224 research outputs found

    How Charts Lie: What You Design Is Not What People See

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    Visualizations such as charts, maps and infographics are ubiquitous nowadays. They are useful because they can reveal patterns and trends in data. Good visualizations make us smarter - if we know how to read them. However, visualizations can also deceive us by displaying incomplete or inaccurate data, suggesting misleading patterns, and concealing uncertainty. They are also frequently misunderstood. Many of us are ill-equipped to interpret the visuals that politicians, journalists, advertisers and even our employers present each day. We are in need of expanding the notion of literacy to include numeracy (numerical literacy) and graphicacy (graphical literacy)

    Data visualization: An image can be worth more than a thousand numbers, but not always more than a thousand words

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    In the last two decades, data visualization has become a fundamental tool for the exploration and communication of complex messages in disciplines such as statistics, business intelligence, science, journalism, etc. This article exposes the advantages of visualization and also some of its main problems

    Visualización de datos: una imagen puede valer mas que mil números, pero no siempre mas que mil palabras.

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    In the last two decades, data visualization has become a fundamental tool for the exploration and communication of complex messages in disciplines such as statistics, business intelligence, science, journalism, etc. This article exposes the advantages of visualization and also some of its main problems

    Nerd journalism: How data and digital technology transformed news graphics

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    Aquesta tesi explora les profundes transformacions que els gràfics periodístics -estadístiques, mapes, diagrames en publicacions de notícies-han experimentat en els últims vint anys. Descriu com l'aparició d'eines i tecnologies de dades digitals ha afectat la composició dels departaments de gràfics, el tipus de gràfics que aquests departaments produeixen i la manera com veuen la seva presència en el periodisme modern.Esta tesis explora las profundas transformaciones que los gráficos periodísticos -estadísticas, mapas, diagramas en publicaciones de noticias- han experimentado en los últimos veinte años. Describe cómo la aparición de herramientas y tecnologías de datos digitales ha afectado a la composición de los departamentos de gráficos, el tipo de gráficos que estos producen y el modo en que ven su presencia en el periodismo moderno.This dissertation explores the deep transformations that news graphics -charts, graphs, maps, diagrams in news publications- have experienced in the past twenty years. It discusses how the rise of digital data and tools have affected the composition of professional departments who create this kind of product, and also the kinds of graphics they produce, as well as the way they interpret their role in modern journalism

    Construction of a genetic database to characterize the argentine soybean germplasm

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    Argentina es actualmente el primer exportador mundial de aceites y harinas de soja y el tercer productor mundial de semillas de soja. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un banco de datos genéticos basado en marcadores moleculares de SSR (Repeticiones de Secuencia Simple, o Microsatélites) y AFLP (polimorfismos en el largo de los fragmentos amplificados) para caracterizar el germoplasma argentino de soja, facilitar la identificación de variedades y asistir al mejoramiento genético. Se estudiaron 51 loci SSR y 15 combinaciones de cebadores AFLP en los 86 cultivares de soja más utilizados en Argentina. Los SSR revelaron en promedio 5 alelos por locus, con una diversidad génica media de 0,523. Los AFLP detectaron en promedio 17 bandas polimórficas por combinación de oligonucleótidos, con una diversidad génica media de 0,1924. Los 86 cultivares estudiados mostraron coeficientes de similitud genética medios de 0,292 y 0,921 para SSR y AFLP, respectivamente. La base de datos de SSR se validó en forma exitosa a través de la identificación de muestras incógnitas remitidas al laboratorio. Además, se seleccionó un subconjunto de 20 marcadores SSR altamente informativos que permite discriminar cualquier accesión del banco de manera simple y eficiente, y que pueden ser utilizados en estudios rápidos de identificación o diferenciación de nuevos cultivares. Los marcadores AFLP produjeron dendrogramas basados en la distancia genética donde los materiales agruparon de acuerdo al obtentor. Estos resultados sugieren que los marcadores AFLP reflejan fielmente las relaciones de parentesco entre las variedades, resultando apropiados para seleccionar materiales genéticamente divergentes.Argentina is currently the leading country in terms of soybean oil and flour exports, and ranks third in soybean seed production. The aim of this work was to develop a genetic database based on SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats, or Microsatellites) and AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) markers, in order to characterize the argentine soybean germplasm, allow cultivar identification and provide assistance to breeding. Fifty-one SSR loci and 15 AFLP primer combinations were analyzed on the 86 soybean cultivars most used in Argentina. The SSR markers revealed an average of 5 alleles per locus and a genic diversity of 0.523. The AFLP markers showed an average of 17 polymorphic bands per primer combination and a genic diversity of 0.1924. The 86 cultivars under analysis showed coefficients of mean genetic similarities of 0.292 and 0.921 for SSR and AFLP, respectively. The SSR database was successfully validated for the identification of unknown samples. A subset of 20 highlyinformative SSR markers was selected to achieve an effective discrimination of any databank accession by means of a simple and efficient procedure, in order to be used for rapid identification analysis and differentiation of new cultivars. The AFLP markers produced dendrograms based on genetic distance in which the plant materials grouped according to the identity of the breeder. These results suggest that AFLP markers accurately reflect the parentage relationship among cultivars, and are appropriate to the selection of genetically divergent materials.Fil: Olsina, Cesar. Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Cairo, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Pessino, Silvina Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin

    Construction of a genetic database to characterize the argentine soybean germplasm

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    Argentina es actualmente el primer exportador mundial de aceites y harinas de soja y el tercer productor mundial de semillas de soja. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un banco de datos genéticos basado en marcadores moleculares de SSR (Repeticiones de Secuencia Simple, o Microsatélites) y AFLP (polimorfismos en el largo de los fragmentos amplificados) para caracterizar el germoplasma argentino de soja, facilitar la identificación de variedades y asistir al mejoramiento genético. Se estudiaron 51 loci SSR y 15 combinaciones de cebadores AFLP en los 86 cultivares de soja más utilizados en Argentina. Los SSR revelaron en promedio 5 alelos por locus, con una diversidad génica media de 0,523. Los AFLP detectaron en promedio 17 bandas polimórficas por combinación de oligonucleótidos, con una diversidad génica media de 0,1924. Los 86 cultivares estudiados mostraron coeficientes de similitud genética medios de 0,292 y 0,921 para SSR y AFLP, respectivamente. La base de datos de SSR se validó en forma exitosa a través de la identificación de muestras incógnitas remitidas al laboratorio. Además, se seleccionó un subconjunto de 20 marcadores SSR altamente informativos que permite discriminar cualquier accesión del banco de manera simple y eficiente, y que pueden ser utilizados en estudios rápidos de identificación o diferenciación de nuevos cultivares. Los marcadores AFLP produjeron dendrogramas basados en la distancia genética donde los materiales agruparon de acuerdo al obtentor. Estos resultados sugieren que los marcadores AFLP reflejan fielmente las relaciones de parentesco entre las variedades, resultando apropiados para seleccionar materiales genéticamente divergentes.Argentina is currently the leading country in terms of soybean oil and flour exports, and ranks third in soybean seed production. The aim of this work was to develop a genetic database based on SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats, or Microsatellites) and AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) markers, in order to characterize the argentine soybean germplasm, allow cultivar identification and provide assistance to breeding. Fifty-one SSR loci and 15 AFLP primer combinations were analyzed on the 86 soybean cultivars most used in Argentina. The SSR markers revealed an average of 5 alleles per locus and a genic diversity of 0.523. The AFLP markers showed an average of 17 polymorphic bands per primer combination and a genic diversity of 0.1924. The 86 cultivars under analysis showed coefficients of mean genetic similarities of 0.292 and 0.921 for SSR and AFLP, respectively. The SSR database was successfully validated for the identification of unknown samples. A subset of 20 highlyinformative SSR markers was selected to achieve an effective discrimination of any databank accession by means of a simple and efficient procedure, in order to be used for rapid identification analysis and differentiation of new cultivars. The AFLP markers produced dendrograms based on genetic distance in which the plant materials grouped according to the identity of the breeder. These results suggest that AFLP markers accurately reflect the parentage relationship among cultivars, and are appropriate to the selection of genetically divergent materials.Fil: Olsina, Cesar. Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Cairo, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Pessino, Silvina Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin

    Processo para fabricação de produto composto de substrato e revestimento para utilização em implantes cirúrgicos

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    Em 27/12/2016: Anuidade de pedido de patente de invenção no prazo extraordinário.DepositadaA presente invenção descreve a metodologia de processamento de pós para a fabricação de produto composto de substrato (1) de liga de titânio e revestimento poroso (6) de titânio puro, para aplicação em implantes cirúrgicos. O processamento envolve técnicas de metalurgia do pó, que visam garantir a obtenção de um substrato (1) com alta densidade e propriedades mecânicas compatíveis com as solicitações impostas a implantes cirúrgicos, e um revestimento (6) com porosidade controlada, de forma a possibilitar a penetração do tecido ósseo (11) dentro dos poros, proporcionando uma melhor fixação do implante

    Effects of inspiratory muscle-training intensity on cardiovascular control in amateur cyclists

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    Chronic effects of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on autonomic function and baroreflex regulation are poorly studied. This study aims at evaluating chronic effects of different IMT intensities on cardiovascular control in amateur cyclists. A longitudinal, randomized, controlled blind study was performed on 30 recreational male cyclists undergoing IMT for 11 wk. Participants were randomly allocated into sham-trained group (SHAM, n = 9), trained group at 60% of the maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP60, n = 10), and trained group at critical inspiratory pressure (CIP, n = 11). Electrocardiogram, finger arterial pressure, and respiratory movements were recorded before (PRE) and after (POST) training at rest in supine position (REST) and during active standing (STAND). From the beat-to-beat series of heart period (HP) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP), we computed time domain markers, frequency domain indexes in the low frequency (0.04–0.15 Hz) and high frequency (HF, 0.15–0.4 Hz) bands, an entropy-based complexity index (CI), and baroreflex markers estimated from spontaneous HP-SAP sequences. Compared with SHAM, the positive effect of MIP60 over the HP series led to the HF power increase during REST (PRE: 521.2 ± 447.5 ms2; POST: 1,161 ± 878.9 ms2) and the CI rise during STAND (PRE: 0.82 ± 0.18; POST: 0.97 ± 0.13). Conversely, the negative effect of CIP took the form of the decreased HP mean during STAND (PRE: 791 ± 71 ms; POST: 737 ± 95 ms). No effect of IMT was visible over SAP and baroreflex markers. These findings suggest that moderate-intensity IMT might be beneficial when the goal is to limit cardiac sympathetic hyperactivity at REST and/or in response to STAND
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