562 research outputs found

    What Moser Could Have Asked: Counting Hamilton Cycles in Tournaments

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    Moser asked for a construction of explicit tournaments on nn vertices having at least (n3e)n(\frac{n}{3e})^n Hamilton cycles. We show that he could have asked for rather more

    Factors of sums and alternating sums involving binomial coefficients and powers of integers

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    We study divisibility properties of certain sums and alternating sums involving binomial coefficients and powers of integers. For example, we prove that for all positive integers n1,...,nmn_1,..., n_m, nm+1=n1n_{m+1}=n_1, and any nonnegative integer rr, there holds {align*} \sum_{k=0}^{n_1}\epsilon^k (2k+1)^{2r+1}\prod_{i=1}^{m} {n_i+n_{i+1}+1\choose n_i-k} \equiv 0 \mod (n_1+n_m+1){n_1+n_m\choose n_1}, {align*} and conjecture that for any nonnegative integer rr and positive integer ss such that r+sr+s is odd, ∑k=0nϵk(2k+1)r((2nn−k)−(2nn−k−1))s≡0mod  (2nn), \sum_{k=0}^{n}\epsilon ^k (2k+1)^{r}({2n\choose n-k}-{2n\choose n-k-1})^{s} \equiv 0 \mod{{2n\choose n}}, where ϵ=±1\epsilon=\pm 1.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Int. J. Number Theor

    Challenges of socio-economically evaluating wildfire management in and adjacent to non-industrial private forestland in the Western United States

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    Non-industrial private forests (NIPFs) in the United States generate many unpriced benefits for both the landholder and society generally. These values can be enhanced or diminished by wildfire management in situ and on adjacent public land. This paper considers the problem of accommodating non-marketed NIPF values affected by wildfire in social benefit-cost analysis to evaluate the efficiency of fire suppression activities. There are substantial gaps in scientific understanding about how the spatial and temporal provision of non-market values are affected by wildfire, and considerable challenges in evaluating social welfare change arising from specific wildfire events. This presents serious impediments to adapting price-based decision-support tools to incorporate non-market values. Departure from the historic range and variability of ecological conditions is proposed as an alternative framework to support wildfire management decisions in and adjacent to NIPF when non-market values are important

    Proof of two conjectures of Z.-W. Sun on congruences for Franel numbers

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    For all nonnegative integers n, the Franel numbers are defined as fn=∑k=0n(nk)3. f_n=\sum_{k=0}^n {n\choose k}^3. We confirm two conjectures of Z.-W. Sun on congruences for Franel numbers: \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}(3k+2)(-1)^k f_k &\equiv 0 \pmod{2n^2}, \sum_{k=0}^{p-1}(3k+2)(-1)^k f_k &\equiv 2p^2 (2^p-1)^2 \pmod{p^5}, where n is a positive integer and p>3 is a prime.Comment: 8 pages, minor changes, to appear in Integral Transforms Spec. Func

    Almost Odd Random Sum-Free Sets

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    We show that if S_1 is a strongly complete sum-free set of positive integers, and if S_0 is a finite sum-free set, then with positive probability a random sum-free set U contains S_0 and is contained in S_0\cup S_1. As a corollary we show that with positive probability, 2 is the only even element of a random sum-free set

    Elliptic curves, modular forms, and sums of Hurwitz class numbers

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    Let H(N) denote the Hurwitz class number. It is known that if pp is a prime, then {equation*} \sum_{|r|<2\sqrt p}H(4p-r^2) = 2p. {equation*} In this paper, we investigate the behavior of this sum with the additional condition r≡c(modm)r\equiv c\pmod m. Three different methods will be explored for determining the values of such sums. First, we will count isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over finite fields. Second, we will express the sums as coefficients of modular forms. Third, we will manipulate the Eichler-Selberg trace for ula for Hecke operators to obtain Hurwitz class number relations. The cases m=2,3m=2,3 and 4 are treated in full. Partial results, as well as several conjectures, are given for m=5m=5 and 7.Comment: Preprint of an old pape

    Linear Momentum Density in Quasistatic Electromagnetic Systems

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    We discuss a couple of simple quasistatic electromagnetic systems in which the density of electromagnetic linear momentum can be easily computed. The examples are also used to illustrate how the total electromagnetic linear momentum, which may also be calculated by using the vector potential, can be understood as a consequence of the violation of the action-reaction principle, because a non-null external force is required to maintain constant the mechanical linear momentum. We show how one can avoid the divergence in the interaction linear electromagnetic momentum of a system composed by an idealization often used in textbooks (an infinite straight current) and a point charge.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Eur. J. Phy
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