318 research outputs found

    Unexpected: Identity transformation of postpartum women

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    This purpose of this paper is to explore the physical, emotional and societal issues women face as they transition to motherhood and the accompanying redefinition of self. Themes of acceptance of new roles and responsibilities, resolution of losses, adjusting marriage/partnership, renegotiation of relationships and professional standing are discussed. Women experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety appear to have difficulty navigating or adapting to the new maternal identity. Therefore, this paper summarizes some of the physical responses of the postpartum period as well as possible puerperal mental disorders such as: postpartum dysphoria (Baby Blues), postpartum depression disorder (PPD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and postpartum psychosis (PPP). Implications and recommendations for counselors to consider when assisting this population are also discussed

    Almost-homeomorphisms and aumosttopological properties

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    A function is said to be an almosthomeomorphism if it is a bijective almost continuous function (see [25]) with an almost continuous inverse. We characterize such functions in several ways and obtain the relationship between almost-homeomorphisms and semi-homeomorphisms (see [8]). We study those properties which are preserved under this class of functions -the almost  topological properties - and characterize them as the semi-regular properties (see [3]). We also introduce the concept of an almost topological class and study the relationship between this clases and the topological, semi-topological, and p-topological classes

    Infinitely many solutions for a nonlinear Navier problem involving the p-biharmonic operator

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    In this paper we establish some results of existence of infinitely many solutions for an elliptic equation involving the p-biharmonic and the p-Laplacian operators coupled with Navier boundary conditions where the nonlinearities depend on two real parameters and do not satisfy any symmetric condition. The nature of the approach is variational and the main tool is an abstract result of Ricceri. The novelty in the application of this abstract tool is the use of a class of test functions which makes the assumptions on the data easier to verify

    H-closed functions

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    summary:The notion of a Hausdorff function is generalized to the concept of H-closed function and the concept of an H-closed extension of a Hausdorff function is developed. Each Hausdorff function is shown to have an H-closed extension

    Experimental investigation on a geocontainer Submerged reef

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    Geotextile sand containers (GSC) have been used as permanent construction elements in coastal works for more than 20 years,becoming more and more popular as an alternative to the most typical coastal structures. Aim of this work is to analyze the hydrodynamic, stability and morphodynamic response of a GSC submerged reef by means of an experimental campaign. The first investigated aspect concerned the hydrodynamics. The reflection and transmission coefficients for regular and random waves were determined: the reflection coefficient decreases with increasing of kh; the transmission coefficient decreases with the increase of the incident wave. As regards the stability of the structure, it was observed that the strongest waves were able to lift the row of GSC more exposed to the wave action. An instability curve for the GSC as a function of the hydrodynamic characteristics was then found. Flow visualization close to the reef was performed by means of ink, showing that the flow becomes asymmetric in the proximity of the structure. Concerning the morphodynamics, long-term tests were performed to calculate the scour. This reached its maximum value at the end of each test and it is present in all three cases. The scour causes serious problems of instability to the structure

    Almost γ

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    In this paper, a new class of functions called almost γ-continuous is introduced and their several properties are investigated. This new class is also utilized to improve some published results concerning weak continuity [6] and γ-continuity [2]
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