4,122 research outputs found

    Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary

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    We study ordered configuration spaces of compact manifolds with boundary. We show that for a large class of such manifolds, the real homotopy type of the configuration spaces only depends on the real homotopy type of the pair consisting of the manifold and its boundary. We moreover describe explicit real models of these configuration spaces using three different approaches. We do this by adapting previous constructions for configuration spaces of closed manifolds which relied on Kontsevich's proof of the formality of the little disks operads. We also prove that our models are compatible with the richer structure of configuration spaces, respectively a module over the Swiss-Cheese operad, a module over the associative algebra of configurations in a collar around the boundary of the manifold, and a module over the little disks operad.Comment: 107 page

    A model for configuration spaces of points

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    The configuration space of points on a DD-dimensional smooth framed manifold may be compactified so as to admit a right action over the framed little DD-disks operad. We construct a real combinatorial model for these modules, for compact smooth manifolds without boundary

    Beyond happiness: Building a science of discrete positive emotions.

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    While trait positive emotionality and state positive-valence affect have long been the subject of intense study, the importance of differentiating among several "discrete" positive emotions has only recently begun to receive serious attention. In this article, we synthesize existing literature on positive emotion differentiation, proposing that the positive emotions are best described as branches of a "family tree" emerging from a common ancestor mediating adaptive management of fitness-critical resources (e.g., food). Examples are presented of research indicating the importance of differentiating several positive emotion constructs. We then offer a new theoretical framework, built upon a foundation of phylogenetic, neuroscience, and behavioral evidence, that accounts for core features as well as mechanisms for differentiation. We propose several directions for future research suggested by this framework and develop implications for the application of positive emotion research to translational issues in clinical psychology and the science of behavior change. (PsycINFO Database Recor

    Polar-midlatitude responses to sea ice reduction from long term coupled simulations

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    While summer sea ice reduced dramatically/significantly, and the atmospheric warming is amplified over the Arctic, changes in the ocean are less obvious due to its higher inertia. The understanding of the ongoing changes at polar latitudes and its linkages to mid-latitude climate has become a top subject among climate research community. The ocean circulation response to an idealized decline in Arctic sea ice is investigated in a set of novel fully-coupled climate model (AWI-CM) experiments. The atmosphere and thermodynamics is resolved by ECHAM6.3 in a resolution of ca. 180Km, whereas FESOM resolves the ocean and dynamical aspects of the sea ice with resolution ranging from 25 to 150 km. A 250-year reference simulation (REF) is initialized with CORE II and WOA01 data and forced by 1990 greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations. We conduct a comparative study in which three distinct thermodynamical perturbations are applied on the sea ice to induce a gradual sea ice reduction over 150-year period simulations. Our sensitivity experiments consist of three different approaches to induce an Arctic sea ice reduction: I) the albedo is modified by the increase of snow aging factor; II) reducing the lead closing parameter which resembles a loss of sea ice thickness rather than sea ice area; III) imposing an anomalous heat flux on the sea ice by adding 0.5 W/m2 of long wave radiation. To check the robustness of our results we undertake a second realization of each sensitivity experiment simply by initializing the experiments 30 years later. It is shown that ocean responses establish comparably in all sensitivity experiments. Dynamical adjustments of ocean fluxes and currents are not confined to the polar latitudes. The North Atlantic high-latitude indicates a southward shift of the North Atlantic Current pathway. Although the atmosphere seems to play a secondary role in responding and forcing dynamical changes in the Arctic Ocean, we believe that a negative annular-mode like trend explains the weakening of the westerly winds along the poleward flank of the jet stream, which in turn alters the upper ocean circulation

    A factorization algorithm to compute Pfaffians

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    We describe an explicit algorithm to factorize an even antisymmetric N^2 matrix into triangular and trivial factors. This allows for a straight forward computation of Pfaffians (including their signs) at the cost of N^3/3 flops.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, V2: Minor changes in the text and refs. added, to appear in CP

    Carrot alternative oxidase gene AOX2a demonstrates allelic and genotypic polymorphisms in intron 3

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion–deletions (InDels) are becoming important genetic markers for major crop species. In this study, we focus on variations at genomic level of the Daucus carota L. AOX2a gene. The use of gene- specific primers designed in exon regions on the boundaries of introns permitted to recognize intron length polymorphism (ILP) in intron 3 AOX2a by simple polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The length of intron 3 can vary in individual carrot plants. Thus, allelic variation can be used as a tool to discriminate between single plant genotypes. Using this approach, individual plants from cv. Rotin and from diverse breeding lines and cultivars were identified that showed genetic variability by AOX2a ILPs. Repetitive patterns of intron length variation have been observed which allows grouping of genotypes. Polymorphic and identical PCR fragments revealed underlying high levels of sequence polymorphism. Variability was due to InDel events and intron single nucleotide polymorphisms (ISNPs), with a repetitive deletion in intron 3 affecting a putative pre-miRNA site. The results suggest that high AOX2a gene diversity in D. carota can be explored for the development of functional markers related to agronomic traits

    Bizarre morphology in extinct Eocene bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

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    Newly discovered fossil bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera:Pentatomidae) from the Eocene of Messel (Germany) andGreen River (North America) exhibit an exaggeratedmorphology including prominent spiny humeral andanterolateral angles of the pronotum and a spiny lateralabdominal margin. Especially the humeral angles are unique;they consist of expansive, rounded projections with strongspines, which is a rare trait among pentatomids. A hypothesisfor the function of this extreme morphology is defence againstsmall vertebrate predators, such as birds or reptiles. The sameprotuberances also produce a disruptive effect camouflagingthe specimen in its environment and provide additionalprotection. Therefore, the extreme morphology providesprimary as well as secondary anti-predator defence. Themorphology ofEospinosus peterkulkaigen. et sp. nov. andE. greenriverensissp. nov. resembles that of Triplatygini, whichtoday occur exclusively in Madagascar, as well as that ofDiscocephalinae or Cyrtocorinae, which today occur in theNeotropics. Due to a lack of conclusive characters, it cannot beexcluded that the fossil species may represent a case ofremarkable convergence and are not related to either taxon.Phylogenetic analyses using parsimony as well as Bayesianalgorithms confirmed that the new genus is a member ofPentatomidae, but could not solve its phylogenetic relationships within Pentatomidae