13 research outputs found

    Etude des processus d’activation et d’inhibition lexico-émotionnelles dans des tâches de reconnaissance visuelle de mots et de catégorisation de couleurs de mots

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    The aim of this thesis was to study lexical activation and inhibition processes underlying word reading and to determine the role of affective system on these processes in adults. For this, we investigated the effects of orthographic neighbourhood frequency and emotionality of this neighbourhood in several cognitive tasks. Results showed an orthographic neighbourhood frequency effect that was inhibitory in visual word recognition tasks (Experiments 1-4) and facilitatory in colour categorization tasks (Experiments 6-8). Lexical inhibition likely slows down the recognition of the stimulus word as well as diminishing its interference effect in Stroop-like tasks. Moreover, emotional valence and arousal level of the higher-frequency neighbour also modified the speed of stimulus word recognition (Preliminary study, Experiments 1-5) and its colour categorization (Experiments 6, 7 and 9). Thus, the affective system would be activated during reading of words with an emotional neighbour and would modify the spread of lexico-emotional activation and inhibition. Moreover, results indicated that these orthographic neighbourhood effects were sensitive to participants‟ characteristics. A decreaseof the orthographic neighbourhood effect depending on age was shown and interpreted in terms of deficits in both activation and inhibition processes (Experiments 4, 5, 8 and 9). Finally, the emotional neighbourhood effect that was obtained suggested a preservation of lexico-emotional processes with advance in age (Experiments 4, 5, and 9), but this effect was negatively correlated with individuals' level of alexithymia (Experiments 2, 4, and 6). Taken together, thes data underline the importance of taking the affective system into account in models of visual word recognition.L'objectif de cette thèse était d‟étudier les processus d'activation et d'inhibition lexicales sous-tendant la lecture de mots et de déterminer le rôle du système affectif sur ces processus chez l'adulte. Pour cela, nous avons testé les effets de fréquence du voisinage orthographique et de l'émotionalité de ce voisinage dans plusieurs tâches cognitives. Les résultats ont montré un effet de fréquence du voisinage orthographique qui était inhibiteur dans des tâches de reconnaissance visuelle de mots (Expériences 1-4) et facilitateur dans des tâches de catégorisation de couleur de mots (Expériences 6-8). L'inhibition lexicale ralentirait la reconnaissance du mot stimulus et diminuerait ainsi son effet d'interférence dans des tâches de type Stroop. De plus, la valence et le niveau d'arousal du voisin plus fréquent modifiaient également la vitesse de reconnaissance du mot stimulus (Etude préliminaire, Expérience 1-5) et la catégorisation de sa couleur (Expériences 6, 7 et 9). Le système affectif s'activerait lors de la lecture de mots avec un voisin émotionnel et modifierait la propagation d'activation et d'inhibition lexico-émotionnelles. De plus, les résultats indiquaient que ces effets de voisinage orthographique étaient sensibles aux caractéristiques des participants. Une diminution de l'effet de fréquence du voisinage selon l'âge a été montrée et interprétée en termes de déficits conjoints d'activation et d'inhibition lexicales (Expériences 4, 5, 8 et 9). Enfin, l'effet du voisinage émotionnel obtenu suggérait une préservation des processus lexico-émotionnels avec l'avancée en âge (Expériences 4, 5 et 9), mais cet effet était corrélé négativement avec le niveau d'alexithymie des individus (Expériences 2, 4 et 6). Dans l'ensemble, ces données soulignent l‟importance de la prise en compte du système affectif dans les modèles de reconnaissance visuelle des mots

    Study of lexico-emotional activation and inhibition processes in visual word recognition and color-word categorization tasks

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    L'objectif de cette thèse était d‟étudier les processus d'activation et d'inhibition lexicales sous-tendant la lecture de mots et de déterminer le rôle du système affectif sur ces processus chez l'adulte. Pour cela, nous avons testé les effets de fréquence du voisinage orthographique et de l'émotionalité de ce voisinage dans plusieurs tâches cognitives. Les résultats ont montré un effet de fréquence du voisinage orthographique qui était inhibiteur dans des tâches de reconnaissance visuelle de mots (Expériences 1-4) et facilitateur dans des tâches de catégorisation de couleur de mots (Expériences 6-8). L'inhibition lexicale ralentirait la reconnaissance du mot stimulus et diminuerait ainsi son effet d'interférence dans des tâches de type Stroop. De plus, la valence et le niveau d'arousal du voisin plus fréquent modifiaient également la vitesse de reconnaissance du mot stimulus (Etude préliminaire, Expérience 1-5) et la catégorisation de sa couleur (Expériences 6, 7 et 9). Le système affectif s'activerait lors de la lecture de mots avec un voisin émotionnel et modifierait la propagation d'activation et d'inhibition lexico-émotionnelles. De plus, les résultats indiquaient que ces effets de voisinage orthographique étaient sensibles aux caractéristiques des participants. Une diminution de l'effet de fréquence du voisinage selon l'âge a été montrée et interprétée en termes de déficits conjoints d'activation et d'inhibition lexicales (Expériences 4, 5, 8 et 9). Enfin, l'effet du voisinage émotionnel obtenu suggérait une préservation des processus lexico-émotionnels avec l'avancée en âge (Expériences 4, 5 et 9), mais cet effet était corrélé négativement avec le niveau d'alexithymie des individus (Expériences 2, 4 et 6). Dans l'ensemble, ces données soulignent l‟importance de la prise en compte du système affectif dans les modèles de reconnaissance visuelle des mots.The aim of this thesis was to study lexical activation and inhibition processes underlying word reading and to determine the role of affective system on these processes in adults. For this, we investigated the effects of orthographic neighbourhood frequency and emotionality of this neighbourhood in several cognitive tasks. Results showed an orthographic neighbourhood frequency effect that was inhibitory in visual word recognition tasks (Experiments 1-4) and facilitatory in colour categorization tasks (Experiments 6-8). Lexical inhibition likely slows down the recognition of the stimulus word as well as diminishing its interference effect in Stroop-like tasks. Moreover, emotional valence and arousal level of the higher-frequency neighbour also modified the speed of stimulus word recognition (Preliminary study, Experiments 1-5) and its colour categorization (Experiments 6, 7 and 9). Thus, the affective system would be activated during reading of words with an emotional neighbour and would modify the spread of lexico-emotional activation and inhibition. Moreover, results indicated that these orthographic neighbourhood effects were sensitive to participants‟ characteristics. A decreaseof the orthographic neighbourhood effect depending on age was shown and interpreted in terms of deficits in both activation and inhibition processes (Experiments 4, 5, 8 and 9). Finally, the emotional neighbourhood effect that was obtained suggested a preservation of lexico-emotional processes with advance in age (Experiments 4, 5, and 9), but this effect was negatively correlated with individuals' level of alexithymia (Experiments 2, 4, and 6). Taken together, thes data underline the importance of taking the affective system into account in models of visual word recognition

    The effect of orthographic and emotional neighbourhood in a colour categorization task

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    This study investigated whether and how the strength of reading interference in a colour categorization task can be influenced by lexical competition and the emotional characteristics of words not directly presented. Previous findings showed inhibitory effects of high-frequency orthographic and emotional neighbourhood in the lexical decision task. Here, we examined the effect of orthographic neighbour frequency according to the emotional valence of the higher-frequency neighbour in an emotional orthographic Stroop paradigm. Stimuli were coloured neutral words that had either (1) no orthographic neighbour (e.g. PISTIL [pistil]), (2) one neutral higher-frequency neighbour (e.g. tirade [tirade]/TIRAGE [draw]) or (3) one negative higher-frequency neighbour (e.g. idiome [idiom]/IDIOTE [idiotic]). The results showed that colour categorization times were longer for words with no orthographic neighbour than for words with one neutral neighbour of higher frequency and even longer when the higher-frequency neighbour was neutral rather than negative. Thus, it appears not only that the orthographic neighbourhood of the coloured stimulus words intervenes in a colour categorization task, but also that the emotional content of the neighbour contributes to response times. These findings are discussed in terms of lexical competition between the stimulus word and non-presented orthographic neighbours, which in turn would modify the strength of reading interference on colour categorization times

    Lang Speech

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    This study investigated whether the visual recognition of neutral words might be influenced by the emotional dimensions (i.e., valence and arousal) of orthographically similar lexical representations, and whether this might also depend on emotional-related traits of participants (i.e., alexithymia). To this end, 108 participants performed a lexical decision task with 80 neutral words with a higher frequency orthographic neighbor that varied in valence (from neutral to negative) and arousal (from low to high). The main finding was the expected interaction effect between the valence and arousal of the neighbor on the lexical decision times of neutral stimulus words. Longer reaction times were found when the valence score of the neighbor decreased from neutral to negative for words with a low-arousal orthographic neighbor while this emotional neighbor effect was reversed for words with a high-arousal negative neighbor. This combined influence of the valence and arousal of the neighbor was interpreted in terms of increased lexical competition processes and direct influence of the affective system on the participant?s response. Moreover, this interaction effect was smaller when the level of alexithymia of the participants increased, suggesting that people with a higher level of alexithymia are less sensitive to the emotional content of the neighbor. The results are discussed within an interactive activation model of visual word recognition incorporating an affective system with valence and arousal dimensions, with regard to the role of the alexithymia level of participants

    Le voisinage orthographique influence la catégorisation de couleur des mots différemment selon l’âge et la vitesse de traitement

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    The objective of this research was to determine to what extent the effect of higher-frequency orthographic neighbourhood in a word colour-categorization task is changed during aging when processing speed is taken into account. In addition, the effect of the lexicality of the stimuli on colour categorization was examined, as well as its variation according to age and processing speed. Fifty-two young adults (Mage = 21.62) and 52 older adults (Mage = 66.04) participated in this study. For each age group, two sub-groups were created according to the processing speed of the participants as measured by the WAIS Coding subtest. Two conditions of words (written in red, yellow, green or blue) were presented in a colour-categorization task. Half of the words did not have any orthographic neighbours (e.g., pistil [pistil]), while the other half had a higher-frequency neighbour (e.g., tirade [tirade]/TIRAGE [draw]). A control condition with a series of Xs was added to test the influence of the effect of the lexicality of words on the colour-categorization times. As a whole, the results showed slower colour-categorization times for words compared to a series of Xs, which did not vary with age and processing speed. Importantly, the results showed that orthographic neighbourhood frequency interacted with age and processing speed, on colour categorization response times. More precisely, the neighbourhood frequency effect was found to vary differently according to processing speed in each age group. For the fastest young adults, the facilitatory effect of higher-frequency orthographic neighbourhood was obtained, whereas no such effect was found for the slowest young adults. The fastest older adults did not exhibit any effect of higher-frequency orthographic neighbourhood whereas a facilitatory effect was observed for the slowest older adults. Therefore, these data suggest that both aging and the processing speed of the participants influence the interference effect of reading on colour categorization. These findings are discussed in the context of cognitive aging theories and models of written word recognition.L’objectif de la présente recherche est de déterminer dans quelle mesure l’effet de fréquence du voisinage orthographique dans une tâche de catégorisation de couleur de mots est modifié lors du vieillissement lorsque la vitesse de traitement des participants est prise en compte. Deux conditions de mots colorés ont été comparées dans une tâche de catégorisation de couleurs réalisée par un groupe d’adultes jeunes (Mâge = 21,62) et un groupe d’adultes âgés (Mâge = 66,04). La moitié des mots ne possédaient pas de voisin orthographique (ex., pistil), l’autre moitié avaient un voisin plus fréquent (ex., tirade/tirage). Les résultats ont montré que l’effet de fréquence du voisinage sur les temps de catégorisation de couleur variait différemment dans chaque groupe d’âge selon la vitesse de traitement. Ces données sont discutées dans le cadre des théories du vieillissement cognitif et de la reconnaissance des mots écrits

    A base of emotionality (valence, arousal, category) of 1286 French words according to age (EMA)

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    Introduction et objectifs: Plusieurs études ont montré que les effets de l’émotionalité des mots sur leur traitement dépendaient à la fois de leur valence émotionnelle et de leur arousal, et que ces effets variaient avec l’âge. Toutefois, parmi les différentes bases en langue française, aucune ne fournit à la fois des estimations de valence et d’arousal de mots ne renvoyant pas directement à un trait émotionnel en fonction de l’âge. Ceci constitue l’objectif principal de la base d’émotionalité des mots selon l’âge (EMA) que nous proposons. De plus, cette base fournit une catégorisation de chaque mot dans les sous-catégories émotionnelles primaires. Méthode: Au total, 1286 mots français ont été évalués en ligne sur leur valence émotionnelle et leur arousal par 1017 adultes âgés de 18 à 82 ans. De plus, chaque mot estimé comme négatif ou positif était affecté à une catégorie (joie, surprise, colère, dégoût, peur ou tristesse). Résultats: Les données montrent (1) une relation quadratique entre valence et arousal qui se maintient avec l’âge, même si la force de cette association décroît, (2) une variation des évaluations de valence et d’arousal selon l’âge, avec une évaluation plus négative et de plus fort arousal avec l’avancée en âge et (3) une modification des estimations de valence et d’arousal selon la sous-catégorie d’appartenance d’un mot. Conclusion: La base EMA fournit ainsi un nouvel outil pour les études chez l’adulte utilisant des mots émotionnels, en particulier celles portant sur le fonctionnement cognitif lié à l’âge ou spécifique à une tranche d’âge donnée.Introduction/aim: Several studies have shown that the effects of word emotionality on its processing depend on both its valence and its arousal. Such effects also varied with age. However, in French, there is no norm providing both valence and arousal estimates for words not directly referring to an emotion. That was the aim of this study. Moreover, the base of word emotionality according to age (EMA) we propose here provides categorization for each word in basic emotional subcategories. Method: In total, 1286 French words were evaluated on line on both emotional valence and arousal by 1017 adults from 18 to 82 years old. Moreover, each word judged as negative or positive was attributed to a category (joy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear or sadness). Results: The data showed (1) a quadratic relationship between valence and arousal, maintained across age groups, even if its strength decreased with aging; (2) age-related variations of both valence and arousal estimates; and (3) a modification of valence and arousal evaluations according to affiliation to basic emotional subcategories. Conclusion: The EMA base provides a new tool for studies using emotional words in adulthood, especially for those investigating cognitive functioning in aging or in a specific age group

    De la lecture d’un mot à sa mémorisation : influence des processus lexico-émotionnels.

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    Comment et dans quelle mesure les caractéristiques émotionnelles d'un mot écrit influencent-elles les processus cognitifs d’accès au lexique et de mémorisation de ce mot ? Dans cet article, nous présenterons 2 études empiriques visant à préciser les processus lexico-émotionnels sous-tendant les performances dans des tâches de décision lexicale et de mémoire de travail chez des jeunes adultes. Nous discuterons ensuite les intérêts et limites et présenterons les perspectives ouvertes par ces études

    Animacy and attentional processes: Evidence from the Stroop task

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    International audienceIn visual perception, evidence has shown that attention is captured earlier and held longer by animate than inanimate stimuli. The former are also remembered better than the latter. Thus, as far as attentional processes are concerned, animate entities have a privileged status over inanimate entities. We tested this hypothesis further using an adaptation of the Stroop paradigm. Adults had to categorise the colours of words that referred to either animate or inanimate concepts. In two experiments, we found that it took longer to process the ink colour of animate than inanimate words. Indeed, this effect was found when the words were presented in an oral animacy Stroop task (Experiment 1) and in a manual animacy Stroop task (Experiment 2). Using ex-Gaussian analyses and examining the distribution of RTs as a function of vincentiles per animacy condition, we did not find a specific localisation of the animacy effect. The findings are interpreted as providing further evidence that animates are prioritised in processing because their fitness value is higher than that of inanimates