578 research outputs found

    Anaplastic thyroid tumor: retrospective analysis of 12 cases

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    Anaplastic thyroid tumor is a rare tumor and constitutes 5 to 10% of thyroid carcinomas. Is one of the most aggressive solid tumors and the prognosis is always fatal with a mean survival of 3 to 7 months. The current therapeutics are scarce and inefficacious. A retrospective analysis was performed in 12 clinical cases of anaplastic thyroid tumor observed at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism of the University Hospital of Coimbra. We analysed data relative to sex, previous thyroid pathology, clinical signs and symptoms, date of diagnosis, treatment and outcome. In this series, the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma showed to be a highly malignant tumor with a mortality rate of 100% with a survival after the diagnosis between 15 days and 9 months

    Fetal growth and glycemic control in type 1 diabetes pregnancy

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    INTRODUCTION: Conflicting results have been reported with respect to the relationship between direct or indirect measures of glycemic control in mothers with type 1 diabetes and macrosomia. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of LGA babies in type 1 diabetic pregnancies and analyse the influence of some maternal characteristics and glucose control in oversized babies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 18 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes mellitus was performed. It was divided in two groups: group 1 (G1- n=9)--pregnant women with LGA babies and group 2 (G2- n=9)--pregnant women with AGA (Appropriate weight for gestational age) babies. We evaluate the follow parameters: HbA1c in the third trimester of pregnancy, fasting and 1 h postprandial capillary glucose levels, pregestational BMI, maternal age, duration of Diabetes mellitus, weight gain during pregnancy, microvascular diabetes complications (retinopathy and nefropathy), and type of delivery. We defined LGA birth weight over the 90 centile. RESULTS: LGA babies occurred in 50% of gestations. We did not find any statistical differences in maternal age, diabetes mellitus duration, pregestational BMI, weight gain during pregnancy, microvascular diabetes complications, HbA1c levels (medium value in the two groups 6,5%). The glucose fasting values were higher in G1: 95,7 +/- 31.7 mg/ dl, vs G2: 83.3 +/- 17.1 mg/dl without, however, reaching statistically significant differences. There was statically differences in postprandial glucose values G1: 160.3 +/- 60.2 mg/dl vs G2: 111.9 +/- 27.1 mg/dl -- p= 0.043. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of LGA babies was elevated 50% in type 1 diabetic pregnancies, although normal HbA1c values. Thus we conclude that the 1 h postprandial glucose levels should be considered a strong predictor of fetal growth

    Single-port cholecystectomy in a patient with situs inversus totalis presenting with cholelithiasis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p><it>Situs inversus totalis </it>(mirror image organs) is a rare condition and may affect the intra-abdominal viscera as well as the intrathoracic organs. Cholelithiasis is not more common in these conditions, but the diagnosis may be more difficult.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 59-year-old African woman with gallstones and <it>situs inversus totalis</it>. A single-port cholecystectomy was performed using a single trocar access device (SITRACC).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The procedure was uneventful, showing that this approach may be an option for this kind of surgery even in patients with <it>situs inversus totalis</it>.</p

    The application of Bonelike® Poro as a synthetic bone substitute for the management of critical-sized bone defects - A comparative approach to the autograft technique - A preliminary study

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    The effective treatment of non-unions and critical-sized defects remains a challenge in the orthopedic field. From a tissue engineering perspective, this issue can be addressed through the application bioactive matrixes to support bone regeneration, such as Bonelike®, as opposed to the widespread autologous grafting technique. An improved formulation of Bonelike® Poro, was assessed as a synthetic bone substitute in an ovine model for critical-sized bone defects. Bone regeneration was assessed after 5 months of recovery through macro and microscopic analysis of the healing features of the defect sites. Both the application of natural bone graft or Bonelike® Poro resulted in bridging of the defects margins. Untreated defect remained as fibrous non-unions at the end of the study period. The characteristics of the newly formed bone and its integration with the host tissue were assessed through histomorphometric and histological analysis, which demonstrated Bonelike® Poro to result in improved healing of the defects. The group treated with synthetic biomaterial presented bone bridges of increased thickness and bone features that more closely resembled the native spongeous and cortical bone. The application of Bonelike® Poro enabled the regeneration of critical-sized lesions and performed comparably to the autograph technique, validating its octeoconductive and osteointegrative potential for clinical application as a therapeutic strategy in human and veterinary orthopedics.This research was supported by Projects PEst-OE/AGR/UI0211/2011 from FCT , and COMPETE 2020 , from ANI – Projetos ID&T Empresas em Copromoção , by the project “insitu.Biomas – Reinvent biomanufacturing systems by using an usability approach for in situ clinic temporary implants fabrication” with the reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017771 , by the project “Print-on-Organs – Engineering bioinks and processes for direct printing on organs” with the reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033877 , and by the project “Bone2Move - Development of ‘in vivo’ experimental techniques and modelling methodologies for the evaluation of 4D scaffolds for bone defect in sheep model: an integrative research approach” with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031146 . Mariana Vieira Branquinho ( SFRH/BD/146172/2019 ), Ana Catarina Sousa ( SFRH/BD/146689/2019 ), and Rui Damásio Alvites ( SFRH/BD/116118/2016 ), acknowledge FCT , for financial support. This research was supported by Projects PEst-OE/AGR/UI0211/2011 from FCT, and COMPETE 2020, from ANI ? Projetos ID&T Empresas em Copromo??o, by the project ?insitu.Biomas ? Reinvent biomanufacturing systems by using an usability approach for in situ clinic temporary implants fabrication? with the reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017771, by the project ?Print-on-Organs ? Engineering bioinks and processes for direct printing on organs? with the reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033877, and by the project ?Bone2Move - Development of ?in vivo? experimental techniques and modelling methodologies for the evaluation of 4D scaffolds for bone defect in sheep model: an integrative research approach? with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031146. Mariana Vieira Branquinho (SFRH/BD/146172/2019), Ana Catarina Sousa (SFRH/BD/146689/2019), and Rui Dam?sio Alvites (SFRH/BD/116118/2016), acknowledge FCT, for financial support

    Perspectives on the Trypanosoma cruzi-host cell receptor interaction

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    Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The critical initial event is the interaction of the trypomastigote form of the parasite with host receptors. This review highlights recent observations concerning these interactions. Some of the key receptors considered are those for thromboxane, bradykinin, and for the nerve growth factor TrKA. Other important receptors such as galectin-3, thrombospondin, and laminin are also discussed. Investigation into the molecular biology and cell biology of host receptors for T. cruzi may provide novel therapeutic targets

    Binocular summation and other forms of non-dominant eye contribution in individuals with strabismic amblyopia during habitual viewing

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    YesAdults with amblyopia ('lazy eye'), long-standing strabismus (ocular misalignment) or both typically do not experience visual symptoms because the signal from weaker eye is given less weight than the signal from its fellow. Here we examine the contribution of the weaker eye of individuals with strabismus and amblyopia with both eyes open and with the deviating eye in its anomalous motor position. The task consisted of a blue-on-yellow detection task along a horizontal line across the central 50 degrees of the visual field. We compare the results obtained in ten individuals with strabismic amblyopia with ten visual normals. At each field location in each participant, we examined how the sensitivity exhibited under binocular conditions compared with sensitivity from four predictions, (i) a model of binocular summation, (ii) the average of the monocular sensitivities, (iii) dominant-eye sensitivity or (iv) non-dominant-eye sensitivity. The proportion of field locations for which the binocular summation model provided the best description of binocular sensitivity was similar in normals (50.6%) and amblyopes (48.2%). Average monocular sensitivity matched binocular sensitivity in 14.1% of amblyopes' field locations compared to 8.8% of normals'. Dominant-eye sensitivity explained sensitivity at 27.1% of field locations in amblyopes but 21.2% in normals. Non-dominant-eye sensitivity explained sensitivity at 10.6% of field locations in amblyopes but 19.4% in normals. Binocular summation provided the best description of the sensitivity profile in 6/10 amblyopes compared to 7/10 of normals. In three amblyopes, dominant-eye sensitivity most closely reflected binocular sensitivity (compared to two normals) and in the remaining amblyope, binocular sensitivity approximated to an average of the monocular sensitivities. Our results suggest a strong positive contribution in habitual viewing from the non-dominant eye in strabismic amblyopes. This is consistent with evidence from other sources that binocular mechanisms are frequently intact in strabismic and amblyopic individuals

    A Limited Role for Suppression in the Central Field of Individuals with Strabismic Amblyopia.

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    yesBackground: Although their eyes are pointing in different directions, people with long-standing strabismic amblyopia typically do not experience double-vision or indeed any visual symptoms arising from their condition. It is generally believed that the phenomenon of suppression plays a major role in dealing with the consequences of amblyopia and strabismus, by preventing images from the weaker/deviating eye from reaching conscious awareness. Suppression is thus a highly sophisticated coping mechanism. Although suppression has been studied for over 100 years the literature is equivocal in relation to the extent of the retina that is suppressed, though the method used to investigate suppression is crucial to the outcome. There is growing evidence that some measurement methods lead to artefactual claims that suppression exists when it does not. Methodology/Results: Here we present the results of an experiment conducted with a new method to examine the prevalence, depth and extent of suppression in ten individuals with strabismic amblyopia. Seven subjects (70%) showed no evidence whatsoever for suppression and in the three individuals who did (30%), the depth and extent of suppression was small. Conclusions: Suppression may play a much smaller role in dealing with the negative consequences of strabismic amblyopia than previously thought. Whereas recent claims of this nature have been made only in those with micro-strabismus our results show extremely limited evidence for suppression across the central visual field in strabismic amblyopes more generally. Instead of suppressing the image from the weaker/deviating eye, we suggest the visual system of individuals with strabismic amblyopia may act to maximise the possibilities for binocular co-operation. This is consistent with recent evidence from strabismic and amblyopic individuals that their binocular mechanisms are intact, and that, just as in visual normals, performance with two eyes is better than with the better eye alone in these individuals

    Asymptotic analysis of an elastic rod with rounded ends

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    We derive a one-dimensional model for an elastic shuttle, that is, a thin rod with rounded ends and small fixed terminals, by means of an asymptotic procedure of dimension reduction. In the model, deformation of the shuttle is described by a system of ordinary differential equations with variable degenerating coefficients, and the number of the required boundary conditions at the end points of the one-dimensional image of the rod depends on the roundness exponent m is an element of(0,1). Error estimates are obtained in the case m is an element of(0,1/4) by using an anisotropic weighted Korn inequality, which was derived in an earlier paper by the authors. We also briefly discuss boundary layer effects, which can be neglected in the case m is an element of(0,1/4) but play a crucial role in the formulation of the limit problem for m >= 1/4.Peer reviewe

    Effects of temperature on thick branes and the fermion (quasi-)localization

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    Following Campos's work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 141602 (2002)], we investigate the effects of temperature on flat, de Sitter (dS), and anti-de Following Campos's work [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{88}, 141602 (2002)], we investigate the effects of temperature on flat, de Sitter (dS), and anti-de Sitter (AdS) thick branes in five-dimensional (5D) warped spacetime, and on the fermion (quasi-)localization. First, in the case of flat brane, when the critical temperature reaches, the solution of the background scalar field and the warp factor is not unique. So the thickness of the flat thick brane is uncertain at the critical value of the temperature parameter, which is found to be lower than the one in flat 5D spacetime. The mass spectra of the fermion Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes are continuous, and there is a series of fermion resonances. The number and lifetime of the resonances are finite and increase with the temperature parameter, but the mass of the resonances decreases with the temperature parameter. Second, in the case of dS brane, we do not find such a critical value of the temperature parameter. The mass spectra of the fermion KK modes are also continuous, and there is a series of fermion resonances. The effects of temperature on resonance number, lifetime, and mass are the same with the case of flat brane. Last, in the case of AdS brane, {the critical value of the temperature parameter can less or greater than the one in the flat 5D spacetime.} The spectra of fermion KK modes are discrete, and the mass of fermion KK modes does not decrease monotonically with increasing temperature parameter.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, published versio