1,130 research outputs found

    A design and simulation of a Brazilian bid based short-term electricity market

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    In order to overcome a number of difficulties detected on the Brazilian electricity market this paper proposes and tests a bid based short-term market. To simulate the behavior of the hydros in this new market, it was implemented an Agent-Based Model - ABM using the reinforcement QLearning algorithm, Simulated Annealing, and linear programming. In the simulations we used real data from the Brazilian power system encompassing more than 98% of the total hydro installed capacity and three years of market data. The results indicate that the management of (virtual) reservoirs can be under the responsibility of each hydro, which could save water according to their own risk perception, while it is maintained the current efficiency and security levels. Results also suggest that the final monthly short-term market prices can substantially decrease in comparison with the current prices

    A virtual reservoir electricity market design applied to the Brazilian system using an Agent Based Model

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    This paper discusses the current Brazilian electricitymarket, brings out some dilemmas that should be examined inorder to implement a more market-oriented approach, anddescribes a new market design to overcome these issues. Theproposed market design is based on virtual reservoirs and aimsat enhancing the flexibility to enable market participants tocomply with their contracts, while still ensuring the efficient useof the water and maintaining the current level of the security ofsupply. In addition, to simulate the behavior of the marketparticipants in this new framework, an Agent-Based Model -ABM where agents use reinforcement Q-Learning - is developedand applied to a case study that includes a centralized dispatchas currently exists in Brazil. The results obtained so far showthat this new design is suitable to allow hydros managing theircommercial contract commitments with extra flexibility

    A new electricity market design for power systems with large share of hydro: improving flexibility and ensuring efficiency and security in the Brazilian case

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    This paper discusses some problems related with thecurrent Brazilian electricity market, brings out some dilemmasthat should be examined in order to implement a more marketoriented approach, and proposes a new market design toovercome these issues. The proposed market design is based onthe concept of energy right accounts as virtual reservoirs andaims at enhancing the flexibility to enable market participants tocomply with their contracts, while still ensuring the efficient useof the energy resources and maintaining the current securitysupply level. In addition, in order to simulate the behavior of themarket participants in this new framework, an Agent-BasedModel - ABM where agents use reinforcement Q-Learning isdeveloped for the study case. The results show that this newmarket design is suitable to be applied to hydrothermal systemshaving a large share of hydros

    Crisis Capitalista y Pandemia : Repercusiones e impactos en el mundo del trabajo y la salud colectiva

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    El presente trabajo recupera la reciente experiencia que se viene desarrollando en el Grupo de Trabajo en Salud Laboral Colectiva, Derechos Laborales y Riesgos De Trabajo perteneciente al Laboratorio de Investigación de Movimientos Sociales y Condiciones de Vida de la FTS. El misma surge, a partir de la emergencia sanitaria que produjo la Pandemia del SARS-COVID2, decretada por la OMS en marzo del 2020. Para tal fin, primeramente, se realiza un análisis de la crisis capitalista contemporánea y su relación con la pandemia, dando del contexto histórico en el que cual se transita a nivel mundial dicha pandemia. Se recuperan de esto modo dos dimensiones fundamentales: la relación capitalismo-naturaleza, complejizando la categoría de pandemia en tanto una sindemia, se investiga el origen y las causas del virus matrizándolo con determinaciones sociales, culturales y políticas. Por otro lado, se analiza la situación actual de la clase trabajadora, las repercusiones e impactos que esta crisis produce en el mundo del trabajo. la actualidad como se reconfigura, como enfrenta sus límites y dificultades una gran mayoría de la población mundial en poder conseguir empleo y sostener una vida digna. En otro apartado se analiza la situación de la pandemia en la región, Recurriendo a datos empíricos se caracteriza y analiza la situación regional socio-sanitaria y laboral que atraviesa les trabajadores de la Salud pública, ubicados en distintos sectores y espacios de instituciones de la Salud, y que atraviesan en el día a día un enfrentamiento de las consecuencias que produce el contagio y portar la enfermedad en la población.Mesa de trabajo 27: Gestión estatal y protección Eje temático 5: Salud colectivaFacultad de Trabajo Socia

    Aspiration of excess follicles before intrauterine insemination in high response cycles

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    Purpose To assess the outcome of excess follicle aspiration before intrauterine insemination (EFABI) in intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles with 4-6 follicles >= 14 mm. Methods A retrospective case-control study with 1559 patients undergoing IUI (donor and husband's sperm), of whom 86 underwent EFABI. We studied also an historical series of 2213 patients before EFABI implementation. For 3.5 years, all women undergoing IUI developing 4-6 follicles >= 14 mm were offered EFABI on the day of hCG administration. Pregnancy rates (PRs), multiple PRs, and adverse effects were measured. Results EFABI was associated with a similar multiple PR (17.8% vs 17.5% in non-EFABI cases), with no triplets in EFABI patients. Live birth rates were significantly higher in EFABI cycles in IUI overall (25.5% vs 15.2%). When considered separately, the performance of EFABI resulted in significantly increased live birth rates in IUI-donor cycles (32.5% vs 18.5%), whereas the differences in IUI-husband cycles (19.5% vs 12.9%) did not reach statistical significance. The PR was 21.2% during the EFABI implementation period and 19.4% in the pre-EFABI period. Conclusions EFABI in cycles in which 4-6 follicles reach >= 14 mm is a simple option that reduces cycle cancellation rates, results in higher PRs than cycles with 1-3 follicles, and lowers the risk of multiple pregnancy

    La articulación universidad empresa MyPymes en el desarrollo local en la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    Se trata de • Indagar y profundizar respecto a un modelo de gestión dinamizador de las relaciones Universidad - Sector Productivo en la Provincia de Buenos Aires y su impacto en el Desarrollo local. • Proponer un modelo de gestión de vínculo entre la Universidad y MyPymes que contemple los factores que fortalecen y deterioran la relación, como la identificación de las funciones de los actores involucrados, que permita la sustentabilidad del vínculo.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    La estructura y los procesos organizacionales como dimensiones relevantes para la gestión de los centros de atención primaria de la salud (CAPS)

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    La Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) es reconocida como uno de los componentes claves de un Sistema de Salud efectivo. Los Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud (CAPS) desarrollan las funciones de la APS en el sistema público de salud argentino. Si bien existe estadística pública sobre el resultado del trabajo de los CAPS, no existe conocimiento sobre la forma de organizar el trabajo para lograr sus resultados. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del proyecto se centra en analizar la organización del trabajo de los CAPS a fin de identificar dimensiones relevantes para la gestión en el cumplimiento de las funciones de la APS.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Antibacterial and antifungal activity of the human endometrial fluid during the natural cycle

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    [EN] Purpose. Some microbiota patterns have been associated with favorable IVF prognosis and others with pathological conditions. The endometrial fluid aspirate (EFA) contains antibacterial proteins that are enriched in implantative IVF cycles, but the antimicrobial effect of EFA has not been addressed. We aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the human endometrial fluid during the natural cycle. Methods. EFA was obtained through an embryo transfer catheter in 38 women, aged 18-40 years, with regular cycles attending to a fertility clinic. The antimicrobial activity of EFAs was tested against two strains of Staphylococcus aureus; one strain each of Streptococcus agalactiae, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae; and three yeasts (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Candida krusei). Results. All samples exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus. In addition, 32.4% of EFAs were active against one of the other microorganisms assayed, 16.2% against two, and 5.4% against four of them. In contrast, none exhibited antibacterial activity against E. coli or K. pneumoniae. The antimicrobial activity differs considerably between EFA samples, and we failed to observe a cycle-related pattern. Conclusions. EFA presented two antimicrobial activity patterns: (a) one common to all the samples, exhibiting activity against S. aureus and lack of activity against E. coli and K. pneumoniae, and (b) an individualized pattern, showing activity against some of the other microorganisms tested. The intensity of antibacterial activity differs between EFA samples. Our data suggest that the uterine microbiota is controlled by means of endometrial fluid components.This study was partially supported by a Grant for Fertility Innovation (GFI, 2011) from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. M. Bregón-Villahoz is recipient of a predoctoral grant from the Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) (PIF19/316). The authors thank the technical and human support provided by DNA Bank Service (SGIker) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and European funding (ERDF and ESF). CIC bioGUNE is accredited with the Severo Ochoa Excellence award by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, MINECO (SEV-2016-0644)


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    Um dos fenômenos mais importantes na natureza é a presença de cargas nos solos. As partículas minerais e orgânicas do solo podem apresentar cargas elétricas nas suas superfícies. Os íons e moléculas que estão na solução do solo podem ser retidos nas superfícies das partículas da fase sólida (matéria orgânica e minerais), e também podem ser liberados da fase sólida para a fase líquida do solo (denominada de solução do solo). Entende-se por troca iônica do solo os processos reversíveis, ou temporariamente irreversíveis, pelos quais as partículas sólidas do solo, minerais, matéria orgânica, adsorvem os íons da fase aquosa e ao mesmo tempo desabsorvem quantidades equivalentes de outros íons de mesma carga e estabelecem o equilíbrio entre as fases. A adsorção dos íons, na fase sólida mineral e orgânica do solo, ocorre devido justamente à existência de cargas elétricas na superfície, positivas ou negativas, que atraem cátions e ânions, respectivamente. O estudo das cargas elétricas das partículas coloidais é de fundamental importância para o entendimento de diversos fenômenos físico-químicos que ocorrem nos solos, já que a maioria das reações eletroquímicas que influenciam sua fertilidade e a nutrição de plantas, e que podem interferir em fenômenos relacionados ao seu manejo e conservação, ocorre na superfície dessas partículas. O conjunto das cargas negativas nas superfícies das partículas do solo é nomeado como capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), e as cargas positivas nas superfícies das partículas do solo é denominado capacidade de troca aniônica (CTA). As cargas negativas e positivas do solo são responsáveis pela retenção dos nutrientes, fundamentais no crescimento das plantas. As cargas negativas retêm nutrientes que a plantas necessitam, e que estão no solo na forma de cátions, como Ca+2, Mg+2, K+, NH4+, etc. As cargas positivas retêm nutrientes que as plantas necessitam, e que se encontram no solo na forma de ânions como Cl- e NO3-. O objetivo do presente trabalho é demonstrar aos espectadores a existência e discutir a finalidade das cargas elétricas presentes no solo. Para isso, em solos de diferentes texturas, será inserido fios de cobre que estão conectados a uma bateria de 9 V. Após um tempo, será observado qual solo tem predominância de cargas negativas em suas partículas. Neste caso, o solo irá aderir mais ao polo positivo (polo de carga contrária) da pilha de 9 V. Todavia, o resultado pode ser diferente deste, pois nem todos os solos apresentam predominância de cargas negativas em suas partículas. Em relação ao solo arenoso espera-se que o mesmo não seja atraído, ou tenha pouca atração, pelos polos da pilha, pois este apresenta poucas cargas em suas superfícies

    microRNA-based signatures obtained from endometrial fluid identify implantative endometrium

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    STUDY QUESTION Is it possible to use free and extracellular vesicle-associated microRNAs (miRNAs) from human endometrial fluid (EF) samples as non-invasive biomarkers for implantative endometrium? SUMMARY ANSWER The free and extracellular vesicle-associated miRNAs can be used to detect implantative endometrium in a non-invasive manner. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY miRNAs and extracellular vesicles (EVs) from EF have been described as mediators of the embryo-endometrium crosstalk. Therefore, the analysis of miRNA from this fluid could become a non-invasive technique for recognizing implantative endometrium. This analysis could potentially help improve the implantation rates in ART. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION In this prospective study, we first optimized different protocols for EVs and miRNA analyses using the EF of a setup cohort (n = 72). Then, we examined differentially expressed miRNAs in the EF of women with successful embryo implantation (discovery cohort n = 15/validation cohort n = 30) in comparison with those for whom the implantation had failed (discovery cohort n = 15/validation cohort n = 30). Successful embryo implantation was considered when pregnancy was confirmed by vaginal ultrasound showing a gestational sac 4 weeks after embryo transfer (ET). PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS The EF of the setup cohort was obtained before starting fertility treatment during the natural cycle, 16-21 days after the beginning of menstruation. For the discovery and validation cohorts, the EF was collected from women undergoing frozen ET on Day 5, and the samples were collected immediately before ET. In this study, we compared five different methods; two of them based on direct extraction of RNA and the other three with an EV enrichment step before the RNA extraction. Small RNA sequencing was performed to determine the most efficient method and find a predictive model differentiating between implantative and non-implantative endometrium. The models were confirmed using quantitative PCR in two sets of samples (discovery and validation cohorts) with different implantation outcomes. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE The protocols using EV enrichment detected more miRNAs than the methods based on direct RNA extraction. The two most efficient protocols (using polymer-based precipitation (PBP): PBP-M and PBP-N) were used to obtain two predictive models (based on three miRNAs) allowing us to distinguish between an implantative and non-implantative endometrium. The first Model 1 (PBP-M) (discovery: AUC = 0.93; P-value = 0.003; validation: AUC = 0.69; P-value = 0.019) used hsa-miR-200b-3p, hsa-miR-24-3p and hsa-miR-148b-3p. Model 2 (PBP-N) (discovery: AUC = 0.92; P-value = 0.0002; validation: AUC = 0.78; P-value = 0.0002) used hsa-miR-200b-3p, hsa-miR-24-3p and hsa-miR-99b-5p. Functional analysis of these miRNAs showed strong association with key implantation processes such as in utero embryonic development or transforming growth factor-beta signaling. LARGE SCALE DATA The FASTQ data are available in the GEO database (access number GSE178917). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION One important factor to consider is the inherent variability among the women involved in the trial and among the transferred embryos. The embryos were pre-selected based on morphology, but neither genetic nor molecular studies were conducted, which would have improved the accuracy of our tests. In addition, a limitation in miRNA library construction is the low amount of input RNA. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS We describe new non-invasive protocols to analyze miRNAs from small volumes of EF. These protocols could be implemented in clinical practice to assess the status of the endometrium before attempting ET. Such evaluation could help to avoid the loss of embryos transferred to a non-implantative endometrium. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) J.I.-P. was supported by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government (PRE_2017_0204). This study was partially funded by the Grant for Fertility Innovation (GFI, 2011) from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). It was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO within the National Plan RTI2018-094969-B-I00, the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (860303), the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence Innovative Research Grant (SEV-2016-0644) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI20/01131). The funding entities did not play any role in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the report or the decision to submit the article for publication. The authors declare no competing interests.J.I.-P. was supported by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government (PRE_2017_0204). This study was partially funded by the Grant for Fertility Innovation (GFI, 2011) from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). The project was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO within the national plan RTI2018-094969-B-I00, the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (860303), the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence Innovative Research Grant (SEV-2016-0644) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI20/01131). The funding entities did not have any role in study design, sample collection, analysis and interpretation of data, report writing or decision to submit the article for publication