14 research outputs found


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    To maintain the performance to optimalization operating at Coal Fire Power Plant (CFPP) the reliability of power plant equipment needs to be maintained especially on critical equipment. Based on CFPP failure data during 2012 – 2017, one of the critical equipment is the Induce Draft Fan (IDF).  The Journal will analyze the reliability, availability and maintainability for the IDF equipment with the approach of Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Using the IDF equipment failure data during 2012 - 2017 which is processed using Minitab 17 application with Weibull Analysis method, the results obtained the mean value (µ) for MTTF and shape parameters (β) and scale parameters (η) for calculation  MTTR. That data combined with the hours of annual routine maintenance periods for each unit, used to calculate the operating and maintenance (O&M) hours of IDF in a year and then combined with operational cost data so the total O&M costs for the IDF during 15 years period obtained. Consider with assumptions for the calculation, the final results can provide input for management to making appropriate maintenance decisions.Based on analysis data, MTTF and MTTR values for IDF 1A is 10,726.6 hours and 43.84 hours, IDF 1B is 4,891.07 hours and 5.35 hours, IDF 2A is 5961.44 hours and 75.45 hours, IDF 2B is 7,047.26 hours and 163.70 hours, IDF 3A is 5,059.77 hours and 220.86 hours then IDF 3B is 7,218.89 hours and 101.14 hours. The results of LCCA approach for 15 years obtained the lowest total maintenance cost is IDF unit 1 of 527.68 billion

    Analisis Pemilihan Pemasok Bahan Baku Soda Ash Menggunakan Metode Analytical Network Process

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    Perusahaan air minum daerah Tirta Mahakam terlibat dalam produksi dan distribusi air bersih. Pemilihan pemasok merupakan keputusan strategis manajemen rantai pasok yang mem­pengaruhi pengembangan keunggulan bersaing dalam perolehan bahan baku. Pene­litian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kriteria yang paling berpengaruh dan meng­eva­lu­asi alternatif supplier minuman soda terbaik yang dapat digunakan PDAM Tirta Mahakam sebagai bahan pemilihan supplier kedepannya. Penelitian menggunakan Analytical Network Process (ANP). Proses ini mencakup identifikasi hubungan antara kriteria dalam satu set elemen atau hubungan dengan kumpulan elemen. Perhitungan nilai prioritas untuk setiap komponen sistem keputusan dengan menggunakan metode ANP. Hasil pene­litian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas, pengiriman, biaya, dan pelayanan adalah kriteria yang dipertimbangkan sebagai prio­ritas utama perusahaan saat memilih pemasok. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa kriteria kualitas memiliki bobot sebesar 0,46730; kriteria pengi­riman memiliki bobot sebesar 0,27717. Pemilihan pemasok alternatif didasarkan pada kualitas, biaya, pengiriman, dan pelayanan. Hasil evaluasi akhir menunjukkan bahwa PT. X menerima nilai 0.943688, PT. Y menerima nilai 0,875479, dan PT. Z mene­rima nilai 1.000000. Menurut hasil penelitian alter­natif, PT. Z adalah pemasok alternatif yang memenuhi kriteria kualitas, biaya, pengiriman, dan pelayanan. Kriteria pengiriman memiliki bobot 0,16009. Kriteria pelayan­an memiliki bobot 0,09543

    Studi Tekno-Ekonomi Bata Ringan Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC) dengan Penambahan Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Pengganti Bata Konvensional

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    Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC) merupakan salah satu teknologi beton aerasi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai suatu usaha kecil dan menengah. Bata ringan adalah material yang menyerupai beton dan memiliki sifat kuat, tahan air dan api, awet (durable). Sebagai usaha baru di pasar, bata CLC perlu dilakukan analisis tekno-ekonomi bata CLC sebagai pengganti bata konvensional berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh produk CLC yang memenuhi standar persyaratan dengan nilai kerapatan 900-1000 kg/m3 dan kuat tekan sebesar 2.9 - 3.85 MPa. Hasil analisis tekno-ekonomi memperlihatkan kelayakan finansial dengan nilai (ROI) sebesar 12,8% dan PBP sebesar 9,2 bulan. Perbandingan biaya pekerjaan per meter persegi bata CLC juga menunjukan biaya yang lebih kompetitif bila dibandingan dengan bata merah biasa


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    Clinic is a health service facility that organizes individual health services that provide basic and specialized medical services, is organized by more than one type of health worker and is led by a medical staff (Menkes RI, 2001). Clinic Pratama BSMI Klaten is an institution engaged in the field of health services that provides quality basic health services. Present as a follow-up to the post-earthquake service process in Yogayakarta-Central Java on May 26, 2006 Inaugurated on November 13, 2006 by the Chairperson of the MPR. RI Dr. Hidayat Nurwahid, MA and the general chairman of BSMI DR.dr. H. Basuki Supartono, SP.OT, FICS, MARS. So far, the recording of patient medical records at the BSMI Klaten Primary Clinic is still using book media. This means that all these activities are carried out without the assistance of a computer so that it can result in lost or lost clinical records of various data. This, according to the author, is still very ineffective because it makes it difficult when presenting data such as an example of presenting data on treatment history or medical records for each patient which will take a long time. To overcome this problem, an information system that is able to provide fast information to patients and the public is needed. In order to improve services and improve the performance of each unit which is interconnected and integrated. Analysis and design of management information systems at the BSmi Klaten Pratama clinic which was made using the PHP programming language and the server using MySQL. The designed process consists of a registration unit, an initial examination of the patient by a nurse, a doctor's examination, a medical support unit, a pharmacy and a cash payment system, each of which can be data-integrated in a Clinical Management information system

    The Proposed Dashboard Model for Measuring Performance of Small-Medium Enterprises (SME)

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    The era of free market and the more dynamic environment condition forces many companies to establish the proper strategy. Implementation of a correct strategy can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of the company resources. The system of measuring performance is one of models used to monitor the success of implementing objective strategy which has been determined by the leader of the company, including SME (small- medium enterprise). However, a lot of SME do not have clear vision and strategy. It is because the SME orientation only focuses on more dominant operational performance. Therefore, smart system can be used to arrange a parameter of performance measurement. AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used to determine the priority from each criterion from KPI (Key Performance Indicator). Knowing the proper need, the company can determine the priority to select if the company has limited fund and resources. Moreover, the assessment system used in this research uses OMAX (Objective Matrix) method for each KPI. To assess, the measurement uses the concept of traffic light system using 3 colors: green (achieving a target), yellow (close with the target), and red (far from target). Nevertheless, this KPI needs to get attention in the next period. The research observes 3 SMEs located in Krebet tourism village. They are SME Ragil Handicraft, SME Sanggar Punokawan and SME Yuan art. The result shows that there are 31 keys performance indicators (KPI) used to measure the performance of SME. The assessment result of OMAX shows that there are still a lot of KPIs with red color. Thus, they need to be repaired. Knowing the performance of SME still far from target (red), the sources of the problem can be identified, so that the reparation target done by SME is more appropriate

    Managing maintenance resources for efficient asset utilization

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    Asset productivity is concerned with how an asset is efficiently and effectively deployed and utilized. It is related to maintenance resource management. The purpose of this paper is to discuss development of policies for managing integrated maintenance resources. These resources include human resource and supporting material required to perform maintenance activities for a complex maintenance system. Here, human resource management encompasses policy for recruitment, training, and outsourcing. Meanwhile, supporting material management includes policy for parts purchasing and inventory. Good asset productivity can be achieved by attaining a better performance of the asset using the same amount of maintenance resources or by reducing the amount of maintenance resources used for the same asset performance. A maintenance department may manage each kind of resources and have its own policy to achieve better asset productivity. In this way, an integrated policy with all related departments is required. In this research, a model to determine an integrated optimum policy with associated departments is developed. It consists of three sub models representing three different departments in an organisation including Maintenance, Human Resource, and Inventory and Purchasing department. Through the model, some combinations of the policies can be made and tested to find the best combined policy that, in turn, can help to generate better asset productivity

    Data-Based Maintenance Strategy Analysis using Operational Excellence Approach in Engineering Asset Management

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    Traditionally, selecting maintenance strategy is based on reliability or cost. In this paper, a further discussion of redesigning the maintenance strategy is presented. The process of redesigning the maintenance strategy applies reliability centered maintenance approach and the result is analyzed further with the approach of operational excellence as presented in the structure of operational excellence. The output from the reliability centered analysis is three recommendations related to maintenance strategy. Then, the recommendations are aligned with the structure of operational excellence. The main conclusion of this study is the operational excellence approach is capable to assist the process to redesign the maintenance strategy by providing the decision maker with a guidance to improve productivity

    A modelling approach for maintenance resource-provisioning policies

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    A study has been undertaken to understand the capability of system dynamics modelling in simulating interrelationships between maintenance and the resource provisioning policy. A review of the literature indicates that such an approach to resource provisioning policy selection considering the characteristics of maintenance and considering life cycle cost is both absent and would be of benefit. The development of a system dynamics approach integrated with life cycle costing algorithms has been pursued. The results have been tested on 3 case studies to determine the suitability and accuracy of a new combined system dynamics simulation and the life cycle cost model


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    A good research is a research with a clear research novelty of research originality. However, finding the novelty or originality is one of the most challenging process in research in any field.  Although there are many proposed models to assist researchers and scholars to determine research novelty-such as Systematic Literature Review, K-Chart, Card System, Decision Tree, Mind Mapping- most of the tools or models fail to fulfill the need of some researcher to effectively present the complex result of literature review. To deal with this obstacle, a new tool named SLM (Systematic Literature Mapping) is proposed in this article in order to visually present the result of a complex literature review in the form of a decision tree that leads to an effective and efficient literature review process. The newly proposed model combines SLR (Systematic Literature Review), an established-well-known tool for literature review with a model named K-Chart. To verify the proposed model, a case study is discussed to accompany the example of the application of this new tool. The case study is finding the research opportunity of the application of big data in the industry.  The result shows that SLM is capable to serve its purpose in the process of literature revie


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    This research is intended to test the effect of career development on work motivation, auditor certification and job performance with work motivation and auditor being the moderator variables. The number of respondents involved in this research was 222 individuals. All the respondents are employees of PT BKI Kalimantan Timur. This research is done using the quantitative approach. The type of data used is primary data obtained by the distribution of questionnaire. The questionnaire was analyzed using the Partial Least Square technique with the use of SmartPLS program. Based on the analytic results of this research it can be concluded that there is a significant proof that there are positive effects on work motivation, auditor certification and auditor’s performance. A good career development programme can increase work motivation, supports the auditor certification and improve on job performance of auditors. The result of this study also proves that a good work motivation and auditor certification strengthen the effect of career development on auditor job performanc