33 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan dan Pembelian pada UD. TIRTA SAMUDRA

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    UD. Tirta Samudra merupakan distributor penjualan air mineral dalam kemasan yang berada di kota Lamongan. Kegiatan Perusahaan tersebut saat ini meliputi penjualan, pembelian, retur penjualan, dan retur pembelian. Setiap kegiatan Perusahaan terdapat proses penambahan stok maupun pengurangan stok barang. Akibat dari tingginya kegiatan yang terdapat pada Perusahaan, stok barang pada gudang sering terjadi kehabisan stok. Stok barang yang habis pada gudang dapat mengganggu jalannya kegiatan Perusahaan.Solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dibuat sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan dan mengolah data penjualan dan pembelian Perusahaan. Solusi tersebut berupa aplikasi penjualan dan pembelian. aplikasi yang dibuat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan. Data penjualan dan pembelian yang disimpan dan diproses oleh sistem untuk menghasilkan laporan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perusahaan.Kesimpulan hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan, aplikasi penjualan dan pembelian ini dapat menghasilkan lima (5) laporan yang dapat digunakan pimpinan untuk sebagai evaluasi. Pada aplikasi ini terdapat pengingat stok barang yang akan habis ketika terjadi transaksi penjualan pada barang yang memiliki stok kritis

    Karakteristik Material Biokompetibel Aplikasi Implan Medis Jenis Bone Plate

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    Komponen bone plate adalah salah satu alat medis yang di buat untuk menggantikanstruktur dan fungsi suatu bagian biologis. Di pasaran komponen bone plate mempunyaiharga yang variatif tergantung materialnya, karakterisasi material bone plate telahdilakukan menggunakan beberapa pengujian yaitu pengujian komposisi kimia, metalografi,pengujian kekerasan dan pengujian korosi. Hasil pengujian komposisi kimia padakomponen bone plate A dan bone plate B menunjukan material klasifikasi jenis baja tahankarat Austenitik. Bone plate A baja tahan karat Austenitik 316L dengan kandunganmolibdenum 1,94%, dan khrom 20,48%, sedangkan bone plate B baja tahan karatAustenitik 304L kandungan molibdenum 0,149%, dan khrom 20,08%. Nilai kekerasanbone plate A sebesar 181,56 HB dan bone plate B sebesar 152,92 HB. Hasil metalografipada material bone plate A dan bone plate B menunjukkan struktur mikro dengan fasaaustenitik. Hasil pengujian korosi metode CMS menunjukkan bahwa bone plate A denganlaju korosi 0,80 mpy dan bone plate B dengan laju korosi 1,15 mpy. Dari karakterisasi datapengujian tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa komponen bone plate yang berasaldari material baja tahan karat Austenitik 316L dapat dibuat melalui proses manufakturyang ada tanpa harus import, sehingga dapat lebih tepat dimensinya sesuai dengan anatomidengan harga yang terjangkau

    A Comparative Analysis of Legal Products on the Development of Productive Waqf in Indonesia and Malaysia

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    Indonesia and Malaysia generally have the same Islamic character and history, so the development of Islamic law also has the same roots. Then there were differences in the development of Islamic law, including the law on waqf, which was caused by differences in colonial history. The Dutch colonized Indonesia, and Malaysia was colonized by the British. Therefore, they have different systems and state administrations. This study aims to explain how much support for positive legal products that regulate waqf impacts the development of productive waqf instruments in Indonesia and Malaysia, although with different legal systems. This research is literature research with a juridical-normative approach with a qualitative model. Analysis of the data used is the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The study results in show that in Indonesia and Malaysia, waqf legal products have existed since the sultanate era, colonial era, and independence era. Waqf legal products in Indonesia regulate more about waqf of immovable objects, which are regulated in different legal products. However, since the birth of the Waqf Law in 2004, waqf has not only focused on immovable objects but also movable and productive objects following the development of the financial world. And business. Likewise, in Malaysia, the legal product of waqf is included in family law which is regulated in the law in each different country, including the territory of the alliance. Productive waqf has also penetrated productive economic efforts by the purpose of waqf


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    KKNT activities are carried out as one of the tasks of students in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely community service. In accordance with the goals of higher education as stated in government regulation number 60 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Higher Education (Chapter III article 3 paragraph 4) which reads Service to the Community as an Activity to Utilize Science in an Effort to Contribute to the Advancement of Society. From all the ingredients used in the manufacture of dish soap, about 20 liters of ready-to-use products are produced, with good quality. Physical appearance and washing results give results as well as products on the market. The product is then packaged in 50 bottles of 120 ml bottles. The liquid soap products, apart from being given to the participants of the training, are also distributed free of charge to the community in III Kelurahan Besar. This community service activity has been carried out through outreach activities and direct practice of making dish soap. This activity has been proven to increase participants' knowledge and provide positive experiences in producing products that are used daily, namely soap products. Participants are sure that they will be able to make similar soap products themselves, so it is hoped that they can save on spending on buying these products


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    Kelurahan Besar is one of the sub-districts in Medan Labuhan District, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia with an area of 6,000 km2. Kelurahan Besar itself is surrounded by many industries which happen to be in the Medan Industrial Estate (KIM) area, besides that there are warehouse areas, business centers and residential areas. Both positive and negative impacts will be felt by residents. One of them is the condition and quality of clean water used by community members who are concerned that they have been exposed to organic waste from the production process produced by Industrial Estate activities. There are those who think that clear water when seen by naked eye, is definitely safe to use. Even though not all clear water is suitable for use. To ensure that water is suitable for use, it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests. Measurements and observations were made on several water quality parameters (Hydrogen Potential, Salinity (Total Dissolved Solid / TDS), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Water Color, Turbidity, Conductivity and COD (based on KMnO4 Factor) from water samples taken The results show that water from wells used by residents to meet their daily needs is safe to use because no trace outspecs were found

    Teaching microbial analysis techniques for the characterisation of baker's yeast through the inquiry-based laboratory

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    Laboratory course activities often focus on "cookbook style," so their activities have not yet integrated with scientific thinking as an essential aspect. In this research, the laboratory experience of microbial analysis techniques was redesigned using alternative inquiry to involve students in isolating and characterising yeast to make the bread rise. This research aimed to determine the effect of implementing inquiry-based laboratory experiences on improving students' technical skills and the structure and characteristics of laboratory courses. The method used a single case study to obtain a complete picture regarding implementing laboratory course redesign. Laboratory experience activities consisted of pre-laboratory (reinforcement of theory) and investigation (preparation of methods, laboratory investigation activities, data analysis and presentation, and writing written reports). Overall, our results suggest that inquiry-based laboratory experiences can improve students' microbial analysis technique skills in strong collaboration. In addition, students considered several benefits from this learning, such as developing designs and conducting laboratory investigations close to the original context. With these results, educators can use the redesign of this laboratory course without applying full "course-based undergraduate research experiences" to students


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    Recently, a flood disaster is occurred in Cintaratu Village, Parigi Sub-district, Pangandaran Regency of West Java Province. Geomorphologically, the watershed systems of this area consist of Cintaratu, Selasari dan Cintakarya. Geologically, the study area is composed by calcarenite, reef limestone, and clastic limestone which is susceptible to dissolution when contact with the water. This research was conducted to investigate the causes of flood disaster based on the correlation between quantitative geomorphology and groundwater level analysis. The methods for this research are field observation and studio analysis. Field observation were conducted by hydro-geological mapping to determine the groundwater level and, also, the lithology of the surrounded area. Studio analyses include the calculation of Bifurcation Ratio (Rb), Drainage Density (Dd), and Fault Fracture Density (FFD). Based on Bifurcation Ratio calculation, the value of Rb1-2 of Cintaratu, Selasari, and Cintakarya Watershed respectively are 2.8, 6, and 3.5. Generally, Cintaratu Watershed has the lowest Rb value, and thus has the highest potential to be flooded. Groundwater flow map shows that the stream accumulation zone is located at the center due to topography controlled, thus allows water to accumulate. The average elevation of groundwater is is 111.3871 masl, however, the the average elevation of the ground is 117.4706 masl. The difference of both value is 6.083529 m. This shows that undersaturated area between groundwater elevation and ground elevation is low. So it can be concluded that, the main causes of flood disaster either from above or underground can be investigated by the correlation between quantitative geomorphology analysis and groundwater level

    Theory of planned behavior to analyze students’ intentions in consuming tap water

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    Increased consumption of bottled water has a negative impact on the environment due to plastic waste. This study intends to assess the perceptions of Indonesian students toward tap water. This cross-sectional survey was conducted online using an online questionnaire. From 1,034 undergraduate students, our findings revealed that Indonesian students had a relatively low rate of bottled water consumption. Employing the framework of the theory of planned behavior, all factors were recognized as significant factors driving tap water consumption. Students who reported drinking two or fewer bottles of water per week perceive that tap water is safe and clean for consumption is practical, and has almost the same color, taste, and smell as bottled water. Students concede that consuming tap water is a habit and consider this action necessary to preserve the environment. As observed from demographic characteristics, students’ fields of study affect the choice of drinking water. This study has contributed to uncovering the identified factors that determine the habits of students consuming tap water. Apart from the importance of environmental education, increasing the availability of ready-to-drink tap water facilities and disseminating information regarding the benefits and safety of consuming this water are also important factors in reducing the use of bottled water

    Validating of knowledge, attitudes, and practices questionnaire for prevention f COVID-19 infections among undergraduate students: A RASCH and factor analysis

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    Students’ poor understanding of COVID-19 can contribute to an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.. However, there is no validated instrument for measuring undergraduate student knowledge about COVID-19. This study is at the cutting edge of validating the psychometry of students’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) toward COVID-19. The assessment instrument consists of 18 items in the knowledge domain, 6 items in the attitude domain, and 12 items in the practice domain. This questionnaire underwent expert validation prior to being administered to 389 respondents. A RASCH model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were applied to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the instrument. A four-factor model was tested for measurement model validity for knowledge domain, and two-factor model for attitude and practice domains by CFA. The results showed model yielded adequate goodness-of-fit values. In addition, results of RASCH model showed that the item content validity index was high. The item reliability for all the three domains was good, with a high separation index value. Thirty-six items were fitted to the model, based on recommended mean-square fit values, standardized Z-scores, and point-measure correlation coefficients. The response set in the questionnaire fit the Andrich threshold estimates well, and functioned as an appropriate model for the response category. The questionnaire thus shows excellent psychometric characteristics. Thus, this instrument can be used to measure undergraduate student KAP and can be implemented in future studies that want to assess the effectiveness of interventions to improve students’ understanding of COVID-19

    Survey data of COVID-19-related knowledge, attitude, and practices among Indonesian undergraduate students

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    The dataset presented in this paper is an examination of COVID-19-related knowledge, attitude, and practice among Indonesian undergraduate students. The data were collected during first month of college or university closure due to COVID-19 through a survey distributed via an online questionnaire, assessing sociodemographic information (6 items),knowledge (18 items), attitude (6 item), and practice (12 items), from 27th April and 2nd May 2020, gathering a total of 6,249 responses. A combination of purposive and snowball techniques helped to select the respondents via Whatsapp from more than ten universities in Indonesia. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The data will assist in preventing and curbing the spread of COVID-19 in the university and can assist with planning for educational interventions for students’ awareness