38 research outputs found

    Pemahaman Siswa Terhadap Bahan Ajar Muatan Lokal Upacara Tabot Bengkulu di Kelas V SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu

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    This study aims to determine the ability of students to understand the teaching materials Local Content of Tabot Bengkulu ceremony in class V State Elementary School 52 Kota Bengkulu on 3 aspects of learning outcomes, namely academic skills (cognitive), attitude (affective), and psychomotor skills. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with percentage technique. The sample in this research is the students of VB SDN 52 Bengkulu in the academic year 2016/2017 which is 25 students. The sample was determined by cluter random sampling technique in the population. The research instrument uses a test sheet. Data analysis technique is done by using learning result test that is adjusted to the value of KKM (Criteria Completed Minimum) subject of Local Content applicable in SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu, that is equal to 67. The result showed that the students of VB SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu have not been able to understand the material Ajar Local Content Tabot Bengkulu ceremony with an average of 73.33% and when viewed from the completeness of learning, students VB SDN 52 Bengkulu City has not been completed because based on the benchmark reference assessment students declared complete if the value is greater or equal to 67 as much as 75- 80%

    Considerations Regarding the Research for the Conservation of Heritage Textiles in Romania

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    Textiles are valuable elements that make up Romania’s cultural heritage, being unique through the production techniques, materials used and their significance for the Romanian population. Heritage textiles represent bridges between past and present, kept in collections from different types of buildings. Many of them are preserved and exposed in heritage buildings that are open for public viewing and do not benefit from internal microclimate monitoring systems. These things can have serious repercussions on the integrity and conservation status of these fragile materials. The chapter proposes to analyze the approaches used in different studies to evaluate the risks to which the historical textile collections from Romania are exposed, depending on the place and the way in which they are kept. All these approaches aim to determine the degree of conservation of the materials and their implications on the health of the people with whom they come into contact. Based on the methodology applied in the studies already published, examined in the first part of the chapter, in the second part, a case study was performed on a different sample of historical textiles from Romania. This comes to complete the sphere of knowledge in the field


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    This paper argues for the enhanced utilization of the built heritage in the case of the unique cellars of Salacea, Bihor Country which is called „the village of 1000 cellars„. The research analysis of the cellars includes field investigations, study of existing bibliography, air-photo interpretation. For examining the architectureal plans, facades and volumes use was made of software such as: Archicad 22 R1 INT version, Artlantis (2017) 6.5 version, Adobe Illustrator CC (2017) version 21.1.0 and Adobe Photoshop CC (2015) version 16.1, and for processing the photos Adobe Lightroom version 6.12. Cartographic materials have been processed in 3D Studio Max, Corel Draw and Corel Photopaint. The use of spatial data allowed identification and analysis of important aspect for understanding the territorial reality. The study identifies two authentic models of cellars that could be exploited for their heritage potential for tourism development and a source of income for the local area

    The tourist map, scientific tool that supports the exploration of protected areas, Bihor County, Romania

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    The study area is a Nature 2000 protected site from Bihor County, Romania. The present study aims at identifying the opportunities for the implementation of a bioeconomic exploitation system, by tourism development, according to its necessities for conservation and protection of cultural and natural elements. The landscape value is assessed, using different available thematic layers, using a combination of GIS and graphics. The resulting visibility of the tourist map of natural and anthropic values can be a very useful tool for tourists, the conservational custodian of the Nature 2000 site, local public administration for tourism development and leisure activities, participative touristic planning etc

    High-throughput malaria serosurveillance using a one-step multiplex bead assay.

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    BACKGROUND: Serological data indicating the presence and level of antibodies against infectious disease antigens provides indicators of exposure and transmission patterns in a population. Laboratory testing for large-scale serosurveys is often hindered by time-consuming immunoassays that employ multiple tandem steps. Some nations have recently begun using malaria serosurveillance data to make inferences about the malaria exposure in their populations, and serosurveys have grown increasingly larger as more accurate estimates are desired. Presented here is a novel approach of antibody detection using bead-based immunoassay that involves incubating all assay reagents concurrently overnight. RESULTS: A serosurvey in was performed in Haiti in early 2017 with both sera (n = 712) and dried blood spots (DBS, n = 796) collected for the same participants. The Luminex® multiplex bead-based assay (MBA) was used to detect total IgG against 8 malaria antigens: PfMSP1, PvMSP1, PmMSP1, PfCSP, PfAMA1, PfLSA1, PfGLURP-R0, PfHRP2. All sera and DBS samples were assayed by MBA using a standard immunoassay protocol with multiple steps, as well a protocol where sample and all reagents were incubated together overnight-termed here the OneStep assay. When compared to a standard multi-step assay, this OneStep assay amplified the assay signal for IgG detection for all 8 malaria antigens. The greatest increases in assay signal were seen at the low- and mid-range IgG titers and were indicative of an enhancement in the analyte detection, not simply an increase in the background signal of the assay. Seroprevalence estimates were generally similar for this sample Haitian population for all antigens regardless of serum or DBS sample type or assay protocol used. CONCLUSIONS: When using the MBA for IgG detection, overnight incubation for the test sample and all assay reagents greatly minimized hands-on time for laboratory staff. Enhanced IgG signal was observed with the OneStep assay for all 8 malaria antigens employed in this study, and seroprevalence estimates for this sample population were similar regardless of assay protocol used. This overnight incubation protocol has the potential to be deployed for large-scale malaria serosurveys for the high-throughput and timely collection of antibody data, particularly for malaria seroprevalence estimates

    Rapid Screening for Non-falciparum Malaria in Elimination Settings Using Multiplex Antigen and Antibody Detection: Post Hoc Identification of Plasmodium malariae in an Infant in Haiti.

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    Haiti is targeting malaria elimination by 2025. The Grand'Anse department in southwestern Haiti experiences one-third to half of all nationally reported Plasmodium falciparum cases. Although there are historical reports of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae, today, non-falciparum infections would remain undetected because of extensive use of falciparum-specific histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2) rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) at health facilities. A recent case-control study was conducted in Grand'Anse to identify risk factors for P. falciparum infection using HRP2-based RDTs (n = 1,107). Post hoc multiplex Plasmodium antigenemia and antibody (IgG) detection by multiplex bead assay revealed one blood sample positive for pan-Plasmodium aldolase, negative for P. falciparum HRP2, and positive for IgG antibodies to P. malariae. Based on this finding, we selected 52 samples with possible P. malariae infection using IgG and antigenemia data and confirmed infection status by species-specific PCR. We confirmed one P. malariae infection in a 6-month-old infant without travel history. Congenital P. malariae could not be excluded. However, our finding-in combination with historical reports of P. malariae-warrants further investigation into the presence and possible extent of non-falciparum malaria in Haiti. Furthermore, we showed the use of multiplex Plasmodium antigen and IgG detection in selecting samples of interest for subsequent PCR analysis, thereby reducing costs as opposed to testing all available samples by PCR. This is of specific use in low-transmission or eliminating settings where infections are rare

    Impact of malaria diagnostic choice on monitoring of Plasmodium falciparum prevalence estimates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and relevance to control programs in high-burden countries

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    Malaria programs rely upon a variety of diagnostic assays, including rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), microscopy, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and bead-based immunoassays (BBA), to monitor malaria prevalence and support control and elimination efforts. Data comparing these assays are limited, especially from high-burden countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Using cross-sectional and routine data, we compared diagnostic performance and Plasmodium falciparum prevalence estimates across health areas of varying transmission intensity to illustrate the relevance of assay performance to malaria control programs. Data and samples were collected between March–June 2018 during a cross-sectional household survey across three health areas with low, moderate, and high transmission intensities within Kinshasa Province, DRC. Samples from 1,431 participants were evaluated using RDT, microscopy, PCR, and BBA. P. falciparum parasite prevalence varied between diagnostic methods across all health areas, with the highest prevalence estimates observed in Bu (57.4–72.4% across assays), followed by Kimpoko (32.6–53.2%), and Voix du Peuple (3.1–8.4%). Using latent class analysis to compare these diagnostic methods against an “alloyed gold standard,” the most sensitive diagnostic method was BBA in Bu (high prevalence) and Voix du Peuple (low prevalence), while PCR diagnosis was most sensitive in Kimpoko (moderate prevalence). RDTs were consistently the most specific diagnostic method in all health areas. Among 9.0 million people residing in Kinshasa Province in 2018, the estimated P. falciparum prevalence by microscopy, PCR, and BBA were nearly double that of RDT. Comparison of malaria RDT, microscopy, PCR, and BBA results confirmed differences in sensitivity and specificity that varied by endemicity, with PCR and BBA performing best for detecting any P. falciparum infection. Prevalence estimates varied widely depending on assay type for parasite detection. Inherent differences in assay performance should be carefully considered when using community survey and surveillance data to guide policy decisions

    Acceptability, Feasibility, Drug Safety, and Effectiveness of a Pilot Mass Drug Administration with a Single Round of Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine Plus Primaquine and Indoor Residual Spraying in Communities with Malaria Transmission in Haiti, 2018.

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    For a malaria elimination strategy, Haiti's National Malaria Control Program piloted a mass drug administration (MDA) with indoor residual spraying (IRS) in 12 high-transmission areas across five communes after implementing community case management and strengthened surveillance. The MDA distributed sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and single low-dose primaquine to eligible residents during house visits. The IRS campaign applied pirimiphos-methyl insecticide on walls of eligible houses. Pre- and post-campaign cross-sectional surveys were conducted to assess acceptability, feasibility, drug safety, and effectiveness of the combined interventions. Stated acceptability for MDA before the campaign was 99.2%; MDA coverage estimated at 10 weeks post-campaign was 89.6%. Similarly, stated acceptability of IRS at baseline was 99.9%; however, household IRS coverage was 48.9% because of the high number of ineligible houses. Effectiveness measured by Plasmodium falciparum prevalence at baseline and 10 weeks post-campaign were similar: 1.31% versus 1.43%, respectively. Prevalence of serological markers were similar at 10 weeks post-campaign compared with baseline, and increased at 6 months. No severe adverse events associated with the MDA were identified in the pilot; there were severe adverse events in a separate, subsequent campaign. Both MDA and IRS are acceptable and feasible interventions in Haiti. Although a significant impact of a single round of MDA/IRS on malaria transmission was not found using a standard pre- and post-intervention comparison, it is possible there was blunting of the peak transmission. Seasonal malaria transmission patterns, suboptimal IRS coverage, and low baseline parasitemia may have limited the effectiveness or the ability to measure effectiveness


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam memahami bahan ajar Muatan Lokal upacara Tabot Bengkulu di kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 52 Kota Bengkulu pada 3 aspek hasil belajar, yaitu aspek kecakapan akademik (kognitif), sikap (afektif), dan keterampilan (psikomotor). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik persentase. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VB SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang berjumlah 25 siswa. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik cluter random sampling pada populasi. Instrument penelitian menggunakan lembar tes. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar yang disesuaikan dengan nilai KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) mata pelajaran Muatan Lokal yang berlaku di SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu, yakni sebesar 67. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa kelas VB SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu belum mampu memahami bahan ajar Muatan Lokal upacara Tabot Bengkulu dengan rata-rata 73,33% dan jika dilihat dari ketuntasan belajar, siswa kelas VB SDN 52 Kota Bengkulu belum tuntas karena berdasarkan penilaian acuan patokan siswa dinyatakan tuntas apabila mendapatkan nilai lebih besar atau sama dengan 67 sebanyak 75-80%. Rincian perolehan hasil penelitian pada aspek kecakapan akademik sebanyak 19 siswa (76%) mampu memahami bahan ajar Muatan Lokal upacara Tabot Bengkulu, sebanyak 19 siswa (76%) mampu memiliki sikap rasa ingin tahu dan peduli dan sebanyak 17 siswa (68%) mampu memiliki keterampilan dalam membuat miniatur tabot


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    The present study is meant to monitor the professional trajectory of highschool and university students who benefited from professional counselling and guidance in order to identify the occupational niches and to improve the educational behaviour present in the professional training process of the future graduates. We used the method of the sociological survey (questionnaire based) and the quantitative method of collecting and analysing data