211 research outputs found

    Estudo dos efeitos das cores e da simulação mental incorporada na propaganda sobre o comportamento do consumidor

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Florianópolis, 2017.A propaganda consiste em um importante componente para a implementação eficiente do conceito de marketing. De modo, alguns aspectos devem ser considerados para o desenvolvimento de uma propaganda eficaz, dentre eles estão o emprego das cores e uso da simulação mental incorporada, essa última consiste na configuração de imagens mentais automáticas num indivíduo motivadas por sua exposição às reproduções verbais ou visuais de objetos. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação se propôs a analisar os efeitos da presença de imagens coloridas versus imagens em preto e branco e da simulação mental incorporada na propaganda sobre o comportamento do consumidor. Para tanto, a metodologia adotada foi de caráter quantitativo e como plano de pesquisa, um estudo causal, contemplando as seguintes variáveis dependentes: atenção; atitudes sobre o produto, sobre a marca e sobre a propaganda e; intenção de compra. Desta forma, foram realizados três estudos experimentais em laboratório, conduzidos em salas de aulas com estudantes de graduação, os quais responderam a um questionário ao serem expostos a diversos anúncios contendo variações de cores (colorido x preto e branco) e da orientação das mãos do modelo (mão dominante x mão não dominante). Como resultados, de maneira geral, a presença de imagens coloridas em propagandas tende a resultar em maiores efeitos sobre o comportamento do consumidor quando comparadas a utilização de imagens em preto e branco, principalmente no que se refere à atitude sobre o produto anunciado. Quanto a orientação de produtos visando o aumento da simulação mental incorporada, nesta pesquisa não foram encontrados indícios significativos da influência desta variável sobre o comportamento dos consumidores. Por fim, são destacadas contribuições teóricas e gerenciais deste estudo, bem como suas limitações e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.Abstract : Advertising is an important component for the efficient implementation of the marketing concept. So some aspects must be considered for the development of an effective advertisement, among them are the use of colors and use of embodied mental simulation, the latter refers to the configuration of automatic mental images in an individual motivated by their exposure to verbal reproductions or visual objects. In this sense, the present dissertation proposed to analyze the effects of the presence of color images versus black and white images and of the mental simulation incorporated in the advertising about consumer behavior. Therefore, the methodology used was quantitative and as a research plan, a causal study, contemplating the following dependent variables: attention; Attitudes about the product, about the brand and about the advertising; buy intention. In this way, three experimental studies were carried out in the laboratory, conducted in classrooms with undergraduate students, who answered a questionnaire when they were exposed to several ads containing color variations (color x black and white) and orientation of the hands Model (dominant hand vs. non-dominant hand). As a result, in general, the presence of colored images in advertisements tends to result in greater effects on consumer behavior when compared to the use of black and white images, especially with regard to the attitude about the advertised product. Regarding the orientation of products aimed at increasing the incorporated mental simulation, in this research there were no significant indications of the influence of this variable on consumer behavior. Finally, we highlight the theoretical and managerial contributions of this study, as well as its limitations and suggestions for future research

    Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma

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    Bibliotecário empreendedor

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    TCC (graduação em Biblioteconomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, FlorianópolisBibliotecário é um profissional liberal que trata a informação e a torna acessível ao usuário, independente do suporte informacional. Ele trabalha em bibliotecas, centros de documentação e pode gerir redes e sistemas de informação além de gerir recursos informacionais e trabalhar com tecnologia de ponta. A pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer quais as habilidades e competências necessárias ao profissional bibliotecário que atua em unidades de informação para que desempenhe suas atividades de maneira empreendedora. A fundamentação teórica aborda o perfil do empreendedor, qualidades empreendedoras, perfil do bibliotecário, mercado de trabalho, habilidades e competências do bibliotecário e perfil do bibliotecário empreendedor. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi de natureza exploratória, qualitativa/quantitativa e documental, delimitada aos bibliotecários que fazem parte da Associação Catarinense de Bibliotecários (ACB). Nesta investigação, o instrumento utilizado na coleta de dados foi o questionário. Os resultados mostram que as atividades mais desenvolvidas pelos bibliotecários são: atendimento ao usuário, disseminação da informação, processamento técnico e pesquisa. As habilidades que os bibliotecários mais desenvolvem são: produzir soluções rapidamente (demonstrar agilidade), demonstrar capacidade de adaptação aos novos métodos de trabalho, controlar a execução dos planos de atividade, operar computadores, periféricos e outros recursos tecnológicos. Suas principais competências são: trabalhar em equipe e em rede, manter-se atualizado e demonstrar capacidade empreendedora

    Impact of tire debris on in vitro and in vivo systems

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    BACKGROUND: It is estimated that over 80% of respirable particulate matter (PM(10)) in cities comes from road transport and that tire and brake wear are responsible for the 3–7% emission of it. Data on the indicators of environmental impact of tire debris (TD), originated from the tire abrasion on roads, are extremely scarce, even though TD contains chemicals (zinc and organic compounds) which can be released in the environment. METHODS: TD particle morphology was analysed with SEM, TEM and FIB instruments. TD eluates and TD organic extracts were tested at dilution series on human cell lines and Xenopus laevis embryos. 50 and 100 g/L TD were used for the eluates obtained after 24 h at pH 3 and the quantity of zinc present was measured with a ICP-AES. Eluates diluted to 1%, 10%, 50% in culture media and undiluted were used on X. laevis embryos in the FETAX test. HepG2 cells were exposed for 24 h to 0.05 – 50 μg/ml of zinc salt while A549 cells were exposed for 24, 48 and 72 h to 10, 50, 60, or 75 μg/ml of TD extract. X. laevis embryos were exposed to 50, 80, 100, or 120 μg/ml TD extract. RESULTS: The solution of undiluted 50 g/L TD produced 80.2% mortality (p < 0.01) in X. laevis embryos and this toxic effect was three times greater than that produced by 100 g/L TD. Zn accumulation in HepG2 cells was evident after 4 h exposure. A549 cells exposed to TD organic extract for 72 h presented a modified morphology, a decrease in cell proliferation and an increase in DNA damage as shown by comet assay. The dose 80 μg/ml of TD extract produced 14.6% mortality in X. laevis embryos and 15.9% mortality at 120 μg/ml. Treatment with 80, 100, or 120 μg/ml TD organic extract increased from 14.8% to 37.8% malformed larvae percentages compared to 5.6% in the control. CONCLUSION: Since the amount of Zn leached from TD is related to pH, aggregation of particles and elution process, the quantity of TD present in the environment has to be taken into account. Moreover the atmospheric conditions, which may deeply influence the particle properties, have to be considered. The TD organic fraction was toxic for cells and organisms. Thus, because of its chemical components, TD may have a potential environmental impact and has to be further investigated

    Integrated Allosteric Model of Voltage Gating of Hcn Channels

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    Hyperpolarization-activated (pacemaker) channels are dually gated by negative voltage and intracellular cAMP. Kinetics of native cardiac f-channels are not compatible with HH gating, and require closed/open multistate models. We verified that members of the HCN channel family (mHCN1, hHCN2, hHCN4) also have properties not complying with HH gating, such as sigmoidal activation and deactivation, activation deviating from fixed power of an exponential, removal of activation “delay” by preconditioning hyperpolarization. Previous work on native channels has indicated that the shifting action of cAMP on the open probability (Po) curve can be accounted for by an allosteric model, whereby cAMP binds more favorably to open than closed channels. We therefore asked whether not only cAMP-dependent, but also voltage-dependent gating of hyperpolarization-activated channels could be explained by an allosteric model. We hypothesized that HCN channels are tetramers and that each subunit comprises a voltage sensor moving between “reluctant” and “willing” states, whereas voltage sensors are independently gated by voltage, channel closed/open transitions occur allosterically. These hypotheses led to a multistate scheme comprising five open and five closed channel states. We estimated model rate constants by fitting first activation delay curves and single exponential time constant curves, and then individual activation/deactivation traces. By simply using different sets of rate constants, the model accounts for qualitative and quantitative aspects of voltage gating of all three HCN isoforms investigated, and allows an interpretation of the different kinetic properties of different isoforms. For example, faster kinetics of HCN1 relative to HCN2/HCN4 are attributable to higher HCN1 voltage sensors' rates and looser voltage-independent interactions between subunits in closed/open transitions. It also accounts for experimental evidence that reduction of sensors' positive charge leads to negative voltage shifts of Po curve, with little change of curve slope. HCN voltage gating thus involves two processes: voltage sensor gating and allosteric opening/closing

    Transcriptional profiling of human bronchial epithelial cell BEAS-2B exposed to diesel and biomass ultrafine particles

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    Background: Emissions from diesel vehicles and biomass burning are the principal sources of primary ultrafine particles (UFP). The exposure to UFP has been associated to cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, including lung cancer. Although many aspects of the toxicology of ambient particulate matter (PM) have been unraveled, the molecular mechanisms activated in human cells by the exposure to UFP are still poorly understood. Here, we present an RNA-seq time-course experiment (five time point after single dose exposure) used to investigate the differential and temporal changes induced in the gene expression of human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) by the exposure to UFP generated from diesel and biomass combustion. A combination of different bioinformatics tools (EdgeR, next-maSigPro and reactome FI app-Cytoscape and prioritization strategies) facilitated the analyses the temporal transcriptional pattern, functional gene set enrichment and gene networks related to cellular response to UFP particles.Results: The bioinformatics analysis of transcriptional data reveals that the two different UFP induce, since the earliest time points, different transcriptional dynamics resulting in the activation of specific genes. The functional enrichment of differentially expressed genes indicates that the exposure to diesel UFP induces the activation of genes involved in TNFa signaling via NF-kB and inflammatory response, and hypoxia. Conversely, the exposure to ultrafine particles from biomass determines less distinct modifications of the gene expression profiles. Diesel UFP exposure induces the secretion of biomarkers associated to inflammation (CCXL2, EPGN, GREM1, IL1A, IL1B, IL6, IL24, EREG, VEGF) and transcription factors (as NFE2L2, MAFF, HES1, FOSL1, TGIF1) relevant for cardiovascular and lung disease. By means of network reconstruction, four genes (STAT3, HIF1a, NFKB1, KRAS) have emerged as major regulators of transcriptional response of bronchial epithelial cells exposed to diesel exhaust.Conclusions: Overall, this work highlights modifications of the transcriptional landscape in human bronchial cells exposed to UFP and sheds new lights on possible mechanisms by means of which UFP acts as a carcinogen and harmful factor for human health

    Optical scattering (TAOS) by tire debris particles: preliminary results

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    Tire debris particles from low severity laboratory wear tests have been investigated by the TAOS optical scattering facility at Yale University. The incident wavelength is 532 nm. After the TAOS event some particle samples have been imaged by a scanning electron microscope and microanalyzed. The TAOS intensity patterns recorded within a solid angle in the backward sector have been processed by cluster analysis and compared with the patterns computed by a T-matrix code. Preliminary agreement has been found between TAOS data and the particle models (size, shape, refractive index). The purpose of the investigation is to obtain signatures of the material, based on its TAOS pattern. © 2001 Optical Society of America


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    Considering the growing relevance of the strategic role of the experimental perspective for organizations, this paper investigates the concept of consumer experience, from the perspective of female plus size fashion consumers. This is a qualitative study, in which 22 interviews were conducted. The results were analyzed using thematic content analysis, resulting in five thematic categories: experience before consumption; buying experience; product experience, plus size fashion experience, and consequences of the consumer experience. The main findings show the urgent need to adapting items of clothing to suit the physical and psychological needs of this target market, the influence of sales assistants’ attitudes, the ambience of the stores, the strengthening of plus size fashion, and the impacts of the consumer experience on the self-esteem and acceptance of overweight women. As a major outcome, the identification of the five dimensions of consumption experience for plus size fashion can act as a useful starting point for future investigations, and for the theoretical and empirical advance of the field.Considerando a crescente relevância do papel estratégico da perspectiva experiencial para as organizações, este artigo investiga o conceito de experiência de consumo sob a ótica das consumidoras de moda plus size. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, na qual foram realizadas 22 entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando análise de conteúdo temática, resultando em cinco categorias temáticas: experiência pré-consumo, experiência de compra, experiência com o produto, experiência com a moda plus size e consequências da experiência de consumo. Dentre os principais achados, destacam-se a urgência de adequação da oferta de itens do vestuário condizentes com as necessidades físicas e psicológicas deste público, a influência das atitudes dos vendedores e da ambientação dos estabelecimentos comerciais, o fortalecimento da moda plus size e os impactos na autoestima e aceitação que a experiência de consumo proporciona às mulheres acima do peso. Como resultado central, a identificação de cinco dimensões da experiência de consumo para o segmento de moda plus size configura um ponto de partida útil para a realização de futuras investigações e para o avanço teórico-empírico sobre o tema

    Milano summer particulate matter (PM10) triggers lung inflammation and extra pulmonary adverse events in mice

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    Recent studies have suggested a link between particulate matter (PM) exposure and increased mortality and morbidity associated with pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases; accumulating evidences point to a new role for air pollution in CNS diseases. The purpose of our study is to investigate PM10sum effects on lungs and extra pulmonary tissues. Milano PM10sum has been intratracheally instilled into BALB/c mice. Broncho Alveolar Lavage fluid, lung parenchyma, heart and brain were screened for markers of inflammation (cell counts, cytokines, ET-1, HO-1, MPO, iNOS), cytotoxicity (LDH, ALP, Hsp70, Caspase8-p18, Caspase3-p17) for a putative pro-carcinogenic marker (Cyp1B1) and for TLR4 pathway activation. Brain was also investigated for CD68, TNF-\u3b1, GFAP. In blood, cell counts were performed while plasma was screened for endothelial activation (sP-selectin, ET-1) and for inflammation markers (TNF-\u3b1, MIP-2, IL-1\u3b2, MPO). Genes up-regulation (HMOX1, Cyp1B1, IL-1\u3b2, MIP-2, MPO) and miR-21 have been investigated in lungs and blood. Inflammation in the respiratory tract of PM10sum-treated mice has been confirmed in BALf and lung parenchyma by increased PMNs percentage, increased ET-1, MPO and cytokines levels. A systemic spreading of lung inflammation in PM10sum-treated mice has been related to the increased blood total cell count and neutrophils percentage, as well as to increased blood MPO. The blood-endothelium interface activation has been confirmed by significant increases of plasma ET-1 and sP-selectin. Furthermore PM10sum induced heart endothelial activation and PAHs metabolism, proved by increased ET-1 and Cyp1B1 levels. Moreover, PM10sum causes an increase in brain HO-1 and ET-1. These results state the translocation of inflammation mediators, ultrafine particles, LPS, metals associated to PM10sum, from lungs to bloodstream, thus triggering a systemic reaction, mainly involving heart and brain. Our results provided additional insight into the toxicity of PM10sum and could facilitate shedding light on mechanisms underlying the development of urban air pollution related diseases