1,723 research outputs found

    An Experimental Evaluation of Bayesian Optimization on Bipedal Locomotion

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    © 2014 IEEE.The design of gaits and corresponding control policies for bipedal walkers is a key challenge in robot locomotion. Even when a viable controller parametrization already exists, finding near-optimal parameters can be daunting. The use of automatic gait optimization methods greatly reduces the need for human expertise and time-consuming design processes. Many different approaches to automatic gait optimization have been suggested to date. However, no extensive comparison among them has yet been performed. In this paper, we present some common methods for automatic gait optimization in bipedal locomotion, and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. We experimentally evaluated these gait optimization methods on a bipedal robot, in more than 1800 experimental evaluations. In particular, we analyzed Bayesian optimization in different configurations, including various acquisition functions

    Dynamical properties of a strongly correlated model for quarter-filled layered organic molecular crystals

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    The dynamical properties of an extended Hubbard model, which is relevant to quarter-filled layered organic molecular crystals, are analyzed. We have computed the dynamical charge correlation function, spectral density, and optical conductivity using Lanczos diagonalization and large-N techniques. As the ratio of the nearest-neighbour Coulomb repulsion, V, to the hopping integral, t, increases there is a transition from a metallic phase to a charge ordered phase. Dynamical properties close to the ordering transition are found to differ from the ones expected in a conventional metal. Large-N calculations display an enhancement of spectral weight at low frequencies as the system is driven closer to the charge ordering transition in agreement with Lanczos calculations. As V is increased the charge correlation function displays a plasmon-like mode which, for wavevectors close to (pi,pi), increases in amplitude and softens as the charge ordering transition is approached. We propose that inelastic X-ray scattering be used to detect this mode. Large-N calculations predict superconductivity with dxy symmetry close to the ordering transition. We find that this is consistent with Lanczos diagonalization calculations, on lattices of 20 sites, which find that the binding energy of two holes becomes negative close to the charge ordering transition.Comment: 22 pages, 16 eps figures; caption of Fig. 5 correcte

    Bayesian Gait Optimization for Bipedal Locomotion

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    One of the key challenges in robotic bipedal locomotion is finding gait parameters that optimize a desired performance criterion, such as speed, robustness or energy efficiency. Typically, gait optimization requires extensive robot experiments and specific expert knowledge. We propose to apply data-driven machine learning to automate and speed up the process of gait optimization. In particular, we use Bayesian optimization to efficiently find gait parameters that optimize the desired performance metric. As a proof of concept we demonstrate that Bayesian optimization is near-optimal in a classical stochastic optimal control framework. Moreover, we validate our approach to Bayesian gait optimization on a low-cost and fragile real bipedal walker and show that good walking gaits can be efficiently found by Bayesian optimization. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Anharmonic phonon spectra of PbTe and SnTe in the self-consistent harmonic approximation

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    At room temperature, PbTe and SnTe are efficient thermoelectrics with a cubic structure. At low temperature, SnTe undergoes a ferroelectric transition with a critical temperature strongly dependent on the hole concentration, while PbTe is an incipient ferroelectric. By using the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation, we investigate the anharmonic phonon spectra and the occurrence of a ferroelectric transition in both systems. We find that vibrational spectra strongly depends on the approximation used for the exchange-correlation kernel in density functional theory. If gradient corrections and the theoretical volume are employed, then the calculation of the free energy Hessian leads to phonon spectra in good agreement with experimental data for both systems. In PbTe, we reproduce the transverse optical mode phonon satellite detected in inelastic neutron scattering and the crossing between the transverse optical and the longitudinal acoustic modes along the Γ\GammaX direction. In the case of SnTe, we describe the occurrence of a ferroelectric transition from the high temperature Fm3‾\overline{3}m structure to the low temperature R3m one.Comment: 12 pages, 15 Picture

    Electron-phonon coupling and phonon self-energy in MgB2_2: do we really understand MgB2_2 Raman spectra ?

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    We consider a model Hamiltonian fitted on the ab-initio band structure to describe the electron-phonon coupling between the electronic σ−\sigma-bands and the phonon E2g_{2g} mode in MgB2_2. The model allows for analytical calculations and numerical treatments using very large k-point grids. We calculate the phonon self-energy of the E2g_{2g} mode along two high symmetry directions in the Brillouin zone. We demonstrate that the contribution of the σ\sigma bands to the Raman linewidth of the E2g_{2g} mode via the electron-phonon coupling is zero. As a consequence the large resonance seen in Raman experiments cannot be interpreted as originated from the E2gE_{2g} mode at Γ\Gamma. We examine in details the effects of Fermi surface singularities in the phonon spectrum and linewidth and we determine the magnitude of finite temperature effects in the the phonon self-energy. From our findings we suggest several possible effects which might be responsible for the MgB2_2 Raman spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Exact bounds on the ground-state energy of the infinite-U Hubbard model

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    We give upper and lower bounds for the ground-state energy of the infinite-U Hubbard model. In two dimensions, using these bounds we are able to rule out the possibility of phase separation between the undoped-insulating state and an hole-rich state.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Self-assembly in surfactant-based mixtures driven by acid–base reactions: bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid– n-octylamine systems

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    Structural and dynamic features of bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (HDEHP)–n-octylamine (NOA) mixtures as a function of the NOA mole fraction (XNOA) have been investigated by SAXS, WAXS, IR, dielectric spectroscopy and polarized optical microscopy. In the 0 ¡ XNOA , 0.5 range, mixtures are transparent liquids, while the abrupt formation of a waxy solid characterized by an hexagonal bidimensional structure occurs at XNOA = 0.5. Such a composition-induced phase transition results from the synergetic effect of the progressive increase in number density of ordered HDEHP–NOA nanodomains with XNOA. Mainly driven by an HDEHP to NOA proton transfer, the increase of structural order with XNOA arises from the progressive substitution of loosely hydrogen bonded HDEHP–HDEHP aggregates with strongly bonded NOA–HDEHP ones. Analysis of SAXS patterns at temperatures in the 10–70 uC range emphasized that these local structures are scarcely impacted by an increase of thermal fluctuations. Effects due to the steric compatibility between HDEHP and NOA apolar moieties have been highlighted. Overall, the results allow us to emphasize the role of specific polar and apolar interactions joined to steric effects in regulating the molecular organization in surfactant mixtures and can be used to design novel materials with planned physico-chemical properties

    Electron-phonon coupling and electron self-energy in electron-doped graphene: calculation of angular resolved photoemission spectra

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    We obtain analytical expressions for the electron self-energy and the electron-phonon coupling in electron-doped graphene using electron-phonon matrix elements extracted from density functional theory simulations. From the electron self-energies we calculate angle resolved photoemission spectra. We demonstrate that the measured kink at ≈−0.2\approx -0.2 eV from the Fermi level is actually composed of two features, one at ≈−0.195\approx -0.195 eV due to the twofold degenerate E2g_{2g} mode, and a second one at ≈−0.16\approx -0.16 eV due to the A1′_{1}^{'} mode. The electron-phonon coupling extracted from the kink observed in ARPES experiments is roughly a factor of 5.5 larger than the calculated one. This disagreement can only be partially reconciled by the inclusion of resolution effects. Indeed we show that a finite resolution increases the apparent electron-phonon coupling by underestimating the renormalization of the electron velocity at energies larger than the kinks positions. The discrepancy between theory and experiments is thus reduced to a factor of ≈\approx 2.2. From the linewidth of the calculated ARPES spectra we obtain the electron relaxation time. A comparison with available experimental data in graphene shows that the electron relaxation time detected in ARPES is almost two orders of magnitudes smaller than what measured by other experimental techniques.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, see also Matteo Calandra and Francesco Mauri, arXiv:0707.149

    Modeling of the particle scattering structure factor for branched bio-polymers in solution: A X-ray scattering study

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    We present a study which illustrates the modeling of the Particle Scattering Structure Factor from Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) data. The studied sample was a poly(amidoamine) Pamam dendrimers in water solution. The intra-particle form factor P(q) has been analyzed employing an inverse Fourier transformation which allows to obtain the particle pair distance distribution function and to gain information about dendrimer shape. The experimental inter-dendrimer structure factor S(q) has been analysed in the framework of liquid integral equation theory for charged systems in solution. From that, we derive an effective interparticle interaction composed of a screened Coulombic plus hard-sphere repulsion potential, which allow the estimation of the dendrimer effective surface charge Zeff. The present analysis, applied to a Pamam dendrimers in water solution, strongly supports the finding that structures and interaction of dendrimer is strongly influenced by charge effects. As a result, this quantity can be considered as a crucial parameters for the modulation of the degree of structural organization in solution, suitable for a number of potential applications
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