1,718 research outputs found

    Dyrithiopsis lakefuxianensis gen et sp. nov. from Fuxian Lake, Yunnan, China and notes on the taxonomic confusion surrounding Dyrithium

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    A new taxon with Dyrithium-like characteristics was collected from Lake Fuxian in China. The taxon is typical of the Amphisphaeriaceae in that it has relatively large, ostiolate, immersed ascomata, unitunicate asci with a J+ subapical ring, and brown ascospores. It is similar to Dyrithium in that it has muriform ascospores, but considerable confusion surrounds this genus. In Dyrithium asci are bitunicate and lack a J+ subapical ring, while this was not true of our species. A new genus, Dyrithiopsis, therefore is established to accommodate this new taxon. Details of its anamorph also are provided, based on cultural studies. Parsimony analyses of part of the large-subunit rDNA provide further evidence to support the familial placement of this new genus in the Amphisphaeriaceae. The taxonomic position of Dyrithium also is discussed.published_or_final_versio

    Endophytic fungi from Nerium oleander L (Apocynaceae): Main constituents and antioxidant activity

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    Diverse endophytic fungi exist within plant aerial tissues, with a global estimate of up to a million undescribed species. These endophytes constitute a rich bio-resource for exploration to discover new natural products. Here we investigate fungal endophytes associated with a medicinal plant, Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae). A total of 42 endophytic fungal strains were isolated from the host plant. Total antioxidant capacity, xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity, antimicrobial activity, and total phenolic content (TPC) were evaluated for 16 representative fungal cultures grown in improved Czapek's broth and for the host plant. The total antioxidant capacities and phenolic contents of the fungal cultures ranged from 9.59 to 150.79 μmol trolox/100 mL culture, and from 0.52 to 13.95 mg gallic acid/100 mL culture, respectively. The fungal culture of an endophytic strain Chaetomium sp. showed the strongest antioxidant capacity, contained the highest level of phenolics, and to some extent inhibited xanthine oxidase activity with an IC50 value of 109.8 μg/mL. A significant positive correlation was found between antioxidant capacity and TPC in the tested samples. Most of the endophytic fungal cultures tested have a wide range of antimicrobial activities, which were not very strong, but much better than those of the host plant. The major bioactive constituents of the fungal cultures were investigated using LC-ESI-MS and GC-MS, and preliminary identification detected phenolics (e.g. phenolic acids and their derivatives, flavonoids) and volatile and aliphatic compounds. This study shows that the endophytic fungi isolated from N. oleander can be a potential antioxidant resource. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.postprin

    Phylogenetics and evolution of nematode-trapping fungi (Orbiliales) estimated from nuclear and protein coding genes

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    The systematic classification of nematode-trapping fungi is redefined based on phylogenies inferred from sequence analyses of 28S rDNA, 5.8S rDNA and ß-tubulin genes. Molecular data were analyzed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis. An emended generic concept of nematode-trapping fungi is provided. Arthrobotrys is characterized by adhesive networks, Dactylellina by adhesive knobs, and Drechslerella by constricting-rings. Phylogenetic placement of taxa characterized by stalked adhesive knobs and non-constricting rings also is confirmed in Dactylellina. Species that produce unstalked adhesive knobs that grow out to form loops are transferred from Gamsylella to Dactylellina, and those that produce unstalked adhesive knobs that grow out to form networks are transferred from Gamsylella to Arthrobotrys. Gamsylella as currently circumscribed cannot be treated as a valid genus. A hypothesis for the evolution of trapping-devices is presented based on multiple gene data and morphological studies. Predatory and nonpredatory fungi appear to have been derived from nonpredatory members of Orbilia. The adhesive knob is considered to be the ancestral type of trapping device from which constricting rings and networks were derived via two pathways. In the first pathway adhesive knobs retained their adhesive material forming simple two-dimension networks, eventually forming complex three-dimension networks. In the second pathway adhesive knobs lost their adhesive materials, with their ends meeting to form nonconstricting rings and they in turn formed constricting rings with three inflated-cells.published_or_final_versio


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    Habahe Group mainly consists of elastic sediments, which widely distribute in the Chinese Altai and can provide important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). However, there are different opinions about its deposition time and tectonic background. Previous studies suggested that the Habahe Group formed in Sinian to Mid-Ordovician or Mid- to Late Ordovician in a passive continental margin. On the other hand, recent geological investigations reveal a long lasting subduction-related setting in the Chinese Altai at least since Cambrian. The current geochronological study for detrital zircons from the Habahe Group reveals that the detrital zircons of individual samples, irrespective of their lithological and metamorphic differences, all show similar age patterns, with the early Paleozoic ( 206Pb/ 238U age = 463 ± 542Ma) grains predominating. The youngest detrital zircons from different samples display similar ages (ca. 470Ma), which may reflect the maximum deposition time of the Habahe Group. Dating of growth rim of detrital zircons from migmatite yielded a Mid-Devonian age (384 ± 6Ma), which was coeval with intrusion of Early to Mid-Devonian granitic plutons in the area and clearly indicates the minimum deposition time of the Hababe Group. Therefore, the deposition time of the Habahe Group can be constrained to be Mid-Ordovician to Early Devonian. Zircon U Pb dating results indicate that the detrital zircons of the Habahe Group are dominated by early Paleozoic grains, with small proportion formed in Precambrian. The early Paleozoic detrital zircons are mostly magmatic in origin, and their less rounded shapes indicate a limited transportation. The age and morphological characteristics of the detrital zircons are consistent with those of detrital zircons in active tectonic settings and indicate that the Chinese Altai was under an active continental margin environment during the Early Paleozoic. 北疆阿爾泰造山帶的哈巴河群變質碎屑巖分布廣泛,其沉積時代和構造環境對于認識中亞造山帶的演化歷史有重要意義。早期研究認為哈巴河群沉積于震旦紀—中奧陶世時期,形成于被動大陸邊緣構造環境。而最近有學者根據中亞造山帶的地質演化背景提出,阿爾泰形成于活動陸緣構造環境。對哈巴河群中碎屑鋯石的年代學研究表明,不同巖性或變質程度不同的樣品碎屑鋯石主要類群具有相似的年齡分布特征,其206Pb/238U 年齡主要介于463~542Ma 之間。在這些樣品中, 最年輕的碎屑鋯石年齡均集中于470Ma 左右,代表了碎屑沉積的時代下限。而哈巴河群混合巖樣品中碎屑鋯石增生邊形成于中泥盆世晚期(384±6Ma),與侵入該群的早古生代花崗巖的年齡十分接近,大致反映了哈巴河群碎屑巖沉積時代的上限,因此哈巴河群的沉積時代應在早泥盆世—中奧陶世之間。鋯石的形態和內部結構特征顯示哈巴河群的年輕碎屑鋯石類群(463~542Ma)主要為巖漿鋯石,其磨圓度較差,而且在比例上遠高于前寒武紀碎屑鋯石。上述特點與活動大陸邊緣碎屑鋯石類群分布特征完全一致,反映阿爾泰在中奧陶世至早泥盆世可能處于活動大陸邊緣構造環境。postprin


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    One hundred and five generic types of Pleosporales are described and illustrated. A brief introduction and detailed history with short notes on morphology, molecular phylogeny as well as a general conclusion of each genus are provided. For those genera where the type or a representative specimen is unavailable, a brief note is given. Altogether 174 genera of Pleosporales are treated. Phaeotrichaceae as well as Kriegeriella, Zeuctomorpha and Muroia are excluded from Pleosporales. Based on the multigene phylogenetic analysis, the suborder Massarineae is emended to accommodate five families, viz. Lentitheciaceae, Massarinaceae, Montagnulaceae, Morosphaeriaceae and Trematosphaeriaceae

    Geochemical characteristics and 40Ar- 39Ar ages of the amphibolites and gabbros in Tarlang area: Implications for tectonic evolution of the Chinese Altai

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    Amphibolitic and gabbroic rocks occur in Tarlang area in Chinese Altay. Amphibolites are metamorphosed products of mafic magmatic rocks (SiO 2 = 45.42% - 52.96%) and contain high Al 2O 3 (13.14% - 17.92%), Fe 2O 3 T (9.08% - 16.88%) and TiO 2 (0.82% - 3.23%) contents. The amphibolite samples show relatively flat REE patterns, without significant fractionations of REEs (La/Yb N = 1.53 - 1.79). These samples are depleted in HFSEs slightly, with slightly Ti-Nb-Ta negative anomalies, which suggest a subtle relation to subduction-related environment. The gabbroic samples (SiO 2 = 46.96% - 49.86%) have intermediate TiO 2 (0.38% - 1.89%) and relatively low K 2 O contents (K 2 O = 0.34% - 1.03%), belonging to subalkali rocks (Na 2 O > K 2 O). They have relatively high Al 2O 3 (15.0% - 20.81%), CaO (10.13% - 11.60%) and moderate MgO (7.3% - 8.3% ) contents. The gabbroic samples show two types of REE patterns. One is characterized by slight fractionation of REEs (La/Yb N = 1.10 - 1.67) and weak Eu anomalies (δEu = 1.03 - 1.10), while the other is enriched in LREE s (La/Yb N = 5.97 - 6.39), with significantly positive Eu anomalies (δEu = 1.31 - 1.44), which may reflect accumulation of plagioclase in the magma chamber. These gabbroic rocks all exhibit Ti-Nb-Ta troughs and Pb-Sr spikes, also implying a subduction-related origin. The 40Ar/ 39Ar spectrum of the gabbroic sample is simple and flat (plateau age of 266.9 ± 4.2Ma; isochron age of 261 ± 23Ma), indicating that its K-Ar isotopic system was not seriously disturbed by subsequent thermal events and may reflect the intrusion time of the gabbro. However, 40Ar- 39Ar analysis of the amphibolite give rise to a saddle-like spectrum, and its youngest plateau (297.3 ± 6.1Ma) probably reflects the last metamorphic event. The difference on age and geochemistry between the amphibolitic and gabbroic rocks implies that they probably represent different mafic magma. The protolith of amphibolites probably formed in a seamount near a subduction zone and subsequently accreated to the Altai. The gabbro exhibits subduction-releted characteristics and was coeval with transtensional movement in the Chinese Altai, probably reflecting a tectonic transition in the Permian.阿爾泰塔爾浪地區出露一些斜長角閃巖和輝長巖。其中,斜長角閃巖為基性巖漿巖變質的產物,SiO_2含量為45.42%~52.96%,具有較高的Al_2O_3(13.14%~17.92%)、Fe_2O_3~T(9.08%~16.88%)和TiO_2(0.82%~3.23%)含量。斜長角閃巖樣品稀土元素曲線比較平坦,輕重稀土元素分餾不明顯(La/Yb_N=1.53~1.79),無明顯的Nb和Ta虧損。通過野外產狀及地球化學特征分析,認為該斜長角閃巖形成于海山的構造環境。輝長巖SiO_2(46.96%~49.86%)含量稍低,TiO_2(0.38%~1.89%)變化較大,并富Al_2O_3(15.0%~20.81%)、CaO(10.13%~11.60%),具有中等至較高MgO含量(7.3%~8.3%)和相對較低的鉀含量(K_2O=0.34%~1.03%),屬亞堿性巖石系列(Na_2O>K_2O)。輝長巖呈現兩種稀土元素組成特征。一種輕重稀土分餾不明顯,配分曲線比較平坦(La/Yb_N=1.10~1.67),具有輕微的Eu正異常(δEu=1.03~1.10);另一種輕重稀土元素分餾較明顯(La/Yb_N=5.97~...published_or_final_versio

    Accurate Prediction of Protein Structural Class

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    Because of the increasing gap between the data from sequencing and structural genomics, the accurate prediction of the structural class of a protein domain solely from the primary sequence has remained a challenging problem in structural biology. Traditional sequence-based predictors generally select several sequence features and then feed them directly into a classification program to identify the structural class. The current best sequence-based predictor achieved an overall accuracy of 74.1% when tested on a widely used, non-homologous benchmark dataset 25PDB. In the present work, we built a multiple linear regression (MLR) model to convert the 440-dimensional (440D) sequence feature vector extracted from the Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) of a protein domain to a 4-dimensinal (4D) structural feature vector, which could then be used to predict the four major structural classes. We performed 10-fold cross-validation and jackknife tests of the method on a large non-homologous dataset containing 8,244 domains distributed among the four major classes. The performance of our approach outperformed all of the existing sequence-based methods and had an overall accuracy of 83.1%, which is even higher than the results of those predicted secondary structure-based methods

    The factor structure of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen distinct populations

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    There is considerable evidence that self-criticism plays a major role in the vulnerability to and recovery from psychopathology. Methods to measure this process, and its change over time, are therefore important for research in psychopathology and well-being. This study examined the factor structure of a widely used measure, the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen nonclinical samples (N = 7510) from twelve different countries: Australia (N = 319), Canada (N = 383), Switzerland (N = 230), Israel (N = 476), Italy (N = 389), Japan (N = 264), the Netherlands (N = 360), Portugal (N = 764), Slovakia (N = 1326), Taiwan (N = 417), the United Kingdom 1 (N = 1570), the United Kingdom 2 (N = 883), and USA (N = 331). This study used more advanced analyses than prior reports: a bifactor item-response theory model, a two-tier item-response theory model, and a non-parametric item-response theory (Mokken) scale analysis. Although the original three-factor solution for the FSCRS (distinguishing between Inadequate-Self, Hated-Self, and Reassured-Self) had an acceptable fit, two-tier models, with two general factors (Self-criticism and Self-reassurance) demonstrated the best fit across all samples. This study provides preliminary evidence suggesting that this two-factor structure can be used in a range of nonclinical contexts across countries and cultures. Inadequate-Self and Hated-Self might not by distinct factors in nonclinical samples. Future work may benefit from distinguishing between self-correction versus shame-based self-criticism.Peer reviewe