163 research outputs found

    Long-read transcriptome sequencing analysis with IsoTools

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    Long-read transcriptome sequencing (LRTS) holds the promise to boost our understanding of alternative splicing. Recent advances in accuracy and throughput have diminished the major limitations and enabled the direct quantification of isoforms. Considering the complexity of the data and the broad range of potential applications, it is clear that highly flexible, accurate analysis tools are crucial. Here, we present IsoTools, a comprehensive Python-based analysis package, for the improvement of alternative and differential splicing analysis. Iso-Tools provides a comprehensive data structure that integrates genomic information from LRTS transcripts together with the reference annotation, and enables broad functionality to quality control, visualize and analyze the data. Additionally, we implemented a graph-based method for the identification of alternative splicing events and a statistical approach based on the beta binomial distribution for the detection of differential events. To demonstrate our methods, we generated PacBio Iso-Seq data of human hepatocytes treated with the HDAC inhibitor valproic acid, a compound known to induce widespread transcriptional changes. Contrasted with short read RNA-Seq of the same samples, this analysis shows that LRTS provides valuable additional insights for a better understanding of alternative splicing, in particular with respect to complex novel and differential splicing events. IsoTools is made available for the community along with extensive documentation at https://github.com/MatthiasLienhard/isotools

    Wnt7a Decreases Brain Endothelial Barrier Function Via β-Catenin Activation

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    The blood-brain barrier consists of tightly connected endothelial cells protecting the brain’s microenvironment from the periphery. These endothelial cells are characterized by specific tight junction proteins such as Claudin-5 and Occludin, forming the endothelial barrier. Disrupting these cells might lead to blood-brain barrier dysfunction. The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway can regulate the expression of these tight junction proteins and subsequent barrier permeability. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro effects of Wnt7a mediated β-catenin signaling on endothelial barrier integrity. Mouse brain endothelial cells, bEnd.3, were treated with recombinant Wnt7a protein or XAV939, a selective inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin mediated transcription to modulate the Wnt signaling pathway. The involvement of Wnt/HIF1α signaling was investigated by inhibiting Hif1α signaling with Hif1α siRNA. Wnt7a stimulation led to activation and nuclear translocation of β-catenin, which was inhibited by XAV939. Wnt7a stimulation decreased Claudin-5 expression mediated by β-catenin and decreased endothelial barrier formation. Wnt7a increased Hif1α and Vegfa expression mediated by β-catenin. However, Hif1α signaling pathway did not regulate tight junction proteins Claudin-5 and Occludin. Our data suggest that Wnt7a stimulation leads to a decrease in tight junction proteins mediated by the nuclear translocation of β-catenin, which hampers proper endothelial barrier formation. This process might be crucial in initiating endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Although HIF1α did not modulate the expression of tight junction proteins, it might play a role in brain angiogenesis and underlie pathogenic mechanisms in Wnt/HIF1α signaling in diseases such as cerebral small vessel disease

    Investigation of the effects of phthalates on in vitro thyroid models with RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq

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    IntroductionPhthalates are a class of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that have been shown to negatively correlate with thyroid hormone serum levels in humans and to cause a state of hyperactivity in the thyroid. However, their mechanism of action is not well described at the molecular level.MethodsWe analyzed the response of mouse thyroid organoids to the exposure to a biologically relevant dose range of the phthalates bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-iso-decylphthalate (DIDP), di-iso-nonylphthalate (DINP), and di-n-octylphthalate (DnOP) for 24 h and simultaneously analyzed mRNA and miRNA expression via RNA sequencing. Using the expression data, we performed differential expression and gene set enrichment analysis. We also exposed the human thyroid follicular epithelial cell line Nthy-ori 3-1 to 1 µM of DEHP or DINP for 5 days and analyzed changes in chromatin accessibility via ATAC-Seq.ResultsDose-series analysis showed how the expression of several genes increased or decreased at the highest dose tested. As expected with the low dosing scheme, the compounds induced a modest response on the transcriptome, as we identified changes in only mmu-miR-143-3p after DINP treatment and very few differentially expressed genes. No effect was observed on thyroid markers. Ing5, a component of histones H3 and H4 acetylation complexes, was consistently upregulated in three out of four conditions compared to control, and we observed a partial overlap among the genes differentially expressed by the treatments. Gene set enrichment analysis showed enrichment in the treatment samples of the fatty acid metabolism pathway and in the control of pathways related to the receptor signalling and extracellular matrix organization. ATAC-Seq analysis showed a general increase in accessibility compared to the control, however we did not identify significant changes in accessibility in the identified regions.DiscussionWith this work, we showed that despite having only a few differentially expressed genes, diverse analysis methods could be applied to retrieve relevant information on phthalates, showing the potential of in vitro thyroid-relevant systems for the analysis of endocrine disruptors

    Hypoxic oligodendrocyte precursor cell-derived VEGFA is associated with blood–brain barrier impairment

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    Abstract Cerebral small vessel disease is characterised by decreased cerebral blood flow and blood–brain barrier impairments which play a key role in the development of white matter lesions. We hypothesised that cerebral hypoperfusion causes local hypoxia, affecting oligodendrocyte precursor cell—endothelial cell signalling leading to blood–brain barrier dysfunction as an early mechanism for the development of white matter lesions. Bilateral carotid artery stenosis was used as a mouse model for cerebral hypoperfusion. Pimonidazole, a hypoxic cell marker, was injected prior to humane sacrifice at day 7. Myelin content, vascular density, blood–brain barrier leakages, and hypoxic cell density were quantified. Primary mouse oligodendrocyte precursor cells were exposed to hypoxia and RNA sequencing was performed. Vegfa gene expression and protein secretion was examined in an oligodendrocyte precursor cell line exposed to hypoxia. Additionally, human blood plasma VEGFA levels were measured and correlated to blood–brain barrier permeability in normal-appearing white matter and white matter lesions of cerebral small vessel disease patients and controls. Cerebral blood flow was reduced in the stenosis mice, with an increase in hypoxic cell number and blood–brain barrier leakages in the cortical areas but no changes in myelin content or vascular density. Vegfa upregulation was identified in hypoxic oligodendrocyte precursor cells, which was mediated via Hif1α and Epas1. In humans, VEGFA plasma levels were increased in patients versus controls. VEGFA plasma levels were associated with increased blood–brain barrier permeability in normal appearing white matter of patients. Cerebral hypoperfusion mediates hypoxia induced VEGFA expression in oligodendrocyte precursor cells through Hif1α/Epas1 signalling. VEGFA could in turn increase BBB permeability. In humans, increased VEGFA plasma levels in cerebral small vessel disease patients were associated with increased blood–brain barrier permeability in the normal appearing white matter. Our results support a role of VEGFA expression in cerebral hypoperfusion as seen in cerebral small vessel disease

    diXa: a data infrastructure for chemical safety assessment

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    Motivation: The field of toxicogenomics (the application of ‘-omics' technologies to risk assessment of compound toxicities) has expanded in the last decade, partly driven by new legislation, aimed at reducing animal testing in chemical risk assessment but mainly as a result of a paradigm change in toxicology towards the use and integration of genome wide data. Many research groups worldwide have generated large amounts of such toxicogenomics data. However, there is no centralized repository for archiving and making these data and associated tools for their analysis easily available. Results: The Data Infrastructure for Chemical Safety Assessment (diXa) is a robust and sustainable infrastructure storing toxicogenomics data. A central data warehouse is connected to a portal with links to chemical information and molecular and phenotype data. diXa is publicly available through a user-friendly web interface. New data can be readily deposited into diXa using guidelines and templates available online. Analysis descriptions and tools for interrogating the data are available via the diXa portal. Availability and implementation: http://www.dixa-fp7.eu Contact: [email protected]; [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Pharmacological inhibition of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase impairs human endometrial cancer growth in an orthotopic xenograft mouse model

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynaecological tumor in developed countries and its incidence is increasing. Approximately 80% of newly diagnosed EC cases are estrogen-dependent. Type 1 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD-1) is the enzyme that catalyzes the final step in estrogen biosynthesis by reducing the weak estrogen estrone (E1) to the potent estrogen 17β-estradiol (E2), and previous studies showed that this enzyme is implicated in the intratumoral E2 generation in EC. In the present study we employed a recently developed orthotopic and estrogen-dependent xenograft mouse model of EC to show that pharmacological in-hibition of the 17β-HSD-1 enzyme inhibits disease development. Tumors were induced in one uterine horn of athymic nude mice by  intrauterine injection of  the  well-differentiated human endometrial adenocarcinoma Ishikawa cell line, modified to express human 17β-HSD-1 in levels comparable to EC, and the luciferase and green fluorescent protein reporter genes. Controlled estrogen exposure in ovariectomized mice was achieved using subcutaneous MedRod implants that released either the low active estrone (E1) precursor or vehicle. A subgroup of E1 supplemented mice received daily oral gavage of FP4643, a well-characterized 17β-HSD-1 in-hibitor. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) was used to measure tumor growth non-invasively. At sacrifice, mice receiving E1  and  treated with the  FP4643 inhibitor showed a  significant reduction in  tumor growth by approximately 65% compared to mice receiving E1. Tumors exhibited metastatic spread to the peritoneum, to the  lymphovascular space (LVI), and  to  the  thoracic cavity. Metastatic spread and  LVI  invasion were both significantly reduced in the inhibitor-treated group. Transcriptional profiling of tumors indicated that FP4643 treatment reduced the oncogenic potential at the mRNA level. In conclusion, we show that 17β-HSD-1 inhibition represents a promising novel endocrine treatment for EC.   </div

    Versuche uber Immunisierung von dem Konjunktivalsack aus mit Berucksichtigung des Einflusses der Ultraviolettbestrahlung auf den Immunisierungsvorgang

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    1) In Vorversuchen hat der Verfasser eingehend einerseits den direkten Einfluss der Ultraviolettstrahlen auf die beabsichtigte Antigene, ihre Suspensions-bzw. Losungs-medien so wie auf die in Immunserum anwesenden Antikorper festgestellt, anderseits die lokale und allgemeine Einwirkung auf den Tierkorper der U. V. Bestrahlung des Kaninchenauges sichergestellt. Im allgemeinen hat die U. V. Bestrahlung auf lebende Bakterien verschiedener Rassen bakterizide Wirkung entfaltet. Die Wirkungskraft war bei verschiedenen Bakterienarten, in verschiedenen Suspensionsmedien und je nach der Bestrahlungsweise verschieden. Auf das Auge selbst hat die U. V. Bestrahlung, vorausgesetzt, dass sie zweck-massig durchgefuhrt wird, keinen ublen Einfluss. Die Keime des Konjunktivalsackes nehmen als Folge der Bestrahlung an ihrer Zahl ab. Als allgemeiner Einfluss auf den Tierkorper kann der Aufstieg der Korpertem-peratur nach der Bestrahlung und die Korpergewichtzunahme erwahnt werden. Uber-massiges Bestrahlen fuhrt zur Gewichtsabnahme. Im Gegenteil zu der Wirkung im immuisierten Korper verliert das direkt bestr-ahlte Immunserum an seinem Antikorpergehalt. 2) Durch Agglutinationsproben wurde der Immunisierungsvorgang verfolgt und die Moglichkeit der Immunisierung vom Konjumktivalsack aus festgestellt. Es kamen die folgenden Bakterien in Frage; B. typhi B. prodigiosus, Staphylokokken, Gonoko-kken, Pneumokokken, V. Metschnikoffi. Als Aufschwemmungsmedium der bakteriellen Antigene wurde Kochsalzlosung, Dionin-, NaHCO3-, und verdunnte HCl- losung gebraucht. Diese Immunisierungsversuche wurden teilweise mit, teilweise ohne U. V. Bestrahlung durchgefuhrt, wodurch die Tatsache festgestellt wurde, dass die Bestr-ahlung auf die Agglutininbildung einen gunstigen Einfluss ausubt. 3) Ahnlich wie mit den verschiedenen Bakterien wurden auch Immunisierungs-versuche mit Diphterietoxin angestellt. Es ist zwar gelungen im Blute der auf die in Frage stehende Weise behandelten Versuchstiere das spezifische Antitoxin nachzuweisen, aber es lag kein Beweis a

    A novel, integrated in vitro carcinogenicity test to identify genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens using human lymphoblastoid cells

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    Human exposure to carcinogens occurs via a plethora of environmental sources, with 70–90% of cancers caused by extrinsic factors. Aberrant phenotypes induced by such carcinogenic agents may provide universal biomarkers for cancer causation. Both current in vitro genotoxicity tests and the animal-testing paradigm in human cancer risk assessment fail to accurately represent and predict whether a chemical causes human carcinogenesis. The study aimed to establish whether the integrated analysis of multiple cellular endpoints related to the Hallmarks of Cancer could advance in vitro carcinogenicity assessment. Human lymphoblastoid cells (TK6, MCL-5) were treated for either 4 or 23 h with 8 known in vivo carcinogens, with doses up to 50% Relative Population Doubling (maximum 66.6 mM). The adverse effects of carcinogens on wide-ranging aspects of cellular health were quantified using several approaches; these included chromosome damage, cell signalling, cell morphology, cell-cycle dynamics and bioenergetic perturbations. Cell morphology and gene expression alterations proved particularly sensitive for environmental carcinogen identification. Composite scores for the carcinogens’ adverse effects revealed that this approach could identify both DNA-reactive and non-DNA reactive carcinogens in vitro. The richer datasets generated proved that the holistic evaluation of integrated phenotypic alterations is valuable for effective in vitro risk assessment, while also supporting animal test replacement. Crucially, the study offers valuable insights into the mechanisms of human carcinogenesis resulting from exposure to chemicals that humans are likely to encounter in their environment. Such an understanding of cancer induction via environmental agents is essential for cancer prevention