8 research outputs found


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    This is an in-depth study into future Primary Education teachers’ negative experiences in Physical Education School, using Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence. An analysis was conducted of 155 narratives of Primary Education teacher students in two Spanish universities. The results show that symbolic violence is exercised through the inadequacy of those students’ physical identities to performance discourses, which, in turn, are legitimized by teachers and other successful students. This hidden violence is projected onto their physical and professional identities as future teachers.  Este estudio profundiza sobre las experiencias negativas de la Educación Física escolar cursada por el futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria, utilizándose para el análisis el concepto de violencia simbólica de Bourdieu. Se ha realizado un análisis de 155 narrativas de estudiantes de grado de Educación Primaria en dos universidades españolas. Los resultados muestran que la violencia simbólica se ejerce por la inadecuación de las identidades físicas de este alumnado a los discursos del rendimiento, que son, a su vez, legitimados por el profesorado y otros estudiantes exitosos. Este tipo de violencia oculta se proyecta en las identidades físicas y profesionales del futuro profesorado. Este estudo aprofunda as experiências negativas da Educação Física Escolar cursada pelo futuro docente de Educação Primária, usando o conceito de violência simbólica de Bourdieu para a análise. Foi realizada uma análise de 155 narrativas de estudantes de graduação em Educação Primária de duas universidades espanholas. Os resultados indicam que a violência simbólica é exercida pela inadequação das identidades físicas dos graduandos aos discursos do rendimento, os quais, por sua vez, são legitimados pelos docentes e por estudantes exitosos. Este tipo de violência subliminar projeta-se também nas identidades físicas e profissionais do futuro docente.

    La voz del futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre sus experiencias previas en Educación Fisica : de los contextos de participación a los de exclusión

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    Este trabajo se centra en analizar las experiencias previas del futuro profesorado generalista de Educación Primaria (EP) en la asignatura de Educación Física (EF) cursada a lo largo de su escolarización obligatoria. Su interés radica en que dichas experiencias constituyen el lente o filtro a través del cual los estudiantes dan sentido a su aprendizaje universitario, por lo que es preciso darles voz para ayudarles a reflexionar y repensar sobre estas prácticas pedagógicas con el objetivo de transformarlas. El estudio se ha realizado a partir del análisis de contenido cualitativo de las narrativas de 155 estudiantes que cursaban la asignatura troncal de EF y su Didáctica en el Grado de Maestro de EP de dos universidades españolas. Los principales hallazgos del estudio ponen de manifiesto que existe una evolución negativa en las experiencias previas en EF, ya que en Primaria son visibles contextos en los que predominan experiencias de carácter placentero, lúdico y participativo, mientras que en Educación Secundaria prevalecen los deportes de equipo, la formación selectiva de equipos, la carga de competitividad y los test de rendimiento, generándose contextos de exclusión y de rechazo de la asignaturaThis paper is focused on the analysis of the previous experience of future generalist Primary Education teachers in the Physical Education (PE) subject coursed throughout their compulsory schooling. Its interest is that these experiences are the lens or filter through which students make sense of their university learning, so it is necessary to give them a voice in order to help them in the reflecting and rethinking process about these pedagogical practices as a way to transform them. The study was conducted from a qualitative content analysis of the narratives of 155 students who were studying the core subject of Teaching PE in the Degree of Primary Education in two Spanish universities. The main study findings show that there is a negative evolution in the previous PE experiences, since in Primary Education are visible contexts in which pleasurable, playful and participatory experiences predominate, while in Secondary Education prevail team sports as well as the selective formation of teams, the competitiveness and the performance test, therefore generating contexts of exclusion and rejection of the subjec

    Violencia simbólica en la educación física escolar : un análisis crítico de las experiencias negativas del futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria

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    Este estudio profundiza sobre las experiencias negativas de la Educación Física escolar cursada por el futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria, utilizándose para el análisis el concepto de violencia simbólica de Bourdieu. Se ha realizado un análisis de 155 narrativas de estudiantes de grado de Educación Primaria en dos universidades españolas. Los resultados muestran que la violencia simbólica se ejerce por la inadecuación de las identidades físicas de este alumnado a los discursos del rendimiento, que son, a su vez, legitimados por el profesorado y otros estudiantes exitosos. Este tipo de violencia oculta se proyecta en las identidades físicas y profesionales del futuro profesoradoThis is an in-depth study into future Primary Education teachers' negative experiences in Physical Education School, using Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence. An analysis was conducted of 155 narratives of Primary Education teacher students in two Spanish universities. The results show that symbolic violence is exercised through the inadequacy of those students' physical identities to performance discourses, which, in turn, are legitimized by teachers and other successful students. This hidden violence is projected onto their physical and professional identities as future teachersEste estudo aprofunda as experiências negativas da Educação Física Escolar cursada pelo futuro docente de Educação Primária, usando o conceito de violência simbólica de Bourdieu para a análise. Foi realizada uma análise de 155 narrativas de estudantes de graduação em Educação Primária de duas universidades espanholas. Os resultados indicam que a violência simbólica é exercida pela inadequação das identidades físicas dos graduandos aos discursos do rendimento, os quais, por sua vez, são legitimados pelos docentes e por estudantes exitosos. Este tipo de violência subliminar projeta-se também nas identidades físicas e profissionais do futuro docent

    Critical engagement with digital health:A socio-material analysis of physical education teachers’ digital health mind maps

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    Objective:This paper forms part of a DigihealthPE project in which we have been working with physical education (PE) teachers to co-create critical and embodied digital health pedagogies. As part of the project, we invited PE teachers to mind map their personal engagements with digital health technologies. We aimed to explore the potential openings and opportunities (and limitations) within these maps for critical thinking and action.Method:Data were generated during a workshop with 12 PE teachers in Scotland. Informed by new materialism, we focus on the human and non-human factors and intra-actions evident within six narrative portraits generated from teachers’ mind maps.Results:Our findings suggest that teachers were engaging complexly and extensively with digital health technologies, which we considered an opening for further critical work. Importantly, experiences of strong (negative) affect had the potential to transform engagements with digital health technologies.Conclusion:We conclude by exploring how the process of mind mapping helped us to see further opportunities for supporting teachers to engage critically with digital health technologies. We also argue that new materialist-informed critical practices in education may have transformative potential for helping teachers and pupils to engage critically with the moving body, technology and health

    La voz del futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria sobre sus experiencias previas en Educación Fisica : de los contextos de participación a los de exclusión

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    Este trabajo se centra en analizar las experiencias previas del futuro profesorado generalista de Educación Primaria (EP) en la asignatura de Educación Física (EF) cursada a lo largo de su escolarización obligatoria. Su interés radica en que dichas experiencias constituyen el lente o filtro a través del cual los estudiantes dan sentido a su aprendizaje universitario, por lo que es preciso darles voz para ayudarles a reflexionar y repensar sobre estas prácticas pedagógicas con el objetivo de transformarlas. El estudio se ha realizado a partir del análisis de contenido cualitativo de las narrativas de 155 estudiantes que cursaban la asignatura troncal de EF y su Didáctica en el Grado de Maestro de EP de dos universidades españolas. Los principales hallazgos del estudio ponen de manifiesto que existe una evolución negativa en las experiencias previas en EF, ya que en Primaria son visibles contextos en los que predominan experiencias de carácter placentero, lúdico y participativo, mientras que en Educación Secundaria prevalecen los deportes de equipo, la formación selectiva de equipos, la carga de competitividad y los test de rendimiento, generándose contextos de exclusión y de rechazo de la asignaturaThis paper is focused on the analysis of the previous experience of future generalist Primary Education teachers in the Physical Education (PE) subject coursed throughout their compulsory schooling. Its interest is that these experiences are the lens or filter through which students make sense of their university learning, so it is necessary to give them a voice in order to help them in the reflecting and rethinking process about these pedagogical practices as a way to transform them. The study was conducted from a qualitative content analysis of the narratives of 155 students who were studying the core subject of Teaching PE in the Degree of Primary Education in two Spanish universities. The main study findings show that there is a negative evolution in the previous PE experiences, since in Primary Education are visible contexts in which pleasurable, playful and participatory experiences predominate, while in Secondary Education prevail team sports as well as the selective formation of teams, the competitiveness and the performance test, therefore generating contexts of exclusion and rejection of the subjec

    Young women, health and physical activity: tensions between the gendered fields of Physical Education and Instagram

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    Drawing on the conceptual frameworks of Bourdieu and postfeminism, this article analyses extant tensions between young women’s gendered habitus and the health-related learning spaces of Physical Education (PE) and Instagram. We draw on data from a two-phase qualitative research project with thirty-seven young women (aged 15-17) from three secondary schools in Spain who self-defined as physically active and engaging with exercise content on Instagram. Data obtained through focus groups and semi-structured interviews reveal how these young women’s subjectivities are formed through negotiating the gender ‘rules of the game’ within these key pedagogical fields. Notably, most participants were critical of their learning in PE, which mainly remains a traditional masculine field. By contrast, they valued Instagram as an engaging space in which to learn about fitness to transform their bodies toward the feminine ideal. This involved a constant process of self-optimization, including the development of the ‘right’ mental dispositions, fitting strongly with their gendered habitus. Within this paper, we have developed the concept of ‘postfeminist habitus’ to explain the participants’ engagements with health-related content on Instagram, which through language of choice and empowerment, disciplined the young women to achieve the normative body as a marker of success. We argue that while there are notably different patterns of engagement with PE and Instagram, in both spaces there is evidence of symbolic violence that reproduces the gender order. We conclude by suggesting changes that might make PE a more meaningful and hybrid learning space for young women.</div