139 research outputs found

    Transexualidad, conceptos y marco legal en Andalucía

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    Desmontar los conceptos psicomédicos que han condicionado los derechos de las personas trans en todos los ámbitos, así como su identidad legal, la atención sanitaria, los planes y curriculums educativos o el acceso al mercado laboral, entre otros. Por otra parte, hacer hincapié en la hoja de ruta a seguir para lograr la equidad legal y real de las personas trans.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aplicación de un Ciclo de Mejora Docente en Ciencia y Tecnología del Medio ambiente

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    El presente trabajo analiza la experiencia de aplicación de un Ciclo de Mejora Docente en la asignatura “Ciencia y Tecnología del Medio Ambiente” (Grado de Ingeniería Agrícola de la Universidad de Sevilla). El ciclo de mejora se llevó a cabo durante la impartición del bloque de contenidos titulado “Interacciones entre poblaciones”, que incluye contenidos conceptuales clave para entender en qué medida la integración de conocimientos relacionados con la ecología puede aportar una formación esencial para la adecuada gestión de las explotaciones agropecuarias. La aplicación del modelo metodológico, basado en el trabajo activo en torno al análisis y discusión de casos prácticos, contó con una elevada implicación de los estudiantes. Los resultados resaltan la importancia de convertir la clase en un entorno de trabajo cómodo y ameno para los estudiantes, en el que se sientan libres para expresarse y compartir dudas e inquietudes, como una de las claves para desarrollar exitosamente este tipo de experiencias

    Evaluating wild grapevine tolerance to copper toxicity

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    We evaluate copper tolerance and accumulation in Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris in populations from a copper contaminated site and an uncontaminated site, and in the grapevine rootstock "41B", investigating the effects of copper (0-23. mM) on growth, photosynthetic performance and mineral nutrient content. The highest Cu treatment induced nutrient imbalances and inhibited photosynthetic function, causing a drastic reduction in growth in the three study plants. Effective concentration was higher than 23. mM Cu in the wild grapevines and around 9. mM in the "41B" plants. The wild grapevine accessions studied controlled root Cu concentration more efficiently than is the case with the "41B" rootstock and must be considered Cu-tolerant. Wild grapevines from the Cu-contaminated site present certain physiological characteristics that make them relatively more suitable for exploitation in the genetic improvement of vines against conditions of excess Cu, compared to wild grapevine populations from uncontaminated site

    Respuesta de Quercus coccifera a la herbivoría en un ambiente de enriquecimiento de CO2 atmosférico

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    Resultado de las actividades antrópicas la concentración de CO2 atmosférico ha aumentado de manera vertiginosa en el último siglo. Ante este futuro escenario de cambio, el objetivo del presente estudio ha sido evaluar la respuesta de la vegetación característica de los ecosistemas forestales mediterráneos (Quercus coccifera) bajo distinto grado de herbivoría y concentración de CO2 atmosférico. Para examinar los efectos del consumo parcial sobre el crecimiento de las plantas se simularon tres niveles de herbivoría (nulo, moderado y alto) y dos concentraciones de CO2 atmosférico (380 µmol mol-1 y 700 µmol mol-1). Los resultados mostraron que el grado de herbivoría simulado fue el principal factor que limitó el crecimiento de las plántulas de Q. coccifera: bajo un grado de herbivoría moderado, para ambos ambientes de CO2, las plantas de Q. coccifera presentaron un desarrollo significativamente mayor que las plantas intactas y aquellas sometidas a un grado de herbivoría alto. Este estudio supone una primera aproximación sobre la tolerancia a exceso de CO2 atmosférico y herbivoría de matorrales mediterráneos, pero son necesarios futuros estudios que arrojen luz a muchas de las situaciones naturales de estrés (abiótico y biótico).In the last century, human activities are precipitously increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. In this future scenario of change, the objective of this work was to study the response of Quercus coccifera the combined effect of grazing and atmospheric CO2 enrichment. To examine the effects of partial consumption on seedling growth, three levels of grazing (null, moderate and high) and two atmospheric CO2 concentrations (380 μmol mol-1 and 700 μmol mol-1) were simulated. The results showed that the degree of simulated grazing was the main factor that could restrict the growth of seedlings of Q. coccifera; in both CO2 environments, plants with moderate grazing showed a significantly higher development than intact and high grazing plants. This study is a first approach on the Mediterranean scrub tolerance to grazing and enrichment atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but future studies are required that should shed light on many of the natural stress situations (abiotic and biotic)Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía. OG-52/0

    Seasonal ecophysiology of an endangered coastal species, the yellow-horned poppy (Glaucium flavum Crantz)

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    Glaucium flavum Crantz. is a short-lived perennial herb distributed in coastal zones from the Black Sea to southern, western and north-western Europe. Despite its diminishing area of distribution and potential pharmacological value, little is known about the ecophysiological features of this coastal species. We investigated the photosynthetic performance of G. flavum by measuring gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic pigment concentration and leaf water content over the space of a year in a coastal habitat of SW Spain. We also measured the variation in total concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium, in the leaves and soil, throughout the study period. G. flavum showed a high resistance to summer drought conditions which appeared to be due to the high degree of stomatal control. The potential photochemical efficiency of photosystem II showed minimum values during the winter, indicating that low temperatures can produce negative effects within the photosynthetic apparatus. However, the marked decline in net photosynthesis during the winter seems to be mainly related to a loss of metabolic activity. Although leaf nutrient concentrations were, in general, within the normal ranges, phosphorus availability seems to be limited by the high calcium concentrations detected in the soil of the study site. Our study points out the efficiency of the different physiological adaptations of this rare and endangered coastal species in coping with the strong seasonal variability of the Mediterranean climate.Ministerio de Educación AP2007–04420Junta de Andalucía RMN– 22

    Synergic effect of salinity and CO2 enrichment on growth and photosynthetic responses of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora

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    Spartina densiflora is a C4 halophytic species that has proved to have a high invasive potential which derives from its clonal growth and its physiological plasticity to environmental factors, such as salinity. A greenhouse experiment was designed to investigate the synergic effect of 380 and 700 ppm CO2 at 0, 171, and 510 mM NaCl on the growth and the photosynthetic apparatus of S. densiflora by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, gas exchange and photosynthetic pigment concentrations. PEPC activity and total ash, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc concentrations were determined, as well as the C/N ratio. Elevated CO 2 stimulated growth of S. densiflora at 0 and 171 mM NaCl external salinity after 90 d of treatment. This growth enhancement was associated with a greater leaf area and improved leaf water relations rather than with variations in net photosynthetic rate (A). Despite the fact that stomatal conductance decreased in response to 700 ppm CO2 after 30 d of treatment, A was not affected. This response of A to elevated CO2 concentration might be explained by an enhanced PEPC carboxylation capacity. On the whole, plant nutrient concentrations declined under elevated CO2, which can be ascribed to the dilution effect caused by an increase in biomass and the higher water content found at 700 ppm CO2. Finally, CO2 and salinity had a marked overall effect on the photochemical (PSII) apparatus and the synthesis of photosynthetic pigments.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología PCI2006-A7-0641Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 042/200

    Carry-over of differential salt tolerance in plants grown from dimorphic seeds of Suaeda splendens

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    Background and Aims: Halophytic species often show seed dimorphism, where seed morphs produced by a single individual may differ in germination characteristics. Particular morphs are adapted to different windows of opportunity for germination in the seasonally fluctuating and heterogeneous salt-marsh environment. The possibility that plants derived from the two morphs may also differ physiologically has not been investigated previously. • Methods: Experiments were designed to investigate the germination characteristics of black and brown seed morphs of Suaeda splendens, an annual, C4 shrub of non-tidal, saline steppes. The resulting seedlings were transferred to hydroponic culture to investigate their growth and photosynthetic (PSII photochemistry and gas exchange) responses to salinity. • Key Results: Black seeds germinated at low salinity but were particularly sensitive to increasing salt concentrations, and strongly inhibited by light. Brown seeds were unaffected by light, able to germinate at higher salinities and generally germinated more rapidly. Ungerminated black seeds maintained viability for longer than brown ones, particularly at high salinity. Seedlings derived from both seed morphs grew well at high salinity (400 mol m-3 NaCl). However, seedlings derived from brown seeds performed poorly at low salinity, as reflected in relative growth rate, numbers of branches produced, F v/Fm and net rate of CO2 assimilation. • Conclusions: The seeds most likely to germinate at high salinity in the Mediterranean summer (brown ones) retain a requirement for higher salinity as seedlings that might be of adaptive value. On the other hand, black seeds, which are likely to delay germination until lower salinity prevails, produce seedlings that are less sensitive to salinity. It is not clear why performance at low salinity, later in the life cycle, might have been sacrificed by the brown seeds, to achieve higher fitness at the germination stage under high salinity. Analyses of adaptive syndromes associated with seed dimorphism may need to take account of differences over the entire life cycle, rather than just at the germination stage.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología CTM2005-05011Junta de Andalucía P06-RNM-0189

    Gestión de la invasión de la especie invasora Spartina Densiflora en las marismas del Golfo de Cádiz. Implicaciones del cambio climático sobre sus respuestas ecofisiológicas

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    Las marismas son ecosistemas frontera entre los medios terrestre y costero, que se distribuyen a lo largo de los estuarios de latitudes medias y altas de todo el mundo. Se trata de ecosistemas de gran importancia tanto ecológica como medioambiental y socio-económica. A pesar de la importancia de las marismas, son ecosistemas con graves problemas de conservación, derivados principalmente de la actividad humana. Actualmente, la introducción de especies exóticas invasoras está adquiriendo gran peso en la problemática de la conservación de las marismas. La introducción de seres vivos fuera de su área de distribución natural supone, tras la destrucción de los hábitats, el segundo problema ambiental por orden de magnitud que afecta a la Biosfera a escala global. Spartina densiflora, es una gramínea de origen sudamericano, que está invadiendo marismas del norte de América, del norte de África y el suroeste de Europa. En Europa, la presencia de esta especie se restringe al Golfo de Cádiz donde invade muchos estuarios con diferente grado e intensidad de invasión. La invasión de S. densiflora en el Golfo de Cádiz es uno de los problemas de conservación más graves a los que se enfrentan las marismas andaluzas, ya que los efectos deletéreos que se derivan de la invasión de esta especie sobre estos ecosistemas son muy variados: (1) la alteración de la red de drenaje; (2) se dan pérdidas de hábitats debido a su forma de crecimiento; (3) esta pérdida de hábitats incide directamente en la pérdida de riqueza específica y diversidad genotípica. (4) Interfiere en los procesos de sucesión primaria y secundaria; (5) se da la disminución de la tasa de descomposición, de la productividad y de la producción y (6) se ha descrito en especies del género Spartina la intervención en procesos de hibridación con especies nativas, que suponen un grave riesgo ecológico para el ecosistema al generarse híbridos fértiles, de gran capacidad competitiva. En vista de toda la problemática que subyace a la invasión de S. densiflora en los complejos marismeños del Golfo de Cádiz es necesario elaborar un plan de gestión dirigido a luchar eficazmente contra la invasión de esta especie en las marismas andaluzas. Para la elaboración de cualquier programa de gestión de una especie invasora, se marcan diferentes objetivos. Uno de ellos es profundizar en el conocimiento de la biología, ecología y fisiología de la especie objeto de los diferentes programas de gestión. Uno de los aspectos fundamentales a dilucidar es como el Cambio Climático puede afectar a la invasión de esta especie y en que medida las nuevas condiciones ambientales que se darán podrán alterar los patrones de invasión y tolerancia de esta especie. Para lo cual se ha propuesto un trabajo en el que se ha analizado el efecto del incremento del CO2 atmosférico sobre el crecimiento y la fisiología de esta especie invasora. Nuestros resultados mostraron como el incremento del CO2 tendrá un efecto positivo sobre el desarrollo de esta especie lo que supondrá un favorecimiento del potencial invasor de S. densiflora en las marismas del Golfo de Cádiz. Esta información es de gran utilidad para los gestores de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos la cual se tendrá que tener en cuenta en los futuros planes de gestión de las especies exóticas invasoras a la hora de la priorización en la asignación de recursos para el control o erradicación de dichas especies

    Soil physicochemical properties associated with the yield and phytochemical composition of the edible halophyte Crithmum maritimum

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    There is growing interest in the consumption of halophytes due to their excellent nutritional profile and antioxidant properties, and because their cultivation offers viable alternatives in the face of irreversible global salinization of soils. Nevertheless, abiotic factors strongly influence their phytochemical composition, and little is known about how growing conditions can produce plants with the best nutritional and functional properties. Crithmum maritimum is an edible halophyte with antioxidant properties and considerable potential for sustainable agriculture in marginal environments. However, it is found naturally in contrasting habitats with a wide range of soil physicochemical properties and the extent to which edaphic factors can influence plant performance, accumulation of phytochemicals and their quality remains unknown. We investigated the influence of soil physicochemical properties (texture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content and mineral element concentrations) on growth and reproductive performance, nutritional traits, and the accumulation of specific metabolites in C. maritimum. Soil, leaf and seed samples were taken from eight C. maritimum populations located on the southern coasts of Spain and Portugal. We found greater vegetative growth and seed production in coarser, sandier soils with lower microelement concentrations. The nutritional traits of leaves varied, with soil organic matter and macronutrient content associated with reduced leaf Na, protein and phenolic (mainly flavonoid) concentrations, whereas soils with lower pH and Fe concentrations, and higher clay content yielded plants with lower leaf Zn concentration and greater accumulation of hydroxycinnamic acids. The nutritional value of the seed oil composition appeared to be enhanced in soils with coarser texture and lower microelement concentrations. The accumulation of specific phenolic compounds in the seed was influenced by a wide range of soil properties including texture, pH and some microelements. These findings from a wide range of natural populations will inform the commercial cultivation of C. maritimum, particularly in the economic exploitation of poorly utilized, saline soils