3,063 research outputs found

    Daphnia magna bioassays to detect novel eco-toxicological effects of prioritary and emergent contaminants

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    There is increasing evidence that the presence of many emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems may have detrimental effects on aquatic biota. Of special concern are those emerging pollutants that may act as putative endocrine disrupters in non-vertebrate species, causing unexpected effects. In chapters 2, 3 and 4, I assessed the effects of two pharmaceuticals belonging to the group of "SSRIs": fluoxetine and fluvoxamine, used to treat depression; and the detergent 4-nonylphenol. SSRIs and 4-nonylphenol, increased offspring production and SSRIs also increased the juvenile developmental rates at limiting but not at high food ration levels. SSRIs increased juvenile development rate, clutch size, and decrease offspring size at low and intermediate levels of food rations, changing the perception of food levels making them to behave like they grew at higher food levels. Enhanced reproductive effects of SSRIs were reversed by the presence of the 5-HT antagonist cyproheptadine, indicating that in D. magna SSRIs targeted serotonin metabolic paths like in humans. Physiological assays showed that adult females exposure to SSRIs increased oxygen consumption rates and decreased carbohydrate levels. These changes did not affect survival under starving conditions, but they significantly affected the capacity of the exposed animals to survive under anoxic conditions. 4-nonylphenol increased offspring number but decreased offspring size. These responses have detrimental fitness effects since smaller offspring takes longer to mature and reproduce and having less offspring directly affects population growth rates. The analysis of the D. magna transcriptome showed that serotonin metabolism, neuronal developmental processes, carbohydrates and lipid metabolism pathways appeared as selectively affected by SSRIs treatment, whereas 4-nonylphenol deregulated genes from the carbohydrate metabolism and the ecdysone regulatory pathway. SSRIs show a MoA consistent with its pharmacological effect in humans while 4-nonylphenol effect seems to be performed through changes in the ecdysone regulatory pathways. In chapter 5 I evaluated the extent to which different forms of nano-TiO2 aggregate with microalgae, edible particle concentration. Effects were assessed using different assays. Assays included standard chronic reproduction 21-day tests, but also custom designed tests. The latter included two exposure scenarios: semi-static and re-suspension of algae. Results indicated the aggregation of nanoparticles. Nanoparticle aggregates interacted with the algae cells, forming clusters. Large TiO2-algae agglomerates settled readily, dramatically depleting the concentration of available food for Daphnia with dramatic effects on reproduction and fitness. These results indicate that nano-TiO2 may affect the transfer of energy throughout the planktonic aquatic food webs increasing the settlement of edible particles from the water column. In chapter 6 I tried to characterize the presence and activity of the multixenobiotic resistance proteins (MXR) in D. magna. I sequenced new partial DNA sequences, coding for full transporters and studied their transcriptional pattern across lifestages and with juveniles exposed to MXR inducers. All the genes were transcribed early in embryos and some of them were induced in juvenile stages by pentachlorophenol and mercury. Associated efflux activity was monitored using three fluorescent substrate dyes that are specific of different mammalian transporter types, combined with specific MXR transporter inhibitors (chemosensitizers). Dye accumulation assays indicated that MXR is functional in juveniles and induced by pentachlorophenol, mercury and dacthal. Toxicity bioassays performed with model substrates of ABCB1 (mitoxantrone) and ABCC (chlorambucil) transporters applied in combination chemosensitizers showed synergic toxic effects. This means that the MXR system is active and plays an important role detoxifying contaminants.El efecto negativo que los contaminantes emergentes presentes en ecosistemas acuáticos tienen sobre la biota, es cada vez más evidente. En los capítulos 2, 3 y 4 se han evaluado los efectos sobre D. Magna del detergente 4-nonilfenol y de dos fármacos pertenecientes al grupo de los inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de la serotonina (ISRS): fluoxetina y fluvoxamina, empleados en el tratamiento de la depresión. Cuando la disponibilidad de alimento es intermedia o se reduce al límite, la presencia de ISRS o de 4-nonilfenol produce un aumento en la descendencia. Además, los ISRS también aceleran el desarrollo de los juveniles. La presencia de ISRS modifica la percepción de los niveles de comida, provocando que D. magna se comporte como si dispusiera de abundante alimento. Este incremento en la tasa de reproducción se invirtió en presencia de Ciproheptadina, un antagonista de los receptores 5-HT, indicando que, al igual que en humanos, los ISRS afectaban a las rutas metabólicas de la serotonina. Ensayos fisiológicos mostraron que las hembras adultas expuestas a ISRS aumentaban su consumo de oxígeno y que los niveles de carbohidratos descendían. Estos cambios no afectaron la supervivencia, pero si la capacidad de los animales expuestos a sobrevivir en condiciones anóxicas. 4-nonilfenol produce un aumento en el número de descendientes, mas éstos tienen menor tamaño y por tanto tardan más en madurar y reproducirse. El análisis del transcriptoma de D. magna muestra que el metabolismo de la serotonina, los procesos de desarrollo neural y el metabolismo de lípidos y carbohidratos están afectados por el tratamiento con ISRS, mientras que 4- nonilfenol desregula genes del metabolismo de los carbohidratos y provoca cambios en la ruta que regula la edicsona. En el Capítulo 5, se evalúa hasta qué punto diferentes formas de nano-TiO2 se agregan con microalgas y deste modo afectar la concentration de partículas comestibles.Se usaron diferentes ensayos para valorar los efectos. Dichos ensayos incluyen el test estándar de exposición crónica durante 21 días, así como otros tests diseñados específicamente para este estudio. Éstos últimos contemplan dos escenarios: exposición a algas de um modo semiestático y exposición a algas con resuspensin continua. Los resultados indican que las nanoparticulas se agregan y sus agregados interaccionan con las algas formando clusters. Los aglomerados TiO2-Alga de mayor tamaño sedimentan rápidamente, reduciendo drásticamente la concentración de alimento disponible y, por tanto, afectando gravemente a estado general y reproductivo de la Daphnia. Estos resultados alertan del efecto que el nano-TiO2 puede tener en los procesos de transferencia de energía a lo largo de toda la cadena alimentaria planctónica. En el capítulo 6 se caracteriza la presencia y actividad MXR en D. Magna. Se secuenciaron RNA, que codifican para estos transportadores y se estudiaron los patrones transcripcionales a lo largo de diferentes estadios de D. magna y, también, con juveniles expuestos a inductores de MXR. Los resultados mostraron que ya en los embriones se observa transcripción de todos los genes, y algunos de éstos se inducían en juveniles expuestos a pentaclorofenol y mercurio. Mediante el uso de tres sustratos fluorescentes específicos a distintos tipos de transportadores, se monitorizó la actividad de expulsión del pigmento combinada con inhibidores específicos del transportador MXR. Los ensayos de acumulación de estos sustratos indican que MXR es funcional en juveniles y que es inducido por pentaclorofenol, mercurio y Dacthal. Los ensayos de toxicidad realizados con sustratos modelo de los transportadores ABCB1 (mitoxantrona) y ABCC (clorambucil) en combinación con chimiosensibilizadores, demostraron efectos tóxicos sinérgicos. Estos resultados indican que el sistema MXR está activo y juega un papel muy importante en los procesos de detoxificaciónPostprint (published version

    Acompanhamento de pacientes hipertensos da unidade básica de saúde de Jurema do município de Francisco Santos - Piauí

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    A HAS é uma doença crônica de natureza multifatorial, atingindo cerca de 30% da população adulta brasileira. O diagnóstico tardio e não adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo acarreta sérias complicações cardiovasculares, reduzindo a qualidade de vida e capacidade laboral do indivíduo acometido. Este trabalho objetiva acompanhar pacientes hipertensos da UBS de Francisco Santos/PI. O acompanhamento será feito através das atividades: oficinas de trabalho com a equipe multiprofissional; avaliação antropométrica dos pacientes; palestra educativa sobre alimentação; rodas de conversa; e oficinas sobre a importância da atividade física; buscando melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, controlar a pressão arterial, reduzir o número de complicações cardíacas e melhorar o nível de conhecimento da equipe e dos pacientes sobre a patologia. A implantação desse acompanhamento é um desafio, pois essa prática é incipiente nas UBS atualmente, porém pode servir como base para futuros estudos, bem como para uma reestruturação do sistema de saúde brasileiro


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    The article aims investigate features of the technical change in Brazilian industry in 2000. The literature related to sectoral patterns of innovation is utilized as theoretical framework, whereas hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering analysis are used as methodological resource. Utilizing the Industrial Survey of Technological Innovation (PINTEC 2000) of the Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE) will be analyzed three features of the industrial technological innovation: the innovative sources, the knowledge and learning processes and the innovative outputs. The results show that intersectoral diversity cannot be neglected to understand the innovative performance of Brazilian industry. Although some specificities, the innovative conduct of Brazilian industrial sectors are coherent with the international literature.

    Adaptação do Inventário de Depressão de Beck II para a população portuguesa

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    O Inventário de Depressão de Beck II (Beck Steer & Brown., 1996) é um dos instrumentos de auto-relato mais populares e mais utilizados para avaliar a intensidade da sintomatologia depressiva em adolescentes e adultos. Existem diversas adaptações da prova para diferentes países. Os autores do presente trabalho desenvolveram uma versão portuguesa do inventário. Após o processo de tradução dos itens, que contou com a avaliação de três especialistas, para além dos dois autores, e de uma retroversão, e de um pré-teste, realizaram-se três estudos de validação: com uma amostra de estudantes universitários (n = 547), com uma amostra comunitária (n = 200), e um terceiro com uma amostra de pacientes depressivos (n = 31). São apresentados dados relativos à precisão, estrutura factorial e à validade do teste. A versão portuguesa apresenta uma boa consistência interna, uma estrutura factorial muito semelhante à obtida por Beck et al. (1996) com a versão original, é capaz de diferenciar significativamente a amostra clínica da amostra de estudantes e apresenta uma adequada validade convergente, correlacionando-se significativamente com a CES-D. A análise factorial confirmatória suporta a existência de dois factores, cognitivo-afectivo e somático

    Reexamining the Conditional Effect of Foreign Direct Investment

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    The prevailing consensus is that foreign direct investment (FDI) effects are conditional. At the macro level, they depend upon minimum levels of human capital or financial development, while at the micro level, they depend on type of linkage (forwards, backwards, or horizontal). This paper presents new evidence showing that these effects are substantially less conditional. We use a meta-analysis on two data sets covering 549 micro and 553 macro estimates of the effects of FDI on performance. We find these effects tend to be larger in macro than in micro studies, and greater in low- than in high-income countries

    Multiscale modeling of the methanol synthesis: from surface reaction kinetics to techno-economic analysis

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    Eine der größten Herausforderungen des zukünftigen Energiesystems ist die effiziente und dezentrale Produktion von chemischen Energieträgern mit geringem CO2-Fußabdruck. In diesem Sinne könnte die Umwandlung von erneuerbarem H2/CO/CO2 in Methanol ein wichtiger Zwischenschritt sein, da Methanol ein geeignetes Energiespeichermedium und ein Edukt für eine Vielzahl von Mehrwertchemikalien und flüssigen Kraftstoffen ist. Eine genaue mathematische Beschreibung der Reaktionskinetik ist die Grundlage für die Prozessoptimierung und den Entwurf neuer Anlagen und trägt zusätzlich zur Entwicklung aktiverer katalytischer Systeme bei. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, das mechanistische Verständnis der Methanolsynthese an Katalysatoren auf Cu/Zn-Basis unter Berücksichtigung des Zusammenspiels zwischen dem Katalysator und den verwendeten Prozessparametern zu verbessern. Um dies zu erreichen, wurden drei Zwischenziele vorgeschlagen und umgesetzt. Das erste Zwischenziel war die Entwicklung und experimentelle Validierung eines detaillierten mikrokinetischen Modells der Methanolsynthese an Cu/Zn-basierten Katalysatoren auf der Grundlage von ab initio Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) Berechnungen aus der Literatur. Dabei wurden die CO-Hydrierung, die CO2-Hydrierung und die Wassergas-Shift-Reaktion berücksichtigt. Auch die Cu/Zn-Synergie in der Katalysatormatrix wird in Betracht gezogen. Mit dem validierten Modell (mit eigenen Experimenten und Literaturdaten) wurden Erkenntnisse über die bevorzugten Reaktionswege (mittels Reaktionsflussanalyse) und die geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritte (mittels Sensitivitätsanalyse) gewonnen. Das zweite Zwischenziel war die Entwicklung und experimentelle Validierung eines formalen kinetischen Modells, das aus dem mikrokinetischen Modell abgeleitet wurde, um den Rechenaufwand für die Durchführung von Simulationen erheblich zu verringern. Verschiedene Ansätze führten zu drei kinetischen Modellen, von denen das Modell-6p das beste war (6p → 6 angepasste Parameter). Bei diesem Ansatz wurden wichtige Erkenntnisse aus dem mikrokinetischen Modell verwendet, wie der bevorzugte Reaktionsmechanismus, die geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritte und die vorherrschenden adsorbierten Zwischenprodukte. Die direkte CO-Hydrierung wird vernachlässigt und sechs zusammengefasste Parameter wurden an die experimentellen Daten angepasst. Das daraus resultierende Modell-6p eignet sich für modellbasierte Anwendungen, einschließlich Scale-up von Prozessen, Prozessoptimierung und detaillierte Reaktorsimulationen mit Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Das dritte Zwischenziel war die Anwendung des vorgeschlagenen formalen kinetischen Modells in einer detaillierten Simulation einer Methanolanlage aus erneuerbaren H2/CO2, einschließlich Wärmeintegration und Optimierung der Prozessparameter zur Minimierung des Reaktantenverbrauchs. Das Potenzial der Einbeziehung von Zwischenkondensationsschritten zur Verbesserung des Gesamtprozesses wurde untersucht und mittels Prozess- und techno-ökonomischer Analysen mit einem konventionellen Ansatz verglichen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein schrittweiser Prozess von der detaillierten Oberflächenkinetik bis zur angewandten Reaktionstechnik vorgestellt, der Theorie und Anwendung auf systematische Weise miteinander verbindet. Daher trägt diese Arbeit nicht nur zum Verständnis der Kinetik der Methanolsynthese bei, sondern bietet auch umfassende Unterstützung für analoge künftige Projekte (z. B. die Produktion höherer Kohlenwasserstoffe)

    Reconhecimento de forma tridimensional para um sistema de varrimento de um vibrómetro laser

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    Laser vibrometry is a technique that, among several possibilities, allows modal analysis of light and thin structures. To make this analysis possible, the capture of a set of points is initially necessary. The devices present in the market, besides being expensive, present a rudimentary obtaining of points, usually done manually by the user. Not presenting the flexibility required for research, it is planned in this project to develop a system of automatic acquisition of these points for a laser vibrometer scanner. Given this need, a system was created to capture points through the information acquired by a Microsoft Kinect camera. In a Matlab environment, these points were converted into point clouds and processed through an application, in which the user can define their final configuration. This work presents the results obtained during the analysis of two different types of geometries through the application developed.A vibrometria laser é uma técnica que, entre várias possibilidades, permite a realização de análises modais de estruturas leves e finas. Para tornar esta análise possível, a captura de um conjunto de pontos é inicialmente necessária. Os dispositivos presentes no mercado, para além de dispendiosos, apresentam uma obtenção de pontos rudimentar, normalmente feita de forma manual pelo utilizador. Não apresentando a flexibilidade exigida para investigação, está previsto neste projeto desenvolver um sistema de aquisição automático destes pontos para um scanner de um vibrometro laser. Dada esta necessidade, foi criado um sistema de captura de pontos através da informação adquirida por uma câmara da Microsoft Kinect. Num ambiente Matlab, estes pontos foram convertidos em nuvens de pontos e processados através de uma aplicação, na qual o utilizador pode definir a sua configuração final. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos durante a análise de dois tipos diferentes de geometrias através da aplicação desenvolvida.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Towards automated load testing through the user interface

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    Slight variations in user interface response times can significantly impact the user experience provided by an interface. Load testing is used to evaluate how an application behaves under increasing loads. For interactive applications, load testing can be done by directly calling services at the business logic or through the user interface. In modern web applications, there is a considerable amount of control logic on the browser side. The impact of this logic on applications’ behaviour is only fully considered if the tests are done through the user interface. Capture reply tools are used for this, but their use can become costly. Leveraging an existing model-based testing tool, we propose an approach to automate load testing done through the user interface.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/50014/2020