352 research outputs found
New local field quantity describing the high gradient limit of accelerating structures
A new local field quantity is presented which gives the high gradient performance limit of accelerating structures due to vacuum rf breakdown. The new field quantity, a modified Poynting vector S_{c}, is derived from a model of the breakdown trigger in which field emission currents from potential breakdown sites cause local pulsed heating. The field quantity S_{c} takes into account both active and reactive power flow on the structure surface. This new quantity has been evaluated for many X-band and 30 GHz rf tests, both traveling wave and standing wave, and the value of S_{c} achieved in the experiments agrees well with analytical estimates
Residual Whiteness Principle for Automatic Parameter Selection in ℓ2 - ℓ2 Image Super-Resolution Problems
We propose an automatic parameter selection strategy for variational image super-resolution of blurred and down-sampled images corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with unknown standard deviation. By exploiting particular properties of the operators describing the problem in the frequency domain, our strategy selects the optimal parameter as the one optimising a suitable residual whiteness measure. Numerical tests show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy for generalised ℓ2 - ℓ2 Tikhonov problems
A Unified Surface Geometric Framework for Feature-Aware Denoising, Hole Filling and Context-Aware Completion
Technologies for 3D data acquisition and 3D printing have enormously developed in the past few years, and, consequently, the demand for 3D virtual twins of the original scanned objects has increased. In this context, feature-aware denoising, hole filling and context-aware completion are three essential (but far from trivial) tasks. In this work, they are integrated within a geometric framework and realized through a unified variational model aiming at recovering triangulated surfaces from scanned, damaged and possibly incomplete noisy observations. The underlying non-convex optimization problem incorporates two regularisation terms: a discrete approximation of the Willmore energy forcing local sphericity and suited for the recovery of rounded features, and an approximation of the l(0) pseudo-norm penalty favouring sparsity in the normal variation. The proposed numerical method solving the model is parameterization-free, avoids expensive implicit volumebased computations and based on the efficient use of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. Experiments show how the proposed framework can provide a robust and elegant solution suited for accurate restorations even in the presence of severe random noise and large damaged areas
Influence of the nature of the substrate on the growth of superconducting niobium films
The superconducting properties of niobium films sputtered onto the inner walls of radiofrequency cavities, including their surface resistance to 1.5 GHz microwaves, have been studied as a function of the nature of the substrate. Films grown on oxide-free copper or niobium behave differently from films grown on other substrates. The results are analysed in terms of the film texture and internal stresses
Advanced Experimental Techniques for RF and DC Breakdown Research
Advanced experimental techniques are being developed to analyze RF and DC breakdown events. First measurements with a specially built spectrometer have been made with a DC spark setup [1] at CERN and will soon be installed in the CLIC 30GHz accelerating structure test stand to allow comparison between DC and RF breakdown phenomena. This spectrometer is able to measure the light intensity development during a breakdown in narrow wavelength bands in the visible and near infrared range. This will give information about the important aspects of the breakdown including chemical elements, temperature, plasma parameters and possibly precursors of a breakdown
Fluxon Pinning in Niobium Films
Resistive losses induced by the presence of trapped magnetic flux in niobium superconducting films have been studied using 1.5 GHz microwaves. They are measured to span a very broad spectrum depending on the film-substrate interface and on the gas used in the sputtering discharge. An interpretation in terms of pinning by noble gas clusters is considered
Graph Clustering, Variational Image Segmentation Methods and Hough Transform Scale Detection for Object Measurement in Images
© 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York. We consider the problem of scale detection in images where a region of interest is present together with a measurement tool (e.g. a ruler). For the segmentation part, we focus on the graph-based method presented in Bertozzi and Flenner (Multiscale Model Simul 10(3):1090–1118, 2012) which reinterprets classical continuous Ginzburg–Landau minimisation models in a totally discrete framework. To overcome the numerical difficulties due to the large size of the images considered, we use matrix completion and splitting techniques. The scale on the measurement tool is detected via a Hough transform-based algorithm. The method is then applied to some measurement tasks arising in real-world applications such as zoology, medicine and archaeology
Espectrómetro de doble paso, simple y económico, para analizar radiación láser
En distintas épocas, antes y después del advenimiento del láser, se han diseñado espectrómetros ópticos para incrementar la dispersión con la cual se desea analizar la radiación o bien para reducir lo más posible la luz difundida en los elementos dispersivos, prismas o redes de difracción. Una vez que el láser pasó a ser una eficaz herramienta de laboratorio, varios campos de la óptica encontraron la oportunidad de lograr desarrollos sensacionales. La holografía y la espectroscopia de la radiación dispersada por la materia, constituyen ejemplos notables de aquellos campos de la óptica en los que el láser provocó una situación de avance sin precedentes. En el caso de los estudios de la radiación dispersada por la materia, fue necesario el diseño de espectrómetros especiales para detectar, por ejemplo, las débiles señales Stokes y anti-Stokes, excitadas por láseres diversos, en gases, líquidos o sol idos.
Los espectrómetros ópticos o monocromadores usados en la investigación del efecto Raman, pueden clasificarse en tres tipos:
a) los monocromadores de doble paso;
b) los monocromadores duales y
c) los monocromadores en tándem
Study of the residual surface resistance of niobium films at 1.5 GHz
Potential contributions to the residual surface resistance of niobium films exposed to 1.5 GHz microwaves are reviewed and studied. These include the oxidation of the film surface, the formation of hydride precipitates, the contamination by noble gas atoms and the presence of macroscopic film defects such as those resulting from the roughness of the substrate. Particular attention is given to the dependence of the residual resistance on the amplitude of the microwave. Results similar to those obtained for bulk niobium provide strong evidence against the conjecture that the small size of the film grains should be a fundamental limitation to the production of films having a low residual resistance
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