343 research outputs found

    El proceso del dibujo

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    Analizaremos el proceso del dibujo, desde la percepción de las formas, hasta la expresión de la idea, materializada a través de los gestos que, fijados sobre un soporte, dan forma a esa idea

    La pintura al óleo: fuentes para el estudio de sus orígenes y evolución

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    Uno de los aspectos que primero destacan cuando se estudia la obra de arte pictórica -el cuadro- considerada como fenómeno material, es que, al contrario de lo que su aparente homogeneidad parece indicar, se caracteriza por la heterogeneidad de sus componentes. Está constituida por muy diversos elementos, los cuales, debidamente interrelacionados, dan lugar a esa unidad coherente y armónica que denominamos cuadro. Pero, precisamente a causa de esa diversidad de materiales y elementos que lo configuran, resulta de gran importancia para el artista un exacto conocimiento de las propiedades y comportamiento de dichos materiales, si se quiere que el cuadro ofrezca unas ciertas garantías de perdurabilidad. Este conocimiento es uno de los fines que deben perseguirse con el estudio de asignaturas como Procedimientos y Técnicas Pictóricas

    An empirical study of Cloud Gaming

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    This work is at: 11th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames), took place November 22-23, 2012 in Venice (Italy)Online gaming connects players from all over the world together for fun and entertainment, and has been regarded as one of the most profitable and popular Internet services. Besides, there is a growing trend towards moving local applications to remote data centers: this is often referred to as the cloud. With the purpose of studying the impact of Cloud Gaming on the access network load, in this paper we carry out an empirical network traffic analysis of two well-known cloud gaming platforms: On-Live and Gaikai. Traffic traces have been collected and analysed from five different games of both platforms. Cloud gaming has been observed to be remarkably different from traditional online gaming in terms of network load and traffic characteristics. Moreover, the traces have revealed similarities between the two platforms regarding the packet size distribution, and differences concerning the packet inter-arrival times. However, each platform shows a similar traffic pattern for most of the games it serves. Nonetheless, the racing and shooter games considered in this work demand more bandwidth than other game-genres.This work is partly supported by the projects TRION (TEC 2009-10724), FIERRO (TEC 2010- 12250-E) and Medianet (S-2009/TIC-1468); and by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the research support program project SGR-1202 and AGAUR FI-DGR 2012 grant.Publicad

    Educar a través del arte ghanés en Educación infantil

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    This paper aims to present the characteristics and results of an education intervention aimed at an Early Years group in which Ghanaian culture is the driving force. Far from delving into the clichés that mask the reality of the African continent, this project focuses on a specific case study in which, through play and artistic activities, the peculiarities of Ghanaian culture are brought closer to the students. Additionally, this proposal looks to make students aware of the existence of different cultural realities, addressing aspects related to interculturality and multiculturalism. In this way, values such as tolerance, respect and understanding of different cultures are promoted. Moreover, this educational project aims to help pupils at this stage to develop globally thanks to the experiences provided by the different activities proposed.El presente trabajo pretende exponer las características y resultados de una intervención educativa destinada a un aula de educación infantil cuyo hilo conductor es la cultura de Ghana. Lejos de ahondar en los tópicos que enmascaran la realidad del continente africano, esta propuesta se centra en un caso de estudio concreto, en el que, a través del juego y actividades artísticas, se acercan las peculiaridades de la cultura ghanesa a los estudiantes. Se pretende, además, concienciar a los discentes sobre la existencia de distintas realidades culturales, abordando aspectos relacionados con la interculturalidad y la multiculturalidad. Así, se potencian valores como la tolerancia, el respeto y la comprensión de diferentes culturas. Del mismo modo, se busca que el alumnado de dicha etapa se desarrolle de forma global gracias a las experiencias que les aportan las distintas actividades planteadas    

    Calidad de la dieta y rendimiento deportivo en la selección peruana de futsal con síndrome de Down, 2022

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    Los deportistas con síndrome de Down tienden a sufrir exceso de peso, afectando su rendimiento deportivo, no obstante, el consumo de una dieta de alta calidad mejora el rendimiento de deportistas de alta competencia. Objetivo: Determinar la relación que existe entre la calidad de la dieta y el rendimiento deportivo en la Selección Peruana de Futsal con Síndrome de Down, 2022. Material y metodología: La investigación es de diseño no experimental, de nivel correlacional-causal, de corte transversal, en la investigación participaron 17 jugadores de la selección peruana, la muestra fue de tipo censal y todos presentaban síndrome de Down, el instrumento para el recojo de información fue el recordatorio de 24 horas, que permitió evaluar la calidad de la dieta y el test de Cooper para determinar el rendimiento deportivo, para evaluar la relación entre ambas variables se utilizó la prueba estadística no paramétrica de Rho Spearman. Resultados: Al evaluar la calidad de la dieta, el 52.9% presentaban riesgo, el 41.2% no saludable y el 5.9% saludable, no obstante, el 76% de los futbolistas presentaron un rendimiento deportivo bueno, el 24% regular. Al analizar la correlación entre ambas variables se obtuvo un p>0,05. Conclusión: La calidad de la dieta no tiene relación con el rendimiento deportivo en jugadores de la selección peruana de futsal con Síndrome de Down

    Comparison of degrees of maturity of rabbit lines selected for different traits

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    [EN] The aim of this work was to study whether commercial nucleus lines of rabbits selected for different traits, and experimental lines having commercial purposes, have the same degree of maturity when compared at the same slaughter age. The study was carried out with 17897 rabbits from Universitat Politècnica de València. Rabbits came from the maternal lines A (3902 rabbits; 44th generation), V (4238 rabbits; 39th generation) and LP (6115 rabbits; 9th generation), selected for litter size at weaning; the paternal line R (2023 rabbits; 25th generation), selected for growth rate between 28 and 63 days of age; the maternal line OR (586 rabbits; 11th generation) selected for ovulation rate; and the lines High (503 rabbits; 5th generation) and Low (530 rabbits; 5thgeneration) lines, from a divergent selection for high and low intramuscular fat, respectively. Rabbits were weighted at 28 (W28) and 63 (W63) days of age. Rabbit does (42, 25, 39, 94, 14, 32 and 22 from lines A, V, R, LP, OR, High and Low, respectively) were weighed between 30 and 80 wk of age to determine adult weight (AW). Line R had higher W28 and W63, growth rate between 28 and 63 d of age and AW than lines A, V and LP (5802 g vs. 4410, 4222, and 4391 g for AW, respectively). No relevant differences between lines in degrees of maturity at 28 and 63 d of age and time to reach 40% of degree of maturity (percentage of weight compared to AW) were found between lines A, V, R and LP, but the degree of maturity at 2000 g and the time taken to reach that weight were lower in line R (34.7% and 55.2 d) than in lines A (45.5% and 71.1 d), V (47.4% and 69.6 d), and LP (45.8% and 68.0 d). No relevant differences were found between lines OR, High and Low in the traits analysed. A robustness analysis showed that results can be extrapolated to other commercial lines and other slaughter weights. In conclusion, comparison of lines at similar slaughter age could be considered a valid approach for comparisons at the same maturity stage.This study was funded by project AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P. The authors are especially grateful to referee A for his/her useful comments.Pascual, M.; Calle Ayma, EW.; Blasco Mateu, A. (2015). Comparison of degrees of maturity of rabbit lines selected for different traits. World Rabbit Science. 23(3):155-161. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2015.3964SWORD155161233Ariño, B., Hernández, P., Pla, M., & Blasco, A. (2007). Comparison between rabbit lines for sensory meat quality. Meat Science, 75(3), 494-498. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.08.013Baselga M. 2002. Rabbit Genetic Resources in Mediterranean Countries. 1st ed. Options mediterraneenes, serie B: Etudes et recherches, Zaragoza, Spain.Sánchez, J. P., Theilgaard, P., Mínguez, C., & Baselga, M. (2008). Constitution and evaluation of a long-lived productive rabbit line1. Journal of Animal Science, 86(3), 515-525. doi:10.2527/jas.2007-0217Serrano P., Pascual M., Lavara R., Gómez E. A. 2012. Analysis of management techniques on productivity indicators using the bdcuni Spanish database. In Proc.: 10th World Rabbit Congress, Sharm El Sheik - Egipto. 1: 803-807.Taylor C. S. 1985. Use of genetic size-scaling in evaluation of animal growth. J. Anim. Sci., 61: 118-143.Taylor C. S., Murray J.I. 1987a. Genetic aspects of mammalian growth and survival in relation to body size. In: Academic Press, 1987: 58

    A CTMC-based characterisation of the propagation of errors in GMPLS Optical Rings

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    Abstract: This article presents a Continuous-Time Markov Chain model to characterise the propagation of failures in optical GMPLS rings. In order to characterize the behaviour of failure propagation epidemic-based models are commonly used. However, the existing epidemic models do not take into account the specific features of a multilayer network environment. A node failure in GMPLS-based networks can affect: Control Plane and Data plane reporting different failures scenarios. Consequently, an extended generic epidemic model called SID is proposed, in order to cover multiple failures and recovered states in a GMPLS Multilayer scenario. The CTMC model takes into account the SID model and provides a set of design rules to specify the values of repair rates required to achieve a given service availability, assuming a certain infection and disable rate.The work described in this paper was carried out with the support of the BONE project (''Building the Future Optical Network in Europe''), a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission through the 7th ICT-Framework Programme. Additionally, the authors would like to thank the support of the T2C2 Spanish project (under code TIN2008-06739-C04-01) and the Madrid Community through the MEDIANET project (S-2009/TIC-1468) to the development of this work. This work is partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project TEC 2009-10724 and by Generalitat de Catalunya research support program (SGR-1202).Publicad

    Family physician and endocrinologist coordination as the basis for diabetes care in clinical practice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To estimate the proportion of diabetic patients (DPts) with peripheral vascular disease treated at a primary health care site after an endocrinologist-based intervention, who meet ATP III and Steno targets of metabolic control, as well as to compare the outcome with the results of the patients treated by endocrinologists.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A controlled, prospective over 30-months period study was conducted in area 7 of Madrid. One hundred twenty six eligible diabetic patients diagnosed as having peripheral vascular disease between January 2003 and June 2004 were included in the study. After a treatment period of three months by the Diabetes team at St Carlos Hospital, 63 patients were randomly assigned to continue their follow up by diabetes team (Group A) and other 63 to be treated by the family physicians (FP) at primary care level with continuous diabetes team coordination (Group B). 57 DPts from Group A and 59 from Group B, completed the 30 months follow-up period. At baseline both groups were similar in age, weight, time from diagnosis and metabolic control. The main outcomes of this study were the proportion of patients meeting ATP III and Steno goals for HbA1c (%), Cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, albumine-to-creatinine excretion ratio (ACR), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), anti-aggregation treatment and smoking status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At the end of the follow up, no differences were found between the groups. More than 37% of diabetic patients assigned to be treated by FP achieved a HbA1c < 6.5%, more than 50% a ACR < 30 mg/g, and more than 80% reached low risk values for cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, diastolic blood pressure and were anti-aggregated, and 12% remained smokers. In contrast, less than 45% achieved a systolic blood pressure < 130 mm Hg, less than 12% had a BMI < 25 Kg.m-2 (versus 23% in group A; p < 0.05) and 49%/30% (men/women) had a waist circumference of low risk.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Improvements in metabolic control among diabetic patients with peripheral vascular disease treated at a primary health care setting is possible, reaching similar results to the patients treated at a specialized level. Despite such an improvement, body weight control remains more than poor in both levels, mainly at primary care level. General practitioner and endocrinologist coordination care may be important to enhance diabetes management in primary care settings.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinical Trial number ISRCTN75037597</p

    Failure propagation in GMPLS optical rings: CTMC model and performance analysis

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    Network reliability and resilience has become a key design parameter for network operators and Internet service providers. These often seek ways to have their networks fully operational for at least 99.999% of the time, regardless of the number and type of failures that may occur in their networks. This article presents a continuous-time Markov chain model to characterise the propagation of failures in optical GMPLS rings. Two types of failures are considered depending on whether they affect only the control plane, or both the control and data planes of the node. Additionally, it is assumed that control failures propagate along the ring infecting neighbouring nodes, as stated by the Susceptible-Infected-Disabled (SID) propagation model taken from epidemic-based propagation models. A few numerical examples are performed to demonstrate that the CTMC model provides a set of guidelines for selecting the appropriate repair rates in order to attain specific availability requirements, both in the control plane and the data plane.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project TEC 2009-10724 and by the Generalitat de Catalunya research support programme (SGR-1202). Additionally, the authors would like to thank the support of the T2C2 Spanish project (under code TIN2008-06739-C04-01) and the CAM-UC3M Greencom research grant (under code CCG10-UC3M/TIC-5624) in the development of this work.Publicad