369 research outputs found


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    La presente investigación se realizó con el propósito de determinar cuál es la relación entre Clima Organizacional y el Desempeño Laboral de los trabajadores de la Central de Notificaciones de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lambayeque. La investigación es del tipo descriptiva correlacional y de diseño no experimental transversal. Se trabajó con una población de 48 colaboradores, la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el cuestionario como instrumento, mediante escala de Likert, para la recolección de información y así poder conocer el comportamiento de las variables de estudio cuyos datos se presentan en tablas y gráficos. Los resultados obtenidos mediante evaluación estadística del coeficiente de correlación de Pearson muestran que existe una relación entre el clima organizacional y el desempeño laboral en los trabajadores de la Central de Notificaciones de la Corte Superior de Lambayeque del tipo moderado. Se concluye que clima organizacional influye considerablemente en el desempeño y cumplimiento de las labores de los trabajadores de la Central de Notificaciones de la Corte Superior de Lambayeque.Tesi

    Modelling and analysing the relationship between innovation and the European Regulations on hazardous waste shipments

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    In Europe, there are different regulations regarding hazardous waste management with which European Union Member States must comply. On the one hand, Member States must meet the recovery targets that are set in the different waste Directives, and they have two options here: material recovery facilities in the country of origin, or recovery through the shipment of waste. In addition, EU Member States must comply with the regulations governing the shipment of hazardous waste (HW), that is, the Basel Convention and the European Regulation on the shipment of waste. Two main questions arise: where is hazardous waste sent, and why? We analyse the European regulation on the shipment of waste, and we consider the above questions by combining network analysis methodology, to examine which countries in the network can be grouped in HW-trading communities, and ANOVA technique to study how the groups created in the network behave in different contexts. These HW-trading communities can be assessed according to European Innovation Indicators, GDP, and other variables. The results allow us to understand the drivers behind the shipment of HW for recovery in Europe. First, this study provides a descriptive overview of the relationships between European countries, the way in which they cooperate and describes how each country is positioned in the joint network. Second, the study is able to identify the most relevant countries in the network. Third, the HW-trading communities are analysed to discover whether they behave differently from the other groups according to GDP and other variables, amongst which we have included the following Europe Innovation Indicators: innovation index, research systems, innovation friendly environment, or innovators. The results show that the Nordic countries are outstanding in the way in which their waste is managed with other countries and reveal a community that works both in the context of hazardous waste shipment and innovation

    Understanding hazardous waste exports for disposal in europe: A contribution to sustainable development

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    The concept of sustainable development was introduced in Europe by the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997) and was extended to waste management in the Waste Framework Directive. In order to achieve sustainable development, hazardous waste (HW) must be managed safely and in accordance with regulations. This also applies to worldwide HW transport, especially when HW is shipped for disposal. The United Nations, through the Basel Convention, aims to prevent the export of HW from developed countries to developing countries for disposal. In Europe, HW shipments are regulated by Regulation (EC) No. 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and by the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste. Additionally, all HW shipments must be in accordance with two principles contained in the Waste Framework Directive: proximity and self-sufficiency. Using data from 2014 and network analysis methodology, this paper fills the gaps in the scientific literature by looking at how shipments of HW travel for disposal in Europe, how the regulations affect these shipments and how GDP per capita influences the shipment of waste. The results show that countries with a high GDP per capita play an important role in the network (having the highest in-degree) and that the absence of landfill taxes for HW does not influence HW shipments for disposal. Therefore, countries in the EU act in accordance with the proximity and self-sufficiency principles. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A Systematic Approach to the Motivations for Earnings Management: A Literature Review

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    Earnings management literature attempts to understand why managers manipulate earnings. Our paper presents a review of growing body of literature on motivations for the earnings manipulation. In consequence, our objective is to provide an ample classification of the reasons. A selection of leading papers was reviewed systematically from 1985 to early 2019 resulting in 383 articles. The results of the paper are important for both theoretical and empirical researches on the earnings management. For one side, we offer a theoretical discussion on the incentives and factors; on the other side, the paper aims to highlight recent progresses in the field. Screening, classifying and systematic review of earnings management literature do not only generate a structured overview of the work performed in this area during more than thirty years, but it also provides insights for further research. Our findings confirm that earnings management topic remains a fertile ground for academic research. Second, although there are many possible motives for managing earnings, the spotlight has been mainly on those incentives that are related to the stock market. Third, in terms of the factors and characteristics of the environment, the impact of institutional factors (investor protection, ownership concentration, legal enforcement) is especially accentuated by the authors. Finally, our research confirms that there are still many other opportunities to research. Therefore, in the last section we identify potential line of investigations

    Compromiso organizacional de los colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad en Lambayeque, octubre 2019-enero 2020

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    El compromiso organizacional es un tema de importancia para la empresa, dado que, a través de este se determina al nivel de aceptación del colaborador por hacer su trabajo adecuadamente debiéndose a diversos factores, tal es el caso de la empresa de seguridad en estudio; la cual se encuentra deficiencias en el compromiso de sus colaboradores debido a factores externos e internos, dicha problemática llevó a plantearse ¿Cuál es nivel de compromiso organizacional de los colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad en Lambayeque, octubre 2019 a enero 2020?, teniendo como objetivo general: determinar el nivel de compromiso de los colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad en Lambayeque, octubre 2019 a Enero 2020: y los objetivos específicos: determinar el nivel de compromiso efectivo, continuidad, normativo de los colaboradores de una empresa de seguridad en Lambayeque, octubre 2019 a enero 2020, también, medir el nivel de cada dimensión de la variable en estudio, su relación con los factores socio demográficos en el compromiso organizacional de la empresa de seguridad. Así mismo, es un estudio de tipo aplicado, nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental-transversal, con una población de 220 colaboradores, cuyo instrumento es el cuestionario de comportamientos organizacional de Meyer y Allen, el cual consta de 3 dimensiones, compromiso efectivo, continuidad, normativo, técnica la encuesta. Se obtuvo como resultado que el nivel de la variable es medio, junto a todas las dimensiones. Se concluye que la mayoría de los colaboradores no se encuentra comprometidos con su trabajo, por lo cual no sienten que son parte de la empresa

    Using tree-based models to predict drunk driving at Police preventive checkpoints

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    This Master's Degree Thesis has the following objectives: Understand tree based models and their main advantages and disadvantages Be aware how unbalanced data affects tree based models Deepen drunk driving knowledge in Catalonia Develop a predictive model to detect drunk drivers In this Master Degree Thesis it is described how road safety is a world wide problem and drunk driving an issue to tackle. Original data from Police preventive checkpoints is described and different tree based models are introduced as Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging and Random Forest. It is also detailed the Class Imbalance Problem with several approaches to deal with it. This models are used to develop a predictive model to detect drunk drivers

    A comparative study on earnings management by Eastern and Western European companies

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    This study analyzes and compares the earnings management behaviour between Eastern and Western European countries taking into consideration the particularities and differences of both markets. The paper fills this gap in the literature as it analyzes the context of earnings management in the developing Eastern countries and its comparison to the Western well-developed European countries. This is the first study which compares these two markets. The results show that companies in the European countries included in the study, engage in earnings management, in particular in decreasing earnings practices. Around 70% of the companies from Eastern and Western European countries manage earnings to downward. Mean ranks from the Kruskal Wallis test indicate lower manipulation in Western European countries than in Eastern European countries. Additionally, in the heterogeneity of the European countries based on the cluster analysis we confirm that Eastern European countries follow the German companies’ way of managing earnings. Finally, time-line analysis revealed that earnings management does vary in time and in extent for Eastern as well as for Western European countries. Nevertheless, we detect two main tendencies for all European countries: firstly, a decrease in manipulation between 2003/2004 and 2007; and between 2008 and 2009

    La convivencia escolar en los estudiantes del VII ciclo del nivel secundario de la Institución Educativa “Nuestro Señor de la Misericordia

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    La presente investigación denominada “La convivencia escolar en los estudiantes del VII ciclo del nivel secundario de la Institución Educativa Nuestro señor de la Misericordia”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar el nivel de convivencia escolar en el aula en los estudiantes del VII ciclo del nivel secundario de la institución educativa “Nuestro Señor de la Misericordia” de la UGEL N° 10 de Huaral. La investigación trabajó con un diseño no experimental, transaccional-descriptivo, con un tipo de estudio básica, la población de estudio fue de 113 estudiantes, con una muestra igual a la población. Para la recolección de los datos empleamos la encuesta, con la escala de Likert. El instrumento fue validado por juicio de expertos para medir la consistencia interna, así como se aplicó Alfa de Cronbach para medir la confiabilidad del instrumento. Los resultados nos permitieron determinar que el nivel de convivencia escolar es 87,6% en el nivel medio y 12,4% en el nivel alto y en sus dimensiones: relaciones interpersonales el 80,5% es el nivel bajo y 19,5% nivel medio, en la dimensión normas 85,8% es nivel bajo y 14,2% es nivel medio; en la dimensión valores el 85% está en el nivel bajo y 15% en el nivel medio y finalmente en la dimensión participación el 80,5% está en el nivel bajo y 19,5% está en el nivel medi

    Jornades 12-16. Una nova etapa per a l'ensenyament obligatori

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    Aquestes Jornades, celebrades a Sant Cugat del Vallès el 23 de febrer, van ser organitzades per la Federació de Moviments de Renovació Pedagògica de Catalunya i els sindicats de l'ensenyament CCOO, USTEC, UGT, CSC i STE's. Els organitzadors preteníem contrastar, a partir d'un document base, la reflexió realitzada des de l'escola sobre el model d’etapa que planteja la LOGSE amb la que fan altres sectors des de la Universitat