16 research outputs found

    Les glycolipides mycobactériens multi-acylés : de la structure à la présentation antigénique

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    Les lipides peuvent être antigéniques et sont alors présentés aux lymphocytes T par les protéines CD1 (CD1a à CD1d), exprimées à la surface des cellules présentatrices d'antigènes. Dans le cadre de la tuberculose, dont l'agent étiologique est Mycobacterium tuberculosis, un certain nombre d'antigènes lipidiques ont été décrits et il faut remarquer que la plupart sont présentés par l'isoforme CD1b. Ainsi, les phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosides (PIM) et les sulfoglycolipides di-acylés (Ac2SGL) sont deux familles de glycolipides de l'enveloppe mycobactérienne capables, in vitro, de stimuler des clones de lymphocytes T. Un premier axe de mes travaux de thèse a consisté d'une part à déterminer la structure des espèces antigéniques appartenant à ces familles de glycolipides et d'autre part, à mieux caractériser les mécanismes d'apprêtement intracellulaire qui gouvernent la présentation des PIM dans lesquels CD1e, cinquième isoforme non présentatrice des protéines CD1, joue un rôle central non défini. Le second axe concerne la recherche de nouveaux antigènes afin d'étendre le répertoire des lipides immunogènes impliqués dans l'immunité anti-mycobactérienne. Les PIM sont présents sous plusieurs formes glycosylées, PIM2 à PIM6 (PIM possédant 2 à 6 unités mannosyles), mais aussi sous plusieurs formes acylées, de mono- à tétra-acylées. Pour être présentés et reconnus par les lymphocytes T, les PIM6 doivent être apprêtés en PIM2 par une mannosidase lysosomale exprimée par les cellules présentatrices, et cette dégradation nécessite la protéine CD1e. Au cours du travail présenté, nous avons montré que CD1e possède in vitro des propriétés de " protéine de transfert de lipides " spécifiques de certaines acyl-formes de PIM: les PIM di-acylés. Cependant, seules les formes tétra-acylées se sont avérées antigéniques, donc capables de stimuler les lymphocytes T. En fait, nous avons pu démontrer qu'une dégradation de la partie lipidique existe également au sein des cellules présentatrices d'antigènes. L'ensemble des données obtenues indiquent qu'in vivo, les PIM6 tétra-acylés seraient d'abord apprêtés au niveau de leur partie lipidique pour générer des formes di-acylées non conventionnelles que CD1e serait ensuite capable d'extraire des membranes. Par cette extraction, CD1e permettrait la digestion par une alpha-mannosidase des PIM6 en PIM2 di-acylés antigéniques que CD1e pourrait également transférer vers l'isoforme présentatrice CD1b. Les sulfoglycolipides (SGL), contrairement aux PIM, sont spécifiques de l'enveloppe de M. tuberculosis. Parmi les SGL, seuls les Ac2SGL ont été décrits comme des antigènes immunogènes pouvant in vitro activer des lymphocytes T CD8+ aux propriétés bactéricides. Les Ac2SGL sont constitués d'un corps tréhalose sulfaté estérifié par un acide gras banal (acide palmitique ou stéarique) et un acide hydroxyphthiocéranoïque de structure variable, pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 50 atomes de carbone. Afin de caractériser quelle(s) espèce(s) active(nt) les lymphocytes T spécifiques des Ac2SGL, nous avons amélioré leur méthode de purification et analysé finement la structure de chaque espèce moléculaire constituant cette famille de glycolipides par spectrométrie de masse et par spectroscopie RMN. Ainsi, il a notamment pu être mis en évidence de nouvelles populations minoritaires d'Ac2SGL. La caractérisation de la contribution des différentes populations dans la réponse T anti-mycobactérienne est un objectif de ce travail. Nous avons également initié la purification et la caractérisation d'un nouvel antigène produit par M. tuberculosis. Il s'agit d'un lipopeptide dont l'épitope est reconnu par un clone de lymphocytes T restreint par les molécules du CMH-II. Selon la structure de l'antigène, les processus d'apprêtement ainsi que son mode d'interaction avec la molécule du CMH-II devront être étudiés et, à plus long terme, son immunogénicité devra être évaluée.Antigenic lipids are presented to T-cells by CD1 proteins (CD1a to CD1d) expressed at the antigen presenting cell surface. In tuberculosis context, which the etiological agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, several lipid antigens have been described and it is important to note that most of them are presented by the isoforme CD1b. Thus, phosphatidyl-myo-inositol mannosides (PIM), and di-acylated sulfoglycolipids (Ac2SGL) are two glycolipid families of the mycobacterial cell-wall able to stimulate T-cell clones in vitro. The first line of my thesis work has consisted in the structural characterization of the antigenic species belonging to these two glycolipid families and, in an other way, to decipher intracellular processing mechanisms that manage PIM presentation in which CD1e, the fifth isoform of CD1 proteins, plays a key and non-presenting role not defined. Secondly, my research has consisted in looking for new antigens to expand the repertoire of immunogenic lipids involved in the anti-mycobacterial immunity. PIM are present in several glycosylated forms, PIM2 to PIM6 (possessing 2 to 6 mannosyl units), but also in different acylated forms, mono- to tetra-acylated. To be presented and recognized by T-cells, PIM6 have to be processed in PIM2 by a lysosomal mannosidase expressed in presenting cells. This degradation requires the CD1e protein. In this study, we have shown that CD1e has properties of lipid transfer protein, in vitro, specifically towards some PIM acyl-forms: di-acylated PIM. However, only tetra-acylated forms are antigenic and are able to stimulate T cells. Actually, we have demonstrated that a degradation of the lipidic part exist also in antigen presenting cells. All the data show that, in vivo, tetra-acylated PIM6 would be firstly processed in their lipidic part in order to generate non-conventional di-acylated forms that CD1e could be able to extract them from membranes. With this extraction, CD1e could allow PIM6 digestion by an a-mannosidase in an antigenic di-acylated PIM2 that CD1e could also transfer to the presenting isoform, CD1b. Sulfoglycolipids (SGL), contrary to PIM, are specific to M. tuberculosis. Among SGL, only Ac2SGL have been described as immunogenic antigens able to, in vitro, activate CD8+ T-cells that have bactericide properties. Ac2SGL are constituted by a sulfated trehalose esterified by a classical fatty acid (palmitic acid or stearic acid) and a hydroxyphthioceranoic acid with a variable structure with up to 50 carbon atoms. In order to characterize which species can activate Ac2SGL specific T-cells, we improved the purification method and we analyzed with accuracy the structure of each molecular species constituting this glycolipid family by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Thus, it has been highlighted new minority populations of Ac2SGL. The characterization of each population contribution in the anti-mycobacterial T response is an aim of this work. We also initiated the purification and the characterization of a new antigen produced by M. tuberculosis. This antigen is a lipopeptide which the epitope is recognized by T-cell clone restricted by MHC-II molecule. Depending of the antig

    Is protein deuteration beneficial for proton detected solid-state NMR at and above 100 kHz magic-angle spinning?

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    We thank the members of technical staff of ISA for assistance with NMR spectrometers.International audience1H-detection in solid-state NMR of proteins has been traditionally combined with deuteration for both resolution and sensitivity reasons, with the optimal level of proton dilution being dependent on MAS rate. Here we present 1H-detected 15N and 13C CP-HSQC spectra on two microcrystalline samples acquired at 60 and 111 kHz MAS and at ultra-high field. We critically compare the benefits of three labeling schemes yielding different levels of proton content in terms of resolution, coherence lifetimes and feasibility of scalar-based 2D correlations under these experimental conditions. We observe unexpectedly high resolution and sensitivity of aromatic resonances in 2D 13C-1H correlation spectra of protonated samples. Ultrafast MAS reduces or even removes the necessity of 1H dilution for high-resolution 1H-detection in biomolecular solid-state NMR. It yields 15N,1H and 13C,1H fingerprint spectra of exceptional resolution for fully protonated samples, with notably superior 1H and 13C lineshapes for side-chain resonances

    Probing Protein Dynamics Using Multifield Variable Temperature NMR Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    International audienceUnderstanding the interplay between protein function and dynamics is currently one of the fundamental challenges of physical biology. Recently, a method using variable temperature solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation measurements has been proposed for the simultaneous measurement of 12 different activation energies reporting on distinct dynamic modes in the protein GB1. Here, we extend this approach to measure relaxation at multiple magnetic field strengths, allowing us to better constrain the motional models and to simultaneously evaluate the robustness and physical basis of the method. The data reveal backbone and side-chain motions, exhibiting low- and high-energy modes with temperature coefficients around 5 and 25 kJ·mol-1. The results are compared to variable temperature molecular dynamics simulation of the crystal lattice, providing further support for the interpretation of the experimental data in terms of molecular motion

    Dynamic Nuclear Polarization-Enhanced Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy at High Magnetic Field with Fast Magic-Angle Spinning

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    International audienceDynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a powerful way to overcome the sensitivity limitation of magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR experiments. However, the resolution of the DNPNMR spectra of proteins is compromised by severe line broadening associated with the necessity to perform experiments at cryogenic temperatures and in the presence of paramagnetic radicals. High-quality DNP-enhanced NMR spectra of the Acinetobacter phage 205 (AP205) nucleocapsid can be obtained by combining high magnetic field (800MHz) and fast MAS (40kHz). These conditions yield enhanced resolution and long coherence lifetimes allowing the acquisition of resolved 2D correlation spectra and of previously unfeasible scalar-based experiments. This enables the assignment of aromatic resonances of the AP205 coat protein and its packaged RNA, as well as the detection of long-range contacts, which are not observed at room temperature, opening new possibilities for structure determination

    Protein NMR resonance assignment without spectral analysis: 5D SOlid-State Automated Projection SpectroscopY (SO-APSY)

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    Narrow proton signals, high sensitivity, and efficient coherence transfers provided by fast magic‐angle spinning at high magnetic fields make automated projection spectroscopy feasible for the solid‐state NMR analysis of proteins. We present the first ultrahigh dimensional implementation of this approach, where 5D peak lists are reconstructed from a number of 2D projections for protein samples of different molecular sizes and aggregation states, which show limited dispersion of chemical shifts or inhomogeneous broadenings. The resulting datasets are particularly suitable to automated analysis and yield rapid and unbiased assignments of backbone resonances