92 research outputs found

    La calidad percibida en los servicios náuticos de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    RESUMEN Desde la perspectiva de la Psicología del consumidor y su imbricación en las conductas deportivas, los objetivos principales de la presente investigación han sido, analizar la calidad percibida y la satisfacción de los usuarios de las escuelas del mar de la Generalitat Valenciana, y mejorar el conocimiento sobre la calidad de los servicios deportivos en instituciones públicas. El trabajo se desarrolló durante tres temporadas de actividades náuticas en las escuelas del mar de la Generalitat Valenciana con una muestra total de 3.588 usuarios. Para la recogida de datos se elaboró un cuestionario compuesto por ocho áreas de evaluación: 1) comunicación, conocimiento y notoriedad, 2) toma de decisiones y motivos, 3) relaciones sociales, 4) recepción y primera impresión, 5) índice de satisfacción general, 6) valoración de las actividades náuticas, 7) sentimientos asociados, y 8) escala de calidad de servicio. La escala de calidad de servicio se mejoró en la segunda campaña y se volvió a administrar en una tercera para evaluar, de nuevo su comportamiento y, observar la evolución en la percepción de calidad de los usuarios. Ésta herramienta muestra buenos índices de fiabilidad. Entre las principales conclusiones podemos destacar que las dimensiones que definen el servicio son: 1) la alimentación, 2) el tiempo libre, 3) las clases, 4) la limpieza, 5) el material náutico, 6) comida complementaria, 7) los horarios, 8) la conserjería, 9) el estado del entorno, y 10) la clases teóricas. Se definen tres motivos de asistencia (nuevas experiencias, motivo social-deportivo y competitivo). El elemento mejor valorado de las escuelas son los técnicos de navegación. Todas las dimensiones de calidad tienen una relación positiva y significativa con la satisfacción general. Las mujeres puntúan mejor en todas las dimensiones de calidad y satisfacción que los hombres. Existe una relación positiva y significativa tanto del trato recibido como del aprendizaje percibido con la satisfacción general. Los resultados establecen que los horarios, el material náutico, las clases y el tiempo libre son predictores de la satisfacción general. __________________________________________________________________________________________________From perspective of the customers psychology and its overlapping on sport behaviour, the main this study seeks: to analyse indicators of customers satisfaction by those using several Schools of Sailing in the Generalitat Valenciana; to have a wider knowledge about sport service quality at these public institutions. The main sources of data were collected during tree nautical activities seasons in Sailing Schools of the Generalitat Valenciana whit a sample of 3.588 users. Data were collected by means of a specifically questionnaire consisting of eight areas of evaluations: 1) communication, knowledge and notoriety, 2) decision making and motivation, 3) social relationships, 4) reception and first impressions, 5) general satisfaction index, 6) nautical activities evaluation, 7) associated feelings and, 8) service quality. Descriptive analysis, mean differences and correlation examination, principal component factor study, and regression analysis were used in the data collected. Among the main conclusions drawn from this study, the following service dimensions are to be highlighted: 1) food, 2) spare time, 3) lessons, 4) cleanliness, 5) nautical equipment, 6) complementary food, 7) timetables, 8) reception, 9) environment conditions and, 10) theoretical lessons. Navigation instructors were the highest valued aspect at these schools. All dimensions have a positive and significant correlation on overall satisfaction. In aspects such as service quality and satisfaction, women scored higher than men. The results show that there is a positive and significant relation between perceived learning and satisfaction, as well as treatment given and satisfaction. Results further indicate that there is a predictive correlation between timetables, nautical equipment, lessons, spare time and consumer satisfaction

    El marketing social al servicio de la gestión de la calidad. El caso de los Servicios Públicos Náuticos de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    En el presente trabajo, tratamos de abordar la gestión de los servicios públicos deportivos (náuticos) desde la perspectiva del marketing, y más concretamente el marketing social aplicado al deporte. Realizamos un breve análisis del servicio público deportivo aportando algunas estrategias para mejorarlo. Entendemos que la gestión en los servicios públicos de deporte se debe basar en la calidad del servicio y para ello presentamos, después de abordar nuestra concepción de la calidad, las dimensiones que el usuario de las Escuelas del Mar de la Generalitat Valenciana ha entendido que definen la calidad del servicio de estas escuelas. Por último aportamos unas variables que creemos pueden mejorar la gestión de los servicios de las instituciones pública

    El màrqueting social al servei de la gestió de la qualitat. El cas dels Serveis Públics Nàutics de la Generalitat Valenciana

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    En el present treball, tractem d'abordar la gestió dels serveis públics esportius (nàutics) des de la perspectiva del màrqueting, i més concretament el màrqueting social aplicat a l'esport. Realitzem una breu anàlisi del servei públic esportiu aportant algunes estratègies per millorar-lo. Entenem que la gestió als serveis públics d'esport s'ha de basar en la qualitat del servei i per a això presentem, després d'abordar la nostra concepció de la qualitat, les dimensions que l'usuari de les Escoles del Mar de la Generalitat Valenciana ha entès que defineixen la qualitat del servei d'aquestes escoles. Finalment aportem unes variables que creiem poden millorar la gestió dels serveis de les institucions públiques

    La calidad percibida de los servicios deportivos : diferencias según instalación, género, edad y tipo de usuario en servicios náuticos

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    En el ámbito de la gestión deportiva, la calidad de los servicios deportivos y la satisfacción de los usuarios es un área de gran desarrollo. Este trabajo pretende determinar el grado de calidad percibida en unos servicios deportivos de carácter público como son unas escuelas de actividades náuticas. Para ello se analizaron 2375 usuarios de estas escuelas que contestaron un cuestionario sobre calidad de servicio percibida y satisfacción con el servicio recibido. La escala de calidad percibida utilizada determinó diez dimensiones de calidad: las clases, el tiempo libre, el entorno náutico, los horarios, la comida, el material náutico, la comida complementaria, la conserjería, la limpieza y la teoría. Las dimensiones mejor valoradas fueron las clases, el tiempo libre y el material náutico. Las peor valoradas fueron la comida complementaria y el entorno náutico. Se observan diferencias en la valoración en función del género, la edad, la instalación y el nivel de implicación del usuario.The quality of sports services and user satisfaction is a developing area in the field of Sports Management. This paper intends to determine the degree of perceived quality in public sports services such as those provided on nautical schools. An analysis was carried out in which 2,375 users of these schools completed a questionnaire about perceived service quality and satisfaction. The perceived quality scale used determined ten quality dimensions: lessons, spare time, nautical environment, timetables, main meals, nautical equipment, complementary meals, reception services, cleanliness and theory lessons. The dimensions with higher scores were lessons, spare time and nautical equipment. Complementary meals and nautical environment registered the lowest scores. Scoring differences were found according to gender, age, sport facility and the kind of involvement of the [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (este articulo no aparece en grec

    Influence of brand image of a sports event on the recommendation of its participants

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    The aim of this research is to test the psychometric properties and relationships of a model where, from brand congruence of a sport event, trust and commitment to it can be generated, influencing future behavior of participants and resulting in a higher recommendation also called Word of Mouth (hereinafter WOM). A quantitative approach has been carried out by means of a validated questionnaire with Likert-type responses, and data were analyzed with the EQS 6.4 software. The findings indicated that the model is adequate, and also confirm that from congruence, we can explain, at a theoretical level, 45% of trust, and in the same way, from the congruence and trust, we can explain 67% of the commitment with the brand. Finally, it is confirmed that trust and brand commitment significantly influence WOM, predicting it up to 51%. These conclusions provide implications to managers, to guide their marketing strategies more effectively and to know what is important to achieve the desired behaviors, which will favor the sustainability of the event and the generation of positive impacts in the host location. This research also provides original information in a context such as sporting events where the study of brand image is practically non-existent

    Perceived quality of basketball spectators : a measurement scale validation

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    The aim of the study was to obtain a valid, reliable and reduced measurement scale of basketball spectators. Trough application of structural equation modelling Eventqual scale was reduced to nine items and three dimensions with good indexes of reliability and validity. The resulting factor structure determined the tangibles, the personnel and the complementary services as quality dimensions for basketball spectators.El objetivo del presente estudio fue obtener una escala de calidad percibida por los espectadores de baloncesto válida, fiable y reducida. Mediante la aplicación de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales se redujo la escala Eventqual a nueve ítems y tres dimensiones con buenos indicadores de fiabilidad y validez. La estructura factorial resultante determinó como dimensiones de calidad para los espectadores de baloncesto a los tangibles, el personal y los servicios complementarios.O objetivo deste estudo foi obter uma escala de qualidade percebida pelos espectadores de basquetebol válida, fiável e reduzida. Através da aplicação de modelos de equações estruturais reduziu-se a escala Eventqual a nove itens e três dimensões, com bons indicadores de fidelidade e validade. A estrutura factorial resultante determinou como dimensões de qualidade para os telespectadores de basquetebol tangível, o pessoal e os serviços complementares

    Predictive Variables of Adolescents' Intention to Be Physically Active after Graduation. Is Gender a Conditioning Factor?

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    The acquisition of physical activity habits during adolescence is fundamental to guarantee its adherence throughout life. However, these levels decrease during this stage, with women experimenting a more significant decrease. This paper aims to analyze if there are significant differences in the variables related to the intention to be physically active between men and women and if there is a moderating effect of gender on the variables that predict this intention. The sample is composed of 256 adolescents, aged between 16 and 19 years, 55.50% of whom are men, and 44.50% women. The results show that there are statistically significant differences (p < 0.05), with boys showing higher scores in the intention, athletic identity, and in the strength, condition, and attractiveness. About the predictive variables of the intention, the gender moderates the relationships between the physical attractiveness, condition and strength with the perceived behavioral control (pcfmale-pcfmale = 0.44; −0.48 p < 0.001; 0.27, p < 0.05, respectively), and between the subjective norm and the intention to be physically active (pcmale-female = 0.33, p < 0.01). These results highlight the importance of considering gender when designing specific policies for the promotion of physical-sports practice among adolescents to reduce the existing gender gap

    Evaluación de las creencias hacia el deporte y el fútbol en alumnos de secundaria

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    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo el analizar las actitudes que los alumnos tienen respecto al deporte como concepto general y al fútbol en concreto, y se establecen las diferencias según el sexo y la frecuencia de práctica deportiva. Los resultados revelan que el alumnado que practica actividad física extraescolar muestra actitudes más positivas hacia el deporte frente a los que no realizan ningún tipo de actividad. Del mismo modo, los chicos muestran actitudes más positivas hacia el fútbol que las chicas, lo que no ocurre respecto al deporte en general. A partir de estos resultados se sugiere una metodología de encuesta para analizar si la elección de unos deportes u otros en las clases de educación física tiene algún efecto en las actitudes de los alumnos hacia esa modalidad o hacia el deporte en general

    Should a family firm communicate their family identity and country of origin? A cross-cultural study from Chile and Spain

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    Purpose – This paper investigates the influence of firms’ communication in terms of family firm identity and country-of-origin on consumer response. Design/methodology/approach – A self-supplied online experiment in Chile and Spain is employed using as dependent variables brand trust and intention to buy. The experiment includes the following factors: family firm identity (family vs non-family), country of origin (national vs foreign) and as a manipulation check (type of product: hedonic vs utilitarian). Findings – The results indicate that communicating the family firm identity increases brand trust and purchase intention. Consumers show higher scores on trust and purchase intention when exposed to national country of origin products. The effect of the variability on the dependent variables is greater when the family firm identity is communicated. Trust and purchase intention are different in Chilean and Spanish consumers when the family firm identity is combined with a national country of origin cue. Originality/value – This article contributes to family business theory by exploring how to capitalize on the family firm identity component in brand communication. It also contributes to the theory of corporate brand identity by proposing a communication model oriented toward consumer behavior. It also examines firms’ communication (family firm identity and country-of-origin) on consumer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Residents' Perception of the Impact of Sports Tourism on Sustainable Social Development

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    The analysis of the social perception of citizens and evaluations of the impact of sport tourism and their support for tourism development can be of great use in the formulation of policies aimed at social cohesion and local development. These actions favor social participation and inclusion, equal opportunities, and more positive attitudes towards sports tourism and inclusive sport. This study aims to analyze the perception and predisposition towards the support of citizens on the impact of sport tourism from a multidimensional perspective. Specifically, this study evaluates the social perception on four measures: social impact, cultural impact, environmental impact, and local policies. The sample of this study is composed of 607 people living in Gran Canaria. A survey with two scales were used, one on the perception of the social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political-administrative impact and the other was on the predisposition to support the development of sport tourism from the perspective of sustainable and inclusive social development. Using the partial least square methodology, the results show that all the study variables were significant except for social impact. It is concluded that there is a favorable social perception towards sport tourism. The results of this study might have a effect on the planning of the tourism sector in Gran Canaria as well as on the policies and regulations governing this activity