1,108 research outputs found

    House and Yacht: the Aesthetics of the Interior as a Link between Different Sectors

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    The large boat market is particularly interesting as it continues to grow, displaying an ongoing positive trend since 2010 with motor yachts constituting the major segment. These boats offer severa..

    Patent Eligibility of Emerging Computer Technologies in the Aftermath of Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank

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    Simulazione delle principali variabili meteorologiche utilizzando un modello diagnostico a scala locale ed un modello prognostico alla mesoscala

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    Nello studio della dispersione degli inquinanti la preparazione di un input meteorologico il più possibile vicino alle condizioni reali presenti nella zona di interesse nel periodo preso in esame, svolge un ruolo essenziale al fine di una simulazione la più accurata possibile. In questo elaborato vengono presi in esame due modelli meteorologici facenti parte di due categorie diverse: un modello prognostico (Mesoscale Modeling 5^th generation-MM5) ed un modello diagnostico (CALMET). Nel primo capitolo dell’elaborato viene illustrato lo stato dell’arte della modellistica ambientale che studia la dispersione degli inquinanti in atmosfera. Verranno descritti vari modelli di dispersione degli inquinanti di vecchia e nuova generazione mettendo sempre un accento sulle condizioni meteo di cui debbono disporre per ricostruire lo strato limite terrestre e sulla teoria su cui si basano per i loro calcoli. Nel secondo capitolo ci si sofferma sulle caratteristiche generali di un modello prognostico inteso come un modello numerico in grado di ricostruire o prevedere l’evoluzione spaziale e temporale dei campi meteorologici che caratterizzano lo strato limite terrestre, andando poi a descrivere nel dettaglio tutti i moduli che costituiscono il Mesoscale Modeling 5^th generation-MM5. Alla fine di questo capitolo verrà illustrata la configurazione utilizzata per lo svolgimento delle simulazioni con MM5. Nel terzo capitolo viene descritto un modello diagnostico, cioè un modello che non prevede di descrivere l’evoluzione temporale delle variabili meteorologiche, ma solo la loro distribuzione spaziale ad ogni istante di interesse sulla base di un numero ridotto di leggi fisiche e soprattutto sulla base di un insieme sufficientemente ricco di misure sperimentali. Anche qui alla fine del capitolo verrà illustrata la configurazione adottata per le simulazioni utilizzando CALMET. Il quarto capitolo contiene una breve descrizione della geografia della zona oggetto di studio, una analisi meteo-climatica dell’anno 2004, scelto perché risulta essere l’anno più ricco di dati meteorologici osservando le serie temporali dei dati ottenuti dalle centraline meteorologiche disponibili nella zona di studio. Verranno illustrati nel seguito del capitolo i casi di studio scelti, tre casi composti da tre giorni ciascuno, insieme ad una loro descrizione meteorologica partendo dall’analisi di carte meteo ed immagini satellitari. Il quinto capitolo contiene tutti i risultati delle simulazioni elaborate da MM5 e CALMET. Vengono illustrati grafici che rappresentano le serie temporali delle principali variabili meteorologiche rilevate dalle centraline meteo confrontate con le serie temporali ottenute dai dati calcolati dai modelli. La prima parte del capitolo quinto è dedicata al confronto tra MM5 ed i dati reali, la seconda parte ai dati ottenuti dalle simulazioni svolte con CALMET utilizzando sempre meno centraline di superficie nel suo input, testando la sua sensibilità e portando sempre come termine di paragone i dati reali ed i risultati ottenuti con MM5

    Time, Discipline and Subjectivity: Performing Arts Worker Mobilisations in Italy during the Pandemic

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    Based on the results of a qualitative study, this article aims to contribute to the debate on collective mobilisations, using the example of the labour struggles of Italian artists during the Covid-19 pandemic. The conditions typical to performing arts workers, such as precariousness, self-employment, individualisation, self-exploitation, social fragmentation, and geographical dispersion, have long been associated with low probabilities of collective mobilisation. In Italy, however, in the context of the numerous labour-related conflicts that emerged during the pandemic, mobilisations by performing arts workers were some of the most intense, widespread, and sustained. Addressing this counterintuitive finding and drawing on mobilisation theory, this article aims to identify the sources of conflict and antagonism of this mobilisation, and to investigate the factors and circumstances underlying it. We argue that the collective action of artists was motivated by a number of factors: a simultaneous mass experience of economic vulnerability and social insecurity; the breakdown of disciplinary mechanisms in artistic work; and the greater availability of “free time”. The findings shed new light on the mobilisation of precarious workers in work contexts characterised by disciplinary regimes based on subjective participation, self-exploitation and consensu

    Time, Discipline and Subjectivity: Performing Arts Worker Mobilisations in Italy during the Pandemic

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    Based on the results of a qualitative study, this article aims to contribute to the debate on collective mobilisations, using the example of the labour struggles of Italian artists during the Covid-19 pandemic. The conditions typical to performing arts workers, such as precariousness, self-employment, individualisation, self-exploitation, social fragmentation, and geographical dispersion, have long been associated with low probabilities of collective mobilisation. In Italy, however, in the context of the numerous labour-related conflicts that emerged during the pandemic, mobilisations by performing arts workers were some of the most intense, widespread, and sustained. Addressing this counterintuitive finding and drawing on mobilisation theory, this article aims to identify the sources of conflict and antagonism of this mobilisation, and to investigate the factors and circumstances underlying it. We argue that the collective action of artists was motivated by a number of factors: a simultaneous mass experience of economic vulnerability and social insecurity; the breakdown of disciplinary mechanisms in artistic work; and the greater availability of “free time”. The findings shed new light on the mobilisation of precarious workers in work contexts characterised by disciplinary regimes based on subjective participation, self-exploitation and consensus

    Natural Catastrophes: Risk Relevance and Insurance Coverage in EU

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    The scientific exercise developed aims at drawing a picture of the relevance of various natural catastrophes in the EU Member States and of the development of the Natural Catastrophes insurance markets. The exercise focuses on flood, storm, earthquake and drought and for each natural catastrophe JRC collected available qualitative and quantitative information in order to describe the size of the risk and to describe existing practices of insurance systems. The collected information has the purpose to create clusters of Member States facing similar situations and to identify open issues concerning insurance systems in place.JRC.G.3-Econometrics and applied statistic

    Risk-based Contributions in EU Deposit Guarantee Schemes: Current Practices

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    This report describes the risk-based models and monitoring systems applied across the EU MS. On the one hand, it broadly illustrates systems currently applied across the EU to highlight the fundamental principles underlying risk determination; on the other, it provides more technical details of each method, including a description of the mathematical tools employed. Moreover, a numerical example of each risk-based methodology is discussed in order to reproduce the individual steps of the calculation.JRC.G.9-Econometrics and statistical support to antifrau
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