8 research outputs found
Combination of Ara (Ficus racemosa) and Singkong Leaf (Manihot utillisima) in Cat Fish (Pangasius hypophthalmus)
One of the problem cultuvation of catfish in the North of Kalimantan is the cost of commercial fish feed in the market is relative expensive. The alternative that can be effort is make feeds by homemade with utilizing local ingredients from nature that is no economi value like fig fruit (F. racemosa) and cassava leaves (M. utillisima) the plants are commonly found in Malinau District. The purpose of the research is to find out the growth of catfish seeds (P. hypophthalmus) by using a combination of fig fruit (F. racemosa) and cassava leaves (M. utillisima). This research using experimental method, completely randomized design with four treatments and three replications. The data obtained were processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with test least significant difference. The best absolute weight growth of catfish (P. hypophthalmus) at the treatment D was (1.21 grams), the best absolute length growth at treatment D was (1.09 cm), the best specific growth at the thirty five (0,013%), the best Feed Covertion Ratio for treatment D was (2.11%) and the best Survival Rate for treatment D was (96.67), while the water quality in ammonia on the threatment A was not better than the optimal value 1 mg / L. Combined feed in treatment C is the best treatment compared to treatments A and B, but the combination feed is still unable to produce better growth when compared to treatment D (Commercial)
IN VITRO ANTIBACTERIAL EFFICACY OF LEAVES EXTRACT OF Centela asiatica AGAINST Vibrio harveyi AND Aeromonas hydrophila
Disease infection is one of the limiting factors that affect productivity in aquaculture and has caused economic losses. Luminescent vibrios and motile aeromonas septicemia (MAS) are diseases caused by Vibrio harveyi and Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria, respectively. Certain plants have antimicrobial compounds and can potentially be used to treat the diseases, such as Centella asiatica. In the present study, the crude leaves extracts of C. asiatica were examined for its antibacterial potential using methanol solvents against V. harveyi and A. hydrophila bacteria. Different concentrations of 50 mg/mL and 100 mg/mL were checked for its antibacterial activity. The crude extract was also tested for phytochemistry content and LC50 using Brine Shrimp Lethal Assay. The crude extracts of C. asiatica showed a remarkable antibacterial activity with inhibition zone of 10.57 mm against A. hydrophila and 21.14 mm against V. harveyi. The phytochemistry test result showed that C. asiatica leaves contain alkaloid, phenol, and tannin compounds. The acute lethal concentration (LC50) of C. asiatica after 24 hours exposure to the extract mixture was 254 mg/L. The results confirmed the potential use of C. asiatica extracts as a source of antibacterial compounds
Perancangan Animasi 3d Untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Mengenai Penurunan Populasi Lebah Beserta Dampaknya Bagi Manusia
The design of this animation is intended as a medium to spread the information about the depopulation of bees in a global scale with a purpose to make people informed about the causes and effects from the problem. The animation used a narrative way to explain to the viewers from the perspective of the narrator. In addition, animation is one of the best form of audio visual to explain an information with details
Pulau Bunyu di Propinsi Kalimantan Utara memiliki sumberdaya hayati ekosistem perairan laut yang berlimpah dan bernilai ekonomis yang tinggi, dimana masyarakat pulau Bunyu memanfaatkan potensi ekosistem perairan laut digunakan sebagai potensi perikanan dalam hal penangkapan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap bubu dasar (bottom fish pot). Hasil tangkapan yang bernilai ekonomis berupa ikan kakap merah dan ikan kerapu yang terdapat di perairan ekosistem laut pulau Bunyu. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pertumbuhan dan struktur ukuran ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) serta ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephalus malabaricus) yang berasal dari perairan pulau Bunyu. Data yang diteliti berupa parameter pertumbuhan yaitu panjang total dan panjang standar, berat total, jenis kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, dan berat gonad. Hasil penelitian ikan kakap paling banyak tertangkap ukuran panjang 40,49-47,61 cm dan bobot 990,05-1.451,68 gram. Pada ikan kerapu lumpur dengan ukuran panjang 43,73-50,13 cm dan berat 800,94-1.308,70 gram. Sifat pertumbuhan pada ikan kakap merah adalah allometrik negatif. Nilai indeks kondisi berbentuk kurus pada sampel ikan kakap merah. Sifat pertumbuhan pada sampel ikan kerapu pada variabel panjang total dengan berat total bersifat allometrik positif dan pada variabel panjang standar dan panjang cagak dengan berat total bersifat allometrik negatif.Bunyu Island in the North Kalimantan province has abundant and economically valuable marine aquatic ecosystem resources, where Bunyu Island communities utilize the potential of marine aquatic ecosystems to be used as fishery potential in terms of fishing using bottom fish pots. Fishing catch is economically valuable in the form of red snapper and grouper fish found in the marine ecosystems of Bunyu Island. The research objective was to analyze the growth and size structure of the Red Snapper fish (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) and Grouper fish (Epinephalus malabaricus) originating from the waters of the island of Bunyu. Retrieval of data in the form of growth parameters are the total length and standard length, total weight, gender, gonad maturity level, and gonad weight. The results of the study of most snapper caught the length of 40,49-47,61 cm and a weight of 990,05-1.451,68 grams. While the results of the grouper study most caught were 43,73-50,13 cm in length and weights of 800,94-1.308,70 grams. The nature of growth of Red Snapper fish (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) are negative allometry. The condition index value is skinny of Red Snapper fish (Lutjanus argentimaculatus). Grouper fish (Epinephalus malabaricus) of total length and total weight is positive allometry and on the standart and fork length with total weight is negative allometri
Pengenalan Budi Daya Ikan dalam Ember untuk Kemandirian Pangan di Kampung Enam, Kota Tarakan
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on society, such as job losses, rising staples, and economic hardship. Prices of food needs that continue to increase and are not affordable have resulted in food problems, one of which is protein. One of the high-quality protein is protein from fish. Fish as a fishery commodity that is relatively easy to cultivate on a large industrial scale and household scale for food self-sufficiency is catfish (Clarias sp). The purpose of this activity is to add insight and knowledge of the community about budikdamber for food self-sufficiency. The method of implementing community service activities in Kampung Six is carried out by counseling and training methods on Budikdamber. In this training activity, a bucket with 40 liters of water and 20 catfish seeds was used. Maintenance was carried out for 60 days with ad satiation feeding three times a day. Observations were made on growth, survival and water quality. The results of the activity found that 93% of the community partners had understood about Budikdamber. Budikdamber maintenance by partner communities gets an absolute weight growth value of catfish of 14 g, catfish survival value of 75%, and 1 bunch of kale per bucket. Based on the results of this activity, it is hoped that there will be the provision of special land for Budikdamber as an example for people who want to develop in their respective yards.The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on society, such as job losses, rising staples, and economic hardship. Prices of food needs that continue to increase and are not affordable have resulted in food problems, one of which is protein. One of the high-quality protein is protein from fish. Fish as a fishery commodity that is relatively easy to cultivate on a large industrial scale and household scale for food self-sufficiency is catfish (Clarias sp). The purpose of this activity is to add insight and knowledge of the community about budikdamber for food self-sufficiency. The method of implementing community service activities in Kampung Six is carried out by counseling and training methods on Budikdamber. In this training activity, a bucket with 40 liters of water and 20 catfish seeds was used. Maintenance was carried out for 60 days with ad satiation feeding three times a day. Observations were made on growth, survival and water quality. The results of the activity found that 93% of the community partners had understood about Budikdamber. Budikdamber maintenance by partner communities gets an absolute weight growth value of catfish of 14 g, catfish survival value of 75%, and 1 bunch of kale per bucket. Based on the results of this activity, it is hoped that there will be the provision of special land for Budikdamber as an example for people who want to develop in their respective yards
Pelatihan Teknik Pengambilan Gambar Video Kebaktian Secara Daring Di Vihara Buddha Gaya Bandung
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some houses of worship have to carry out worship activities online. The obstacle is the human resources in a house of worship who do not yet have the ability or are accustomed to conducting online services. One of the materials that can be taught is the direction of taking online devotional videos. Through this training, it is hoped that the youth at the Vihara Gaya Buddha Bandung organization can add insight and expertise in the creation of online devotional video content. The method used is to combine online and offline training. The online method is used when viewing and learning the needs needed for training activities. The offline method provides hands-on training on how to take videos properly and correctly. The result of the training is an online service production at Vihara Buddha Gaya, Bandung. The training materials are divided into two categories, namely shooting techniques and sound systems. The success of this training was measured by conducting practical tests to assess the results of the two categories. The results of the practical test assessment showed that the training participants had 100% success in making online devotional videos properly and correctly.Dengan adanya kondisi pandemi Covid-19 maka sebagian rumah ibadah harus melaksanakan kegiatan kebaktian secara daring. Kendala yang ada adalah sumberdaya manusia dalam suatu rumah ibadah yang belum memiliki kemampuan atau terbiasa membuat kebaktian secara daring. Salah satu materi yang dapat diajarkan adalah arahan pengambilan gambar video kebaktian secara daring. pelatihan-pelatihan diharapkan pemuda pada organisasi Vihara Buddha Gaya Bandung dapat menambah wawasan dan keahlian dalam pembuatan konten video kebaktian daring. yang digunakan adalah dengan menggabungkan pelatihan secara daring dan luring. Cara daring digunakan pada saat melihat dan mempelajari kebutuhan yang diperlukan untuk kegiatan pelatihan. Cara luring digunakan untuk memberikan secara langsung pelatihan bagaimana cara mengambil video dengan baik dan benar. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini untuk menghasilkan Hasil dari penilaian tes praktek didapatkan bahwa para peserta pelatihan telah berhasil 100% membuat video kebaktian daring dengan baik dan benar
Pengenalan Komputer Disertai Pelatihan Mengetik bagi Anak Remaja Pusat Pengembangan Anak 434 Gloria Genyem Kelurahan Tabri Provinsi Papua
Knowledge in the computer field is needed by everyone nowadays. In Papua Province, there is a Child Development Center (PPA 434) which aims to train and teach children in various fields of knowledge. Despite limited computer and internet facilities, training was provided to children to improve their computer skills. The material provided in this training is knowledge in the field of computer hardware, software and the ability to type using a computer. The training is provided using a distance learning system regularly every week for four meetings. The training results were measured using pre-test and post-test, which showed an increase in literacy skills in the computer field after participating in this training.Pengetahuan di bidang komputer diperlukan oleh setiap orang saat ini. Di Provinsi Papua terdapat Pusat Pengembangan Anak (PPA 434) yang bertujuan untuk melatih dan mengajar anak-anak dalam berbagai bidang ilmu. Meskipun fasilitas komputer dan internet yang terbatas, pelatihan diberikan kepada anak-anak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan di bidang komputer. Materi yang diberikan dalam pelatihan ini adalah pengetahuan di bidang perangkat keras komputer, perangkat lunak dan kemampuan mengetik menggunakan komputer. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah memberikan literasi di bidang komputer seperti pengetahuan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak serta pelatihan mengetik. Metoda pelatihan diberikan menggunakan sistem belajar jarak jauh secara berkala setiap minggu sebanyak empat kali pertemuan. Peserta pelatihan dan instruktur melakukan pelatihan di tempat masing masing (Papua dan Bandung) menggunakan aplikasi zoom. Hasil pelatihan diukur menggunakan pre-test dan post-test yang memperlihatkan peningkatan kemampuan literasi di bidang komputer setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini. Para peserta pelatihan juga diberikan pengetesan kecepatan mengetik. Pada akhir pelatihan berdasarkan dari hasil pengukuran pre-test dan post-test didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan para peserta pelatihan telah meningkat. Selain itu juga kemampuan mengetik para peserta pelatihan telah meningkat dari 17 kata per menit menjadi 29 kata per menit
Benefits of Tiwai Onion (Eleutherine Americana) Extract as Phytopharmaceutical Plant to Inhibit the Growth of Vibrio Harveyi Through In-Vitro and In-Vivo
HighlightsEleutherine americana was a plant that was known to contain antibacterial alkaloids, steroids, phenolics, and flavonoidsEleutherine americana extract was able to inhibit the development of V. harveyi both through in vitro and in vivo tests on tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon).The use of vibriosis antibiotics in tiger shrimp was often not controlled so the results obtained were not effective AbstractThe use of vibriosis antibiotics in tiger shrimp was often not controlled, so the results obtained were not effective. The addition of antibiotics would cause resistance to V. harveyi. Eleutherine americana is a plant that is known to contain antibacterial alkaloids, steroids, phenols, and flavonoids. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of inhibitory effects of E. americana extract against V. harveyi through in-vitro and in-vivo tests on tiger shrimp larvae. In-vitro testing consisted of 7 treatments and 3 replications, namely treatments A (0.1%), B (0.2%), C (0.3%), D (0.4%), E (0, 5%), F ethanol 70% (K-), and G chloramphenicol 0.01% (K +) treatment. The largest inhibition zone diameter of E. americana extract was shown in treatment C (0.3%), with an average value of the inhibition zone produced of 7.5 mm. Challenge test with V. harveyi concentration of 107 CFU / ml in the in-vivo test consisted of 5 treatments and four replications namely; A treatment without E. americana extract, B extract 6 ppm, C extract 12 ppm, D extract 18 ppm, and treatment E without extract and V. harveyi. The results of the challenge test with V. harveyi bacteria were significantly different in control (chloramphenicol 0.01%), where the highest survival rate was in the treatment of 12 ppm extract (43.34%). E. americana extract could inhibit the development of V. harveyi bacteria both through in-vitro and in-vivo tests on tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)