187 research outputs found

    Los volcanes de Colombia y su representación en diversos contextos

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    There are an important number of volcanoes in Colombia, which, for centuries, have been viewed as symbols but not as hazards, and this has demonstrated to be troublesome in times of crisis. Observations of different ways of representation of the concept of volcano in Colombia are reported. More than 228 observations were compiled during field outings and by means of systematic queries using search engines and electronic mail during the period 2010-2017, keeping graphic evidence of all cases. It was found that 19 volcanoes (both active and inactive) have been represented in 28 contexts in 71 localities mainly surrounding the influence areas of volcanism. Representations may have variable spatial character: local, regional or national; or may exhibit varying temporal nature: ephemeral, such as the cases of murals, commercial signs and logos, or last for centuries because they are included in the symbols of administrative units as in the case of coats of arms of municipalities and provinces. Representations are important because they reflect sense of belonging of the communities towards their environment, imprint the concept of volcano in the collective imagination, and might influence the perception of volcanic hazards and the decision-making process during times of volcanic crisis. En Colombia existe un número importante de volcanes que por siglos han sido vistos como símbolos, pero no como amenazas, lo cual infortunadamente ha demostrado ser una problemática en tiempos de crisis. Se reportan observaciones de diferentes formas de representación del concepto de volcán en Colombia. Más de 228 observaciones fueron recopiladas durante recorridos de campo y por medio de consultas sistemáticas usando motores de búsqueda y correo electrónico durante el período 2010-2017, conservando evidencia gráfica de todos los casos. Se encuentra que al menos 19 volcanes (tanto activos como inactivos) han sido representados en 28 contextos en 71, localidades principalmente alrededor de las zonas de influencia volcánica. Las representaciones pueden ser de diferente cobertura espacial: local, regional, nacional; pueden ser directas o indirectas; o pueden tener carácter temporal variable: efímero, como en los casos de murales, anuncios y logotipos, o pueden durar por siglos, porque en muchos casos están plasmadas en símbolos de unidades administrativas, como en el caso de los escudos de municipios y departamentos. Las representaciones son importantes porque reflejan sentido de pertenencia de las comunidades hacia su entorno, imprimen el concepto de volcán en el imaginario colectivo, y pueden influenciar la percepción del concepto de amenaza y el proceso de toma de decisiones durante tiempos de crisis volcánica

    Perfil de uso y rango de dosis de analgésicos en un hospital de cuarto nivel en Bogotá.

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    El dolor es uno de los síntomas más frecuentes e importantes en el paciente hospitalizado, con una frecuencia hasta de  76.9%. El adecuado control del mismo es uno de los objetivos terapéuticos más buscados. Para lograr este objetivo, frecuentemente suelen usarse dosis inadecuadas de analgésicos, lo cual ocasiona reacciones adversas en los pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los analgésicos de mayor uso en el paciente adulto hospitalizado y el rango de dosis de los mismos en un hospital de cuarto nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá.


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    This study describes the methodology developed and the results obtained about the geometric behaviour of walls and pillars of one of the most prominent rock-cut funerary structures of the Middle Kingdom period located in the Necropolis of Qubbet el-Hawa. More specifically, we selected the hypostyle hall of the QH31 hypogeum, one of the greatest in the Necropolis, to apply this methodology. The main objective is related to obtaining geometrical aspects of walls and pillars in order to understand the constructive procedure carried out almost four millennia ago. The methodology was based on photogrammetric and TLS surveys that allowed us to obtain a complete combined 3D model of the structure, geometrically contrasted and with real texture. From this product we obtained a high density point cloud, where some planes were fitted considering the walls and pillars that defined the structure. These planes were characterized by their normal vectors, which were used to analyse several geometric aspects such as inclinations, parallelism and perpendicularity. As results, we have obtained important information about the level of accuracy of the constructive procedure carried out by the ancient Egyptians. In this sense, the values obtained allow us to suggest and confirm several hypotheses about the construction of this hypogeum. The proposed methodology has demonstrated its feasibility for determining these geometric aspects of funerary structures through the analysis of the fitted planes obtained from the 3D model

    Disruptores endocrinos y su camino hacia el desequilibrio metabólico

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    El presente artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo presentar, de forma resumida, la evidencia que existe sobre las repercusiones metabólicas a nivel de obesidad y diabetes, que se genera como consecuencia de la exposición a sustancias químicas exógenas, denominadas disruptores endocrinos (DE), a las cuales nos exponemos de forma cotidiana y que afectan nuestra salud y la de nuestra descendencia. Adicionalmente, con la presente revisión hacemos un llamado no solo a la comunidad médica, sino a los sectores involucrados en la producción, distribución y reglamentación del uso de estas sustancias, pues cada vez hay más evidencia de los efectos nocivos que pueden generar y debemos evitar su uso. Los datos se obtuvieron de estudios clínicos aleatorizados y de una revisión en idioma español e inglés de los últimos 15 años, que incluyó los términos DeCS: disruptores endocrinos, con alternativa DeCS: sustancias disruptoras endocrinas y efecto disruptor endocrino, así como términos MeSH: endocrine disruptors y alternativas MeSH: disruptors, endocrine; endocrine disrupting chemicals; chemicals, endocrine disrupting; endocrine disruptor effect; disruptor effect, endocrine; effect, endocrine disruptor; endocrine disruptor effects; disruptor effects, endocrine; effects, endocrine disruptor

    Management of unexpected placenta accreta spectrum cases in resource-poor settings

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    BACKGROUND: On a global scale, cases of placenta accreta spectrum are often just identified during cesarean delivery because they are missed during antenatal care screening. Routine operating teams not trained in the management of placenta accreta spectrum are faced with difficult surgical situations and have to make decisions that may define the clinical outcomes. Although there are general recommendations for the intraoperative management of placenta accreta spectrum, no studies have described the clinical reality of unexpected placenta accreta spectrum cases in resource-poor settings. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the maternal outcomes of previously undiagnosed placenta accreta spectrum managed in resource-poor settings in Colombia and Indonesia. STUDY DESIGN: This was a retrospective case series of women with histologically confirmed placenta accreta spectrum treated in 2 placenta accreta spectrum centers after referral from remote resource-poor hospitals. Clinical outcomes were analyzed according to the initial type of management: (1) no cesarean delivery; (2) placenta left in situ after cesarean delivery; (3) partial removal of the placenta after cesarean delivery; and (4) post-cesarean hysterectomy. In addition, we evaluated the use of telemedicine by comparing the outcomes of women in hospitals that used the support of the placenta accreta spectrum center during the initial surgery. RESULTS: A total of 29 women who were initially managed in Colombia (n=2) and Indonesia (n=27) were included. The lowest volume of blood loss and the lowest frequency of complications were in women who underwent deferred cesarean delivery (n=5; 17.2%) and in those who had a delayed placental delivery (n=5; 20.7%). Five maternal deaths (14%) occurred in the group that did not receive telehelp, and 4 women died of irreversible shock because of uncontrolled bleeding. CONCLUSION: Previously undiagnosed placenta accreta spectrum in resource-poor hospitals was associated with a high risk of maternal mortality. Open-close abdominal surgery or leaving the placenta in situ seem to be the best choices for unexpected placenta accreta spectrum management in resource-poor settings. Telemedicine with a placenta accreta spectrum center may improve prognosis

    Medical geography in the study of hepatitis A, in the Coffee-triangle region, Colombia, 2007-2011

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    Objectives: There are few studies of geographical characterization of viral hepatitis. For this reason, we after estimating the incidence rates for Hepatitis A (HAV), we developed epidemiological GIS-based maps for this viral disease, within a well-defined geographic region (the coffee triangle) in Colombia. Study design: A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of surveillance data and GIS-based developing of epidemiological maps. Methods: Surveillance cases data (2007-2011) were used to estimate annual incidence rates using reference population data, on hepatitis, to develop the first maps of HAV in the 53 municipalities of the coffee-triangle region of Colombia (departments Caldas, Quindio, Risaralda). GIS used was Kosmo® 3.1. To summarize and compare the data among municipalities and departments (as units of analysis) we generate indicators such as accumulated incidence rates (AIR) and incidence rates ratios. Results: 1518 HAV cases were reported, 47% from Quindío, 30% Caldas and 22% Risaralda. Quindio presented with the highest AIR (131.54) among all the administrative units under study (Caldas, AIR: 46.39; Risaralda, AIR: 37.62). Interestingly, the highest rates in Quindio, during the period, could be related to the increased number of cases reported in two municipalities from 2008 (Quimbaya, AIR ratio: 4.0 and Montenegro: 3.61). The causes that underlie this augmentation will be subject to further research. Conclusions: Incidence rates for HAV is still high in the region. Showing epidemiological data, particularly in maps would allow planning actions oriented to interventions at the different forms of transmission that this disease has, which is highly important for decisions in public health policies

    Tectonic denudation and topographic development in the Spanish Sierra Nevada

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    The denudation history of the rapidly uplifting western part of the Spanish Sierra Nevada was assessed using apatite fission track (AFT) ages and 10Be analyses of bedrock and fluvial sediments. Major contrasts in the denudation history are recorded within the 27 km2 Río Torrente catchment. Upland areas are characterized by low-relief, low slope angles, and locally the preservation of shallow marine sediments, which have experienced <200 m of erosion in the last 9 Myr. However, AFT age determinations from samples collected close to the marine sediments imply >2 km of denudation since circa 4 Ma. The minimum denudation rates of 0.4 mm yr−1 derived from AFT also contrast with the slow medium-term (104 years) erosion rates (0.044 ± 0.015 mm yr−1) estimated from 10Be measurements at high elevations. The local medium-long-term contrasts in denudation rates within the high Sierra Nevada indicate that much of the unroofing occurs by tectonic denudation on flat-lying detachments. In lower elevation parts of the catchment, rapid river incision coupled to rock uplift has produced ∼1.6 km of relief, implying that the rivers and adjacent hillslopes close to the edge of the orogen are sensitive to normal-fault-driven changes in base level. However, these changes are not transmitted into the low-relief slowly eroding upland areas. Thus the core of the mountain range continues to increase in elevation until the limits of crustal strength are reached and denudation is initiated along planes of structural weakness. We propose that this form of tectonic denudation provides an effective limit to relief in young orogens

    Estudios básicos para un manejo integrado de la mosca de los establos, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae).

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    El objetivo primordial de esta investigación fue evaluar algunos métodos para la supervisión y vigilancia de las poblaciones y el control de la mosca de los establos, Stomoxys calcitrans, con el fín de adoptar información para establecer un manejo integrado de esta plaga. El trabajo se realizó en la plantación Palmas del Casanare, municipio de Villanueva (Cas.), a 400 m.s.n.m., una precipitación promedio anual de 2000 mm, una humedad relativa del 85 por ciento y una temperatura entre los 22 y 26 grados centígrados. Se analizó el comportamiento de la población de S. calcitrans en el tiempo, sin encontrar efecto de factores climáticos como precipitación, temperatura y humedad relativa. Al evaluar la efectividad de diferentes trampas para la captura de adultos, las adherentes de color azul dieron una muestra representativa de la fluctuación de los mismos. Se estudió la preferencia de S. calcitrans por los sustratos de fibra y raquis de palma de aceite y algunas modificaciones de ellos, encontrando que los raquis son de mayor aceptación para la oviposición y el desarrollo larval del insecto, pero la preferencia se ve notablemente disminuida cuando éstos presentan contenidos menores de aceite residual. También se determinó la eficiencia del control biológico de esta mosca por medio del parasitoide Spalangia spp., cuyo parasitismo siempre estuvo presente a lo largo del tiemp

    Integración de técnicas de usabilidad y accesibilidad en el proceso de desarrollo de software de las mipymes

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    El creciente uso de productos usables y accesibles, ha transformado la forma de desarrollar software. Estos aspectos hacen par te del Diseño centrado en el Usuario DCU, como guía par a mejorar la calidad de vida, lograr un mejor entendimiento, ampliar el mercado e incrementar la satisfacción del cliente. A pesar de esto, la importancia del DCU dentro del proceso de desarrollo de software solo se considera como un atributo final del producto y no como un elemento inherente e incluyente durante el transcurso del desarrollo. Esta ausencia de aplicación se presenta aun más en los procesos de desarrollo de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas productor as de software MiPyMEs PS, que algunas veces no cuentan con un proceso bien definido. La utilización de técnicas de usabilidad y accesibilidad se puede ver reflejado en beneficios de tiempo, costo y calidad, ejes centrales en la continuidad y prosperidad del los objetivos del negocio. Este tr abajo, aún en desarrollo, muestra los principios básicos del DCU junto con el papel que puede jugar en el éxito de un producto al incluir lo en el proceso de desarrollo de software
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