86 research outputs found

    Observações sôbre a estrutura foliar de Spathodea nilotica Seem

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    The author describes some structural aspects of the leaflets of Spathodea nilotica Seem., an african bignoniacea cultivated in the State of São Paulo, for arborization of streets. The structure of the leaflets is studied from the point of view of its abnormal behaviour when in conditions of great loss of water by transpiration. The leaflets are hypostomatic. The adaxial epidermis is glabrous and the abaxial one has big tricelular hairs in the regions of the veins. The stomata are protruse, located in the interfibrovascular regions of the epidermis. The mesophyll is heterobaric and has three layers of palisade parenchyma. The spongy parenchyma is compound of ellipsoidal cells in parallel moniliform rows, running from the palisade parenchyma to the abaxial epidermis. The cuticles is very thin and shows subcuticular spaces. The author suggests that the presence of the subcuticular spaces allied to the heterobaric structure of the mesophyll may have influence in a possible partial detachment of the cuticle, when in conditions of great loss of water, which may provoke a sudden rolling up of the leaflet.O autor descreve observações sôbre a estrutura da fôlha de Spathodea nilotica Seem., bignoniácea arbórea, ornamental, de origem africana, aclimatada e cultivada no Estado de S. Paulo, para arborização urbana. A estrutura dos folíolos é estudada com vistas à interpretação do seu comportamento anormal, quando sujeitos a condições de alta perda de água por transpiração. A fôlha é composta penada e os folíolos são hipostomáticos. A epiderme adaxial é glabra e a abaxial tem enormes pêlos tricelulares, localizados nas regiões das nervuras. Os estômatos são protrusos, situados, nas regiões interfibrovasculares da epiderme abaxial. O mesofilo é heterobárico, com três camadas de parênquima paliçádico, e o parênquima lacunoso é constituido de células elipsoidais, em fileiras moniliformes. A cutícula é muito delgada e apresenta espaços subcuticulares. O autor sugere que a presença dos espaços subcuticulares, aliada à estrutura heterobárica, poderia ter influência em um possível descolamento parcial da cutícula, em condições de alta desidratação dos folíolos

    Fitotoxicidade do herbicida CP. 50 144 para Sesamun indicum L. e Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivados em soluções nutritivas

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    This paper describes an experiment on the phytotoxicity of the herbicide 2-Chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-(methoxymethyl) acetanilide (CP 50144) on seedlings of sesame (Sesamum indicum) and bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) cultivated in nutrient solutions. Foliar treatments were made by applying respectively concentrations of 1mg/10l, 5mg/10l, 25mg/10l, 125mg/10l, 250mg/ 10l and 500mg/10l of the herbicide, through a lOlmicropipettes, in the base of the primary leaves. Root treatments were made by applying the herbicide, in the concentrations of 1 ppm, 5ppm, 25 ppm, 125 ppm 625 ppm and 3125 ppm, into the nutrient solu -tion (0,5 Hoagland). Foliar absorption of CP 50144 by the leaves is relatively slow, but when the herbicide passes thru the cuticle,its contact action is intense, showing little acropetal translocation. In foliar applications, sesame showed high tolerance to the concentrations from 1 to 125mg/10l , being not injured at all. Higher concentrations revealed themselves very phytotoxic, injurying severely the leaves. The bean seedlings leaves were injured by all concentrations of CP 50144, except for the one at lmg/10l. In root applications, sesame showed also, high tolerance to the herbicide, being not injured at all by the concentrations from 1 to 125 ppm. Higher concentrations produced severe contact injuries in the roots and general symptoms of phytotoxicity on the foliage. The plants dead. This seems to be due to the fact that these concentrations were stronger than the saturation point of the herbicide in water (148 ppm). The water insoluble herbicides (dissolved in the solvent vehicle) may be produced the contact injuries in the root system, and may be absorbed and translocated in the transpiration stream, affecting severely all the plant. The bean plants showed high sensibility to the herbicide, in root treatments. All the plants were killed in all concentrations. The symptoms were described. It seems that the herbicide affects the cellular distension of the young leaves, as these ones showed themselves coriaceous, corrugated and concavous. There are needs of further studies on the mode of action of CP 50144 to explain its phytotoxic effects and selectivity for sesame and other tolerant plants. The author thanks Prof. David J. Rincón for his advice, and Mrs. Mary P. de Veras and Don Juan Ramirez for their very capable assistance.O presente trabalho relata um experimento em que foram verificados os efeitos fitotóxicos do herbicida 2-cloro-2', 6'-dietil-N-(metoximetil) acetanilida (CP 50144) em plántulas de gergelim (Sesamun indicum L.) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), cultivados em solução nutritiva 0,5-Hoagland. 0 herbicida foi aplicado às folhas, nas doses respectivas de lug/10l, 5ug/ 10l, 25yg/10l, 125ug/10l, 250yg/10l e 500ug/10l. Para o tratamento às raízes, ele foi adicionado à solução nutritiva, nas doses de 1 ppm, 5 ppm, 25 ppm, 125 ppm, 625 ppm e 3125 ppm, respectivamente. O tratamento foliar revelou penetração lenta, tanto nas fôlhas de gergelim como nas de feijão, com pequena translocação e forte ação de contato, especialmente nas concentrações mais elevadas, superiores à da saturação (148 ppm). A absorção pelas raízes e lenta, tanto para o gergelim como para o feijão. Entretanto, o gergelim mostrou-se altamente tolerante ao CP 50144, até a concentração de 125 ppm, inclusive, não tendo demonstrado nenhum sintoma de injuria. Acima dessa concentração, o gergelim foi fortemente injuriado, tendo mostrado fortes sintomas de ação de contato, nas raízes, e sintomas gerais de intoxicação, na parte aerea, que levaram as plantas a morte. O feijão mostrou-se bastante sensível à ação do CP 50144, tendo apresentado forte sintomatologia de intoxicação, tanto por contato como por translocação apoplástica. São descritos os sintomas de fitotoxicidade do herbicida, para as duas plantas. O herbicida CP 50144 e altamente seletivo para o gergelim, mostrando-se bastante promissor para essa cultura. O herbicida mostrou ação inibidora da distensão celular, nas folhas novas de feijão. É interessante que se realizem estudos fitoteratológicos e fitofisiológicos com este herbicida, cujo modo de ação ainda nao e bem conhecido

    Problemas fitogeográficos de São José do Rio Preto, estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The county of São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil, whose climatic and pedological characteristics are referred in this paper, has a reduced and fragmentary area of natural forests, which is mostly occupied by somewhat savanized and, in less grade, ruderalized formations. From the second half of 1962 to the end of 1963, the authors have found species belonging to five different phytogeographic elements, as follow: the General Element, the Amazonic Element, the Atlantic Element, the Meridional Element, and the Central Element. Though no secure] statement can one make on the climax-formation of the region, we may admit that it might be the semideciduous and somewhat xeromorphic latifoliated tropical forest. The problem of origin of the "cerrado" remains an open question yet.O Município de São José do Rio Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, cujas principais características climáticas e pedológicas estão indicadas no trabalho, apresenta área florestal reduzida e fragmentária, sendo, em sua maior parte, ocupada por formações mais, ou menos savanizadas e, em menor grau, ruderalizadas. Foram, até agora, encontradas espécies vegetais pertencentes a cinco elementos fitogeográficos diferentes: o Geral, o Amazônico, o Atlântico, o Meridional e o Central. Embora nada se possa dizer, com segurança, em relação à formação clímax da região, pode-se admitir que seja a floresta latifoliada tropical, semidecídua e mais ou menos xeromorfa. Continua em aberto, para a região, o problema da origem do cerrado

    Levantamento florístico da região de São José do Rio Preto: 1.ª Contribuição

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    The authors present the first list of vascular plants collected by them in the region of São José do Rio Preto county, State of São Paulo, Brazil. This list of 76 species includes 23 ones of cerrado (14 of these exclusively of cerrado), and 20 species of adventitious plants (arvenses or ruderales). The 76 species are distributed in 67 genera and 34 families. The climate of the county is mesothermic, tending to megathermic, corresponding to the Koppen's Cwa type. The predominant soil is a dark-red latosol, originated from decomposition of Arenito de Bauru (Bauru sandy soil of upper Cretaceous).É apresentada uma primeira lista de plantas vasculares coletadas pelos A. A. na região de São José do Rio Preto (S. P.). O clima da cidade é mesotérmico, com tendência para megatérmico, correspondendo ao tipo Cwa de Köppen. O solo predominante é um latossol vermelho-escuro, originado pela decomposição do Arenito de Bauru (Cretáceo superior). Entre as 76 espécies apresentadas nesta primeira lista, contam-se 23 próprias do cerrado (das quais, 14 exclusivas) e 20 invasoras (arvenses ou ruderais), distribuídas em 76 gêneros e 34 famílas

    Balanço Hídrico de Spathodea nilotica, (Seem.)

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    This paper deals with the transpiration of Spathodea nilotica Seem (Bignoniaceae), a small tree native in tropical Africa and cultivated in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, for arborization of streets and ornamental. Transpiration was determined by the so called "cut leaf" method and observations were made on the daily march of total and cuticular transpiration, on the saturation deficits of the leaves used in the determination of the transpiration and on the hydroactive movements of the stomata. Comparation of the daily march of total transpiration curves to the saturation deficits ones of the same leaflets, showed that the two restrictions of total transpiration which the plant presented during the day were caused by lack of water supply in the leaflets. Cuticular transpiration was measured by covering the stomatal (abaxial) face of the leaflets with a layer of vaseline and weighing the cut leaflets in the torsion balance. The daily march of cuticular transpiration compared to the one of total transpiration showed the same results, that is, the restrictions of transpiration during the day were due chiefly to the lack of water supply in the leaflets.Os autores relatam observações sobre a transpiração de Spatkódea nilotica Seem (Bignoniaceae), pequena árvore africana aclimatada no Brasil e usada, no Estado de São Paulo, para arborização de ruas e como planta ornamental. A transpiração foi dterminada pelo método das pesagens rápidas, por meio de uma balança de torsão. Foram feitas observações sôbre o andamento diário da transpiração total da transpiração cuticular e do déficit de saturação dos folíolos usados nas determinações da transpiração total. Também foram feitas observações sôbre o movimento hidroativo dos estômatos. As comparações entre as curvas de andamento diário da transpiração total com as dos déficits de saturação dos folíolos usados mostram que as, duas restrições de transpiração, constatadas durante o dia, foram devidas à falta de suprimento de água nos folíolos. A transpiração cuticular foi determinada cobrindo-se a epiderme estomática (abaxial) com vaselina e pesando os folíolos cortados. A marcha diária da transpiração cuticular comparada com a da transpiração total mostrou os mesmos resultados, isto, é, que as duas restrições de transpiração, já referidas, são devidas principalmente à falta de suprimento hídrico nos folíolos

    Balanço hídrico de Guarea trichilioides L., na estação seca, em São José do Rio Preto

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    This paper deals with the water balance of Guarea trichilioides L., a meliaceous tree, native in the tropical America. Transpiration was measured by the method of rapid weighing of detached leaflets. Determinations of transpiration values showed that G. trichilioides did'nt restrict transpiration in the more hot hours of the day. Relative transpiration was higher than that of the trees of the rain tropical forest. Relative cuticular transpiration was low, as in most trees of the rain forest, and lower than that of several plants of the cerrados (brazilian savannae). Hydroactive movement of the stomata was relatively rapid in the initial phasis, becoming however, very slow, before attaining the values of the cuticular transpiration. The saturation deficit was always low, as in the rain tropical forest trees. From the study of the water balance and leaf structure, we can realize that Guapea trichilioides is a tree of the tropical forest unadapted to support conditions of intense drought.Guarea trichilioides L.4, (= Guarea guara (N.J. Jacquin) P. Wilson) é uma meliácea arbórea silvestre, fornecedora de madeira vermelha e conhecida, na região de São José do Rio Preto, pelo nome de "Marinheiro". Foi estudado o balanço hídrico desta planta na estação seca, pelo método das pesagens rápidas de folíolos destacados, verificando-se que, nas condições consideradas, não houve, praticamente, restrição acentuada da transpiração nas horas mais desfavoráveis do dia. A transpiração relativa foi bastante elevada, comparável aquela de outras árvores da mesma formação e bem superior à das árvores da floresta pluvial tropical. A transpiração cuticular foi baixa, comparável à da maioria das árvores da citada floresta pluvial e bem inferior àquela de muitas plantas permanentes do cerrado. O movimento hidroativo dos estômatos foi relativamente rápido na fase inicial, tornando-se, porem, bastante vagaroso antes de atingir o valor da transpiração cuticular. O deficit de saturação foi pequeno, comparável ao das árvores da floresta pluvial. O estudo do balanço hídrico e da estrutura foliar levam a considerar Guarea trichilioides como uma árvore da floresta tropical não adaptada a suportar condições de seca intensa

    Acute Exposure to Two Biocides Causes Morphological and Molecular Changes in the Gill Ciliary Epithelium of the Invasive Golden Mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857)

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    Limnoperna fortunei, the golden mussel, is a bivalve mollusk considered an invader in South America. This species is responsible for ecological and economic damages due to its voluminous fouling capability. Chemical biocides such as MXD-100™ and sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) are often used to control L. fortunei infestations in hydraulic systems. Thus, we proposed to investigate the effects of different periods (24, 48 and 72 h) of exposure to MXD-100™ (0.56 mg L−1) and NaDCC (1.5 mg L−1) on the gills of L. fortunei through morphological and molecular analyses. NaDCC promoted progressive morphological changes during the analyzed periods and only an upregulation of SOD and HSP70 expression during the first 24 h of exposure. MXD-100™ led to severe morphological changes from the first period of exposure, in addition to an upregulation of SOD, CAT, HSP70 and CYP expression during the first 24 h. In contrast, MXD-100™ led to a downregulation of CAT transcription between 24 and 48 h. In static conditions, NaDCC causes lethal damage after 72 h of exposure, and that exposure needs to be continuous to achieve the control of the species. Meanwhile, the MXD-100™ treatment presented several effects during the first 24 h, showing acute toxicity in a shorter period of time

    Fuel specific consumption and emission analysis in a cycle diesel motor generator using diesel and biodiesel from waste frying oil blends

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    One of the main fuels that can be helpful in emissions reduction when compared with diesel oil is the biodiesel. Moreover, it is a renewable fuel and may be obtained from different animal fat and vegetable oil. The purpose of this work was to evaluate fuel specific consumption and emission of exhaustion gases using the biodiesel produced from waste frying oil in a cycle diesel internal combustion engine (ICE) to produce electrical energy. The used motor generator has a power of 7.36 kW (10 HP) and 5.5 kVA /5.0 kW of nominal power. The used fuel was composed of a biodiesel and diesel oil blend and the following proportion in biodiesel composition was used: 0% (B0), 5% (B5), 10% (B10), 20% (B20), 50% (B50) and 100% biodiesel (B100). The nominal load applied varied between 0.5 and 5.0 kW. The analysis test was just performed with (B0) and (B100) blends. To quantify the gases emission, combustion and emission analyzer were used. The quantified gases were: CO, NO, NOx and SO2. Generally, the utilization of biodiesel from waste frying oil showed fuel specific consumption statistically similar to that of the diesel oil. It was observed that the biodiesel from waste frying oil provided an emission reduction of combustion gases.Key words: Combustion, energy production, biofuel

    Development of a risk score for earlier diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in children

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    Objective To develop a clinical score for the early identification of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children and adolescents. The early diagnosis of CKD in childhood allows the adoption of measures to slow the progression of the disease, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, the diagnosis is often made too late for proper patient management. Study design We preformed a case-control study of a multicenter Brazilian sample of 752 pediatric patients; the study cases (n = 376) were CKD patients with a median estimated GFR of 37 (IQR = 22 to 57) ml/min/1.73 m(2). The control group (n = 376) comprised age-, gender-and center-matched children who were followed for nonrenal diseases. Potential risk factors were investigated through a standard questionnaire that included symptoms, medical history, and a clinical examination. Two multivariable models (A and B) were fitted to assess predictors of the diagnosis of CKD. Results In model A, 9 variables were associated with CKD diagnosis: antenatal ultrasound with urinary malformation, recurrent urinary tract infection, polyuria, abnormal urine stream, nocturia, growth curve flattening, history of hypertension, foamy urine and edema (c-statistic = 0.938). Model B had the same variables as model A, except for the addition of the history of admission during the neonatal period and the exclusion of antenatal ultrasound variables (c-statistic = 0.927). Conclusions The present scores may serve as a warning sign for CKD diagnosis in children among professionals working in the primary care setting where the symptoms associated with a risk of CKD may be overlooked14