1,389 research outputs found

    Characterization and Modeling of Spectrum Trading Markets

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    Telecommunication regulators are facing increasing pressure to make spectrum resources more widely available to new wireless services and providers. In spectrum trading markets, buyers and sellers determine the assignments of spectrum and, possibly, its uses. These markets are being considered or implemented by the regulatory bodies of many countries as a way to provide increasing efficiency in the use of spectrum and attend the demand for this resource. This work describes a classification for the implementation of spectrum trading markets and a way to model them and identify the conditions for their viability. Specifically, we make use of Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) to model the participants in these markets, analyze the behaviors that emerge from the interactions of its participants and determine the conditions for viable markets. Our results, provide guidelines that can be used by regulators and wireless service providers for the design and implementation of these markets

    Non Abelian TQFT and scattering of self dual field configuration

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    A non-abelian topological quantum field theory describing the scattering of self-dual field configurations over topologically non-trivial Riemann surfaces, arising from the reduction of 4-dim self-dual Yang-Mills fields, is introduced. It is shown that the phase space of the theory can be exactly quantized in terms of the space of holomorphic structures over stable vector bundles of degree zero over Riemann surfaces. The Dirac monopoles are particular static solutions of the field equations. Its relation to topological gravity is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    A Comparative Analysis of Seven Smart City Development Projects: Institutional, Economic, Technical, and Policy Perspectives

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    This paper argues for the use of a multifaceted, and contextualized approach to smart city development by unpacking how individual smart city initiatives have planned and implemented diverse projects based on their distinct environments, stakeholders, and goals. We evaluated and compared the institutional, economic, technical and policy characteristics of seven smart city initiatives (Montgomery, San Diego, New York City, Calgary, London, Vienna, Singapore). Our findings demonstrate three principal implications in smart city development. First, the surveyed smart cities established concrete cases for the use of different project development models in terms of leadership and governance styles, adoption of smart city applications, and planning and management strategies. Second, such differences stemmed from the multifaceted interactions that link environment, stakeholders, and goals. Finally, knowledge management (KM) played a crucial role in ensuring the accumulation and transferability of organizational and policymaking infrastructure within and between smart city initiatives

    Ingeniería clínica y seguridad de la atención en salud

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    the Clinical Engineering is a discipline developing that since 1940 promotes the concepts, methods and practices of the patterns and principles supporting patient care by applying the technical, engineering and technology management. Currently, the Clinical Engineering has changed since engineers are not dedicated only to evaluate electrical safety devices. In addition to patient safety and proper management of medical teams, engineers have acquired responsibilities in other areas; are not those who only lead the technology offices, are part of the management team of the hospital. In recent years, in Colombia has created a management strategy technology oriented largely by the accreditation system. This is expressed in standards applied to biomedical technology, to medical devices, and the assurance system Quality of Health Services as well as rules that guide the accreditation system. Therefore, this article analyzes the outlook of clinical engineering as a perspective to guide patient safety in hospitals of high complexity in Colombia.la Ingeniería Clínica es una disciplina en desarrollo que desde 1940 promueve los conceptos, métodos y prácticas de los patrones y principios del apoyo a la atención al paciente aplicando la técnica, la ingeniería y la gestión tecnológica. Actualmente, la Ingeniería Clínica ha cambiado pues los ingenieros no se dedican sólo a evaluar los dispositivos de seguridad eléctrica. Además de la seguridad del paciente y la gestión adecuada de los equipos médicos, los ingenieros han adquirido responsabilidades en otras áreas; no son los que dirigen las oficinas tecnológicas sino que son parte del equipo de gestión del hospital. Durante los últimos años, en Colombia se ha creado una estrategia de gestión de la tecnología orientada en buena medida por el sistema de acreditación. Esto se expresa en normas tales como la tecnología biomédica, dispositivos médicos y el Sistema de aseguramiento de la Calidad de los Servicios de Salud, así como a normas que orientan el sistema de acreditación. Por lo anterior, este artículo analiza el panorama de la ingeniería clínica en la perspectiva de guiar la seguridad del paciente en los hospitales de alta complejidad en Colombi

    BRST Formulation of 4-Monopoles

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    A supersymmetric gauge invariant action is constructed over any 4-dimensional Riemannian manifold describing Witten's theory of 4-monopoles. The topological supersymmetric algebra closes off-shell. The multiplets include the auxiliary fields and the Wess-Zumino fields in an unusual way, arising naturally from BRST gauge fixing. A new canonical approach over Riemann manifolds is followed, using a Morse function as an euclidean time and taking into account the BRST boundary conditions that come from the BFV formulation. This allows a construction of the effective action starting from gauge principles.Comment: 18 pages, Amste

    Continuum approach to computational multi-scale modeling of fracture

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    This paper presents a FE2 multi-scale framework for numerical modeling of the structural failure of heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials. The model is assessed by application to cementitious materials. Using the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSD), innovative numerical tools, such as strain injection and crack path field techniques, provide a robust, and mesh-size, mesh-bias and RVE-size objective, procedure to model crack onset and propagation at the macro-scal

    Proyecto de utilización científica de basuras urbanas para una población de 50,000 habitantes, con aplicación especial a las ciudades de Medellín y Cali

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    Desde el punto de vista higiénico, puede definirse el término Basuras, diciendo que son los detritus de las materias deterioradas por uso que el hombre hace de ellas, para satisfacer algunas de sus necesidades corporales, no siendo ya utilizadas por aquel de un modo inmediato. (Texto tomado de la fuente)Tesis para optar el grado de Ingeniero Civil. Escuela Nacional de Minas. 1919Desde sus inicios en 1912 se llamó "Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Minas", a partir del No. 48 en 1940 cambio a "Anales de la Facultad Nacional de Minas

    Informática, gestión y sociedad

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    Este artículo presenta una reflexión teórica sobre la informática, la gestión y la sociedad, y se reconoce la noción de comunicación como condición básica de existencia de la sociedad en general y de las organizaciones en particular. El enfoque adoptado es el del constructurismo radical desarrollado empleando los conceptos de las ciencias de la complejidad. La conexión por explorar en esta reflexión es el concepto de control como uno de los mecanismos de articulación de la sociedad, perfilando los elementos de la informática y de la gestión que se constituyen en tecnologías de control. El espacio de encuentro de estas dos tecnologías ha sido la organización, es decir una variedad especifica de formación social, que se origina y se mantiene como producto comunicativo; esto es, como coordinación de conductas que logra orientar la acción colectiva hacia algunos propósitos previamente establecidos, a través del lenguaje.This article presents a theoretical approach about informatics, management and society recognizing the notion of communication as basic condition of the existence of society in general and organizations in particular. The adopted approach is the radical constructurism developed using the concepts of complexity sciences. The link to explore in this approach is the concept of control as an articulator mechanism of society, outlining the elements of Informatics and management that constitute control technologies. The space of encounter for this two technologies has been the organization, meaning an specific variety of social conformation, that origins and maintains as a communicative product, this is as conducts coordination that lead to collective action from some purposes previously established, through language


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      The aim of this study was to assess and compare the steroidogenic response to luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in cells of the theca interna and theca externa isolated from follicles at different stages of maturation. Cells of the theca interna and theca externa isolated from the largest, second largest and third-fifth largest preovulatory follicles of the chicken (Gallus domesticus) were incubated at the concentration of 2 x 105 cells/ml/tube in Medium 199 containing 10mM Hepes and 0.2% bovine serum albumin with increasing doses (0, 0.1, 1.0, 10 and 100 ng/ml/tube) of ovine LH (oLH) or ovine FSH (oFSH). After the 4 hr-incubation, progesterone (P4), testosterone (T), and estradiol-17 (E2) in the medium were measured by RIA. P4 and T were detected in cultured medium of theca interna cells but were undetectable 25pg/tube) in that of theca externa cells, while E2 was detected in cultured medium of theca externa cells but not (< 25 pg/tube) in that of theca interna cells. The productions of P4 and T were stimulated in a dose dependent manner by oLH and oFSH. The responses to oLH and oFSH were greater in smaller follicles, although the response to oFSH was less than that to oLH. E2 production was stimulated in a dose-dependent manner by oFSH with greater response in smaller follicles but not by oLH. The present results support a three-cell theory for estrogen production in avian follicles and indicate that, in the chicken, the smaller follicles may play a conspicuous role in gonadotropin-induced steroidogenesis.El propósito de este estudio fue de ensayar y comparar la respuesta esteroidogenica a la hormona luteinizante (LH) y la hormona del folículo estimulante en las células de la teca interna y externa, aisladas desde folículos en diferentes estados de maduración. Las células de la teca interna y externa aisladas de primeros largos y segundo y tercero-quinto largos folículos preovulatorios de la gallina (Gallus domesticus), fueron incubados a concentración de 2 X105 células/ml/tubo, en medio 199 conteniendo 10mM Hepes y 0.2% de suero de albumina de bovino, con incremento de dosis (0, 0.1, 1.0, 10 y 100 ng/ml/tubo), de ovino LH (oLH) o ovinoFSH (oFSH). Después de 4 horas de incubación, progesterona (P4) Testosterona (T), y estradiol 17ß (E2), fueron medidos por RIA, P4 y T fueron detectados en el medio de cultivo de la teca interna, pero indetectable (< 25 pg/tubo) en células de teca externa, mientras que E2 fue detectado en medios de cultivo de células de la teca externa, pero no (< 25 pg/tubo), en células de la teca interna. La producción de P4 y T fue estímulado en dosis dependiente por oLH y oFSH. La respuesta a oLH y oFSH fue grande el folículos menores, aunque la respuesta a oFSH fue menor que oLH. La producción de estradiol fue estimulada en dosis dependiente por oFSH, con gran respuesta en pequeños folículos pero no por oLH. El presente resultado soporta la teoría de tres células para la producción de esteroides en folículos de ave e indica que en la gallina, los pequeños folículos juegan un papel conspicuo en que la gonadotropinas-induce la esteroidogenesis