212 research outputs found

    Eficácia de pamoato de pirantel, isolado ou associado ao triclorfon, no controle de ciatostomíneos de eqüinos

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    The anthelmintic efficacy of pyrantel pamoate, either alone or combined with trichlorfon, was evaluated for the control of strongyles of Thoroughbred horses. In all cases of positive strongyle egg counts per gram of feces (EPG) before and after treatment, pure populations of cyathostomes larvae with eight intestinal cells were consistently observed in fecal cultures. The fecal egg count reductions (FECR) were evaluated between day 7 and day 45 post-treatment. The post-treatment mean strongyle EPG counts of the horses treated with the combination of pyrantel pamoate (13.2 mg/kg) plus trichlorfon (30 mg/kg) and pyrantel pamoate alone (13.2 mg/kg) did not show significant differences (P≤0.05) during the trial, both groups reducing strongyle egg output by almost 100% on day 7, and still exhibiting an FECR of greater then 90% between day 7 and day 21. This finding indicates that both formulations are effective compounds in reducing the cyathostome fecal egg outputs in horses under field conditions.Através de estudo comparativo, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência anti-helmíntica de pamoato de pirantel, isolado ou associado ao triclorfon, no controle de estrongilídeos de eqüinos da raça Puro Sangue Inglês. As coproculturas realizadas antes e após os tratamentos levaram consistentemente ao encontro de populações puras de ciatostomíneos com oito células intestinais. As reduções de ovos por grama de fezes foram avaliadas do 7º. ao 45º. dias pós-tratamento. Comparando os valores médios de OPG dos eqüinos tratados com pamoato de pirantel (13,2 mg/kg) associado ao triclorfon (30 mg/kg) e com pamoato de pirantel isolado (13,2 mg/kg), observou-se diferença não significante (P≤0,05) ao longo do experimento, verificando-se, 7 dias após o tratamento, reduções médias de OPG de quase 100% e, do 7º. ao 20º. dias, reduções ainda superiores a 90%. Os resultados indicam que os dois produtos são eficazes na redução de ovos por grama de fezes de ciatostomíneos de eqüinos mantidos sob condições a campo

    Syngas Production Using Natural Gas from the Environmental Point of View

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    The search for clean and low-cost fuels as alternative for petroleum is a popular research focus in the energy field. The demand of natural gas as an energy source has increased steadily. The high H:C ratio and the absence of heteroatoms make natural gas an attractive feedstock for synthetic fuels and chemicals that can replace those that are typically petroleum-derived. The search for efficient routes to convert methane to other higher added-value products is a challenge for the scientific community. In addition, new fields of oil and gas contain associated CO2 (8–18%), and, in some specific fields, the associated gas encloses a higher CO2 content (79%). In this context, the tri-reforming process combines two of the most problematic greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) to generate syngas for the synthesis of clean liquid fuels and valuable chemicals. Developments in tri-reforming processes, which include the new catalysts, are presented in this chapter

    Tempo Presente: entre operações e tramas

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    The focus of this article is to present a framework of discussions over the last three decades on the notions of time and present in their junction in what has been called the History of Present Time. The elaboration of the text sought approximations with the historiographic reflection that understands the History of Present Time as the study of the historical time that is lived. The operations and the plots that involved his academic constitution are the background to discuss redefinitions in the historiographic field over temporalities and periodization. It is a study conducted according to the set of issues proposed by the History of Present Time, highlighting its emergence as part of a journey that is no stranger to social experiences and to last decades’ historiographic movementsO foco deste artigo está em apresentar um quadro das discussões operadas nas últimas três décadas acerca das noções de tempo e de presente em sua junção naquilo que vem sendo chamado de História do Tempo Presente. A elaboração do texto buscou aproximações com a reflexão historiográfica que entende a História do Tempo Presente como o estudo do tempo histórico vivido. As operações e as tramas que envolveram sua constituição acadêmica são o pano de fundo para discutir as redefinições no campo historiográfico acerca das temporalidades e das periodizações. Trata‑se de estudo conduzido em função da problemática proposta pela História do Tempo Presente, destacando sua emergência como parte de uma trajetória que não é estranha às experiências sociais aos movimentos historiográficos das últimas década

    Sobre uma coluna vertebral de um titanossaurídeo (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) do grupo Bauru, Neocretáceo do Brasil

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    A new titanosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous continental deposits of the Bauru Group is described. Trigonosaurus pricei n.gen., n.sp., is based on two specimens, both collected at the Caieira Quarry near Peirópolis, Minas Gerais. The holotype consists of the five most posterior cervical vertebrae, 10 dorsals, six sacrals and the left ilium (MCT 1488-R). The second specimen (paratype) consists of 10 caudal vertebrae that according to a quarry map, were found isolated but show a similar morphology and compatible size suggesting that they belonged to one individual (MCT 1719-R). Trigonosaurus pricei is diagnosed by a combination of characters such as elongated cervicals and middorsals, dorsal vertebrae 9 and 10 with incipient postzygodiapophyseal lamina and transverse processes well developed throughout the sequence formed by anterior and medial caudals. The occurrence of this new taxon indicates a higher diversity of titanosaurids in the Brazil during the Cretaceous period.Um novo titanossaurídeo procedente dos depósitos continentais do grupo Bauru (Neocretáceo) é descrito. Trigonosaurus pricei n.gen., n.sp. é baseado em dois exemplares coletados na localidade Caieira na região de Peirópolis, Minas Gerais. O holótipo é composto das últimas cinco vértebras cervicais, 10 vértebras dorsais, seis sacrais e o ílio esquerdo (MCT 1488-R). O segundo exemplar (parátipo) é formado por 10 vértebras caudais que, de acordo com um mapa da escavação, foram encontradas isoladas, mas apresentam o mesmo padrão morfológico e um tamanho compatível, sendo, deste modo, consideradas como pertencentes a um mesmo indivíduo (MCT 1719-R). Trigonosaurus pricei é diagnosticado por uma combinação de caracteres tais como vértebras cervicais e dorsais médias alongadas, vértebras dorsais 9 e 10 com uma incipiente lâmina diapopós-zigapofisiária e processos transversos bem desenvolvidos por toda seqüência anterior e média da série caudal. A ocorrência deste novo táxon demonstra a existência de uma maior diversidade de titanosaurídeos no Brasil durante o período Cretáceo

    Development of an experimental optoelectronic device to study the amplitude of mandibular movements

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    This study aimed to present a wireless mandibular motion tracking device and optoelectronic data acquisition system developed to analyze the real-time spatial motion of the entire mandible during mouth opening and closing with no restriction of any movement. The procedures were divided into three phases: confection of a kinematic arch, dynamic digital video image acquisition, and image processing and analysis by using graphic computation. Four sequences of jaw opening/closing movements were recorded in lateral view: two from the maximum intercuspation (MIC) and the other two from a forced mandibular retruded position. Jaw motion was recorded by a digital video camera and processed as spatial coordinates corresponding to the position variation of the markers in the kinematic arch. The results showed that the method was capable of recording and processing the dynamics of the mandibular movements during jaw opening/closing using pixel-magnitude points. The mandible showed points with less displacement located near the temporomandibular joint during the opening/closing movements from the mandibular retruded position. When the jaw movements were recorded from MIC, these points were located near the mandibular foramen

    Pointing to viola caipira

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    TEMPO PRESENTE BRASILEIRO: cultura política, ditaduras e historiografia na perspectiva de Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta.

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5965/2175180303022011245Entrevista com Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta

    Photoelastic Stress Analysis Surrounding Implant-Supported Prosthesis and Alveolar Ridge on Mandibular Overdentures

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the maximum stress around osseointegrated implants and alveolar ridge, in a mandible with left partial resection through a photoelastic mandibular model. The first group consisted of two implants: traditional model (T), implants placed in the position of both canines; fulcrum model (F), implants placed in the position of left canine CL and right lateral incisor LiR. Both models linked through a bar and clips. The second group was consisted of three implants, with implants placed in the position of both canines (CR and CL) and the right lateral incisor (LiR), which composed four groups: (1) model with 3 “O” rings, (2) model 2 ERAs, bar with clips, (3) model 2 ERAs bar without clips; (4) model “O” ring bar and ERA. An axial and an oblique load of 6.8 kgf was applied on a overdenture at the 1st Pm, 2nd Pm, and 1st M. Results showed that the area around the left canine (CL) was practically free of stress; the left lateral incisor (LiL) developed only small tensions, and low stress in all the other cases; the right canine tooth suffered the largest concentrations of stress, mainly with the ERA retention mechanism

    Popularization of oral self-examination: an example of non formal education - Part II

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    Um dos maiores desafios das universidades, em especial das públicas, é transpor o conhecimento científico produzido entre seus muros para a população em geral. A educação não formal é uma ferramenta importante e ainda pouco utilizada pelos pesquisadores e docentes para aproximar o cotidiano do conhecimento científico. O câncer de boca atinge mais 11.000 brasileiros por ano. A despeito da alta incidência, esta patologia é ainda pouco conhecida da população em geral e de parte da classe médica e odontológica. Baseando-se nos dados epidemiológicos, em pesquisas e artigos científicos, o câncer de boca foi o tema eleito para a ação em educação e comunicação da primeira campanha nacional, de caráter não governamental, de prevenção de câncer de boca, um ótimo exemplo de como isso pode ser feito. Este trabalho se propõe a descrever a metodologia de comunicação utilizada e os resultados obtidos nesta experiência.One of the largest challenges of the universities, especially the public ones, is to transpose the scientific knowledge produced into their walls for the general population. The non-formal education is an important tool, and yet very little used by researchers and professors to approximate the scientific knowledge. The oral cancer reaches more than 11.000 Brazilians a year. In spite of the high incidence, this pathology is still little known by the general population and part of the medical and dental class. Basing on the epidemic data in researches and scientific papers, the oral cancer was the elect theme for the action in education and communication of the first national campaign with no government character of prevention in oral cancer, being a great example of as that can be made. This paper intends to describe the methodology used in communication and the results obtained in this successful experience.Universidade de São Paulo - FOUSPUniversidade de São Paulo - FMUSPHCFMUSP - Universidade de São Paulo (USP

    Surveillance programs for detection and characterization of emergent pathogens and antimicrobial resistance: results from the Division of Infectious Diseases, UNIFESP

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    Several epidemiological changes have occurred in the pattern of nosocomial and community acquired infectious diseases during the past 25 years. Social and demographic changes possibly related to this phenomenon include a rapid population growth, the increase in urban migration and movement across international borders by tourists and immigrants, alterations in the habitats of animals and arthropods that transmit disease, as well as the raise of patients with impaired host defense abilities. Continuous surveillance programs of emergent pathogens and antimicrobial resistance are warranted for detecting in real time new pathogens, as well as to characterize molecular mechanisms of resistance. In order to become more effective, surveillance programs of emergent pathogens should be organized as a multicenter laboratory network connected to the main public and private infection control centers. Microbiological data should be integrated to guide therapy, adapting therapy to local ecology and resistance patterns. This paper presents an overview of data generated by the Division of Infectious Diseases, Federal University of São Paulo, along with its participation in different surveillance programs of nosocomial and community acquired infectious diseases.Várias alterações epidemiológicas ocorreram no perfil das doenças infecciosas hospitalares e comunitárias nos últimos 25 anos. Mudanças sociais e demográficas possivelmente relacionadas com esse fenômeno incluem o rápido crescimento populacional, o aumento da migração urbana e deslocamento através de fronteiras internacionais por turistas e imigrantes, alterações nos habitats de animais e artrópodes que transmitem doença assim como o aumento no número de pacientes com deficiências nas respostas de defesa. Os programas contínuos de vigilância de patógenos emergentes e resistência antimicrobiana são necessários para a detecção em tempo real de novos patógenos assim como para caracterizar mecanismos moleculares de resistência. Para serem mais efetivos, os programasde vigilância dos patógenos emergentes devem ser organizados em uma rede de laboratórios multicêntricos ligados aos principais centros de controle de infecções, públicos e privados. Os dados microbiológicos devem ser integrados a guias terapêuticos adaptando práticas terapêuticas à ecologia local eaos padrões de resistência. O artigo apresenta uma revisão dos dados gerados pela Disciplina de Infectologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), contemplando sua participação nos diferentes programas de vigilância de doenças infecciosas hospitalares e adquiridas na comunidade.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Divisão de Doenças InfecciosasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Microbiologia, Imunologia e ParasitologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Divisão de Doenças InfecciosasUNIFESP, Depto. de Microbiologia, Imunologia e ParasitologiaSciEL