200 research outputs found

    Mechatronics of a ball screw drive using a N degrees of freedom dynamic model

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    High performance position control in machine tools can only be achieved modelling the dynamic behavior of the mechatronic system composed by the motor, transmission and control during the design stage. In this work, a complex analytical model of a ball screw drive is presented and integrated in a mechatronic model of the actuator to predict the dynamic behaviour and analyze the impact of each component of the transmission. First, a simple 2 degrees of freedom model is presented, and is analysis sets the basis for the development of a more complex model of several degrees of freedom, whose resulting fundamental transfer functions are represented using natural and modal coordinates. The modeling in modal coordinates carries a reduction of the transfer function that reduces computational work. The two models are compared and experimentally validated in time and frequency domain by means of experimental tests carried out on a specifically developed ball screw drive test benchMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad: Project DPI2015-64450-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE) University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) under the program UFI 11/29 Departamento de Educación, Política Lingüística y Cultura” of the regional government of the Basque Country (IT949-16

    Kinematic Analysis of a Flexible Tensegrity Robot

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    Conference Paper presented at The Joint International Conference of the XII International Conference on Mechanisms and Mechanical Transmissions (MTM) and the XXIII International Conference on Robotics (Robotics ’16)In the field of parallel kinematics few designs use highly deformable elements to obtain the end effector movement. Most compliant mechanisms rely on notches or shape changes to simulate a standard kinematic joint. In this work a kinematic model of a simple parallel continuum mechanism that combines a deformable element and cable is presented. The kinematic model is used to study the workspace of the manipulator and is validated by experimental measurements of a prototype.The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support received from the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project DPI2015-64450-R) and the Regional Government of the Basque Country through the Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación (Project IT445-10) and UPV/EHU under program UFI 11/29

    Toolpath dependent stability lobes for the milling of thin-walled parts

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    The milling of thin-walled parts can become a seriously complex problem because the parts have variable dynamics. Firstly, the dynamics evolution of the part has been calculated through Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. Then, the 3D stability lobes have been calculated for the thin walls and the thin floor. Finally, several milling tests have been performed in order to validate the predictions made by the model

    Intussusception as an unusual etiology of intestinal obstruction in adults: case report and review

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    Intussusception is a rare entity in adults, representing 1 to 5 percent of cases of intestinal obstruction. The clinical manifestations are non-specific, a structural lesion is identified by imaging, in more than 70% of the cases. Most cases require surgical treatment. We report the case of a 65-year-old female patient, with a history of intermittent colicky abdominal pain of two months of evolution, associated with nausea, vomiting, melena, and weight loss. Assessed in the emergency department due to worsening abdominal pain and lack of defecation. Her laboratory data reported anemia and leukocytosis. Abdominopelvic CT scan reported an image compatible with intussusception. We performed an emergency exploratory laparotomy, finding the terminal ileum invaginated into the colonic lumen., caused by a gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Intussusception in adults is uncommon but it should be considered as a diagnostic possibility in patients with intestinal obstruction, intestinal bleeding, and a palpable abdominal mass. Although these are non-specific manifestations, complementing the study with chemical and imaging analyzes significantly increases the diagnostic probability. The set of data obtained should be used to select the most appropriate treatment

    Propuesta de progresión de ejercicios de estabilización del tronco orientada al Paddle Surf en base a acelerometría integrada en Smartphone

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    Este trabajo final de grado se enfoca en el análisis de ejercicios de estabilización del tronco para el stand up paddle (SUP). Se exploran las sub-disciplinas competitivas del SUP y los factores que influyen en el rendimiento, como las condiciones del oleaje y las capacidades físicas. Se destaca la importancia de la estabilidad del tronco para un rendimiento eficiente en el SUP. Se propone realizar ejercicios sobre la estabilización del tronco en posiciones específicas del SUP y se utiliza la acelerometría integrada en smartphone para medir la intensidad. El objetivo es analizar la oscilación lumbo-pélvica en diferentes variantes de los ejercicios, determinando su intensidad y proporcionando información para el entrenamiento

    Mechatronic modeling of a parallel kinematics multi-axial simulation table based on decoupling the actuators and manipulator dynamics

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    In this work a mechatronic model was developed for a parallel Multi-Axial Simulation Table (MAST) mechanism. The dynamics of the mechanism was obtained using the principle of energy equivalence and Boltzmann–Hamel equations. In this way, the procedure to obtain the explicit dynamic equations is simplified and has the advantage of being systematic. Also, the actuators and the control were modeled and integrated to simulate and study the system’s positioning and torque. A remarkable contribution of this work is that the mechatronic model developed considers the mechanism as a disturbance to the actuators in a decoupled manner, allowing to easily evaluate alternative designs of whether the actuators, the mechanism or both. Additionally, the procedure taken has been validated with experimental data from an actual MAST prototype.The authors of this paper wish to acknowledge the funding received from the Spanish Government via the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BES-2012-053723 under Project DPI2011-22955 and DPI2015-64450-R), the ERDF of the European Union, the Government of the Basque Country (SAIOTEK 2013 SAI13/245), and the financial support from the University of the Basque Country(UPV/EHU) under the program UFI 11/29

    Bezoars: diagnosis, management, and potential complications in patients with psychiatric disorders

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    Word "bezoar" comes from Persian "pâdzahr," which means "antidote," since, in ancient times, it was believed that bezoar could cure and nullify effects of all poisons. In medical context, bezoar is the term used for conglomerates of undigested material that accumulate in de gastrointestinal tract. Case of 60-year-old female patient with repeated episodes of intestinal obstruction associated with digestive tract bleeding. She presented to emergency department with severe abdominal pain and intolerance to oral route. Computed tomography identified hypodense image suggestive of a oreign body in the small bowel  lumen. During laparotomy, stone-like mass of approximately 3×5 cm was found at level of jejuno-ileal junction, 80 cm from Treitz ligament, with presence of an intestinal flange that conditions rotation of the intestinal loop on its axis. Intestinal obstruction due to bezoar is uncommon in adult patients, and symptoms are usually non-specific. It requires a high index of suspicion and effective screening for trichotillomania. In such cases, imaging studies such as tomography help to establish the diagnosis.

    Clinical insights into dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans

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    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is a rare, locally aggressive cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma, it is the second most common skin sarcoma after Kaposi's sarcoma. The cause of DFSP remains unknown. The case of a 54-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is presented, displaying a typical clinical presentation. It is characterized by an initial lesion in the form of a reddish spot on the anterior region of the chest, which showed slow growth until the development of a multinodular and irregular lesion with multiple recurrences. The lesion is resected, confined to the superficial layers of the skin, with 3 cm margins, confirming the histopathological diagnosis of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with clear margins. DFSP is an uncommon cutaneous sarcoma that is typically low- to intermediate-grade, and while it has a limited likelihood of metastasis, it exhibits a notable tendency for local recurrence. The risk of recurrence is closely linked to the extent of surgical resection

    Intégration des comportements dynamiques dans l'usinage de pièces aéronautiques

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    Le fraisage à grande vitesse génère des phénomènes vibratoires complexes qui sont actuellement un frein au développement de la productivité dans l'usinage des pièces aéronautiques. Une particularité essentielle de ces pièces est liée au fait quelles sont composées de parois latérales et de fonds minces. La théorie des lobes de stabilité est de plus en plus utilisée pour choisir des conditions de coupe assurant la stabilité de l'usinage. Nous présentons dans cet article comment mettre en oeuvre une modélisation qui est adaptée au comportement des deux types de zones, à savoir : les parois de fond et les parois latérales. Nous avons développé une méthode permettant de prendre en compte l'évolution des caractéristiques dynamiques de la pièce durant l'usinage et ainsi d’obtenir une représentation en trois dimensions des lobes de stabilité bien adaptée à ce contexte. Enfin, les modélisations effectuées pour chaque type de parois seront validées par des essais d’usinage sur une pièce représentative des cas industriels

    Contribución al estudio de las radiaciones electromagnéticas no ionizantes generadas y radiadas en los buques y exposición laboral

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    Multitud de incógnitas, de alarmas y de conflictos relacionados con la exposición a Campos Electromagnéticos, CEM, en el sector de las radiocomunicaciones han aparecido al conocimiento público desde hace varias décadas. Se ha comprobado que en el ámbito de la investigación que nos ocupa, los buques civiles, no existe en la actualidad estudios e investigaciones con acreditación fehaciente. Los trabajos de investigación existentes hasta la fecharelacionados con la Exposición a CEM están rubricados por la incertidumbre científica ,sobretodo los referidos a los Efectos Adversos para la Salud a medio y largo plazo. Existen Reglamentos específicos sobre Métodos de mediciones de CEM y Restricciones a las Emisiones Radioeléctricas y sobre Medidas de Protección Sanitaria frente a las Emisiones Radioeléctricas, pero no hemos encontrado datos referidos a la Aplicabilidad y a la Aplicación de estos reglamentos en el sector marítimo.   Pero este interés por la Exposición a los CEM ha sido reducido principalmente a dos ámbitos de estudio: uno de ellos, el dedicado al uso doméstico e industrialde laenergía eléctrica cuyas frecuencias se encuentran comprendidas entre 45 y 60 Hertzios (Extra Bajas Frecuencias EBF/ELF no comprendidas dentro del espectro radioeléctrico) y el otro, el de las radiocomunicaciones masificadas otelefonía móvil (de cuya frenética actividad y desarrollo informa el Observatorio Europeo de Tecnología de la Información, manifestando que en 2009 el número de teléfonos móviles en el mundo alcanzaría la cantidad de 4.400 millones, equivalente a dos tercios de la población mundial). Las frecuencias de explotación del servicio de telefonía móvil sí seencuentran comprendidas en el espectro radioeléctrico en la banda de UHF también denominada de ondas decimétricas. Del incorrecto funcionamiento y uso de las Radiocomunicaciones devienen necesariamente consecuencias y resultados que adolecían de imprevisibilidad en sus efectos para la salud, de imprevisión en cuanto a su alcance y también de falta de estudios continuados;todo lo cual quedó en principio silenciado o retenido a la luz pública. Por todo ello, la sociedad demanda una continua adecuación y puesta al día tanto de las tecnologías como de la normativa que atiendan y regulen lo más correctamente la aceptación de los niveles de Exposición a las Radiaciones Electromagnéticas,REM . Del mismo modo, los Estados, conscientes de esta dinámica están dotándose, a posteriori, de una normativización que en principio intenta ser capaz de regular la buena práctica industrial del uso del espectro radioeléctrico, y de las tecnologías, pero sin obviar, afortunadamente, el necesario cuidado frente a los efectos adversos para la salud vinculados a los CEM .Francisco Sánchez de la Campa Lozano Carlos Mascareñas y Pérez-Iñigo Grupo de Investigación Señales, Sistemas y Comunicaciones Navales. S2CN. Universidad de Cádi