9 research outputs found

    Modelo teórico metodológico para la incorporación de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en la formación docente de pregado a distancia

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    El propósito de esta investigación fue generar un modelo teórico metodológico para la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), al proceso de formación docente de pregrado a distancia en el Instituto de Mejoramiento Profesional del Magisterio (IMPM), perteneciente a la UPEL. Las técnicas fueron la observación participante, la autobiografía, la entrevista en profundidad y el grupo de discusión. La investigación se condujo mediante la triangulación de los métodos estudio de casos, investigación acción y etnográfico; para el análisis de la información, se recurrió a técnicas hermenéuticas: la escalera de la inferencia y el círculo hermenéutico. Para la realización del estudio se contemplaron las fases siguientes: diagnóstico, formulación, ejecución y evaluación de la propuesta y construcción del modelo. Los resultados evidencian la pertinencia social y académica de abordar una acción formativa, interactiva y colaborativa para fortalecer la incorporación apropiada de las TIC en la formación docente a distancia.Palabras clave: formación docente; educación a distancia; práctica pedagógica; currículo de formación docente; tecnologías para la información y comunicación

    Genomic Ancestry, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 Among Latin Americans

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    We present the distribution of CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 variants and predicted phenotypes in 33 native and admixed populations from Ibero-America (n > 6,000) in the context of genetic ancestry (n = 3,387). Continental ancestries are the major determinants of frequencies of the increased-activity allele CYP2C19*17 and CYP2C19 gUMs (negatively associated with Native American ancestry), decreased-activity alleles CYP2D6*41 and CYP2C9*2 (positively associated with European ancestry), and decreased-activity alleles CYP2D6*17 and CYP2D6*29 (positively associated with African ancestry). For the rare alleles, CYP2C9*2 and CYPC19*17, European admixture accounts for their presence in Native American populations, but rare alleles CYP2D6*5 (null-activity), CYP2D6-multiplication alleles (increased activity), and CYP2C9*3 (decreased-activity) were present in the pre-Columbian Americas. The study of a broad spectrum of Native American populations from different ethno-linguistic groups show how autochthonous diversity shaped the distribution of pharmaco-alleles and give insights on the prevalence of clinically relevant phenotypes associated with drugs, such as paroxetine, tamoxifen, warfarin, and clopidogrel

    Aprendizaje colaborativo y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

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    El hombre es gregario por naturaleza, obviamente esta condición incide en la producción y la transformación de conocimientos, a partir de situaciones de aprendizaje formal o no; las posibilidades de crecimiento y desarrollo en cada individuo estarán determinadas por el tipo de interacciones de que se provea. De allí la importancia de que los sistemas educativos integren la cooperación a sus prácticas, trascendiendo el individualismo y la competitividad, pues ello tendrá un doble impacto, por una parte favorecerá el aprendizaje y por otra servirá de modelaje para estimular el respeto, la solidaridad y la capacidad de negociación necesarios para la buena convivencia. Las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación estimulan la interactividad, la innovación y el desarrollo asociativo de procesos cognitivos, a partir de la cooperación. El papel del docente es diseñar un entorno de aprendizaje que sea funcional al objetivo educativo y facilitar la interacción del individuo con ese entorno. Si entendemos que el individuo del siglo XXI necesita más que información, aprender a aprender, estando inmerso en un contexto que le sea significativo, se hace evidente el beneficio que reportan las NTIC´s a este tipo de aprendizaje, al propiciar el acceso a información globalizada, a través de los buscadores de la WWW, compañeros y docentes ubicados a grandes distancias, mediante el correo electrónico, los chat rooms y los foros y listas de discusión, así como la simulación de situaciones, a través de los softwares educativos

    Interethnic variability in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 genes and predicted drug metabolism phenotypes among 6060 Ibero- and native americans: RIBEF-CEIBA Consortium Report on population pharmacogenomics

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    Abstarct Pharmacogenetic variation in Latin Americans is understudied, which sets a barrier for the goal of global precision medicine. The RIBEF-CEIBA Network Consortium was established to characterize interindividual and between population variations in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 drug metabolizing enzyme genotypes, which were subsequently utilized to catalog their "predicted drug metabolism phenotypes" across Native American and Ibero American populations. Importantly, we report in this study, a total of 6060 healthy individuals from Ibero-America who were classified according to their self-reported ancestry: 1395 Native Americans, 2571 Admixed Latin Americans, 96 Afro-Latin Americans, 287 white Latin Americans (from Cuba), 1537 Iberians, and 174 Argentinean Ashkenazi Jews. Moreover, Native Americans were grouped into North-, Central-, and South Amerindians (from Mexico, Costa Rica, and Peru, respectively). All subjects were studied for the most common and functional CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 allelic variants, and grouped as genotype-predicted poor or ultrarapid metabolizer phenotypes (gPMs and gUMs, respectively). Native Americans showed differences from each ethnic group in at least two alleles of CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19. Native Americans had higher frequencies of wild-type alleles for all genes, and lower frequency of CYP2D6*41, CYP2C9*2, and CYP2C19*17 (p < 0.05). Native Americans also showed less CYP2C19 gUMs than the rest of the population sample. In addition, differences within Native Americans (mostly North vs. South) were also found. The interethnic differences described supports the need for population-specific personalized and precision medicine programs for Native Americans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest study carried out in Native Americans and other Ibero-American populations analyzing CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphisms. Population pharmacogenomics is a nascent field of global health and warrants further research and education

    Interethnic Variability in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 Genes and Predicted Drug Metabolism Phenotypes Among 6060 Ibero- and Native Americans: RIBEF-CEIBA Consortium Report on Population Pharmacogenomics

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    Pharmacogenetic variation in Latin Americans is understudied, which sets a barrier for the goal of global precision medicine. The RIBEF-CEIBA Network Consortium was established to characterize interindividual and between population variations in CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 drug metabolizing enzyme genotypes, which were subsequently utilized to catalog their "predicted drug metabolism phenotypes" across Native American and Ibero American populations. Importantly, we report in this study, a total of 6060 healthy individuals from Ibero-America who were classified according to their self-reported ancestry: 1395 Native Americans, 2571 Admixed Latin Americans, 96 Afro-Latin Americans, 287 white Latin Americans (from Cuba), 1537 Iberians, and 174 Argentinean Ashkenazi Jews. Moreover, Native Americans were grouped into North-, Central-, and South Amerindians (from Mexico, Costa Rica, and Peru, respectively). All subjects were studied for the most common and functional CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 allelic variants, and grouped as genotype-predicted poor or ultrarapid metabolizer phenotypes (gPMs and gUMs, respectively). Native Americans showed differences from each ethnic group in at least two alleles of CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19. Native Americans had higher frequencies of wild-type alleles for all genes, and lower frequency of CYP2D6*41, CYP2C9*2, and CYP2C19*17 (p < 0.05). Native Americans also showed less CYP2C19 gUMs than the rest of the population sample. In addition, differences within Native Americans (mostly North vs. South) were also found. The interethnic differences described supports the need for population-specific personalized and precision medicine programs for Native Americans. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest study carried out in Native Americans and other Ibero-American populations analyzing CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphisms. Population pharmacogenomics is a nascent field of global health and warrants further research and education

    VII Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de La Laguna: imaginar y comprender la innovación en la Universidad

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    The change of structure and process of the organizations of the current society has generated a great impact in the new way of working. Work teams coordination ensures that a team functions as a unitary whole; is identified as a key process to understand work team effectiveness. This paper presents a brief introduction of the recent research on Work teams in organizations and raises relevant issues about their implications for Pedagogy studies. This paper aims, first, to analyze the potential of team based organizations. And secondly, to examine the effects in pedagogy studies. Coordination is a process that involves the use of strategies and patterns of behavior aimed to integrate actions, knowledge and goals of interdependent members. The tasks have increased its difficulty, doing that individual resolution is very difficult or impossibleUniversidad de La Lagun