111 research outputs found

    Estimasi penyerapan karbon hutan mangrove Bahowo Kelurahan Tongkaina Kecamatan Bunaken

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    Hutan mangrove merupakan sumber daya alam daerah pesisir yang mempunyai banyak manfaat sangat luas baik secara ekologis, ekonomis, maupun sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengestimasi potensi kandungan karbon (C) dan serapan karbondioksida (CO2) pohon mangrove Bahowo di Kelurahan Tongkaina Kecamatan Bunaken. Estimasi potensi biomassa, kandungan karbon, dan serapan karbondioksida pada pohon mangrove dilakukan dalam empat plot 10 x 10 m2 dengan jarak antar plot sejauh 50 m serta menggunakan persamaan allometrik. Setiap pohon yang ada dalam plot dicatat jumlah, jenis, dan diameternya. Hasil penelitian yang didapat menunjukan total biomassa adalah sebesar 433,69 ton/ha dan hasil estimasi kandungan karbon (C) serta serapan karbondioksida (CO2) sebesar 203,83 ton C/ha dan 748,07 ton CO2/ha

    Liturgical pharmacology: Time of the question, complexity and ethics

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    Bernard Stiegler depicts technics as the human’s tertiary memory retention generating a pharmakon with both curative and malignant potential. He additionally rues the posthuman epoch’s depletion of a ‘time of the question’: revealed in the prevalent inaptitude for wisdom – scilicet long-term acuity. We offer Christian liturgy as an abeyant psychotechnique arcing the current pharmakon to cure through soliciting a ‘time of the question’. Rejuvenating Christian liturgy as a psychotechnique can bolster a broader societal ‘time of the question’. Firstly, we describe technic’s du jour mise on scène. Secondly, we constrain Christian liturgies as complex systems incorporating malleability, temporality, and instability. Thirdly, we imagine Christian liturgy as empty tradition allowing amateur repetition of ancient art enticing a ‘time of the question’

    Penempelan Larva Siput Laut (Haliotis varia) : Suatu Percobaan di Laboratorium

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    Settlement of abalone (Haliotis varia) focusing on substrate quality and larval behavior were studied. Four types of substrate, shell and mucous, algae Gracilaria sp and Halimeda sp, and plastic petri-dish were used to test whether the larva might respond and settle on those substrates. At the same time, the mortality of larvae was also determined during the settlement. Without petri-dish, substrate of shell and mucous, algae, as well as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plate were tested to find out substrate preferences when settlements occured. The result showed that variation of substrata, shell and mucous, algae and plastic “petri-dish” possessed a stimuli responded by larva to settle. Shell and mucous as well as substrate algae were attractive among of substrata, since high of settlement on it were recorded. High larval mortality on shell and mucous as well as on substrata of algae were recorded. Substrate of shell and mucous and alga were favorable to substrata when settling. Several factors affecting settlement of larval abalone were discussed


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    The information about mangrove forest community structure in Tapuang village has never been reported. The location of the mangrove forest in this village is near  to the settlements. Three line transects with 50 m distance were laid perpendicular to the shore. In each line transect, 5 quadrants (10 x 10 m2) were established. The data were analyzed using several parameters density, frequency, dominance, important index value and diversity. This study found 5 mangrove species namely Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia ovata, Rhizophora stylosa and Nypa fruticans. Avicennia marina was the most species found in each transects and had the highest density, frequency, and dominance values.  The highest important value index (INP) was found in  Avicennia marina  in transect 2 with a INP value 183.80. Mangrove species diversity index for tree category in each transect was low (H'≤1) ranges from 0.99.Key Words: Tapuang Village, Mangrove, Community Structure


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    Mangrove forests play an important role in mitigating the effects of global warming as mangroves can absorbs and stores carbon therefor, mangrove plants including A. marina can act as carbon sinks. The study aim is to estimate the carbon content contained in A. marina pneumatophore biomass. The data was taken b using line transect method. The number of research stations are 3 stations contain 3 plots (10 x 10 m2) for each station. Samples were taken at low tide by established 3 microplots (50 x 50 cm2) in each 10 x10 m2 plots. The results showed that the highest biomass value was found at Station 3 of 0.49 Kg/m2, followed by Station 1 of 0.42 Kg/m2, and the least pneumatophore biomass value was found at Station 2 of 0.41 Kg/m2.  This finding is in line to the potenntial potential carbon content in pneumatophores where Station 3 has C content (0.08 Kg C/m2), dand 0.07 Kg C/m2 for both station 1 and 2 respectively. The average of C Contain in pneumatphores was 0.28 Kg C/m2. Keyword : Carbon Content, Biomass, Pneumatophores, Avicennia marin

    Persentase Tutupan Dan Struktur Komunitas Mangrove Di Sepanjang Pesisir Taman Nasional Bunaken Bagian Utara

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung persentase tutupan mangrove dan mengetahui struktur komunitas mangrove. Penelitian ini dilakukan di sepanjang pesisir Taman Nasional Bunaken bagian Utara. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode line transect dan metode hemisperichal photography. Data hasil penelitian ditemukan 6 jenis mangrove yaitu Sonneratia alba, Avicennia officinalis, Avecennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza yang termasuk dalam 4 famili Sonneratiaceae, Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae dan juga Bruguieraceae. Nilai tutupan kanopi mangrove yang tertinggi pada stasiun 2 (Meras) di transek 2 mencapai nilai 82,78% dan yang terendah pada stasiun 1 (Molas) di transek 1 yaitu 61,24%

    Estimasi potensi karbon pada sedimen ekosistem mangrove di pesisir Taman Nasional Bunaken bagian utara

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    Ekosistem mangrove merupakan salah satu potensi yang menjadi parameter untuk dikaji dari ekosistem Blue Carbon. Mangrove memanfaatkan CO2 untuk proses fotosintesis dan menyimpannya dalam stok biomassa dan sedimen sebagai upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim. Perkiraan penyimpanan karbon pada ekosistem mangrove begitu besar sehingga penting untuk menghitung persentase estimasi simpanan karbon pada ekosistem mangrove terutama pada sedimen mangrove. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengestimasi simpanan karbon pada sedimen ekosistem mangrove yang tumbuh di Pesisir Taman Nasional Bunaken bagian Utara. Pengambilan sampel sedimen mangrove dilakukan dengan teknik Purpose Sampling dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode Loss on Ignition. Nilai rata-rata densitas sedimen tanah tertinggi terletak pada lapisan kedalaman 60-100 cm, yaitu pada bagian depan dan tengah masing-masing sebesar 0,78 g/cm3 dan 0,80 g/cm3. Pada titik bagian belakang terletak di kedalaman 0-30 cm yaitu 0,90 g/cm3. Nilai rata-rata persentase karbon tertinggi terletak pada lapisan kedalaman 60-100 cm, masing-masing bagian depan sebesar 20,61%; bagian tengah sebesar 22,01%; dan bagian belakang sebesar 16,18%. Nilai rata-rata simpanan karbon pada sedimen ekosistem mangrove di Pesisir Taman Nasional Bunaken bagian Utara tersebar di 5 lokasi, yaitu di Molas sebesar 126,61 Mg ha-1; di Meras sebesar 157,01 Mg ha-1; di Tongkaina sebesar 138,26 Mg ha-1; di Bahowo sebesar 40,25 Mg ha-1; dan di Tiwoho sebesar 136,54 Mg ha-1

    Discerning urban spiritualities : Tahrir Square, occupy Wall Street and the idols of global market capitalism

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    Discernment might be said to be a process of searching for meaning in the light of an (un) articulated Absolute. This search takes place in the tension between the private and public spheres of life, mostly mitigated by a community. Intermediate communities, such as churches or social movements, construct symbolic spirituality systems for its adherers to search for meaning in the light of an (un)articulated Absolute. The urban events of Occupy Wall Street and Tahrir Square also step into the tension between the public and private spheres of life, creating a (temporary) symbolic spirituality system for its adherers. These events were attempts to construct alternatives to the meta-narrative of global market capitalism. As events attempting to symbolise an urban spirituality, Tahrir Square and Occupy Wall Street dissipated rapidly, effecting rather little change at the heart of global market capitalism. This article theorises a possible reason for these urban spiritualities’ dissipation, namely an overlap with global market capitalism’s idols of instant gratification and technology. INTERDISCIPLINARY IMPLICATIONS : Viewing Occupy Walls Street and Tahrir Square as symbolic systems of spirituality further strengthens theological urban discourse whilst adding weight to viewing mass movements as spiritualities attempting discernment.http://www.ve.org.za/am201

    Biblical spiritualities of the "City to come" : narratives of meaning, complexity, and resistance

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    “How does one develop an appropriate urban Christian Spirituality?” is the question this study asks. First, I develop a rigorous, yet open, theoretical framework with which to describe Christian Spirituality’s complexity: a description focused primarily on constraining the markers of Biblical Spirituality and City Spirituality. Within the limits placed on the complex system of Christian Spirituality, I begin exploring various, mostly minor, tropes of urban biblical spiritualities in the “Old” and “New” Testament. From these analyses, I evince the implications of these biblical spirituality tropes for the current city theater, and also construe a set of questions evaluating the appropriateness of mitigating urban communities. The study culminates in an imagined ideal mitigating urban community named an ekklesiastes: a wisdom teaching technology of urban meaning, complexity, and resistance.Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyM. Th. (Christian Spirituality
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