607 research outputs found

    The Cost of Poverty Alleviation Transfer Programs: A Comparative Analysis of Three Programs in Latin America

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    A common criticism of antipoverty programs is that the high share of administrative (nontransfer) costs substantially reduces their effectiveness. Yet, there is surprisingly little rigorous empirical evidence on program costs. Improved information and a better understanding of the costs of such programs are crucial for effective policymaking. This study proposes and implements a replicable methodology for a comparative cost analysis of three similar poverty alleviation programs in Latin America, and assesses their cost efficiency. The findings underscore that any credible assessment of cost-efficiency requires a detailed analysis of program cost structures that goes well beyond simply providing aggregate cost information.cost efficiency, poverty alleviation, human capital, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua

    Cáncer hereditario: fundamentos genéticos

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    Genetic counseling plays a key role in the BRCA1/BRCA2 and hMLH1/hMSH2/hMSH6 testing process. The initial genetic counselling encounter will determine the appropriateness of the test by collecting a detailed family history and determining the likelihood that the family has a BRCA1/BRCA2, hMLH1/hMSH2/hMSH6 mutation. Once the test is offered, then genetic counselling discussions center around the possible test results, implications of the patient and other relatives, and risk and benefits of testing. The goal of this pre-test genetic counseling session is to ensure that patients have sufficient information with which to make a decision about being tested. At results disclosure, individuals can learn their results along with information about cancer risks and medical management options. Follow-up genetic counseling services can provide continued support and help arrange consultations with other medical care providers as needed. All clinical BRCA1/BRCA2; hMLH1/hMSH2/hMSH6 testing programs should include pre- and post-test genetic counseling

    Furthering internal border area studies: an analysis of dysfunctions and cooperation mechanisms in the water and river management of Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community (Spain)

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    Cooperation between countries or regions that share a political border is one of the primary concerns of border studies. However, while cooperation between states is a well-established field based on international agreements, the cooperation between internal-state regions is not as well understood and requires more exhaustive study. Cooperation agreements between regions are frequently based on the shared and collaborative management of environmental resources such as river basins. This paper aimed to identify mechanisms of river basin cooperation in the internal border area between Catalonia, Aragon and the Valencian Community (Spain), with the objective of analyzing dysfunctions in their water management and identifying the territorial needs for the efficient management of these resources. Focus group sessions were conducted with 84 public administration stakeholders and a total of 53 border municipalities were involved in the project. In our study area, we identified a considerable number of dysfunctions that affected different levels of water management (e.g., supply, navigation and reservoirs) and which impeded effective cooperation between different administrations (above all, between town councils and the public water agencies). However, we also identified several interesting initiatives to promote water management in both the medium and long term, including river contracts, river commonwealths and river tourism projects managed by border municipalities

    Big data and artificial intelligence in public sector human resource management

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    La irrupción de tecnologías disruptivas en la sociedad como el big data y la inteligencia artificial tendrá en los próximos años un impacto radical en el empleo público. La Administración está cambiando su forma de prestar servicios públicos y de intervenir en la sociedad, lo que obligará a cambiar también el perfil de sus recursos humanos, y, por tanto, a revisar sus mecanismos de selección y gestión de sus empleados. No existe un consenso sobre el alcance del cambio tecnológico en el empleo público, pero sí sobre el hecho de que el big data y la inteligencia artificial tendrán un papel fundamental en tareas hasta hoy realizadas por empleados públicos, que deberán desarrollar otras habilidades y competencias. El momento de cambio generacional que la Administración va a vivir en los próximos quince años se presenta como una oportunidad para transformar el empleo público y la forma de gestionarlo, aprovechando los elementos positivos del cambio tecnológico y ayudando a que los poderes públicos cumplan con su función de búsqueda del interés general.The emergence of disruptive technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence in society will have an overwhelming impact on employment in the public sector in the coming years. Governments are changing the ways in which they provide public services and intervene in society. Such changes will force them to redefine their human resources and, as a result, to take a hard look at the mechanisms in place for employee recruitment and management. Agreement has not yet been reached regarding the extent to which technological change is affecting public employment; there is consensus, however, that big data and artificial intelligence will play an essential role in carrying out certain tasks which, until now, have been performed by civil servants, who will ultimately have to develop new knowledge and skills. The generational change that governments will experience over the course of the next fifteen years will become an opportunity to transform public employment and its management as long as the benefits of technological change are leveraged and public authorities are encouraged to fulfil their duty of satisfying public interest.La irrupció de tecnologies disruptives en la societat com el big data i la intel·ligència artificial tindrà en els pròxims anys un impacte radical en l'ocupació pública. L'Administració està canviant la seva manera de prestar serveis públics i d'intervenir en la societat, la qual cosa obligarà a canviar també el perfil dels seus recursos humans, i, per tant, a revisar els seus mecanismes de selecció i gestió dels seus empleats. No existeix un consens sobre l'abast del canvi tecnològic en l'ocupació pública, però sí sobre el fet que el big data i la intel·ligència artificial tindran un paper fonamental en tasques fins avui realitzades per empleats públics, que hauran de desenvolupar altres habilitats i competències. El moment de canvi generacional que l'Administració viurà en els pròxims quinze anys es presenta com una oportunitat per transformar l'ocupació pública i la forma de gestionar-la, aprofitant els elements positius del canvi tecnològic i ajudant que els poders públics compleixin la seva funció de cerca de l'interès general

    The cost of poverty alleviation transfer programs

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    "A common criticism of antipoverty programs is that the high share of administrative (nontransfer) costs substantially reduces their effectiveness in alleviating poverty. Yet there is surprisingly little hard empirical evidence on such programs' costs. A recent international review of targeted poverty alleviation programs in less developed countries found cost information which was rarely comparable between studies for fewer than one-third of the programs examined. Improved information and a better understanding of the costs of such programs are crucial for effective policymaking. This study proposes and implements a methodology for a comparative analysis of the level and structure of costs of three similar poverty alleviation programs in Latin America, in order to assess their cost-efficiency. The findings underscore that any credible assessment of cost-efficiency requires a detailed analysis of program cost structures that goes well beyond simply providing aggregate cost information." Authors' AbstractPoverty alleviation ,Human capital ,cost benefit analysis ,

    A design review of pile-supported wharves under seismic conditions

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    El disseny sísmic de molls pilotats mitjançant el disseny basat en resistència pot portar a solucions econòmicament poc viables. L’alternativa de disseny basat en rendiment permet racionalitzar el disseny permetent certs nivells de dany estructural per diferents intensitats sísmiques. La interacció sòl-estructura, els efectes torsionals deguts a les irregularitats de rigidesa en el moll i la inelasticitat causada per elevades demandes sísmiques han de ser considerades en l’anàlisi estructural. Fàcilment els models estructurals poden tornar-se numèricament complexos, i per tant es requereixen models més senzills que permetin l’aplicació al projecte d’enginyeria d’aquests molls. Aquesta tesina estudia els fonaments del disseny per rendiment, així com del disseny per desplaçaments, per identificar els mètodes més rellevants i útils per la seva aplicació de cara a la producció d’aquests molls. Les anàlisis estructurals pertinents s’apliquen a un cas pràctic d’un moll pilotat mitjançant el programa SAP2000.El diseño sísmico de muelles pilotados mediante el diseño basado en resistencia suele llevar a soluciones económicamente poco viables. La alternativa de diseño basado en desempeño permite racionalizar el diseño permitiendo cierto nivel de daño estructural para diferentes intensidades sísmicas. La interacción suelo-estructura, los efectos torsionales debidos a las irregularidades de rigidez del muelle y la inelasticidad causada por la elevada demanda sísmica deben de ser consideradas en el análisis estructural. Fácilmente los modelos estructurales pueden volverse numéricamente complejos, y por lo tanto se requieren modelos más sencillos que permitan la aplicación al proyecto de ingeniería de estos muelles. Esta tesina estudia los fundamentos del diseño por desempeño, así como del diseño por desplazamientos, para identificar los métodos más relevantes y útiles para su aplicación de cara a la producción de estos muelles. Los análisis estructurales pertinentes se aplican a un caso práctico de un muelle pilotado mediante el programa SAP2000.Seismic design of pile-supported wharves using traditional force-based designs can lead to very uneconomical solutions. The alternative approach of performance-based design allows to rationalize design by allowing certain levels of damage to specific seismic hazards. Soil-structure interaction, torsional effects due to stiffness irregularities and inelasticity caused by large seismic demands shall be considered in structural analysis. Rapidly, structural models can become large and numerically complex, therefore the need for simpler models that allow engineering production of these structures is apparent. This thesis reviews the fundamentals of performance-based design, as well as displacement-based design, to identify relevant and useful approaches for seismic design for production purposes. Pertinent structural analyses are applied to a particular wharf case study by SAP2000 software modeling

    En el cincuentenario de la muerte de Costa y Llobera

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    The cost of poverty alleviation transfer programs

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    "This paper proposes and implements a methodology for a detailed, comparative analysis of the level and structure of costs for three similar poverty alleviation programs in Latin America: the Programa Nacional de Educación, Salud y Alimentación (PROGRESA) in Mexico, the Programa de Asignación Familiar-Fase II (PRAF) in Honduras, and the pilot Red de Protección Social (RPS) in Nicaragua. These innovative programs target cash transfers to the poorest communities and households, and condition them on attendance at school and health clinics. This conditionality effectively transforms the cash transfers into human capital subsidies for poor households." From TextPoverty alleviation ,Human capital ,cost benefit analysis ,

    Efectos del Resveratrol en la salud ocular

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    El resveratrol (3, 5,4’-trihidroxi-trans-estilbeno) és un polifenol no flavonoide que està present en diversos aliments com a raïms, nabius, cacauets, etc. Mitjançant diverses recerques s'ha demostrat que el resveratrol exerceix un paper anti-oxidant i anti inflamatorio, cardio-protector, quimioterapéutico i neuroprotector en diverses malalties a causa dels seus molts mecanismes d'acció. Aquest efecte ha generat interès de la comunitat científica i s'han realitzat recerques in vitro com in vivo en animals i éssers humans. Malgrat totes les recerques realitzades, no hi ha estudis concloents de com el resveratrol beneficia a les persones, quins són els seus efectes adversos, quines interaccions presenta amb altres medicaments i què determina la baixa biodisponibilidad en éssers humans. Sent aquesta última una de les limitacions més importants, s'ha investigat diferents alternatives per millorar la seva absorció. Una altra característica destacable del resveratrol és el seu ràpid metabolisme, és absorbit ràpidament per les cèl·lules epitelials intestinals i hepatòcits, la qual cosa dificulta l'absorció i arribada als teixits i sang. En les recerques sobre les malalties oculars, la majoria van concloure de manera positiva sobre l'efecte del resveratrol malgrat no ser afirmacions concloents. Coincidien que el resveratrol controla la progressió de les patologies, fins i tot ha arribat a disminuir els signes i símptomes d'aquestes malalties i evitar la seva aparició
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