63 research outputs found

    Congress and the Bailout Plan: Business as Usual

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    Wind and nebula of the M33 variable GR290 (WR/LBV)

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    Context: GR290 (M33/V532=Romano's Star) is a suspected post-LBV star located in M33 galaxy that shows a rare Wolf-Rayet spectrum during its minimum light phase. In spite of many studies, its atmospheric structure, its circumstellar environment and its place in the general context of massive stars evolution is poorly known. Aims: Detailed study of its wind and mass loss, and study of the circumstellar environment associated to the star. Methods: Long-slit spectra of GR290 were obtained during its present minimum luminosity phase with the GTC together with contemporaneous BVRI photometry. The data were compared with non-LTE model atmosphere synthetic spectra computed with CMFGEN and with CLOUDY models for ionized interstellar medium regions. Results: The current mV=18.8m_V=18.8 mag, is the faintest at which this source has ever been observed. The non-LTE models indicate effective temperature TeffT_{eff}=27-30 kK at radius R2/3R_{2/3}=27-21 Rsun and mass loss rate M˙=1.5×10−5\dot{M}=1.5\times10^{-5} Msun yr−1^{-1}. The terminal wind speed V∞V_\infty=620 km s−1{\rm km~s^{-1}} is faster than ever before recorded while the current luminosity L∗=(3.1−3.7)×105L_*=(3.1-3.7)\times 10^5 Lsun is the lowest ever deduced. It is overabundant in He and N and underabundant in C and O. It is surrounded by an unresolved compact HII region with dimensions ≤\leq4 pc, from where H-Balmer, HeI lines and [OIII] and [NII] are detected. In addition, we find emission from a more extended interstellar medium (ISM) region which appears to be asymmetric, with a larger extent to the East (16-40 pc) than to the West. Conclusions: In the present long lasting visual minimum, GR290 is in a lower bolometric luminosity state with higher mass loss rate. The nearby nebular emission seems to suggest that the star has undergone significant mass loss over the past 104−10510^4-10^5 years and is nearing the end stages of its evolution.Comment: submitted to A&A, 12 pages, 9 figures, 7 table

    Serotonin drives striatal synaptic plasticity in a sex-related manner.

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    Abstract Introduction Plasticity at corticostriatal synapses is a key substrate for a variety of brain functions – including motor control, learning and reward processing – and is often disrupted in disease conditions. Despite intense research pointing toward a dynamic interplay between glutamate, dopamine (DA), and serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission, their precise circuit and synaptic mechanisms regulating their role in striatal plasticity are still unclear. Here, we analyze the role of serotonergic raphe-striatal innervation in the regulation of DA-dependent corticostriatal plasticity. Methods Mice (males and females, 2–6 months of age) were housed in standard plexiglass cages at constant temperature (22 ± 1 °C) and maintained on a 12/12 h light/dark cycle with food and demineralized water ad libitum. In the present study, we used a knock-in mouse line in which the green fluorescent protein reporter gene (GFP) replaced the I Tph2 exon (Tph2GFP mice), allowing selective expression of GFP in the whole 5-HT system, highlighting both somata and neuritis of serotonergic neurons. Heterozygous, Tph2+/GFP, mice were intercrossed to obtain experimental cohorts, which included Wild-type (Tph2+/+), Heterozygous (Tph2+/GFP), and Mutant serotonin-depleted (Tph2GFP/GFP) animals. Results Using male and female mice, carrying on different Tph2 gene dosages, we show that Tph2 gene modulation results in sex-specific corticostriatal abnormalities, encompassing the abnormal amplitude of spontaneous glutamatergic transmission and the loss of Long Term Potentiation (LTP) in Tph2GFP/GFP mice of both sexes, while this form of plasticity is normally expressed in control mice (Tph2+/+). Once LTP is induced, only the Tph2+/GFP female mice present a loss of synaptic depotentiation. Conclusion We showed a relevant role of the interaction between dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in controlling striatal synaptic plasticity. Overall, our data unveil that 5-HT plays a primary role in regulating DA-dependent corticostriatal plasticity in a sex-related manner and propose altered 5-HT levels as a critical determinant of disease-associated plasticity defects

    Decreased Rhes mRNA levels in the brain of patients with Parkinson's disease and MPTP-treated macaques

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    In rodent and human brains, the small GTP-binding protein Rhes is highly expressed in virtually all dopaminoceptive striatal GABAergic medium spiny neurons, as well as in large aspiny cholinergic interneurons, where it is thought to modulate dopamine-dependent signaling. Consistent with this knowledge, and considering that dopaminergic neurotransmission is altered in neurological and psychiatric disorders, here we sought to investigate whether Rhes mRNA expression is altered in brain regions of patients with Parkinsonâ\u80\u99s disease (PD), Schizophrenia (SCZ), and Bipolar Disorder (BD), when compared to healthy controls (about 200 post-mortem samples). Moreover, we performed the same analysis in the putamen of non-human primate Macaca Mulatta, lesioned with the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Overall, our data indicated comparable Rhes mRNA levels in the brain of patients with SCZ and BD, and their respective healthy controls. In sharp contrast, the putamen of patients suffering from PD showed a significant 35% reduction of this transcript, compared to healthy subjects. Interestingly, in line with observations obtained in humans, we found 27% decrease in Rhes mRNA levels in the putamen of MPTP-treated primates. Based on the established inhibitory influence of Rhes on dopamine-related responses, we hypothesize that its striatal downregulation in PD patients and animal models of PD might represent an adaptive event of the dopaminergic system to functionally counteract the reduced nigrostriatal innervation

    The Association between HDL-C and Subclinical Atherosclerosis Depends on CETP Plasma Concentration:Insights from the IMPROVE Study

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    The impact of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) on atherosclerosis is highly debated. This study aimed to investigate the associations between plasma CETP or CETP genotypes and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and the influence of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) on these associations. Plasma CETP and HDL-C concentrations were measured in 552 subjects free of any pharmacological treatment from the IMPROVE cohort, which includes 3711 European subjects at high cardiovascular risk. CETP single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and cIMT measures (cIMT(max); cIMT(mean-max) of bifurcations, common and internal carotids; plaque-free common carotid [PF CC]-IMTmean) were available for the full cohort. In drug-free subjects, plasma CETP correlated with HDL-C levels (r = 0.19, p < 0.0001), but not with cIMT variables. When stratified according to HDL-C quartiles, CETP positively correlated with cIMT(max) and cIMT(mean-max), but not with PF CC-IMTmean, in the top HDL-C quartile only. Positive associations between the CETP concentration and cIMT(max) or cIMT(mean-max) were found in the top HDL-C quartile, whereas HDL-C levels were negatively correlated with cIMT(max) and cIMT(mean-max) when the CETP concentration was below the median (HDL-C x CETP interaction, p = 0.001 and p = 0.003 for cIMT(max) and cIMT(mean-max), respectively). In the full cohort, three CETP SNPs (rs34760410, rs12920974, rs12708968) were positively associated with cIMT(max). rs12444708 exhibited a significant interaction with HDL-C levels in the prediction of cIMT(max). In conclusion, a significant interplay was found between plasma CETP and/or CETP genotype and HDL-C in the prediction of carotid plaque thickness, as indexed by cIMT(max). This suggests that the association of HDL-C with carotid atherosclerosis is CETP-dependent

    Inhibition of ERK1/2 signaling prevents bone marrow fibrosis by reducing osteopontin plasma levels in a myelofibrosis mouse model

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    Clonal myeloproliferation and development of bone marrow (BM) fibrosis are the major pathogenetic events in myelofibrosis (MF). The identification of novel antifibrotic strategies is of utmost importance since the effectiveness of current therapies in reverting BM fibrosis is debated. We previously demonstrated that osteopontin (OPN) has a profibrotic role in MF by promoting mesenchymal stromal cells proliferation and collagen production. Moreover, increased plasma OPN correlated with higher BM fibrosis grade and inferior overall survival in MF patients. To understand whether OPN is a druggable target in MF, we assessed putative inhibitors of OPN expression in vitro and identified ERK1/2 as a major regulator of OPN production. Increased OPN plasma levels were associated with BM fibrosis development in the Romiplostim-induced MF mouse model. Moreover, ERK1/2 inhibition led to a remarkable reduction of OPN production and BM fibrosis in Romiplostim-treated mice. Strikingly, the antifibrotic effect of ERK1/2 inhibition can be mainly ascribed to the reduced OPN production since it could be recapitulated through the administration of anti-OPN neutralizing antibody. Our results demonstrate that OPN is a novel druggable target in MF and pave the way to antifibrotic therapies based on the inhibition of ERK1/2-driven OPN production or the neutralization of OPN activity

    Locus for severity implicates CNS resilience in progression of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that results in significant neurodegeneration in the majority of those affected and is a common cause of chronic neurological disability in young adults(1,2). Here, to provide insight into the potential mechanisms involved in progression, we conducted a genome-wide association study of the age-related MS severity score in 12,584 cases and replicated our findings in a further 9,805 cases. We identified a significant association with rs10191329 in the DYSF-ZNF638 locus, the risk allele of which is associated with a shortening in the median time to requiring a walking aid of a median of 3.7 years in homozygous carriers and with increased brainstem and cortical pathology in brain tissue. We also identified suggestive association with rs149097173 in the DNM3-PIGC locus and significant heritability enrichment in CNS tissues. Mendelian randomization analyses suggested a potential protective role for higher educational attainment. In contrast to immune-driven susceptibility(3), these findings suggest a key role for CNS resilience and potentially neurocognitive reserve in determining outcome in MS
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