294 research outputs found

    Multi-objective clustering of gene expression data with evolutionary algorithms: a query gene approach

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    Conservation of the cope of Bishop Ramon de Bellera

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    El Museu Episcopal de Vic va confiar al taller de conservació tèxtil de l’Abegg-Stiftung la capa pluvial del bisbe Ramon de Bellera, una peça opus anglicanum del segle xiv feta de vellut vermell. Al segle xvii la capa es va dividir en diverses parts per fer-ne dues dalmàtiques, un drap de faristol i una enquadernació de llibre. El 1899 aquestes peces es van desmuntar i es va tornar a reconstruir la capa. Per tant, el dilema amb què es van trobar els conservadors tèxtils fou si s’havia de mantenir aquesta reconstrucció o no. L’article que publiquem és un resum de l’informe de conservació. The Museu Episcopal de Vic entrusted the Abegg-Stiftung’s textile conservation workshop with the cope of Bishop Ramon de Bellera, a 14th-century «opus anglicanum» vestment made of red velvet. The cope had been cut into pieces in the 17th century and made up into two dalmatics, a lectern cloth and a book binding. These, in turn, were dismantled in 1899 and the cope was subsequently reconstructed. Thus, the main question facing the textile conservators was whether this reconstruction should be preserved or not. The article published here is an abridged version of the conservation report

    EKF SLAM vs. FastSLAM -- A comparison

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    The two algorithms are described with a planar robot application in mind. Generalization to any spatial SLAM scenarios is straightforward

    Scalable Full Flow with Learned Binary Descriptors

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    We propose a method for large displacement optical flow in which local matching costs are learned by a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a smoothness prior is imposed by a conditional random field (CRF). We tackle the computation- and memory-intensive operations on the 4D cost volume by a min-projection which reduces memory complexity from quadratic to linear and binary descriptors for efficient matching. This enables evaluation of the cost on the fly and allows to perform learning and CRF inference on high resolution images without ever storing the 4D cost volume. To address the problem of learning binary descriptors we propose a new hybrid learning scheme. In contrast to current state of the art approaches for learning binary CNNs we can compute the exact non-zero gradient within our model. We compare several methods for training binary descriptors and show results on public available benchmarks.Comment: GCPR 201

    Biologically Inspired Vision for Indoor Robot Navigation

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    Ultrasonic, infrared, laser and other sensors are being applied in robotics. Although combinations of these have allowed robots to navigate, they are only suited for specific scenarios, depending on their limitations. Recent advances in computer vision are turning cameras into useful low-cost sensors that can operate in most types of environments. Cameras enable robots to detect obstacles, recognize objects, obtain visual odometry, detect and recognize people and gestures, among other possibilities. In this paper we present a completely biologically inspired vision system for robot navigation. It comprises stereo vision for obstacle detection, and object recognition for landmark-based navigation. We employ a novel keypoint descriptor which codes responses of cortical complex cells. We also present a biologically inspired saliency component, based on disparity and colour

    The brightness clustering transform and locally contrasting keypoints

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    In recent years a new wave of feature descriptors has been presented to the computer vision community, ORB, BRISK and FREAK amongst others. These new descriptors allow reduced time and memory consumption on the processing and storage stages of tasks such as image matching or visual odometry, enabling real time applications. The problem is now the lack of fast interest point detectors with good repeatability to use with these new descriptors. We present a new blob- detector which can be implemented in real time and is faster than most of the currently used feature-detectors. The detection is achieved with an innovative non-deterministic low-level operator called the Brightness Clustering Transform (BCT). The BCT can be thought as a coarse-to- fine search through scale spaces for the true derivative of the image; it also mimics trans-saccadic perception of human vision. We call the new algorithm Locally Contrasting Keypoints detector or LOCKY. Showing good repeatability and robustness to image transformations included in the Oxford dataset, LOCKY is amongst the fastest affine-covariant feature detectors

    Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and Fourier Transform

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    International audienceWe propose a new local multiscale image descriptor of vari-able size. The descriptor combines Laplacian of Gaussian values at dif-ferent scales with a Radial Fourier Transform. This descriptor provides a compact description of the appearance of a local neighborhood in a manner that is robust to changes in scale and orientation. We evaluate this descriptor by measuring repeatability and recall against 1-precision with the Affine Covariant Features benchmark dataset and as well as with a set of textureless images from the MIRFLICKR Retrieval Evalu-ation dataset. Experiments reveal performance competitive to the state of the art, while providing a more compact representation
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