1,236 research outputs found

    Resenha crítica: Do descaso a um novo olhar: a construção da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral aos Usuários de Álcool e Outras Drogas como conquista da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira. O caso de Recife (PE)

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    This work is based on secondary sources such as the conquest of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. It is an exploratory study, with the objective of briefly examining the structuring and transformations of mental health policies in Brazil. On the other hand, it seeks to highlight fragments in the enunciation mechanisms that strengthen services aimed at caring for people in psychic suffering. In conclusion, the analysis shows that, in some people, society shows different behavior patterns and norms, and they react differently to the problem in question. And that mental illness is now considered a social degeneration. And in this sense, we emphasize the necessary care to the carriers of this disease, as well as the importance of a quality nursing care. And this aspect, is emphasized in some congresses and seminars held for a social education, mainly in the aspect of education and awareness of drug use. And reinforced the construction of the National Policy of Integral Attention to Users of Alcohol and Other Drugs as a conquest of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. The case of Recife (PE).Este trabalho, está fundamentado em fontes secundárias como a conquista da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira. É um estudo de caráter exploratório, tendo como objetivo examinar, de forma sucinta, a estruturação e transformações das políticas de saúde mental no Brasil. Por outra parte, busca destacar fragmentos nos mecanismos de enunciação que fortalecem os serviços voltados ao cuidado das pessoas em sofrimento psíquico. Em conclusão a análise nos mostra que, a sociedade demostra em algumas pessoas diferentes padrões e normas de comportamento, capa pessoa reage de forma diferente frente ao problema em questão. E que a doença mental passou a ser considerada uma degeneração social. E neste sentido, destacamos os cuidados necessários aos portadores desta enfermidade, como também a importância de um atendimento de enfermagem de qualidade. E este aspecto, está enfatizado em alguns congressos e seminários realizados em para uma educação social, principalmente no aspecto de educação e conscientização do uso de drogas. E reforçado a construção da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral aos Usuários de Álcool e Outras Drogas como conquista da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira. O caso de Recife (PE)

    The Effects of Practice Schedule and Self-Controlled Feedback Manipulations on the Acquisition and Retention of Motor Skills

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    In their challenge-point framework (CPF) Guadagnoli and Lee’s (2004) argue that learning is maximized when a person faces an optimal level of challenge during practice. It is suggested that challenge level can be manipulated through the combination of different practice variables. The purpose of this study was to investigate how practice schedule and self-controlled feedback frequency manipulations affect performance and learning of motor skills. Participants (n=96) attempted to learn three versions of a key-pressing task. The task consisted of pressing five computer keys in specified sequences in a goal criterion time. Participants were assigned to either a blocked practice schedule with self-controlled feedback (BLK-SC), a random practice schedule with self-controlled feedback (RND-SC), a blocked practice schedule with yoked feedback (BLK-YK), a random practice schedule with yoked feedback (RND-YK), a blocked practice schedule and 100 percent feedback (BLK-100), or a random practice schedule with 100 percent feedback (RND-100). Participants in the blocked conditions practiced 30 trials of each task according to a blocked practice schedule. Participants in the random conditions practiced 30 trial of each task according to a random practice schedule. Participants in the self-controlled feedback condition were allowed to choose whether or not to receive feedback on each trial. Yoked participants had their feedback schedule matched to a participant with similar characteristics in the self-control condition. Participants in the 100% feedback condition received feedback after every trial. Participants were also asked to complete the NASA Task Load Index (Hart & Staveland, 1988) and an adapted Perceived Competence for Learning scale (adapted from Williams & Deci, 1996) after the completion of the 5th and 90th trial. After 24 hr participants performed a retention test. The results indicated no difference between groups during retention or for the NASA-TLX and PCL scores. The feedback frequency analysis indicated no differences between BLK-SC and RND-SC groups. In general, the findings of the present study show that the effects of practice schedule conditions can be offset by self-controlled feedback manipulations. They also suggest that a number of different combinations of practice schedules and feedback frequencies can lead to similar challenge levels

    Diversification as a Form of Risk Management in Agriculture

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    The objective of this study is to show the importance of diversification in the risk management process. The study areas are: Mato Grosso, with large properties, and Rio Grande do Sul with small. The developed activities are annual cultures and cattle for slaughter. The hypotheses of the work are: a) rural producers diversify their activities using modern techniques. b) Diversification has been efficient in the producers' risks reduction. c) Producers tend be as effective as possible, though they differ in the rates of risk aversion. The MOTAD and E-V models were used.Farm Management,

    Environmental regulation and international trade patterns for agro-industrial under a South-North Perspective

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    This paper aims at examining the relation between the international trade and the environment, particularly focused on sensitive agribusiness sectors. It consists on an empirical test to the conflicting positions supported by economists, some following the traditional approach (trade-off or neoclassical), while others supporting the Porter’s hypothesis, which considers that impacts of the stricter environmental regulation can benefit the trade competitiveness. A Heckscher-Ohlin- Vanek model was applied to net exports as the dependent variable. The agricultural products analyzed were total agriculture, rice, maize, soybean, wheat, dairy and swine; run for 97 countries, divided as developing and developed, in a cross-section approach. This modeling allows including the environmental endowment as explanatory variables. Moreover the Environmental Performance Index (Esty et al, 2008) was also tried as explanatory variables in order to catch any effect of the environmental regulation on the trade patterns. Results were not conclusively as they show that the net exports of the selected products, considered environmentally sensitive, can be affected even positively or negatively (neoclassical approach) by the environmental regulation. The results depend on the products. A remarkable outcome to highlight is that the dummy for developing countries and developed countries was significant, pointing that for rice, for example, it makes difference being a developing country, as well as it does for wheat, being a developed country.Trade, environmental regulation, agribusiness, Environmental Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade,

    SEM Model to Determine the Relationship Between Neurodidactics, Inclusive Education and Sustainability

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    The research presented here is based on the objective of analyzing whether there is a relationship among neurodidactics, educational inclusion and sustainability in a university context. The starting point was a non-experimental, descriptive, explanatory and correlational research, using an ad hoc Likert scale as a data collection instrument, which has been validated in content and constructs through exploratory factor analysis. The sample consist of 577 participants of undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Jaen (Spain). The results obtained allow us to establish important points for reflection, such as the concept of neurodidactics in the university context, simplified to neurotransmitters, brain areas or multiple intelligences, as well as reducing inclusion to the existence of students with disabilities in the classroom, or to a sustainability that is not considered a driver of change in the current educational system. The conclusion obtained from SEM modeling is the existence of a very strong relationship among neurodidactics and educational inclusion, and the latter with sustainability, while there is a low relationship between neurodidactics and sustainability. Finally, we provide the values that confirm that the proposed model is valid: X2/gl (5.2). IAA: GFI (0.91), RMSEA (0.074), ECVI (1.83). IAI: IFI (0.97), NFI (0.98), RFI (0.96). IP: PNFI (0.78), PGFI (0.65).Work arising from the project: "Training of University Teachers in ICT to Support Students with Disabilities". Type of Project/Grant: State Plan 2020-2023 Challenges - I+D+i Projects. Reference: PID2019-108230RB-I00. Included in the Ibero-American Network for the development of the Professional Identity of Teachers (RED RIDIP) of the Teacher (RED RIDIPD) (University of Jaen, Spain)

    On the rr-stability of spacelike hypersurfaces

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    In this paper we study the strong stability of spacelike hypersurfaces with constant rr-th mean curvature in Generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes of constant sectional curvature. In particular, we treat the case in which the ambient spacetime is the de Sitter space

    The Determinants of the Brazilian Farm Prices

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    The findings presented in this paper come from our study of the effects of Brazilian macroeconomic policy on the Brazilian Farm [product] Price Index using an adapted version of Frankel’s (1986 & 2006) theoretical model. The study examined the connection between Brazilian farm prices and external variables (worldwide importation of agribusiness products, international commodity prices, and foreign real interest rates) and between Brazilian farm prices and domestic variables (GDP, the real exchange rate, and local interest rates).Brazilian farm prices, interest rate differentials, international commodity prices and exchange rate., Agribusiness, Political Economy, Q, E4, E5,

    Las necesidades educativas especiales de los alumnos/as con deficiencia auditiva. Aspectos diferenciales

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    Tradicionalmente los modelos de intervención para niños con deficiencia auditiva han estado marcados por disciplinas como la medicina, la física acústica, etc., de modo que la actuación educativa se centraba en el déficit auditivo del alumno y se trabajaba desde una perspectiva fundamentalmente clínica. En los últimos años se ha dado un cambio de perspectiva, pasando a una concepción interactiva, en la que tan importante es el déficit del alumno como la respuesta que el ambiente y el contexto dan a ese déficit; el nuevo modelo trata de conocer todas las características del alumno, en todas las áreas del desarrollo e identificar las necesidades educativas especiales del mismo, tomando como punto de referencia el currículo ordinario, para ajustar la respuesta educativa a esas necesidades. Desde esta perspectiva, a la hora de escolarizar un alumno con deficiencia auditiva, habrá que valorar el grado de pérdida auditiva de éste, así como las necesidades educativas del alumno y contrastarlas con las posibilidades educativas del Centro ordinario con recursos y del Centro preferente para la discapacidad auditiva para elegir el tipo de escolarización que mejor responda a esas necesidades educativas. Actualmente, las personas con sordera tienen ya un reconocimiento legal hacia sus derechos, como son el reconocimiento de un lenguaje de signos, su integración escolar.... Se ha pasado a considerar a la sordera como una diferencia y no una deficiencia y por tanto, desde el ámbito educativo, como una necesidad educativa especial

    A balança comercial do agronegócio brasileiro de 1989 a 2005

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    Este trabalho analisa a contribuição do agronegócio para o saldo comercial do Brasil. Uma nova classificação de balança comercial do agronegócio foi criada e usada para analisar os lados dos produtos exportados (representados pelos produtos agrícolas, produtos de origem animal e alimentos industrializados) e dos insumos importados (representados pelos fertilizantes) para o período de 1989 a 2005. Foram elaborados modelos de importação e exportação a fim de retratar e explicar o comportamento dessas variáveis, empregando a Análise de Auto-Regressões Vetoriais (Vector Autoregression Analysis - VAR). Pôde-se observar que um aumento de 1% na atratividade - dada pelo produto do câmbio e dos preços externos - impulsiona as exportações de produtos agrícolas não processados em 1,71% imediatamente, estabilizando-se em 2% após alguns trimestres. A atratividade explica de 60% a 74% da variância dos erros de previsão dessas exportações. Nota-se que uma desvalorização cambial, por exemplo, aumenta mais as exportações de produtos do que as importações de fertilizantes. Além disso, um crescimento de 1% no PIB doméstico exerce impacto expressivo (convergindo em -1,7%) de contenção das exportações dos produtos agrícolas.This study aims to analyze the agribusiness contribution to Brazil's trade balance. A new classification of the agribusiness trade balance was proposed and used to analyze the aspects of the exported products - agricultural products, products of animal origin, industrialized foods and imported inputs - represented by fertilizers. Imports and exports vector autoregression models were used to explain the behavior of these variables. An increase of 1% in the attractiveness - product of the exchange rate by the international prices - boosts immediately the exports of non processed agricultural products by 1.71%, stabilizing at 2% after some trimesters. The attractiveness explains 60 to 74% of the forecast error variances of these exportats. It is noted that an exchange rate devaluation stimulates more the exports of products than it does the fertilizer imports. Besides, an increase of 1% of the GDP has an expressive impact (converging into -1.7%) on agricultural products exports