritos e, diferente de outros canais do YouTube, teve seu sucesso planejado. Objeto de estudo deste trabalho, o quadro com maior número de visualizações do canal é o Fred+10, há três anos no ar, publicando vídeos semanais, apresentado por Fred, nome de destaque no atual cenário da mídia esportiva nacional. Utilizaremos este conteúdo como base, analisando dois grupos de vídeos lançados em diferentes épocas, tendo como estudo de caso a produção audiovisual, estrutura, linguagem, entre outros aspectos do conteúdo

    Randomized heuristics for the Capacitated Clustering Problem

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    In this paper, we investigate the adaptation of the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) and Iterated Greedy methodologies to the Capacitated Clustering Problem (CCP). In particular, we focus on the effect of the balance between randomization and greediness on the performance of these multi-start heuristic search methods when solving this NP-hard problem. The former is a memory-less approach that constructs independent solutions, while the latter is a memory-based method that constructs linked solutions, obtained by partially rebuilding previous ones. Both are based on the combination of greediness and randomization in the constructive process, and coupled with a subsequent local search phase. We propose these two multi-start methods and their hybridization and compare their performance on the CCP. Additionally, we propose a heuristic based on the mathematical programming formulation of this problem, which constitutes a so-called matheuristic. We also implement a classical randomized method based on simulated annealing to complete the picture of randomized heuristics. Our extensive experimentation reveals that Iterated Greedy performs better than GRASP in this problem, and improved outcomes are obtained when both methods are hybridized and coupled with the matheuristic. In fact, the hybridization is able to outperform the best approaches previously published for the CCP. This study shows that memory-based construction is an effective mechanism within multi-start heuristic search techniques

    Multi-start methods for the capacitated clustering problem

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    In this work, we investigate the adaptation of the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) and Iterated Greedy methodologies to the Capacitated Clustering Problem (CCP). In particular, we focus on the effect of the balance between randomization and greediness on the performance of these multi-start heuristic search methods when solving this NP-hard problem. The former is a memory-less approach that constructs independent solutions, while the latter is a memory-based method that constructs linked solutions, obtained by partially rebuilding previous ones. Both are based on the combination of greediness and randomization in the constructive process, and coupled with a subsequent local search phase

    Vida e biblioteca de José Barbosa de Sá

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    O presente artigo visa analisar os aspectos da biobibliografia de José Barbosa de Sá. A análise se centrará em dois pontos da vida e obra do autor. A primeira, parte de uma conceituação particular onde buscamos localizar Sá no contexto setecentista e seu lugar enquanto fonte essencial aos estudos setecentistas e não somente do Mato Grosso português. Em seguida, buscamos discutir a biblioteca do autor, identificando e analisando contextualmente os títulos da biblioteca

    Modelo analítico de custos de sistemas de informação: chaves de imputação

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    Esta dissertação aborda o tema do custeio dos sistemas de informação. A realização deste estudo foi executada através de uma organização pública para a qual foi desenvolvido um modelo de custos dos seus sistemas de informação. Existem diversos modelos de custos abordados ao longo deste trabalho, mas, no entanto, apenas um foi aplicado no cenário organizacional, tendo este sido o modelo de custos tradicional. O desenvolvimento deste protótipo através da ferramenta Microsoft Excel, teve como principal objetivo auferir quais as chaves de imputação a utilizar como forma de distribuição de custos pelos sistemas de informação. Por outro lado, pretendeu-se estudar de que modo os custos devem ser representados relativamente ao gestor que irá utilizar essa informação. De modo a atingir os objetivos estabelecidos foi necessário realizar diversas entrevistas e a recolha de vários documentos, os quais permitiram estudar a organização e consequentemente desenvolver o protótipo.This dissertation approaches the subject of information systems costing. This study was done in a public-sector organization to which a cost model prototype was developed for the costing of it’s information systems. In this study, various costing models are investigated, however, only one was applied to the studied organization, that being the traditional cost model. The main goal of developing a prototype was to study which cost drivers should be used as a way of splitting costs across all the information systems. Other than this goal, it was also intended to understand how information should be shaped and presented according to the profile of the information user, i.e., managers. As a way of achieving these objectives, along the investigation various interviews were done and many documents were collected, which allowed to study the organization and consequently create the desired prototype

    Os 15 de Montpellier: Medicina, Política e Relações de poder nas Lizes entre Montpellier, Coimbra e o Brasil (ca. 1770 - ca. 1820)

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    Apoio financeiro da CAPES, Ministério da Educação – Brasil, no âmbito do programa Doutorado Pleno no Exterior (processo 0956/12-0)Esta tese analisa as trajetórias pessoais e profissionais de quinze luso-brasileiros que se inscreveram na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Montpellier no final do século XVIII. Estes quinze portugueses nascidos na América não foram analisados de forma conjunta, apenas elementos específicos estiveram sob escrutínio. Para suprir tal lacuna, consideramos tanto os aspetos médicos, quanto os políticos e sociais, por meio de investigação prosopográfica e da pesquisa acerca de seus possíveis envolvimentos em movimentos sediciosos, bem como através da análise de suas teses médicas e de publicações posteriores. Examinamos a crescente tendência por uma formação em ciências, ao mesmo tempo em que discutimos os porquês da decisão de cursar Medicina na Universidade de Montpellier. Analisamos os contextos médico e político luso-brasileiro em que estes estudantes estavam inseridos e discutimos comparativamente as faculdades de Medicina de Coimbra e de Montpellier, numa abordagem que as relaciona com o contexto imperial de fins de setecentos. Por fim, foi proposta uma revisão da historiografia acerca da participação destes estudantes no planeamento e atuação em movimentos civis de separação e independência em finais do século XVIII, nomeadamente quanto à Inconfidência Mineira e aos processos revolucionários pernambucanos nos primórdios do século XIX. O objetivo central desta tese, portanto, é justamente perceber as interconexões entre a formação médica no estrangeiro, tomando estes quinze luso-brasileiros como foco de análise, e as diversas consequências no conjunto das relações coloniais em fins do século XVIII e princípios do XIX.This thesis analyzes the personal and professional trajectories of fifteen Luso-Brazilians who enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montpellier in the late eighteenth century. These fifteen Portuguese born in America are not usually analyzed together, only specific elements were under scrutiny. To fill this gap, we consider both medical, and sociopolitical aspects through prosopographic investigation and research into their possible involvement in seditious movements, as well as through the analysis of their medical thesis and subsequent publications. We have examined the growing eighteenth-century trend towards science education, along with the reasons for the decision to study medicine at the University of Montpellier. We analyzed the Portuguese-Brazilian medical and political contexts these students belonged and we have discussed comparatively the medical faculties of Coimbra and Montpellier, in an approach that relates them to the imperial context of the late eighteenth century. Finally, it was proposed a revision of the historiography about the participation of these students in planning and acting in civil movements of separation and independence in the late eighteenth century, namely regarding the Inconfidência Mineira and the revolutionary processes of Pernambuco in the early nineteenth century. The central objective of this thesis, therefore, is precisely to understand the interconnections between medical training abroad, taking these fifteen Luso-Brazilians as the focus of analysis, and the various consequences in the set of colonial relations in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries

    Pooling of sera for human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) screening in a time of increasing health care expenditure and limited resources

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    Identifying the true prevalence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus, mostly type 1 (HTLV-1), and the number of patients with HTLV-1-associated diseases, in addition to introducing HTLV-1/2 serology during the prenatal of pregnant women and in individuals infected with other viruses that share transmission routes with HTLV-1, are actions that could help to recognize the importance of this virus by WHO and national health organizations, and to control its transmission/dissemination. As Brazil is endemic to HTLV and there is an increase in health care expenditure, but resources are limited, any strategy that could reduce the cost of HTLV screening is needed and welcomed. This study aimed to determine whether the strategy of pooling sera for HTLV antibody determination is feasible and reduces the costs. Two enzyme immunoassays (EIA Murex HTLV-I+II, Diasorin, UK, and Gold ELISA HTLV-1+2, REM Ind. Com. Ltda., SP, Brazil), and serum samples that resulted in different levels of HTLV-1/2 antibodies by EIA and of which a volume allowed assay validation were employed for analysis. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity and Cohen’s Kappa value, as well as the accuracy and precision were analyzed. After validating the five-sample pool using the EIA Murex (Cohen’s Kappa = 1.0), the technique was employed for individual cost comparison in 2,625 serum samples from populations at risk of HTLV infections (HBV, HCV, and HIV-infected individuals). The results from individual and pooled samples confirmed the diagnostic sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%) of the pooling and a cost minimization varying from 60.7% to 73.6%. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest the use of pooling sera in sero-epidemiological surveillance studies and possibly in prenatal care screening programs in Brazil

    Em virtude do muito desejar: a personagem Flora, do romance Esaú e Jacó, de Machado de Assis, à luz do desejo mimético

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    Em estudo sobre as metáforas machadianas, Dirce Côrtes Riedel (1979) identifica, no capítulo LXXXIII de Esaú e Jacó, a presença de nove grandes paradoxos estruturantes do modo como é narrada a situação vivida por Flora, no decorrer de uma noite de insônia, em que sofre a angústia da cisão interna de seu desejo oscilante entre os irmãos Paulo e Pedro. Este trabalho parte da premissa de que a personagem corresponde à personificação do desejo e que o paradoxo funciona, na literatura e na poesia, como um eficiente recurso de figuração desse impulso humano. Pretendemos mostrar de que maneira o dilema da “inexplicável” Flora diz respeito ao próprio modo de ser e à própria dinâmica de funcionamento do desejo. Para alcançarmos esse objetivo utilizaremos a teoria do desejo mimético, tal como a desenvolveu René Girard em seus principais livros, Mentira romântica e verdade romanesca e Coisas ocultas desde a fundação do mundo.