92 research outputs found

    Family Income Inequality and the Role of Wives Earnings in Mexico: 1988-2010

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    We study family income inequality in Mexico from 1988 to 2010. Female labor supply increased during this period, especially for married women. The share of wives’ income among married couples grew from 13 percent in 1988 to 23 percent in 2010. However, the correlation of husbands’ and wives’ earnings has been fairly stable with a value close to 0.28, one of the highest correlations recorded across countries. We follow Cancian and Reed’s (1999) methodology in order to analyze whether wives’ income equalizes total family income distribution. We investigate several counterfactuals and conclude that the recent increment in female employment has contributed to a decrease in family income inequality mainly through a rise in wives’ labor supply in poor families.income inequality, female employment, female earnings, Latin America, Mexico

    Bis-enolates with extended π-conjugation are powerful nucleophiles. Study of their alkylation reactions with very hindered C-electrophiles

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The Journal of Organic Chemistry, copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.9b01961Bis-enolates with extended π-conjugation, prepared by alkali metal-mediated reduction of several aromatic and unsaturated diesters, can be efficiently and regioselectively alkylated with very hindered C-electrophiles, such as neopentyl, secondary and tertiary alkyl halides, and tosylates. A one-step synthesis of 4-alkyl phthalates was derived from the reductive alkylation of a phthalate diester with hindered halides followed by rearomatization with oxygen. Additionally, synthetic protocols have been developed to efficiently prepare complex fused- or spiro-bicycles from diisopropyl phthalate in just one or two stepsFinancial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (CTQ2017-84354-P), Xunta de Galicia (GRC 2014/029 and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/09), and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF) is gratefully acknowledged.S

    Diseño para una Empresa Familiar de un Sistema Acuapónico con Energía Solar en el Chad

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    This article describes the design of a single-family aquaponic system powered by solar energy. This technique called “aquaponics” is an activity that blends aquaculture (farming aquatic species) and hydroponics (growing plants in a water-based environment) into one integrated system. A description is given of the elements in the aquaponic circuit, which is sized to scale for a family business, in addition to the budget required for its implementation in Chad. The use of renewable energy offers the possibility of implementing sustainable farming in underdeveloped countries. The objective of this system is to maximize the production of fish and vegetables, taking into account their limitations (20 kg of fish can be produced for every 1,000 liters of water while 8 liters of water are necessary to grow each plant). The fish farmed in this case will be tilapia, as it is technically feasible and has a flavor that is acceptable to the inhabitants of Chad. The cultivated plants include all types of fruits and vegetables, as well as aromatic plants.Este artículo describe el diseño de un sistema acuapónico unifamiliar alimentado con energía solar. Esta técnica llamada “acuaponía”, es una actividad en la que convergen la acuicultura (cría de especies acuáticas) y la hidroponía (cultivo de plantas sobre el agua) en un mismo sistema integrado. Se hace una descripción de los elementos del circuito acuapónico, un dimensionamiento a nivel de empresa familiar así como el presupuesto que permita su implementación en el Chad. Al incluir el uso de energías renovables, nos da la posibilidad de implementar el cultivo sostenible en países subdesarrollados. El objetivo de esta instalación es maximizar la producción de pescados y vegetales, teniendo en cuenta sus limitaciones (se pueden producir 20 kg de peces por cada 1000 litros de agua y son necesarios 8 litros por planta cultivada). El pescado que se criará será la tilapia, ya que técnicamente es factible y su sabor es aceptado por los habitantes del Chad. En cuando al cultivo de plantas, serán todo tipo de frutas y verduras, así como plantas aromáticas

    New prey items in the diet of snakes from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    New prey items are reported in snakes that were found run over during night road trips, belonging to the families Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae and Viperidae from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    New prey items in the diet of snakes from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    New prey items are reported in snakes that were found run over during night road trips, belonging to the families Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae and Viperidae from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    New prey items in the diet of snakes from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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    New prey items are reported in snakes that were found run over during night road trips, belonging to the families Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae and Viperidae from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    H2 oxidation versus organic substrate oxidation in non-heme iron mediated reactions with H2O2

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    Herein we show that species generated upon reaction of α-[Fe(CF3SO3)2(BPMCN)] (BPMCN = N,N′-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane) with H2O2 (putatively [FeV(O)(OH)(BPMCN)]) is able to efficiently oxidize H2 to H2O even in the presence of organic substrates, while species formed in the presence of acetic acid (putatively [FeV(O)(OAc)(BPMCN)]) prefer organic substrate oxidation over H2 activation. Mechanistic implications have been analysed with the aid of computational methodsThis work was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTQ2012-37420-C02-02 and 01) European Research Council (StG 239910), and Generalitat de Catalunya (2014 SGR 862 and ICREA Academia award to MC). J.Ll.-F. thanks the CELLEX foundation for the starting career program for financial suppor

    ErosiĂłn en la BahĂ­a de SamborombĂłn y cambios en la direcciĂłn de los vientos, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    El corrimiento del anticiclón semipermanente del Atlántico Sur hacia el S y una intensificación de los vientos del E en el Río de la Plata ha sido documentado por diversos autores. Como consecuencia de esta variabilidad climática se ha detectado un leve incremento en las alturas de las olas desde 1970 al presente en el Río de la Plata y océano adyacente. El incremento más notable se observó entre las décadas del 80’ y 90’ coincidentemente con el incremento de erosión en la bahía Samborombón. La altura de ola media anual se investigó mediante simulaciones numéricas. Las mayores diferencias en alturas (0.20 m, 9%) se observaron en 34°S - 48°W, aproximadamente. En la plataforma continental y en el Río de la Plata el incremento fue algo menor (7%). Las medias anuales de las alturas de ola simuladas mostraron tendencias positivas significativas en Mar del Plata, la boca del Río de la Plata y la costa Uruguaya. La densidad de energía de olas (media anual, espacialmente promediada) presentó una tendencia positiva y una relativa alta variabilidad interanual. Se concluye que en general la línea de costa en la bahía Samborombón ha retrocedido unos 50 m en los últimos 49 años.A slight southward shift of the South Atlantic semi-permanent high pressure system and an intensification of the eastern wind at the Río de la Plata have been documented by several authors. A mild wind wave height increase has been detected at the Río de la Plata and the adjacent continental shelf, from 1970 to the present, as a consequence of the aforementioned climate variability. The most noticeable increase was observed between the 80’and 90’decades, in good agreement with a general increment of erosion at Samborombón Bay and neighboring areas. The annual mean wave height was investigated using numerical simulations. The highest differences in wind wave heights (0.20 m, 9%) were observed at 34°S - 48°W, approximately. The increase was a little lower (7%) at the continental shelf and the Río de la Plata. The annual mean of the simulated wave height showed significant positive trends at the Río de la Plata mouth, the Uruguayan coast and Mar del Plata. The wind wave energy density (annual mean, averaged at the computational domain) also presented a significant positive trend and a relatively high inter-annual variability. From the analysis concludes that overall the shoreline has retreated about 50 m in the last 49 years at Samborombón Bay.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    ErosiĂłn en la BahĂ­a de SamborombĂłn y cambios en la direcciĂłn de los vientos, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    El corrimiento del anticiclón semipermanente del Atlántico Sur hacia el S y una intensificación de los vientos del E en el Río de la Plata ha sido documentado por diversos autores. Como consecuencia de esta variabilidad climática se ha detectado un leve incremento en las alturas de las olas desde 1970 al presente en el Río de la Plata y océano adyacente. El incremento más notable se observó entre las décadas del 80’ y 90’ coincidentemente con el incremento de erosión en la bahía Samborombón. La altura de ola media anual se investigó mediante simulaciones numéricas. Las mayores diferencias en alturas (0.20 m, 9%) se observaron en 34°S - 48°W, aproximadamente. En la plataforma continental y en el Río de la Plata el incremento fue algo menor (7%). Las medias anuales de las alturas de ola simuladas mostraron tendencias positivas significativas en Mar del Plata, la boca del Río de la Plata y la costa Uruguaya. La densidad de energía de olas (media anual, espacialmente promediada) presentó una tendencia positiva y una relativa alta variabilidad interanual. Se concluye que en general la línea de costa en la bahía Samborombón ha retrocedido unos 50 m en los últimos 49 años.A slight southward shift of the South Atlantic semi-permanent high pressure system and an intensification of the eastern wind at the Río de la Plata have been documented by several authors. A mild wind wave height increase has been detected at the Río de la Plata and the adjacent continental shelf, from 1970 to the present, as a consequence of the aforementioned climate variability. The most noticeable increase was observed between the 80’and 90’decades, in good agreement with a general increment of erosion at Samborombón Bay and neighboring areas. The annual mean wave height was investigated using numerical simulations. The highest differences in wind wave heights (0.20 m, 9%) were observed at 34°S - 48°W, approximately. The increase was a little lower (7%) at the continental shelf and the Río de la Plata. The annual mean of the simulated wave height showed significant positive trends at the Río de la Plata mouth, the Uruguayan coast and Mar del Plata. The wind wave energy density (annual mean, averaged at the computational domain) also presented a significant positive trend and a relatively high inter-annual variability. From the analysis concludes that overall the shoreline has retreated about 50 m in the last 49 years at Samborombón Bay.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    ErosiĂłn en la BahĂ­a de SamborombĂłn y cambios en la direcciĂłn de los vientos, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    El corrimiento del anticiclón semipermanente del Atlántico Sur hacia el S y una intensificación de los vientos del E en el Río de la Plata ha sido documentado por diversos autores. Como consecuencia de esta variabilidad climática se ha detectado un leve incremento en las alturas de las olas desde 1970 al presente en el Río de la Plata y océano adyacente. El incremento más notable se observó entre las décadas del 80’ y 90’ coincidentemente con el incremento de erosión en la bahía Samborombón. La altura de ola media anual se investigó mediante simulaciones numéricas. Las mayores diferencias en alturas (0.20 m, 9%) se observaron en 34°S - 48°W, aproximadamente. En la plataforma continental y en el Río de la Plata el incremento fue algo menor (7%). Las medias anuales de las alturas de ola simuladas mostraron tendencias positivas significativas en Mar del Plata, la boca del Río de la Plata y la costa Uruguaya. La densidad de energía de olas (media anual, espacialmente promediada) presentó una tendencia positiva y una relativa alta variabilidad interanual. Se concluye que en general la línea de costa en la bahía Samborombón ha retrocedido unos 50 m en los últimos 49 años.A slight southward shift of the South Atlantic semi-permanent high pressure system and an intensification of the eastern wind at the Río de la Plata have been documented by several authors. A mild wind wave height increase has been detected at the Río de la Plata and the adjacent continental shelf, from 1970 to the present, as a consequence of the aforementioned climate variability. The most noticeable increase was observed between the 80’and 90’decades, in good agreement with a general increment of erosion at Samborombón Bay and neighboring areas. The annual mean wave height was investigated using numerical simulations. The highest differences in wind wave heights (0.20 m, 9%) were observed at 34°S - 48°W, approximately. The increase was a little lower (7%) at the continental shelf and the Río de la Plata. The annual mean of the simulated wave height showed significant positive trends at the Río de la Plata mouth, the Uruguayan coast and Mar del Plata. The wind wave energy density (annual mean, averaged at the computational domain) also presented a significant positive trend and a relatively high inter-annual variability. From the analysis concludes that overall the shoreline has retreated about 50 m in the last 49 years at Samborombón Bay.Universidad Nacional de La Plat
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