12 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Soal Matematika Model TIMSS di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Mathematics is a universal science that underlies the development of modern technology that has an important role in various scientific disciplines and advances human thinking power. One of the achievements of Indonesian students in the field of mathematics, can be seen based on the 2011 TIMSS ranking in which Indonesia ranked 38th of 42 participating countries. One of the factors that causes the low TIMSS results is because the TIMSS model questions in its lesson that have moderate and high complexity, and require reasoning in the completion process. Therefore, researchers were interested in developing mathematical question with TIMSS model in the fourth grade of elementary school. The development of these questions was done through two stages, namely the preliminary study stage, the preparation stage and the formative evaluation stage which included self-evaluation, prototyping (expert reviews, one to one, and small group), and the test field. In this study, there were ten questions categorized as valid and practical qualitatively and quantitatively

    Development of Digital Teaching Material Based on Numeracy For 4th Class Primary School

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    Indonesian students' mathematical literacy abilities are at a low level. Students have not been able to solve problems that require logical and applied thinking. So, teaching materials are needed that can facilitate critical thinking skills based on numeracy literacy which refers to 21st century learning by optimizing technology in learning. The teaching materials developed refer to several mathematical applications such as facts, operating principles, and problem solving in everyday life. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model consisting of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The research results show that digital teaching materials are suitable for use based on validation results by material experts, media experts and language experts. Practical digital teaching materials are used based on the results of teacher and student response questionnaires


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    This research aims to produce development products and determine the feasibility of student activity based on challenge based learning worksheet opportunities material in grade 8 at SMP Negeri 5 Pangkalpinang. This research is a development research through two stages, first the preliminary stage consist of preparation and design. The Second is formative evaluation stage consist of self-evaluation, expert reviews, one-to-one, small group, and field test. This research produce Challenge Based Learning worksheet in opportunities material and sample consist of 38 students. The technique of collecting data by observation sheets, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The data is analyzed so that the resulting instrument is valid and practical. Valid is described based on the validator's assessment in terms of content, construct, and language. Practicality is illustrated by the trial results at the small group stage. From the results of data analysis, the feasibility of the contents of the 3.55 categories is very good, the feasibility of serving 3.65 categories is very good, and the language feasibility is 3.12 categories are good. From the research results have produced LKS based challenge based learning on opportunity material


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    This aims of this study are to know the role of Museum Timah Indonesia Pangkalpinang context as alternative  to understanding angles. This studi was using design research using Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) where research is conducted in three stages, namely initial design, teaching experiment (the pilot experiment) and retrospective analysis.this research was conducted at SD Negeri 29 Pangkalpinang. The data were collected through several things, namely by pre test and post test, video recording, collecting student work, interviews, and field notes. The results indicated that with the context of Museum Timah Indonesia Pangkalpinang, students could understand angle measurement. Students are more interested and motivated in completing angular measurements so that learning is more meaningful. PMRI can be used as an approach to learning angular measurements in elementary schools


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    Difficulty in understanding the concept of angle because of learning of angle is only explain, give examples, and practice, so there are still many students who have difficulty understanding the concept of angle. Angle is one of the most basic concepts to understanding geometry and should have been understood and mastered since elementary school in terms of length and angle so as not to cause students difficulties in learning angles in high school. PMRI was chosen because it can lead students to understand mathematical concepts, which in this study is the concept of angles. The aims of this study is to design a hypothetical learning trajectory in angle by using context of the Museum Timah Pangkalpinang as a tool in understanding the concept of angles. This study was using design research approach, with three stages of research are preparing for the experiment, the experimental design, retrospective analysis. The Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) was developed from a series of corner material learning activities using context of the Museum Timah Pangkalpinang. HLT is generated with 4 activities, that are observe museum buildings and mining equipment,determine the types of angle, determine the angle using the steps outlined in LKPD, and completed the questions.Keywords: Angle, Museum Timah, PMRI, HL


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penalaran matematis siswa dalam mengerjakan soal matematika pada buku pembelajaran tematik bakul berkisah. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil nilai TIMSS siswa Indonesia pada ranah penalaran (reasoning) dan belum ada buku tematik yang dapat melatih penalaran siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dilakukan terhadap 33 siswa kelas III SD Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang. Pengumpulan data didapat dari hasil jawaban dan pengamatan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal-soal matematika pada buku tematik bakul berkisah materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan. Kemudian jawaban dianalisis untuk melihat penalarann matematis siswa. Terdapat enam buah indikator penalaran matematis yang dilihat dalam penelitian ini. Indikator penalaran yang paling tinggi dilakukan oleh siswa adalah menarik kesimpulan,dengan kata lain siswa dapat menemukan jawaban dengan benar. Sementara siswa masih kesulitan dalam menemukan pola atau sifat dari gejala matematis untuk membuat generalisasi. Hal ini sebetulnya disebabkan karena siswa belum terbiasa mengerjakan soal lengkap dalam setiap pengerjaan. Namun rerata hasil penalaran matematis siswa adalah 68,18% dan dikategorikan baik. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran matematika menggunakan buku tematik bakul berkisah, sudah baik dalam memacu penalaran matematis siswa.   Abstract This research aims to describe the mathematical reasoning’s students doing math problems in the bakul berkisah thematic book. This research because of the low result of Indonesian students in TIMSS score especially for reasoning and there aren’t thematic book in their school. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with 33 student for sample. The data collection from the answer of student thematic book and observing of student learning in addition and subtraction material. The answer student is analyzed the student's reasoning.  There are six indicators of mathematical reasoning ability. The highest reasoning indicator is drawing conclusions or can find answers correctly. While students still have difficulty in finding patterns or properties of mathematical phenomena to make generalizations. This is actually because students are not used to working on complete questions in each work. However, the average result of students' mathematical reasoning is 68.18% and it is categorized as good. The results of the research showed that learning mathematics using the thematic book based was good in students' mathematical reasoning

    Pengembangan Buku Saku Relasi dan Fungsi Berbasis CTL

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    Peserta didik pada usia remaja seringkali mengeluh dengan buku yang terlalu besar untuk dibaca. Sementara hasil penelitian didapat bahwa pembelajaran dengan pendekatan kontekstual dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah  matematis peserta didik. Sehingga penelitian dilakukan untuk menghasilkan sebuah buku saku CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) materi relasi dan fungsi yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian dilakukan pada peserta didik kelas X salah satu MAN di Pangkalpinang pada semester ganjil tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan atau development research yang terdiri dua tahap yaitu tahap preliminary yang meliputi persiapan dan desain kemudian formative evaluation yang meliputi self evaluation, expert reviews, one-to-one, small group, dan field test. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa buku saku yang dikembangkan sudah seusai dengan pembelajaran CTL dengan rata-rata tiap kategori sebagai berikut; kategori konten bernilai 4 dengan kriteria sangat valid, kategori konstruk bernilai 3,88 dengan kriteria sangat valid, dan kategori bahasa bernilai 3,33 dengan kriteria valid. Sehingga rerata hasil validasi didapat nilai 3,73 dan buku saku dinyatakan valid. Berdasarkan hasil penerapan pada siswa kelas X didapat bahwa buku saku yang dikembangkan praktis dan sangat baik digunakan untuk siswa SMA serta mempunyai efek potensial terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan masalah kontekstual dilihat dari sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang secara umum dikategorikan baik

    Perancangan Prototype LKS Materi Operasi Hitung Bilangan Bulat Untuk Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar

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    Mathematics is one of the subjects that spearheads in other subjects. Mathematics is studied starting from elementary school to equip students with the ability to logically thought, analytically, systematically, critically, creatively, and the ability to work together. The sequential stages of aspects in mathematics are numbers, geometry and measurement and data processing. From the stages of the aspects mentioned it appears that the subject matter of numbers is the initial stage that must be mastered in mathematics. Numbers are the basic subjects that are very important for students to understand because they are the basic for other subjects. Integers is one of the mathematic subject. For this reason, this study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of student worksheet integer operation material for elementary school students. This research is the initial stage of development research. The subjectsof research were fourth grade students of elementary schools number 42 Pangkalpinang. The process of developing needs analysis teaching materials, modules are developed on concepts that are still not mastered by students, planning of unknow concepts by students, and developed to determine SK, basic competencies, indicators, syllabus, lesson plans, determining student worksheet elements, collect to material, prepare student worksheet drafts, and validate. From the design of this prototype produced the first prototype of the integer operation student worksheet for fourth grade elementary school students.Matematika merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang menjadi ujung tombak dalam mata pelajaran lain.Matematika dipelajarimulai dari sekolah dasar untuk membekali peserta didik dengan kemampuan berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, kreatif, dan kemampuan bekerja sama.Tahapan-tahapan aspek yang berurutan dalam matematika yaitu bilangan, geometri dan pengukuran serta pengolahan data. Dari tahapan aspek yang disebutkan terlihat bahwa pokok bahasan bilangan merupakan tahapan awal yang harus dikuasai dalam matematika. Bilangan merupakan pokok bahasan dasar yang sangat penting dipahami oleh para peserta didik karena merupakan landasan untuk pokok-pokok bahasan lainnya. Salah satu bagian dari pokok bahasan bilangan ini adalah bilangan bulat. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan prototipe 1 bahan ajar dalam bentuk LKS materi operasi hitung bilangan bulat untuk peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan tahap awaldari penelitian pengembangan. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 42 Pangkalpinang. Proses pengembangan bahan ajar yaitu analisis kebutuhan, modul dikembangkan pada konsep yang belum dikuasai siswa, perencanaan atas dasar konsep yang masih belum dikuasai siswa, menentukan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, indikator, silabus, RPP, menentukan unsur-unsur LKS, mengumpulkan materi, menyusun draft LKS, dan validasi. Dari perancangan prototipe ini dihasilkanprototipepertama LKS materi operasi hitungbilangan bulat untuk kelas IV sekolah dasar

    Pelatihan pembuatan bahan ajar untuk pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan matematika realistik Indonesia

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    [Bahasa]: Salah satu unsur konkrit yang sangat penting dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia adalah peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Namun kenyataannya guru kurang mengembangkan kreativitas untuk merencanakan, menyiapkan, dan membuat bahan ajar secara matang yang kaya inovasi sehingga menarik bagi siswa. Kebanyakan aktivitas pembelajaran matematika hanya menyajikan permasalahan dan rumus-rumus saja tanpa memperhatikan penanaman konsepnya. Melihat banyaknya CPNS calon guru pada tahun 2019 ini, terdapat peluang untuk merubah sistem belajar di sekolah agar lebih bervariatif. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengalaman bagi calon guru tentang pembuatan bahan ajar mengunakan Pendekatan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI) dalam pembelajaran matematika dan mengahasilkan bahan ajar menggunakan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam bentuk pelatihan (workshop) yang mengedepankan praktik dengan metode on the job training dimana peserta pelatihan langsung bekerja di bawah bimbingan narasumber. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah produk bahan ajar berupa LKS menggunakan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang kemudian dibukukan dan diajukan Hak Ciptanya sehingga dapat digunakan oleh guru sekolah Dasar (SD). Setelah diadakan pelatihan diperoleh bahwa calon guru CPNS 2019 memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dan memilki berbagai ide kreatif dalam menyusun bahan ajar dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: pelatihan; bahan ajar; PMRI; CPNS 2019 [English]: One of the essential aspects to improve the quality of human resources is to improve the quality of education. But in reality, the teachers are less creative in planning, preparing, and make rich and innovative teaching contents which attract the students. Mostly, mathematics learning activities only present problems and formulas without regard to the inculcation of the concepts. Considering the number of prospective teachers in 2019, there is an opportunity to change the learning approach in schools to be more varied. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide an understanding and experience for prospective teachers about making teaching materials using the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Approach (PMRI) in learning mathematics and producing teaching materials using the context of everyday life. This community service is carried out in the form of workshops that prioritizes practice, employing the on the job training method in which the training participants directly work under the guidance of experts. The results of this activity are teaching material in the form of student worksheets using the context of daily life which are then recorded and submitted for copyright so that they can be used by elementary school teachers widely. After the training, it was found that pre-service teachers had very good abilities and a variety of creative ideas in compiling teaching materials in the context of daily life. Keywords: training; learning material; PMRI; CPNS 201


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    Masyarakat pesisir tinggal di daerah pantai di wilayah perairan. Dalam menjaga lingkungan sekitar perlu dukungan masyarakat pesisir sebagai komponen ekologi. Warga daerah pinggir pantai membutuhkan upaya yang teratur untuk memberi pengaruh dan mendorong perubahan melalui pendekatan pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir yang sesuai dengan keunikan ciri khas sosial masyarakat pesisir, dengan mengacu pada aturan  masyarakat pesisir. Pemberdayaan pesisir dianggap berkelanjutan secara ekonomi jika wilayah pesisir mampu memproduksi barang dan jasa secara berkelanjutan dan gangguan ekstrem di berbagai sektor dapat menghancurkan produksi primer, sekunder, dan tersier dihilangkan. Salah satu provinsi Indonesia yang terletak di wilayah pesisir adalah provinsi Bangka Belitung. Provinsi ini dikelilingi oleh laut dan memiliki garis pantai sepanjang 800 km. Pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar pantai harus bersifat terbuka, namun yang terpenting, pemberdayaan itu sendiri harus menyentuh sasaran kelompok masyarakat. Sehingga tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir pantai berbasis Edusciencetourism untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang SIP (Smart, Independent, Productive