297 research outputs found

    Impact of intertwin interval on short-term neonatal outcomes of the second twin in dichorionic pregnancies with vaginal delivery

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    Objective: To examine the effect of intertwin interval on umbilical cord pH and Apgar scores of the second twin after vaginal delivery. Methods: A retrospective study of twin deliveries at a university hospital in Spain between August 2012 and September 2017. Inclusion criteria were vaginal delivery of both twins at 32 gestational weeks or more. Exclusion criteria were monochorionic pregnancies and indication for cesarean delivery. The sample was dichotomized by intertwin interval (<10 and =10 minutes). Neonatal outcomes including Apgar scores and umbilical cord pH were evaluated. Results: Overall, 323 twin deliveries were included. Intertwin interval was less than 10 minutes in 277 (85.6%) cases, and 10 minutes or longer in 46 (14.2%). There were no differences in maternal or obstetric characteristics between the groups. Incidence of instrumental delivery (P<0.001) and internal podalic version (P<0.001) for the second twin was higher in the longer interval group. A longer interval was associated with higher frequencies of 1-minute Apgar score below 4 (P=0.009), 5-minute Apgar score below 7 (P<0.001), and umbilical cord pH below 7.15 (P<0.001). Conclusion: Second twins with an intertwin interval of 10 minutes or longer are more likely to have poorer Apgar scores and arterial blood pH below 7.15

    Protein coding potential of retroviruses and other transposable elements in vertebrate genomes

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    We suggest an annotation strategy for genes encoded by retroviruses and transposable elements (RETRA genes) based on a set of marker protein domains. Usually RETRA genes are masked in vertebrate genomes prior to the application of automated gene prediction pipelines under the assumption that they provide no selective advantage to the host. Yet, we show that about 1000 genes in four vertebrate gene sets analyzed contain at least one RETRA gene marker domain. Using the conservation of genomic neighborhood (synteny), we were able to discriminate between RETRA genes with putative functionality in the vertebrates and those that probably function only in the context of mobile elements. We identified 35 such genes in human, along with their corresponding mouse and rat orthologs; which included almost all known human genes with similarity to mobile elements. The results also imply that the vast majority of the remaining RETRA genes in current gene sets are unlikely to encode vertebrate functions. To automatically annotate RETRA genes in other vertebrate genomes, we provide as a tool a set of marker protein domains and a manually refined list of domesticated or ancestral RETRA genes for rescuing genes with vertebrate functions

    Underwater noise studies in the Gulf of Lions region. Anthropogenic contributions to underwater noise due to maritime traffic and offshore windfarm operation

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    En el marco del proyecto MSPMED se ha llevado a cabo un caso de estudio transfronterizo entre España y Francia en relación al estado de los ecosistemas, el desarrollo de la eólica marina y el ruido submarino,. Este deliverable analiza cómo podría ser el impacto del ruido submarino producido por el tráfico marítimo y la eólica marina en el componente pelágico

    MSP Plans in MSPMED; main facts

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    El objetivo de este informe es la creación de fichas comparativas de los planes nacionales de ordenación del espacio marítimo de los países socios de MSPMED con el fin de detectar los puntos comunes y las principales diferencias entre ellos

    Maritime Spatial Planning Transboundary Pilot Projects and their implication in the national process in Spain

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    Los procesos de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo (OEM) ya se están aplicando en muchas partes del mundo siendo Europa un punto caliente debido a la aprobación de la Directiva 2014/89/UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 23 de julio de 2014, por la que se establece un marco para la OEM, que obligaba a todos los Estados miembros costeros a tener planes aprobados para marzo de 2021. Para facilitar esto, se asignan fondos europeos específicos para apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos transfronterizos de ordenación del espacio marítimo entre países vecinos. Estos proyectos tienen principalmente dos objetivos, uno es proporcionar a los Estados conocimientos, capacidad y metodologías para aplicarlos en los procesos nacionales de ordenación del territorio, y otro es facilitar la coherencia entre los planes de los países que comparten la misma cuenca marítima. Este trabajo presenta una visión general del proceso español de MSP, y cómo algunos de los resultados que surgieron de estos proyectos piloto pueden ser incorporados al proceso nacional

    Los Casos Piloto de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo Transfronterizos y su Implicación en el Proceso Nacional en España

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    Maritime Spatial Planning processes are already being implemented in many parts of the world being Europe one of the hot spots due to the approval of the Directive 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning, which oblige every coastal Member State to have approved plans by March 2021. This Directive does not allocate specific funds for the development of these plans but it supports national processes by funding Maritime Spatial Planning transboundary projects among neighbouring countries. These projects have mainly two benefits, one is to provide states with knowledge, capacity and methodologies to apply in MSP national processes, and another one is to facilitate the coherence along plans of neighbouring countries sharing a sea basin region. As biological and ecological processes in the marine environment are not limited by administrative borders, the transboundary component of Maritime Spatial Planning is of extremely importance to manage marine resources in a sustainable wayVersión del edito

    Knowledge synthesis about ecological stakes related to seabirds, marine mammals, sea turtles and canyon deep habitats

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    En el marco del proyecto MSPMED, se ha llevado a cabo un caso de estudio entre España y Francia en el Golfo de Léon. El presente deliverable ha permitido impulsar los conocimientos existentes para ofrecer una visión transfronteriza actualizada de los intereses ecológicos en el Golfo de León

    Low dose vaginal misoprostol vs vaginal dinoprostone insert for induction of labor beyond 41st week: a randomized trial

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of a low‐dose protocol of vaginal misoprostol and vaginal dinoprostone insert for induction of labor in women with post‐term pregnancies. Material and methods: We designed a prospective, randomized, open‐labeled trial with evaluators blinded to the end‐point, including women of at least 41 weeks of gestational age with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies and a Bishop score <6. They were randomized into dinoprostone or misoprostol groups in a 1:1 ratio. Baseline maternal data and perinatal outcomes were recorded for statistical analysis. Successful vaginal delivery within 24 hours was the primary outcome variable. A P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. This study was registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (number NTC03744364). Results: We included 198 women for analysis (99 women in each group). Vaginal birth rate within 24 hours did not differ between groups (49.5% vs 42.4%; P = 0.412). When the Bishop score was <4, dinoprostone insert showed a higher probability of vaginal delivery within 12 hours (17.8% vs 4%; P = 0.012). In the dinoprostone group, removal of the insert was more likely to be due to an adverse event (5.1% vs 14.1%; P = 0.051) and an abnormal fetal heart rate pattern during active labor (44.4% vs 58.6%; P = 0.047). Both groups were similar in neonatal outcomes including Apgar score, umbilical cord pH and neonatal intensive care unit admission. Conclusions: Low‐dose vaginal misoprostol and vaginal dinoprostone insert seem to be equally effective and safe for induction of labor in pregnant women with a gestational age beyond 41 weeks

    MSPMED Case Study: Characterizing the ecological stakes and their interactions with offshore activities in the Gulf of Lion to support the Maritime Spatial Planning processes in the Mediterranean Sea

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    El Golfo de León es una zona transfronteriza entre Francia y España, siendo una zona excepcional para la biodiversidad marina (por ejemplo, aves marinas, cetáceos, tortugas marinas y hábitats bentónicos), así como una zona de desarrollo económico para el sector marítimo, como la pesca, el tráfico marítimo y nuevas actividades como los parques eólicos. Aunque España y Francia han llevado a cabo considerables investigaciones y proyectos en el Golfo de León, todavía hay una falta de conocimiento sobre los intereses ecológicos y sus interacciones con las actividades humanas. Para ello, y en el marco del proyecto MSPMED (Towards the operational implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in our common Mediterranean Sea) cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea, se está desarrollando un estudio de caso transfronterizo entre España y Francia en una zona extensa del Golfo de León, cuyo objetivo principal se centra en la evaluación del conocimiento disponible sobre el medio marino de la zona y la identificación y caracterización de las interacciones entre los usos marítimos (especialmente los parques eólicos flotantes en alta mar), el ruido submarino, y los componentes del ecosistema marino en el contexto de la ordenación del espacio marino (OEM