354 research outputs found

    Programa de Acciones para prevenir el esguince de tobillo en los Baloncestistas Guantanameros

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    Prevention programs in sports provide a variety of methods that help reduce physical, psychological and environmental alterations of the player. Sports associations must implement prevention in annual planning, to comply with the safety of players during their sports performance. The article presented has the purpose of exposing the importance and need to develop a program of actions for the prevention of ankle sprains in the youth category basketball players of the EIDE of Guantánamo, since it is a problem that afflicts said sport and category. The application of methods such as observation, interviews, surveys and document analysis allowed to address with greater foundation the deficiencies detected in relation to the prevention of ankle sprains, which gave rise to the problem under investigation.Los programas de prevención en el deporte aportan una variedad de métodos que ayudan a disminuir alteraciones físicas, psicológicas y ambientales del jugador. Las asociaciones deportivas deben de implementar la prevención en la planificación anual, para cumplir con la seguridad de los jugadores durante su desempeño deportivo. El artículo que se presenta tiene el propósito de exponer la importancia y necesidad de elaborar un programa de acciones para la prevención del esguince de tobillo en los Baloncestistas categoría juvenil de la EIDE de Guantánamo, pues es una problemática que aqueja a dicho deporte y categoría. La aplicación de métodos como la observación, entrevistas, encuestas y el análisis de documentos permitieron abordar con mayor fundamento las insuficiencias detectadas con relación a la prevención del esguince de tobillo lo cual dio origen al problema que se investiga

    Excitations of limited-diffraction waves approaching the classical 0-order x-wave by rectangular waveforms

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    AbstractIn this paper, an approach for simplifying the experimental arrangement, needed to generate limited diffracting waves through annular ultrasonic arrays, is analyzed in terms mainly of the subsequent acoustic field. The main idea is to approximate the theoretical X-wave electrical excitations to rectangular driving signals in each array annulus, by means of the L2 curve criterion. The differences between theoretical X-wave signals and these approximate signals, related to real excitation effects, were minimized by using the transition times and amplitudes of the rectangular signals as fitting parameters.Acoustic field simulations, based on the impulse response technique, are applied for evaluating the agreement degree between both emitted ultrasonic fields, whit the calculated classical X wave and with the new approximation method proposed here for low-cost limited-diffraction wave generation. In addition, source vibration and ultrasonic field simulated signals were compared with those of the classic x wave under an exact driving, with the purpose of validating the method.The good agreement between the two vibration signals and resulting field distributions, obtained from the classical X wave excitations and those provided by the drastic simplification presented here, can be justified by the filtering effects induced by the transducer elements bands in frequency domain. These results suggest the possibility of achieving limited diffraction waves with relatively simple driving waveforms, which can be implemented with a moderate cost in analogical electronics


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    Este trabajo se centra en un proyecto de arte urbano autorizado, promovido por Alfonso Calza y realizado entre 2015 y 2016 en la calle Moret de Valencia. En él se analiza el carácter del proyecto, intentando determinar la condición de los murales como obras efímeras o perdurables, documentando las técnicas pictóricas empleadas y comprobando el estado de conservación en el que se encuentran. También se analizan los factores que pueden condicionar su evolución con el paso del tiempo para sentar las bases de un posible proyecto futuro de conservación preventiva.This final degree work takes as an object of study an aspect of the street art as a deliberate type of a cosmetic change in the Moret Street in Valencia that searches through a collaborative experience between photography and painting, create an attractive space for the users of the area. This project under the name of 'La Calle de los Colores¿ has echoed in the media for its high positive impact on social networks, generating the images recognition on a large scale. The whole of the works has been analyzed from the perspective of the conservation and restoration, on the documentary aspects of each mural, an organoleptic assessment of their conservation status, as well as potential risks affecting works of these characteristics, to finally think about what points would have to take into consideration the possibility of drawing up a plan of preventive conservation.Calás Fortea, N. (2017). PROPUESTA DE CONSERVACIÓN DOCUMENTAL DE LOS MURALES URBANOS DEL PROYECTO LA CALLE DE COLORES EN EL BARRIO DEL CARMEN DE VALENCIA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/97726TFG

    Plan de marketing de una empresa del sector asegurador

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    [ES] Resumen: En el presente proyecto de TFG se va a proceder a elaborar un plan de marketing para una empresa del sector asegurador, concretamente Willis Towers Watson. Dado que los clientes de esta empresa son a su vez otras empresas, se puede considerar que estamos en el mercado B&B, y por tanto se aplicarán los conceptos aprendidos en la asignatura de Marketing Industrial. Para realizar dicho plan, en primer lugar se llevará a cabo un análisis de la situación interna de la empresa, un análisis externo del ámbito de actuación de la empresa, tanto general como sectorial competencia, clientes, etc. Seguidamente se establecerán los objetivos que se pretenden alcanzar con el plan de marketing, así como las estrategias que será necesario implementar para alcanzar dichos objetivos. Seguidamente, se desarrollarán los planes de acciones para las variables de marketing,producto, precio y distribución. Se establecerá el presupuesto estimado de dicho plan, prediciendo los resultados financieros, y finalmente se llevará un control para ver si los objetivos se están cumpliendo.[EN] Summary: This TFG project will proceed to develop a marketing plan for a company in the insurance sector, specifically Willis Towers Watson. Since the customers of this company are other companies, we can consider that we are in the B&B market, and therefore the concepts learned in the subject of Industrial Markeing will be applied. To carry out this plan, firstly, an analysis of the internal situation of the company, an external analysis of the scope of the company, both general and sector competition, customers, etc. will be carried out. Then the objectives that are intended to be achieved with the marketing plan will be established, as well as the strategies that will be necessary to implement to achieve those objectives. Next, the action plans for the marketing, product, price and distribution variables will be developed. The estimated budget of said plan will be established, predicting the financial results, and finally a control will be taken to see if the objectives are being met.Torres Calás, L. (2020). Plan de marketing de una empresa del sector asegurador. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/149196TFG

    Another Country: Explaining Gender Discrimination with "Culture"

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    This paper reports a study where students fromseveral countries were asked to interpret shortstories presenting a career woman in a difficultsituation. The situation was sometimes interpretedas gender discrimination, but several othercompeting interpretations were offered. Whengender discrimination was mentioned, students oftenasumed that the event was taking place in "anothercountry," usually outside the "modern westernworld." These latter interpretations are furtherexplored in the conclusion

    Public stated preferences for pharmaceutical funding decisions

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Health Economics and PolicyIntroduction: In Portugal, the pharmaceutical consumption is subsidized by public funds. The rising NHS expenditures and the recent need of cost containment policies emphasize the discussion on priority setting in health care and raise questions of which criteria are appropriate to support funding decisions. Decision-makers base the pharmaceutical funding grant on clinical and economical evidence. Vulnerable sub groups, such as chronically ill and elderly with low income, benefit of higher financing rates than the general population. Little is known about the preferences of the public for pharmaceutical funding criteria in Portugal. Discrete Choice Experiments (DCEs) are suitable for the estimation of stated preferences as they measure of benefit that describes the good through a bundle of attributes and levels and it is based on the assumption that an individual’s valuation depends upon the levels of these attributes. DCE have the potential to contribute to outcome measurement for use in economic evaluation, uniquely allowing the investigation of diverse questions, such as clinical, economic and ethical. Aim: This work seeks to investigate criteria considered important by the Portuguese public for allocating resources for pharmaceuticals. In particular, we estimate the importance of the severity of the disease for which the treatment is indicated, the prevalence of the disease in Portugal, the efficacy of the pharmaceutical and the government costs per person treated. Method: A self-completion DCE survey, with 18 binary choice sets, was administered to two samples of the general population. Choice data are used to consider the relative importance of changes across attribute levels, and to model utility scores and relative probabilities. Results: A total of 90 individual completed the DCE. For the levels and units presented in the DCE, all attributes were statistically significant, in both samples. The attributes “severity of the disease for which the pharmaceutical is indicated” and “efficacy of the new pharmaceutical” had the higher utility values. The coefficient for the cost attribute was negative. Conclusions: This is the first DCE in Portugal that extends the discussion of prioritization in the health care sector, namely on the pharmaceutical funding decision, to the general population. This study sets foundation for future research and supports the acceptability of the public for DCEs.Introdução: O consumo de medicamentos em Portugal, é em parte, financiado pelo Estado, através de um sistema de comparticipação de medicamentos. O aumento da despesa do SNS e a recente necessidade de implementação de políticas para a contenção da despesa pública enfatizam a discussão sobre os critérios apropriados para fundamentar as decisões de priorização e financiamento dos cuidados de saúde. Atualmente, a decisão para atribuição de comparticipação de medicamentos baseiam-se na evidência de benefício clinico e económico. No entanto, nenhum estudo investigou as preferências sociais para o financiamento de medicamentos em Portugal. A metodologia selecionada, escolha discreta, tem o potencial de contribuir de forma única para a avaliação económica na saúde, englobando critérios clínicos, económicos e éticos. Objetivo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar critérios considerados importantes pela população portuguesa para o financiamento de medicamentos. Em particular, estimou-se a importância dos atributos: severidade da doença para o qual o medicamento está indicado, prevalência da doença em Portugal, eficácia do medicamento e custo para o estado por pessoa tratada. Método: Foi administrado um questionário, DCE, com 18 pares de alternativas, a duas amostras da população de Braga. Resultados: No total, 90 indivíduos responderam ao questionário. Os atributos severidade da doença para o qual o medicamento está indicado e eficácia do medicamento obtiveram os valores de utilidade mais elevados. Para os níveis apresentados, todos os atributos fora estatisticamente significativos, em ambas as amostras. O coeficiente para o atributo “custo para o estado por pessoa tratada” foi negativo. Conclusão: Este é o primeiro estudo português a estender a discussão do financiamento de medicamentos à população geral. Este estudo contribui para o desenvolver de investigações futuras e evidencia a aceitabilidade dos DCE junto da população

    Decision analytic modelling of the prevention of vitamin D deficiency in England and Wales

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    Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is widespread in England and Wales, affecting both children and adults by increasing their risk of poor bone health. In order to inform public decisions on the prevention of VDD, a decision analytic model was developed to compare four alternatives to prevent population VDD: wheat flour fortification, supplementation of at-risk groups, a combination of wheat flour and supplementation, and no intervention. Methods used to inform the model development stage included literature reviews, expert consultation, and preference-based questionnaires to elicit proxy utility values. An individual-level simulation Markov model was chosen to simulate the costs and benefits of each alternative. A cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis were undertaken for the base case analysis, using a 90-year time horizon. A societal perspective was chosen to account for private and public costs of implementing each of the alternatives. Parameter uncertainty was tested through deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Moreover, in order to inform decisions under uncertainty, a value of information analysis was undertaken. The model results support the decision to implement interventions to prevent VDD, namely a combined strategy of at-risk groups supplementation and wheat flour fortification. Furthermore, this thesis contributes evidence on methodological considerations for modelling micronutrient interventions

    La cátedra multidisciplinaria de Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos (CPP): ¿quimera o realidad?

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    The multidisciplinary Chair of Pediatric Palliative Care (CPP): a dream or reality?La cátedra multidisciplinaria de Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos (CPP): ¿quimera o realidad

    Perfecting a responsible sexuality in teenagers of the St. Justo community

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    The present investigation takes into consideration two priorities: the quality of life of the citizen and the scientific education where sexuality issues are taught. This paper discusses the problem of the preparation of teenagers for a responsible sexuality, specifically in the community of San Justo; some methodologies that allow validating the proposal, and contents that treat sexuality, allow the increasement of the power of knowledge and the need for the formation of a responsible sexuality in this community's teens in the Guantánamo province