211 research outputs found

    El marketing social al servicio de la gestión de la calidad. El caso de los Servicios Públicos Náuticos de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    En el presente trabajo, tratamos de abordar la gestión de los servicios públicos deportivos (náuticos) desde la perspectiva del marketing, y más concretamente el marketing social aplicado al deporte. Realizamos un breve análisis del servicio público deportivo aportando algunas estrategias para mejorarlo. Entendemos que la gestión en los servicios públicos de deporte se debe basar en la calidad del servicio y para ello presentamos, después de abordar nuestra concepción de la calidad, las dimensiones que el usuario de las Escuelas del Mar de la Generalitat Valenciana ha entendido que definen la calidad del servicio de estas escuelas. Por último aportamos unas variables que creemos pueden mejorar la gestión de los servicios de las instituciones pública

    El cuerpo como elemento principal musical. Programación didáctica de música para 3º de la ESO

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP709. Curs: 2019/2020En este trabajo final de Máster se ha escogido la modalidad Planificación y/o programación curricular, en el cual, se pretende hacer una planificación contextualizada dentro de un trimestre en el curso de 3º de la ESO que incluya una programación didáctica con todos los elementos a abordar en un trimestre de tercero de la ESO, una secuencia lógica fundamentada dentro del currículum de música, con propuestas metodológicas y sus respectivos instrumentos de evaluación global de las competencias del trimestre. La visión de la programación parte desde el movimiento corporal, la voz y la música folclórica para abordar todos los contenidos del primer trimestre de este curso, haciéndose servir de otras herramientas como las TIC o instrumentos reciclados que el estudiantado aprenderá a confeccionar en la misma Programación. Se hará siempre atendiendo a las distintas diversidades del Aula y teniendo en cuenta que no todo el alumnado dispone de los mismos recursos en casa, por tanto, las actividades están diseñadas para llevarse a cabo dentro del centro y con una metodología activa, colaborativa, abierta y flexible.In this final Master's project, the modality Planning and / or curricular programming has been chosen, in which, it is intended to make contextual planning within a quarter in the 3rd year of ESO that includes a didactic program with all the elements to be addressed in a third term of ESO, a logical sequence based on the music curriculum, with methodological proposals and their respective instruments for the overall evaluation of the skills for the term. The vision of programming starts from body movement, voice and folk music to address all the contents of the first quarter of this course, making use of other tools such as ICT or recycled instruments that the student will learn to make. -cion in the same Programming. It will always be done taking into account the different diversities of the Classroom and taking into account that not all students have the same resources at home, therefore, the activities are designed to be carried out within the center and with an active, collaborative, open methodology and flexible

    La calidad percibida en los servicios náuticos de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    RESUMEN Desde la perspectiva de la Psicología del consumidor y su imbricación en las conductas deportivas, los objetivos principales de la presente investigación han sido, analizar la calidad percibida y la satisfacción de los usuarios de las escuelas del mar de la Generalitat Valenciana, y mejorar el conocimiento sobre la calidad de los servicios deportivos en instituciones públicas. El trabajo se desarrolló durante tres temporadas de actividades náuticas en las escuelas del mar de la Generalitat Valenciana con una muestra total de 3.588 usuarios. Para la recogida de datos se elaboró un cuestionario compuesto por ocho áreas de evaluación: 1) comunicación, conocimiento y notoriedad, 2) toma de decisiones y motivos, 3) relaciones sociales, 4) recepción y primera impresión, 5) índice de satisfacción general, 6) valoración de las actividades náuticas, 7) sentimientos asociados, y 8) escala de calidad de servicio. La escala de calidad de servicio se mejoró en la segunda campaña y se volvió a administrar en una tercera para evaluar, de nuevo su comportamiento y, observar la evolución en la percepción de calidad de los usuarios. Ésta herramienta muestra buenos índices de fiabilidad. Entre las principales conclusiones podemos destacar que las dimensiones que definen el servicio son: 1) la alimentación, 2) el tiempo libre, 3) las clases, 4) la limpieza, 5) el material náutico, 6) comida complementaria, 7) los horarios, 8) la conserjería, 9) el estado del entorno, y 10) la clases teóricas. Se definen tres motivos de asistencia (nuevas experiencias, motivo social-deportivo y competitivo). El elemento mejor valorado de las escuelas son los técnicos de navegación. Todas las dimensiones de calidad tienen una relación positiva y significativa con la satisfacción general. Las mujeres puntúan mejor en todas las dimensiones de calidad y satisfacción que los hombres. Existe una relación positiva y significativa tanto del trato recibido como del aprendizaje percibido con la satisfacción general. Los resultados establecen que los horarios, el material náutico, las clases y el tiempo libre son predictores de la satisfacción general. __________________________________________________________________________________________________From perspective of the customers psychology and its overlapping on sport behaviour, the main this study seeks: to analyse indicators of customers satisfaction by those using several Schools of Sailing in the Generalitat Valenciana; to have a wider knowledge about sport service quality at these public institutions. The main sources of data were collected during tree nautical activities seasons in Sailing Schools of the Generalitat Valenciana whit a sample of 3.588 users. Data were collected by means of a specifically questionnaire consisting of eight areas of evaluations: 1) communication, knowledge and notoriety, 2) decision making and motivation, 3) social relationships, 4) reception and first impressions, 5) general satisfaction index, 6) nautical activities evaluation, 7) associated feelings and, 8) service quality. Descriptive analysis, mean differences and correlation examination, principal component factor study, and regression analysis were used in the data collected. Among the main conclusions drawn from this study, the following service dimensions are to be highlighted: 1) food, 2) spare time, 3) lessons, 4) cleanliness, 5) nautical equipment, 6) complementary food, 7) timetables, 8) reception, 9) environment conditions and, 10) theoretical lessons. Navigation instructors were the highest valued aspect at these schools. All dimensions have a positive and significant correlation on overall satisfaction. In aspects such as service quality and satisfaction, women scored higher than men. The results show that there is a positive and significant relation between perceived learning and satisfaction, as well as treatment given and satisfaction. Results further indicate that there is a predictive correlation between timetables, nautical equipment, lessons, spare time and consumer satisfaction

    Modelo BIM de sostenibilidad arquitectónica basada en análisis del ciclo de vida para el barrio de Russafa de acuerdo con la normativa UNE/ISO

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    Proyecto fin de grado modalidad intercambios académicos. University of Applied Sciences of Utrecht[ES] El objeto de este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) es el cálculo y obtención de parámetros para poder analizar la sostenibilidad de los edificios del barrio de Ruzafa utilizando para ello la metodología conocida como Building Information Modeling (BIM) y el Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (LCA). Con esta finalidad, se hace un recorrido por las normas de estandarización internacionales (ISO) que definen las bases para un desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades, así como las que desarrollan el análisis del ciclo de vida. Por último, se hace un análisis energético de los edificios del barrio.[EN] This project develops integrated procedures within the BIM tool of Autodesk (Revit) for determining the sustainability and critical life cycle parameters for the Russafa neighbourhood starting with the data provided by the Valencia City CouncilCalabuig Moreno, R. (2017). Modelo BIM de sostenibilidad arquitectónica basada en análisis del ciclo de vida para el barrio de Russafa de acuerdo con la normativa UNE/ISO. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/84257

    El màrqueting social al servei de la gestió de la qualitat. El cas dels Serveis Públics Nàutics de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    En el present treball, tractem d'abordar la gestió dels serveis públics esportius (nàutics) des de la perspectiva del màrqueting, i més concretament el màrqueting social aplicat a l'esport. Realitzem una breu anàlisi del servei públic esportiu aportant algunes estratègies per millorar-lo. Entenem que la gestió als serveis públics d'esport s'ha de basar en la qualitat del servei i per a això presentem, després d'abordar la nostra concepció de la qualitat, les dimensions que l'usuari de les Escoles del Mar de la Generalitat Valenciana ha entès que defineixen la qualitat del servei d'aquestes escoles. Finalment aportem unes variables que creiem poden millorar la gestió dels serveis de les institucions públiques

    Influence of Sports Participation on the Behaviors of Customersof Sports Services: Linear and Qualitative Comparative Analysis Models

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    ports services have become an important enclave for our society. Due to its completesports offer, customers can perform physical activity that helps them to improve their health and well-being. In fitness centers, managers try to know what their customers are looking for in order to create more personalized experiences, as well as to improve their health. This study seeks to understand the influence that sports frequency has on the future behavior of users of a sports center, using two complementary methodologies. A sample of 383 users of a private sports center was used. The two complementary methodologies used were linear models and comparative qualitative analysis, based on the combination of sets. The results show how sports frequency influences the process of creating users’ future behaviors. Considering that none of the variables are necessary, it is observed that perceived value has a significant influence on users’ future behaviors. The use of two complementary methodologies provides a more complete understanding, which helps sports managers to plan and manage effectively to ensure user satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, facilities can incentivize customers through loyalty programs and promotions to maintain their engagement,as well as healthy styles to encourage service recommendations.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Neighbourhood Modelling for Urban Sustainability Assessment

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    [EN] Climate change is becoming a dominant concern for advanced countries. The Paris Agreement sets out a global framework whose implementation relates to all human activities and is commonly guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), which set the scene for sustainable development performance configuring all climate action related policies. Fast control of CO2 emissions necessarily involves cities since they are responsible for 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) is clearly involved in the deployment of SDG 13 (Climate Action). European Sustainability policies are financially guided by the European Green Deal for a climate neutral urban environment. In turn, a common framework for urban policy impact assessment must be based on architectural design tools, such as building certification, and common data repositories for standard digital building models. Many Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment (NSA) tools have been developed but the growing availability of open data repositories for cities, together with big-data sources (provided through Internet of Things repositories), allow accurate neighbourhood simulations, or in other words, digital twins of neighbourhoods. These digital twins are excellent tools for policy impact assessment. After a careful analysis of current scientific literature, this paper provides a generic approach for a simple neighbourhood model developed from building physical parameters which meets relevant assessment requirements, while simultaneously being updated (and tested) against real open data repositories, and how this assessment is related to building certification tools. The proposal is validated by real data on energy consumption and on its application to the Benicalap neighbourhood in Valencia (Spain).This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project "Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)" Grant Agreement: 730283.Orozco-Messana, J.; Iborra Lucas, M.; Calabuig-Moreno, R. (2021). Neighbourhood Modelling for Urban Sustainability Assessment. Sustainability. 13(9):1-10. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094654S11013

    Combined Greening Strategies for Improved Results on Carbon-Neutral Urban Policies

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    [EN] Starting from historical environmental records of the Benicalap neighbourhood in Valencia, this paper presents an energy model contributing to the assessment of carbon-neutral city policies for several nature-based solution (NBS) pilots extended to the neighbourhood level and combined with building facade renovation proposals. Accurate monitoring of several NBS pilot strategies was studied to validate a computational-fluid-dynamic (CFD) microclimate flux (both storage heat flux and latent heat flux) model, allowing a joint understanding of humidity and heat dynamics for the pilots under study. When expanded at a neighbourhood level, the combined effect of NBSs and energy dynamics (from buildings and vegetation) on neighbourhood microclimates is used to assess the optimal combination of urban renovation policies for energy efficiency and consequently carbon footprint reduction.This research was co-funded by the European Commission through the H2020 project "Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments (GROW GREEN)" Grant Agreement: 730283Orozco-Messana, J.; Iborra Lucas, M.; Calabuig-Moreno, R. (2022). Combined Greening Strategies for Improved Results on Carbon-Neutral Urban Policies. Buildings. 12(7):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings1207089411312

    La calidad percibida de los servicios deportivos : diferencias según instalación, género, edad y tipo de usuario en servicios náuticos

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    En el ámbito de la gestión deportiva, la calidad de los servicios deportivos y la satisfacción de los usuarios es un área de gran desarrollo. Este trabajo pretende determinar el grado de calidad percibida en unos servicios deportivos de carácter público como son unas escuelas de actividades náuticas. Para ello se analizaron 2375 usuarios de estas escuelas que contestaron un cuestionario sobre calidad de servicio percibida y satisfacción con el servicio recibido. La escala de calidad percibida utilizada determinó diez dimensiones de calidad: las clases, el tiempo libre, el entorno náutico, los horarios, la comida, el material náutico, la comida complementaria, la conserjería, la limpieza y la teoría. Las dimensiones mejor valoradas fueron las clases, el tiempo libre y el material náutico. Las peor valoradas fueron la comida complementaria y el entorno náutico. Se observan diferencias en la valoración en función del género, la edad, la instalación y el nivel de implicación del usuario.The quality of sports services and user satisfaction is a developing area in the field of Sports Management. This paper intends to determine the degree of perceived quality in public sports services such as those provided on nautical schools. An analysis was carried out in which 2,375 users of these schools completed a questionnaire about perceived service quality and satisfaction. The perceived quality scale used determined ten quality dimensions: lessons, spare time, nautical environment, timetables, main meals, nautical equipment, complementary meals, reception services, cleanliness and theory lessons. The dimensions with higher scores were lessons, spare time and nautical equipment. Complementary meals and nautical environment registered the lowest scores. Scoring differences were found according to gender, age, sport facility and the kind of involvement of the [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (este articulo no aparece en grec

    Doubled haploids in eggplant

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    [EN] This review compiles the most relevant advances made in the production of doubled haploid plants in eggplant, the application of doubled haploid lines in breeding programs, and the future perspectives for the development of alternative technologies for doubled haploid generation in this species. Eggplant is a solanaceous crop cultivated worldwide for its edible fruit. Eggplant breeding programs are mainly aimed to the generation of F1 hybrids by crossing two highly homozygous, pure lines, which are traditionally obtained upon several self crossing generations, which is an expensive and time consuming process. Alternatively, fully homozygous, doubled haploid (DH) individuals can be induced from haploid cells of the germ line in a single generation. Several attempts have been made to develop protocols to produce eggplant DHs principally using anther culture and isolated microspore culture. Eggplant could be considered a moderately recalcitrant species in terms of ability for DH production. Anther culture stands nowadays as the most valuable technology to obtain eggplant DHs. However, the theoretical possibility of having plants regenerated from somatic tissues of the anther walls cannot be ruled out. For this reason, the use of isolated microspores is recommended when possible. This approach still has room for improvement, but it is largely genotype-dependent. In this review, we compile the most relevant advances made in DH production in eggplant, their application to breeding programs, and the future perspectives for the development of other, less genotype-dependent, DH technologies.This research was funded by the Valencian Government, grant number CDEIGENT 2018/023 to RMM and by the Spanish MICINN, grant number PID2020-115763RB-I00 to JMSS. ACS is the recipient of a predoctoral contract from the FPU program of the Spanish Government.Mir Moreno, R.; Calabuig-Serna, A.; Seguí-Simarro, JM. (2021). Doubled haploids in eggplant. Biology. 10(7):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10070685S11610