84 research outputs found

    Sugarcane: Organo-Mineral Fertilizers and Biostimulants

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    The combined application of organic fertilizer with mineral fertilizer increases the yield of sugarcane. It promotes greater residual beneficial effect in relation to the use of each fertilizer in isolation. The organo-mineral fertilizer presents gradual solubilization during the period of development of the crop. Thus, when compared to soluble mineral sources, its agronomic efficiency may be higher. Various types of organic material can be used, such as pig manure, poultry litter, filter cake and sewage sludge, among others. Organic matter is responsible for maintaining and increasing soil porosity to improve water retention and to ensure soil microbial balance. The efficiency in nourishing the sugarcane crops or availing the available nutrients is maximized. The use of biostimulants in world agriculture has achieved significant growth rates in the last decades. Hormone compounds ensure the sustainability of crops. It can be an alternative to improve plant nutrition, support of abiotic and biotic stresses. They act in the activation and potentiation of the metabolism of the cells, give more vigor to the immune system and help to enable the physiological processes in the different stages of development. The emergence and use of new technologies is the way to achieve greater productivity, sustainability and profitability


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    Coffee production presents great economic and social importance. To increases coffee production and decreases the environmental impacts of its activity, it is necessary to know the soil attributes and their impacts on plant development. Therefore, due to the importance of the soil physical and chemical attributes, as well as the significance of coffee to Brazil, the objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical attributes of an Oxisol planted with coffee conducted under conventional tillage system. For the purposes of analysis and interpretation of the data, the experiment was performed and interpreted in a completely randomized design, with the factorial 3 x 2, referring to three locations in the area of the coffee plantation (planting line, canopy projection, between planting lines) and two soil layers (0 - 0.2 m and 0.2 - 0.4 m), with four replications. It is concluded that no distinctions for soil porosity and total porosity was observed among soil locations, and that ‘planting line’ position showed superior concentrations of total organic carbon and mean geometric diameter of the soil aggregates.Coffee production presents great economic and social importance. To increases coffee production and decreases the environmental impacts of its activity, it is necessary to know the soil attributes and their impacts on plant development. Therefore, due to the importance of the soil physical and chemical attributes, as well as the significance of coffee to Brazil, the objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical attributes of an Oxisol planted with coffee conducted under conventional tillage system. For the purposes of analysis and interpretation of the data, the experiment was performed and interpreted in a completely randomized design, with the factorial 3 x 2, referring to three locations in the area of the coffee plantation (planting line, canopy projection, between planting lines) and two soil layers (0 - 0.2 m and 0.2 - 0.4 m), with four replications. It is concluded that no distinctions for soil porosity and total porosity was observed among soil locations, and that ‘planting line’ position showed superior concentrations of total organic carbon and mean geometric diameter of the soil aggregates

    Classificação do ciclo de desenvolvimento de cultivares de cafeeiro através da soma térmica

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    The choice of coffee cultivars suitable for each region, is of great importance. The choice of coffee cultivars suitable for each region, is of great importance because of the differences in climate and soil conditions and microclimate. In order to facilitate the recommendation of regional and local cultivars for harvest scheduling, this study aimed to evaluate the thermal requirements for the different growth stages, as well as classify the maturity cycle of ten genotypes of Coffea arabica L. at conditions of Uberlândia, MG. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 10 treatments and 4 replications, each plot consists of a row of eight plants, which were evaluated at 4 central plants. During the crop year 2008/2009, it was observed for each cultivar the date of occurrence of phenological stages of flowering to fruit green cane, cane fruit tree to fruit to fruit and flowering cherry. The degree-day values were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Underwent degree day data obtained for the total cycle analysis of variance and the application of Scott & Knott test at 5% significance. The average coefficient of variation for the total cycle proved to be low for most cultivars, cultivars IAC 99 and Topaz MG 1190 showed high values .A escolha das cultivares de cafeeiro adequadas a cada região é de grande importância, devido às diferenças de condições edafoclimáticas e de microclima. Com o intuito de facilitar a recomendação regional e local de cultivares para o escalonamento de colheita, neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar as necessidades térmicas e classificar o ciclo de maturação de dez genótipos de Coffea arabica L., nas condições edafoclimáticas de Uberlândia, MG. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com 10 tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída por uma linha de oito plantas, das quais foram avaliadas as quatro plantas centrais. Durante o ano agrícola 2008/2009, observou-se para cada cultivar a data de ocorrência das fases fenológicas de florescimento a frutos verde cana, fruto verde cana a fruto cereja e florescimento a fruto cereja. Os valores de graus-dia foram analisados por meio da média, desvio padrão e o coeficiente de variação. Submeteramse os dados de graus dias obtidos para o ciclo total à análise de variância e à aplicação do teste de Scott & Knott, a 5% de significância. O coeficiente de variação médio para o ciclo total mostrou-se baixo para maioria das cultivares, as cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 e Topázio MG 1190 apresentaram valores altos

    Maize crop response to different levels of mineral and or-ganomineral fertilization associated with plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPBs): Resposta da cultura do milho a diferentes níveis de adubação mineral e organomineral associada à bactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas (BPCPs)

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    Corn has a high nutritional requirement, especially with regard to NPK fertilization. However, the low efficiency of conventional fertilizers combined with the high cost of the input has limited the reach of high yields. The use of fertilizers with increased efficiency seeks to mitigate these limitations, reducing potential losses due to the gradual release of nutrients. The objective of this work was to compare the nutrition, growth and production of maize plants subjected to different doses and special NPK fertilizers fully applied at planting, as well as their residual effect on the soil. A randomized block design was used, in a 3 x 4 factorial scheme, with four replications. The first factor consisted of conventional mineral, polymer coated and organomineral fertilizers inoculated with PGPBs. The second factor was doses of 0, 60, 90 and 120 kg ha-¹ of NPK. Vegetative growth, foliar nutrition (N, P and K), yield growth components, productivity, profitability and P and K nutrient content remaining in the soil after cultivation were evaluated. The conventional mineral fertilizer presented higher production of dry biomass of the aerial part and profitability in relation to the special fertilizers. However, the special fertilizers presented better results in the vegetative and productive growth, in general, still showing a potential reduction of the applied doses, without compromising the grain yield, especially in the organomineral fertilization + PGPBs. The same showed greater residual effect of K in the soil, proving to be relevant longterm studies for better elucidation of these effects in the soil and subsequent culture

    Plant growth and yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.) under applications of liquid biofertilizers

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    Garlic is a highly relevant vegetable crop from the food and medicinal point of view in the culture of different peoples around the world. The new discoveries of the active components present in the bulbs increase the demand and require that garlic’s production system meets the demands of the market in quantity and quality. The nutrition in vegetables is crucial for the production and protection of crops, and in the garlic crop it is usual practice to apply minerals via leaf application during the cycle. The use and benefits of organic sources associated with minerals in the garlic crop raise questions about the viability of the leaf application method in this crop. The objective of this study  was to evaluate the effectiveness of biofertilizers containing humic acids applied via leaf application in the crop of garlic (Allium sativum) in relation to the control (absence of humic acid). There was no significant variation for the foliar application of biofertilizers for the development parameters (aerial part, root system and bulb formation) and garlic production classes. Biofertilizer 4 at the dose of 30 L ha-1 stood out compared to the Biofertilizers 2 and 3 for total productivity. The use of foliar biofertilizers with organic components associated with minerals can be considered an interesting alternative for the cultivation of garlic, especially if evaluated in the long term and considering the global benefits to the cultivation system

    Avaliação de substratos para a produção de mudas de pinhão manso em sacolas plásticas

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    O pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.) tem merecido grande atenção na busca por plantas oleaginosas com aptidões técnicas e econômicas para a produção de biocombustiveis. O substrato e a adubação utilizada na produção de mudas são fatores que podem condicionar um bom desenvolvimento das plantas a campo. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes substratos para a formação de mudas de pinhão manso em sacolas plásticas. Foram avaliados os efeitos de quatro fontes de matéria orgânica (esterco bovino, cama de frango, cama de peru e húmus de minhoca), nas proporções de 0, 20, 40 e 60% da composição do substrato, utilizando o delineamento em blocos casualizados com três repetições, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4. Foi avaliada através da emergência de plântulas aos 14 dias, altura de plantas, diâmetro de caule e peso seco de raiz. O esterco bovino na proporção de 60% da fonte de matéria na composição do substrato foi o mais adequado para formação de mudas de pinhão manso

    Diesel engine performance and emission analysis using soybean biodiesel

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    Biodiesel presents a large potential for replacing other fossil-based fuels. Thus, the present work aimed to assess the specific fuel consumption (SFC), thermal efficiency and emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), in a cycle diesel engine-generator set, using soybean biodiesel and diesel as fuels. The experiment was carried out at Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE), Cascavel Campus. The engine-generator set used in the study was a model BD 6500CF with 7.36 kW (10 cv) of power and 5.5 kVA/5.0 kW of nominal power, with an average output tension of 120/240 V monophase. Fuels used were soybean biodiesel (B100) and diesel oil (B0). Nominal loads applied varied between 1.0 and 5.0 kW. In order to quantify gas emissions, a combustion and emission quality analyzer was used; model PCA®3, Bacharach inc. Soybean biodiesel presented an average consumption increase of 4.3% in all resistive loads, what shows large potential for the usage of soybean biodiesel in the generation of energy, without causing raises in the specific fuel consumption. Soybean biodiesel efficiency has proved to be superior to that of diesel in all resistive loads. As for the emissions, soybean biodiesel provided a reduction of 64% (NO) and 54% (NOx) when compared with diesel oil.Keywords: Combustion gases, energy generation, specific fuel consumptionAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(19), pp. 2633-263

    Yield and biometry of fertilized sugar cane with organomineral fertilizer of sewage sludge and biostimulant

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    The dependence of mineral fertilizers, increasingly, has brought concern facing the increased demand and because it is a non-renewable mineral resource. The organic fertilization, exclusively, it is impractical in large scale, however, the combination of organic and mineral sources have already proved to be feasible, both from the point of view of nutrition of plants as well as in the aspect of recycling of urban and industrial waste by agriculture. This research had as objective to determine the efficiency of aorganomineral fertilizer formulated on the basis of sewage sludge in substitution of mineral fertilizer in the cultivation of sugar cane in environments with different levels of soil fertility. An experiment was conducted in greater soil fertility, in the Institute Federal Goiano– Campus, Morrinhos-GO, Brazil. The other, less soil fertility, was implanted in the ethanol industry Tijuco Valley, located in Rio do Peixe, district of Prata-MG, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial 5 x 2 +1 being five doses, with and without a biostimulant plus an additional with mineral fertilization, in four replications. The doses were in function of fertilization recommendation of planting and coverage for each environment, consisting of: 100 % of the mineral source and percentage 0; 60; 80; 100 and 120 % of organomineral fertilizer. We evaluated the productivity, tillering, diameter and height of stem in Prata-MG the different percentages of the fertilization of planting favored and increased productivity, height and stem diameter of sugar cane; the use of biostimulants not contributed to increase crop yield. In Morrinhos-GO, the different percentage of planting fertilization did not increase the productivity, tillering, height and diameter of the sugarcane stem; the use of biostimulants increases the productivity yield of sugarcane. Organomineral fertilizer based on biosolids is similar to fertilization with mineral fertilizer in environments


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    O fósforo é um dos elementos que promovem arrancada vigorosa, desenvolvimento radicular, florescimento, maturação, formação das sementes e produtividade elevada. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de café em função da variação de aplicação de fósforo. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação da Faculdade Assis Gurgacz, Cascavel – PR, com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em um mini conjunto de lisímetro de drenagem constituído de 16 vasos de polietileno, com capacidade volumétrica de 0,02 m3. As doses utilizadas de P2O5 foram de 0,0 g, 1,0 g, 2,0 g, 3,0 g, 4,0 g, 5,0 g, 6,0 g e 7,0 g, por planta com aplicação semanal. As plantas foram influenciadas pela aplicação de fósforo. As respostas das equações polinomiais quadráticas, com as doses de 4,2 g, 7,9 g, 4,0 g, para os pontos de máxima produção biométrica de 10,4, 7,96 g, e 6,10 g, respectivamente para número de folhas, massa fresca e massa seca


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    O Brasil é o principal produtor e maior exportador de café do mundo. A produção de mudas de qualidade é fundamental para uma atividade mais sustentável, maior produção e menor custo ao que se traduz em sucesso na formação do cafezal. O potássio (K) é um dos elementos que mais influenciam no crescimento das plantas em estágio inicial. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de café em função variação de doses crescente de potássio. O experimento foi realizado em ambiente protegido da Faculdade Assis Gurgacz, Cascavel – PR, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, distribuídos em um conjunto de mini lisímetros de drenagem, com capacidade volumétrica de 20 dm³. A dose utilizada foi de 0,0 g, 1,0 g, 2,0 g, 3,0 g, 4,0 g, 5,0 g, 6,0 g, 7,0 g e 8,0 g de K2O por planta. As plantas responderam a aplicação de K. As respostas das equações polinomiais foram quadráticas, com as doses de 3,95 g, 4,73 g, 4,04 g, e 4,16 g de K2O para os pontos de máxima produção biométrica de 12,65 cm, 10,18 folhas, 8,52 g e 5,87 g, respectivamente para altura de planta, número de folhas, massa fresca e massa seca